Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV

Coppin' a feel before the final battle

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Other urls found in this thread:

Chris-chan is so lucky.

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I'm here to laugh at everyone of you who didn't realize G was falling apart as it happened and said I was wrong back then. This show never ever met the quality of the first season.

for the spic chart
>El sombrero angel
>Hibiki (forma macho)
>La gato madre
>La espada (full autism)

Should've ripped it off.

Man this season was a big letdown.

Gaijin reaction should be 2 of them are turned into golden sparkles, one dressed as trump, and the other being overwritten my Shem-Ha's programming. Carol in the background the and moon overhear assploding!

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no shut up, we're doing a simple one, hair on fire

Reminder not to respond to Yea Forums-tier bait
>"Damage Control"

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I want to marry Shem-ha-Miku!

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But that one IS simple.

I find it absolutely fucking hilarious that all of the "hype shots" that you idiots put in the gaijin meme have fizzled out and amounted to nothing. The collage at this point is less "look how cool this show is" and more "look how retarded the fanbase is, hooting and hollering over bait and switches over and over without ever learning."

>lol isn't a big deal
>easily broken, no character development from it
>he doesn't accomplish anything and is just a retarded spring board for Shem-Ha
>she doesn't have any impact at all on the story
>Shem-Ha is a generic "destroy the world" villain and her possessing Miku is just coincidence, Miku herself doesn't matter and nobody really cares, and Shenshoujing's powers don't get used at all
>loses quickly
>baited, they're back and get to have three more fights to lose with absolutely no character development before Shem-Ha does anything at all
>doesn't matter and they just go back to earth in two episodes
>she loses instantly and doesn't make any difference

And next it'll be "OH SHIT FINAL FORMS OF THE GEARS SO HYPE!" and it'll be just like GX where they beat the big bad effortlessly and the ending is just a bunch of nothing. You people are so fucking gullible, and after it's over you'll all realize how bad it was after your cumbrain endorphins wear off, just like GX and AXZ.

Also, HibiMiku fags are delusional and both girls are straight. Deal with it, Hibiki won't even sing Kimi Dake Ni because this season is a joke.

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>Carol returns to do absolutely nothing
>Do you feel sorry for the Noble Red yet?
>No new songs

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What did they think of this episode

This episode was so predictable that everyone, including the dumb Elf9 poster , saw it from a mile away.

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Post pottery

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G was good

"chin chong nip nong"

>be careful of who you make fun of in middle school

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Who /TEAM SHEMMY/ here?

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Rawfags, post HQ angel forms

Imagine making a final season of an idolfag show and not feature any new songs in the series climax. This whole season is a mistake. I feel sorry for Noble Red's seiyuus and Iguchi, getting completely shafted.

God I want Bikki to rape me.

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>Miku does something
>oh shit she's displaying too much agency better kidnap and imprison her in a tentacle hell for the rest of the season

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kino shot

Very cool visuals this episode. But I'm still so fucking sad.

Hey guys, remember me? Well, I don't think Kaneko does.
Hope you're enjoying the last season, because I'm not stuck in this bondage gear for the all of the later half.
Anyway, I had a lot of stuff to talk about with Hibiki and all, but we're kinda out of time so I'll just settle for a hug. Peace.

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So how are the nips are taking it? I mean if they planned NR's sacrifice why not let them sing at least? Did they hire MAO for nothing?

>ywn get pegged by Hibiki

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Just let her win.

I'll gladly offer my body and soul for her.

G was better than S1 though

Verfags BTFO

>Her sunshine and happiness : Gone

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Remember when this was supposed to be Miku's season?

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>trannyfags that mad

God I love shemmy

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They've been delusional manchilds for all seasons since he showed up, so at the very least I'm fucking glad they didn't get even a bone.


I can't believe Elf9's precious memories of sitting in the command bridge pretending to be useful are gone now.

Honestly you're dumb if you thought that would be the case, the Miku plot hook at the end of AXZ was pretty obviously setting her up to be a plot device, not a focus character

And then Noble Red attacked
Nothing was ever the same

Sure you can marry her, but it looks like she comes with some some strings attached!

