ITT: anime mommies

Doesn't need to have children, just show a mommy and caretaker behaviour.

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>Doesn't need to have children
Akari mommy is the best example

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>Doesn't need to have children

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Attached: 78495 bikini feet kawamoto_akari kawamoto_hinata kawamoto_momo sangatsu_no_lion swimsuits u (1788x1400, 595K)

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Attached: 377475 dress kawamoto_akari kawamoto_hinata kawamoto_momo kiriyama_rei neko sangatsu_no_lio (6421x4102, 3.29M)

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She had kids though

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God, the things I'd do to have Akari gently help me vomit. If only I was a little fatter...

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>Doesn't need to have children


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yeah I guess he just wants maternal behaviour either
men do find women acting maternal quite attractive

Still virgin tho

I wish my real mom love me

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That is what makes her the greatest mommy gf that hasn't been a mommy