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This was the best part of the episode.

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too much beer


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>Here is your tracklist for the 2020 Live, Iguchi-san

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Even Japan is bitching

What the fuck is even happening here?

How are they gonna tie all the loose ends in 30 minutes and give a satisfying conclusion to all main characters along with Hibiki and Miku feelings?

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Eiai Promise exists

What will happen next episode?

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Enjoy XDU's Halloween event characters I guess
I guess they didn't expect people to like NR as much as they did in Japan. Its dolls chapter 2.

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XV might not be spectacular but I’m going to miss you fucks after it ends next week. This past decade has been a trip.

I have no idea what's happened to the plot this season, especually after the hype episode 8. I remember reading somewhere that AXZ and XV were essentially written together, was that just a ruse?

I want to protect Shemmy's evil smile

>muh 7 gorillion zesshou/centuries of alchemy
>loses literally every battle since GX (NR doesn't count)

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Watch Symphogear.

I see a CHECK 'EM meme.

Post proof, because that's not different from last weeks

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Link complaints, I'm sure all of the Mikufags, DMJiifags, Chrisfags and Mariafags are mad since none of them have done jack shit.

>It was amazing (凄いのになった)
>It was a good final round (いい最終回だった)
>Is this really all over the next time? I want to see a movie (これ本当に次回で全部終わるのかな?)
>A sense of security about the last episode of G Gundam (Gガンダム最終回一話前ぐらいの安心感)
>I expected too much (期待しすぎたわ)
>> Cool /// (>かっこいい///, Picture of Wing Zero from the 2nd Gundam Wing OP)
>Kiri-chan's shimapan! !
>Get back 393! And to the movie version(そして劇場版へ)
>Make the final story so hot! (最終話はめっちゃ熱くしてくれよな!)
>Hey, isn't it impossible to end with one episode? Isn't this the beginning of a two-hour movie version? (ここから2時間の劇場版が始まる展開じゃない?)

General consensus is they liked the episode but they feel like a movie end would be better than one more episode.

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Well I'm sure the last ep is all about Hibiki and Miku. But that's not really enough. I feel cheated.

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they're not
friendship end for hibiki and miku
everyone else just hanging around like usual.
I actually wonder what they're going to show for Chris's epilogue, she was so completely pointless this season I just kinda forgot what she's about.

>2chan thread
>paraphrase "i'm a little diappointed but i'll wait to see next week"
>people talking about how they should have structured the season differently
>BD sales & figmas
>re-explaining to people who haven't read the keywords how SSJ works
kind of a mixed bag really


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My Husband is cool.

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about what

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Keep telling yourself that, sperg.

You think Chris noticed?

Onahole doujins when?


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>Kiri-chan's shimapan! !
one of us

Carol is the biggest jobber of the series

>Shem-Ha eating Bugles

You;re delusional, /u/tard. Nobody fucking cares about your bait ship. They'll say sorry and that's it.

That's what you should do.

No, Bikki, no!

They should have kept the doggo alive, Elf9 could use a pet in her lab.

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XV made me hate not only most of the Symphogear fanbase, but also a large chunk of people from other fanbases I used to participate in, I used to TL Yuki Yuna content and now I can't stand half of the fanbase because of arguments we had over XV and NR.

The kakkoii was mostly for Bikki though.
Also they are shitposting about Miku's grave ending too.

Who looks the best?
Who looks the worst?

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>Elsa was so anal prolapsed that they had to put her down

Funny how she is way cooler when she isn't bothering to use SSJ



>Even though 70,000 live deaths trace the double-wing live of the first term
I> think the number was too big
>Bad live feeling

>I can't stand half of the fanbase
So you got into an argument with two of the four remaining yucky tuna fags?

That's what she gets for putting too many things up her butt. What a useless KAIBUTSU power.

>the binds do not belong to Carol because MUH COLORS

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Tie between Chris and Dess for best
Maria is the lamest

Best are Chris and Maria
Hibiki is the worst so far because we aren't seeing enough of her

She's a little girl, give her a break.

That's what you get with associating yourself with fans of shows outside of Yea Forums, my guy.

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>half of the fanbase because of arguments we had over XV and NR.
What does that have to do with yucky yuna?

i already did last thread

this is my second apology this season because i thought there was no way they would wrap up fudo in a single episode

Chris > Maria > Bikki > Jii > Dess > Basa

There are dozens of us.

>Hibiki's hands are actually digging into Chris' boobs

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>implying Yea Forums is any better in its current state

Not much, I guess I am just ready to move on, there is nothing I care about anymore after geah, and staying for too long has blemished my happy memories.

Accurate list.

that was.. underwhelming. pretty much wasted the entire series on useless drama with noble red and then they'll deal with shem-ho for one episode. seriously.
Easily the worst penultimate episode ever.

>Chris gets her Amalgum hurried along so NR can get redeemed and ship them back to the moon.
>the dollshit and kazanari shit was fine
>Only 1 ep for the final boss fight, HibikiMiku, Epilogue

/sgg/ damage control faggots are mentally ill shills who sit all day in their retarded general
XV is fucking shit
>Make questionable decisions for the final season
>Rustle the jams a bit
>Make the same or a little less than last season
>See, it's a good thing we stop here. We wouldn't be able to keep this up forever
Sasuga Symphoteam.
This season was made solely to sell CDs, merch etc, they had kaneko shit out a barebones plot and they added a ton of pointless episodic noble jobbing filler to pad out the season instead of just giving miku more sceentime, the pacing was shit

one dozen
including me

>This show never ever met the QUALITY of the first season

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Where do you think you are?

At least we still have Shemmy faces right Mikubros?

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Chris doesn't seem to mind that much

You can just feel the SOUL oozing out

That is some intricate bonding work, I see Carol is an alchemist of culture

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Shems without contacts

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of Tsubasa's asshole.

>Oh look it's finally Miku's season

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>Iguchi was screaming for more Miku screen time in S5 at the end of AXZ radio
>In the radio episode after episode 5, she went "Okay, this is the last SoL scene in this season. Miku-chan's screen time is over, my job is all done, good work everyone"
She must have been using Miku's voice in the radio way more time than the entire 3 seasons since GX.

My first thought was indeed that Carol super-powered her threads, but then I remembered the threads she used to control Yggdrasil in the end of ep11 and that seemed much more likely.
I didn't expect the first 10 minutes to be a flashback, sue me.


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>implying it was ever any better in the first place

>Bikki is Kanade but with different color

2/10 bait, reused content from last thread. See me after class

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>Shemmy in Vanessa's body
Perfect waifu

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It was. Sorry you didn't get to experience it.

Shemmy was about to sing in joy but Carol ruined it.

Reminder that things always get worse before they can get better. This episode was shit so the finale is a masterpiece.

Yea Forums, not /u/.



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What do you care for, considering there's really nothing to be delivered in this final season besides a HibiMiku moment?
Even a fan favorite like Chris got genuinely nothing the whole season because this season has been nothing but NR and HibiMiku with a side of Tsubasa AND Maria.

>still giving him what he wants

so it really was a curse after all

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So is this the return of CHADIKKI?

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*negates it with SSJ exorcism power*
nothing personnel kid

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She prolapsed her entire physical form into another dimension.

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After rewatch, the 12th episode is not as bad as I thought when live-watching

Oh well... the series was good while it lasted. This 12th episode confirmed it's going to end like shit.

>delivering character arcs
What a fucking idiot you are, you'll get your giant laser punch on the generic monster big bad and save Miku who will say sorry, the end. Buy the CDs. HibiMiku is just your low IQ brain imagining sex between platonic friends.

hello time traveller-san, so confirmed XV shat the bed

miku is still hot like the corona of the sun

Looks like Tsubasa still wants to kill them.

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fucking LAME

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Most of us thought it was fine from the first viewing, though I do worry about the show wrapping things up next episode.

It was fine, expectations are just too high at this point.

Vanessa you were so cool

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In order
Hibiki > Chris > Kirika > Shirabe > Maria > Tsubasa.

>post yfw the next episode's title is SYMPHOGEAR

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It all went downhill when they started the formulaic bullshit.
>Each episode from 1 to 6 has to reveal another Gear's new transformation sequence and song
>There has to be a DMJII duet in one of the later episodes
>Each Gear's new upgrades/duets/combinations has to be shown in its own episode in the later half of the season
>Juggle six main characters plus a bunch of side characters plus a bunch of evil guys while giving everyone sufficient screen time (or not) plus one or more main characters badly written rushed drama plus the bad guys' tearjerker drama plus at least a bit of slice of life (or not) and a main overarching plot to destroy the world, press it into the aforementioned formulaic schedule and cram everything into 13 episodes

Are you okay?

so these x drive forms already appeared before right?

both Maria and Tsubasa were looking like they're just glad those fuckers are dead, rightfully so.

Don't respond to this guy's copypasta man, come on.

But she didn't accomplish anything. All the memories of nagashi somen noodle fishing are dust now.

Vanessa is hot as fuck

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nigga you is retarded

They didn't even give them any nice words when they died kek

Carol didn't sing and has no weaponry to prevent divine regeneration.

She was destined to job this battle.

No these are new hair-on-fire versions


Are you retarded? Episode 12 has already aired in Japan, some of us can understand moon.

mikufags are the worst

Such a shame she didnt became Hibiki's mistress

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So what does this say? AAde le Metallica?

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>Carol didn't sing
Watch the episode before posting.

To be honest it might because the quality of the stream link I used is kinda shitty so I miss a few important points on my first watch. I get the flow of story better after rewatching but still get a bit down from the lack of HibiChris duet.

They still did it better than Nanoha.

Metanoia and Flugel next episode?

Not in 24 mins.

He's a dumbfuck who believes the copypasta, ignore him.

I watched it on cat stream with the best stream quality and i was still underwhelmed

>this is the kind of retard posting in this thread

There will be a flashy fight, some cheesy talk about humanity power, then maybe a hug with the usual sunshine speech and that's it. The sooner you give up the better the final will look to you. I was trying to hold on to that belief that Miku will do something and HibiMiku will get a whole episode for themselves, too, but after this episode it's not going to happen ;_;

>has no weaponry to prevent divine regeneration.
She had Alcahest which she philosophically believed to work against gods, and it did until she purified it with SSJ.

why would you want a hibichris duet
hibichris duet posters are the weirdest ones to me

He'll return next episode.

hibiki wouldn't do that to miku


yes, I will miss her

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For a second here I thought Chris will get brown gf she deserves

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>demand a better story
>from Symphogear
You only have yourself to blame.

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Hibiki doesn't give a shit about Miku

NR got all the focus. They didn't even get to sing.

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She's fated to be the eternal third wheel. She'll end up having to take care of all her friends' magic lesbian babies.

>De re metallica is a book cataloguing the state of the art of mining, refining, and smelting metals

my only complain so far is how x-drive came up out of nowhere, but, considering they couldn't in an earlier episode without bikki, I bet that we'll get some sort of reveal about that.

For hype, sounds ridiculous but their song will be very fun considering the dynamic of their relationship

>Still copypasting from last thread
Gonna knock you down a point to 1/10 now.

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I don't think this episode was bad, but the Nobel red had more screen time, than Mike and Shem-Ha combined, it's depressing. Instead of fighting GOD they fight rejects, who gets wiped out instantly by Amalgam 3 episodes in row. We didn't even get new song.
I'm a bit sad right now, at least animation was good.

I can't help it, I see a Noble Red being sad I want to protect.
R.I.P Vanessa, Elsa

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So now that they are finally Noble Dead, the question remains:
Have you forgiven them and did they deserve their heroic end?

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Tachibana Hibiki has nasty farts

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Well, yeah. There's a lot of things we would all like to see, but it's important to focus more on what we actually get. In fact, I really would just like more downtime with these characters. They never really get to be themselves. That being said, what we got is fun, high octane, and well choreographed action scenes around an interesting (albeit somewhat unfocused) plot so it's hard to complain.

Only thing Vanessa did wrong was not seducing Bikki properly.

I was grumpy and sulky when they died like Tsubasa and Maria

G was amazing though, the fuck are you going on about.

G > S1 >>> AXZ > GX, and arguably AXZ was weak because it followed up after GX completely interrupted the Custodian/Lunar Ruins arc for an entire season of pretty much self-contained plot.

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At this point, you guys are genuinely negative influence, the last episode already has SO MUCH it has to go through, and you still want Ver to waste screentime just because?
Absolutely moronic.

Where does the shill dude coming from? Is he the new Ack? His zealoustry is giving me flashback already.

Useless pieces of shit, their first Noble Death would have been shocking and put the usual expectations into a tailspin, but noooo.

This was explained in an earlier season, Hibiki since she was purified by SSJ and because she doesn’t have an armed gear is able to channel the feedback from zesshou. They can Zesshou without her it just comes with risk of death.

>x-drive came up out of nowhere

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Quit crying, retard.

>Not Milaarc
Honestly that scene would've been better if Milaarc died in the battle against Tsubasa and Maria
It was a lame attempt to imitate the sacrifice of the previous alchemist trio.

It's because Ver is the only thing they like about Symphogear. They hate everything else.

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G was the best season you madman

What is the form of the song coming from her ass?

shemha done fucked up

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Well they hid kanade dying in the first episode in S1. Think they're able to pull off something for the next episode?

Would have been better if they lived or had died earlier instead of doing Alchemist 2.0

A giant, tasty turd.

Yea his autistic fixation is really ACK-like.

What's the point of all the geahs getting powerups if we all know Hibiki is going to do all the fighting?

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Not him but I actually don't like G ending (at least not as much as other seasons)

It was obvious that it was coming but they didn't deserve it.

You're giving him too much credit.

That shit cannot be an accident. The animators went directly for the grope.

The only redemption they can give me is if we get vampy doujins with her tonguing and then futafucking tsubasa and maria


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Season 1 had that

Remember back when it looked like lessons had been learned from earlier seasons, and it seemed that we weren't going to be getting simultaneous episodes of the crew getting their Amalgam power ups?
Good times.

okay this is epic

I feel the same but how are they even going to wrap this up under 24 mins? There's so much shit left to cover. So I'm still holding hope for 1hour special.

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Hibiki will take Shem-ale from Miku and then she becomes the final boss like in every season.

They got the powerups so that they can give Hibiki an even bigger power up when they unite their powers in her next episode.

try to refute me you cannot, none of you have been able to refute any critical arguments of this trash season

Why did you post this twice?

She can explain it to you better than me

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 10 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_16.44.551.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

You faggots can't take a joke.

Yeah, G really set a terrible precedent

And I also think XV is weak

I'd say your life is a joke, but jokes are funny.

So many shows manage to juggle casts of five and six.

They were a waste of time.


Some people remember the first season

>Hibiki will take Shem-ale from Miku
Miku's piss?

I know, and I like that in a way.
The whole descent on earth with shemmiku watching the shooting stars and the new x-drives was great. Just the build up was weird. We better have an explanation or people will start bitching like for S1 ending.

>nothing but NR and HibiMiku with a side of Tsubasa AND Maria.
Tsubasa AND Maria have gotten way better focus and development than HibiMiku, though. At this point, they are more of a main dish than HibiMiku. What a false advertisement. Even if there is some actually good HibiMiku moment (which I doubt will happen) in the finale after the big fight it would just feel like the cherry on top of the dessert.

We true comunication now


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>how x-drive came up out of nowher

>talking to yourself

Why do people like G again?
DMJII were fucking absolutely rage inducing in that season
Ver was a garbage antagonist compared to Fine and spawned one of the worst shitposters in symphogear threads, yeah we get it, he's funny mad scientist voiced by a seiyuu you like, doesn't make the show better

This was the episode where, I put all of my hopes.
Kaneko will just stuff everything in nad roll the credits.

>what we got is fun, high octane, and well choreographed action scenes
To be fair that's the whole franchise's good points and I wont complain much about that. But yeah I kinda get what you mean

I'm aware of that but we have no explanation about why they can enable the x-drive with a simple zesshou just because hibiki is here, yet.

>Why do people like G again?
Because people who started with G after seeing how much everyone hyped S1 are the real bandwagoners.

>girls what the fuck why are you crying for them
>none of you cried for my ten thousands of innocent fans

Attached: adults are tired of this bullshit.jpg (804x316, 51K)

amazing songs
massive upgrade in visual quality
actual good cliffhangers

Hibiki is a true soldier now

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Mom and dad are gonna dish out some spankings when they get home.

I'm afraid they wont have any screentime left for the explanation, but if they really want to do it maybe they will explain it better through Zesshoushinais. They better make six Zesshoushinais this season

The action scenes lose all fucking impact when they're exclusively against characters nobody cares about who the plot demands will never win. The only good fight all season was Fudo's because he was different and actually was a threat until Deus Ex Amalgam saved Tsubasa.

>Do not fist android girl

Because S1 had so much going for it and so much promise for follow-up. Same reason people liked every other season after it.

Chris > Kirika > Shirabe > Hibiki > Tsubasa > Maria

Holy Shmoo.

I kind of agree, really, but with how much plot importance they gave Miku's angst to the point she became Shem-ha's vessel, it SHOULD've been NR and HibiMiku. Problem is that shem-ha didn't have even 1/10 of NR's screentime, so it does end up feeling like it's not AS relevant as Tsubasa/Maria that has been going for a while during NR fights and Fudou.
I really hope this isn't just a 24 minutes episode for the finale else Shem-Ha just had way too little screentime.

>Hibiki trips over absolutely nothing in space

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 12 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_18.39_[2019.09.21 (1280x720, 87K)

Tsubasa looked like she was absolutely done of that shit. Not a single word to NR also.

That's just her CTE acting up.

>tfw you get popular on JP twitter but its already overtime and everything will end soon
I guess it wouldn't even have mattered if the dog made it...
GX villains really had it the best, getting to come back and everything. Oh well, at least NR got more popular than the alchemists.

Like every villain in the entire franchise, no one deserves any forgiveness until they actually go out and apologize to every single person they killed in the afterlife. Since consciousness after death is a thing in this universe and they perhaps might "appear" to be capable of apologizing now, they better hop on to it.

You could attack G on way worse things.
Take the last few episodes.
>Well intentioned betrayal everywhere.
>Muh Apple
>Final boss looking like shit.
>Miku has a javelin throw gold medal.

Just some HibikiMiku alone time would be enough for me. Kaneko pls.

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look they really wanted a puppy ok?

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Yeah, shows like Yuru Yuri, Shirobako, New Game, Seto no Hanayome, Gochiusa, Zombieland Saga, Strike Witches...

>only one episode left

I really wish we had two episodes to wrap things up and get a decent length Shemmiku fight. I wonder if they will put any epilogue stuff into the zesshoushinais.

that was.. underwhelming. pretty much wasted the entire series on useless drama with noble red and then they'll deal with shem-ho for one episode. seriously.
Easily the worst penultimate episode ever.

>Chris gets her Amalgum hurried along so NR can get redeemed and ship them back to the moon.
>the dollshit and kazanari shit was fine
>Only 1 ep for the final boss fight, HibikiMiku, Epilogue

/sgg/ damage control faggots are mentally ill shills who sit all day in their retarded general
XV is fucking shit
>Make questionable decisions for the final season
>Rustle the jams a bit
>Make the same or a little less than last season
>See, it's a good thing we stop here. We wouldn't be able to keep this up forever
Sasuga Symphoteam.
This season was made solely to sell CDs, merch etc, they had kaneko shit out a barebones plot and they added a ton of pointless episodic noble jobbing filler to pad out the season instead of just giving miku more sceentime, the pacing was shit
yeah because fans can't demand a better
fucking story?

>they will explain it better through Zesshoushinais
You mean keywords

Tsubasa look pretty grumpy the whole time so they have to make her do something useful

How the fuck would they be able to return to a normal life after all these experiences? Normal life will feel meaningless after all of that. I won't be surprised if one or more of them commit suicide at 19.

Such a waste

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yeah but those shows arguably handle their cast sizes better than symphogear

Get fucked, they're both straight.

that expression is fucking RAW

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you okay man?

Yuuki Yuuna did fine with five.

No pets.

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Third time's the charm?

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I will never forget the show that rushed its ending to have an episode about that

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>How the fuck would they be able to return to a normal life after all these experiences?
with lots of sex with their gfs

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I'd say this post is a joke, but jokes are funny.

Won't believe it until Bikki gets Dikki'd.

We better get a fucking movie

>XV antagonists Noble Red aka noble jobbers
>dude I was a scientist UNTIL ONE DAY EEXPLOSION
>hurr durr our NOBLE sacrifice

If you want one then I'll have Ogawa contact a reputable breeder, no need to pick up a dirty stray mutt from the streets.

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That Millarc fight was probably the only fight this season where the opposing geah basically doesn't really give a shit nor attempt to talk to the enemy.
Tsubasa/Maria just busy encouraging each other instead.

YuYuYu would have been better without Sonocuck.

>You protected our pride, even if it was with your cursed fist

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The shinais will kill me.
I almost feel sick just thinking of them.

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>characters that almost made Tsubasa break and try to kill herself again
>everyone but her and Maria are sad they are gone
It was honestly kind of awkward, maybe if Maria didn't help Tsubasa out she could have just ended up killing innocent people and losing herself to despair, and the rest doesn't look like they care that much for Tsubasa's issues at all.

And that was great.

The only straight gear is Kirika

More like straight up retarded

I'm glad they dealt with their issues before this season so they don't have to deal with this shit.

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> The shinais will kill me.

I want Shemmy to do cute dork things during them.

>DMJii gets on a months long orgy to cope with the things they experienced and how empty their muggle lives are now

Snork is the best.

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Sure,but it make Millarc and her action previously utterly worthless.

Picking it up.

Shirabe may be flat but she's not a boy, user.

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Oh, I see what you did here.

Oh so that's how they could X-Drive without a gorillion phonic gain.
Now both Shem-Ha and the geahs are in their final forms, fit for the ultimate battle.

Symphogear G ending was the cause of XV, with Shem-ha reviving

Holy fuck.

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I want Shemmy to live.

>invite Chris over after months to spice things up
>Chris accepts since her life after the symphogear events are over is rather empty and she has no reason to hang along with Tsubasa/Mair and Hibiki/Miku

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oh thanks for that

>Miku is gonna get next to no shinai screen time because she is gone for over half the season
I feel sad just thinking about it.

don't ever reply to me again dirty namefag

Dude they came from a world that was under constant attack from interdimensional beings called Noise for most of their lives. Even as little kids they saw people get dusted. None of them had NORMAL lives.

So Maria ruined everything?

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I do not want to admit it because I am a huge Mariafag, but that Apple song uniting humanity was the cause of it

Her intention was good, it's just kinda backfired
In short, yes Maria ruined everything

>I'll use my Airgetlam to distribute my jobbing to the whole world!
Maria, no! What have you done?

her entire bloodline did, shem-ha the song contains fragments of the original language.

subs out

Attached: tsubasa tounge.png (738x719, 393K)

>Carol still isn't playable in XDU
>while Sanjeruman and the trannies all have four separate units already and SG herself has a duo unit with Bikki

>Meteoroid-falling, burning, and disappear, and then...
>In the distance, that day, when the star became music...
>Believe in justice and hold a determination to fist.
>By shedding many tears, the reality you face is...
>Create a history, with the light God could not know

Attached: ep12_v1.jpg (480x360, 129K)

Not really, she saved the world from the nephilim.

The part with Metanoia Aufwachen and Shem Ha saying the season 1 tagline while the shooting stars gain their color was actually pretty damn great. No need for shouting SHINFOGIA

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>[HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 12 [1080p].mkv

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Glad there's an explanation for that. It was bothering me thinking about it.

>Reach near godhood with your lesbian friends several times
>Powerful enough to make armies flee in terror of you
>Travel to space and watch the mysteries of the world unfold before your eyes
>Go back to the insignificant live of a mere mortal without power to do not influence anything, forced by society and human limits to just survive in this world till your end comes
Time for Dess.

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good image but none of them should be excited at all

this is axz all over again



like pottery

So like. Why do half the blu-rays have no new songs? Was there even a new song this episode?

Cute Feet

>where'd they get the Phonic Gain to go nu-X-Drive?

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there wouldn't even need to be one, the entire universe is powered by memes. Elfnein fucking memed a Carol tulpa using copy-paste that is capable of going toe to toe with shem-ha.

It's almost over bros

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Peak Hibiki

Was actually pretty damn hype with the meteors the last few minutes did pull through

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literally 5 seasons ago

Because they're going to redo all the group songs, but this time Carol is there too.


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Pure kino

>Shemmy is unimpressed

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I hate how Chris has been so friggin irrelevant this season.

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At least she isn't Miku

what are some other roles iguchi has where she doesn't just do a generic girl voice? I wasn't even aware she actually has VA range.

Good job

I can't wait for her to split her face open and kill the geahs with her god beam.

She is going to break harder than Fine


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I regret spending money on chris merch

They really dropped the ball with the number of songs this time. The writing is as good/bad as the usual. The only thing that have been significantly improved is the animation.


Valkyrie drive

Imagine being this much of a brainlet and thinking your character is irrelevant because she doesn't have to deal with drama on screen anymore. Chris and Maria are the most stable members of the entire group and keep everyone else in check.

>Shemmy is at her final form
She's at 1/10,000% of her original power.

Because she destroyed the moon base?

Valkyrie Drive?
And I like her voice as Kaga


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It's literally the monomyth, the hero has to return to the human world after his magical adventures.

Isn't she basically mute in that?

>In the distance, that day, when the star became music
Nijiiro no Flugel
>Believe in justice and hold a determination to fist
Seigi wo Shinjite, Nigirishimete
>By shedding many tears, the reality you face is...
Glorious Break

It may be one of my favourite X-drives transformations.



Even worse. They'll experiment the impotence and meaninglessness of normal human life for the FIRST TIME.

>Final form
Shem-ha final form will be her actual body,not Miku's


Majestic Prince
To Love-Ru

Why would you want to ruin that beautiful face of hers

She was at 1/10,000(no percent) of her power before destroying Balal, now she's at full power now and so are the Symphogears.

>Not this bullshit again
All Shemmy wants is a cool super computer to play super high quality Custodians video games with.

That's fucking sad and demotivating.

I don't want the ride to be over.

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And the award of biggest and most useless red herring goes to...

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I have to say that it wasn't great. It took a couple episodes to find itself and some stuff in the second season was rushed or just straight up stupid. While the CGI was above average it was still janky at times.
But all in all it still had its share of memorable moments that I really enjoyed.

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Dude it’s not about drama here. You could literally remove Chris from this season and almost nothing would change.

she literally said this episode that she's gonna throw herself at all the other custodians throats for betraying her

I like the way you think.

You're literally wrong.

I should felt sad but looking at Milaarc chibi bat form is too funny

>Shitposting intensifies

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>turned into a bat gremlin
>lost all limbs and almost got possessed
>destroyed butt
Who had it the worst?

>BD1 - Rikka Ryoran/Angelic Remnant
>BD2 - seasonal OST
>BD3 - Hanasaku Yuuki (Ver. AMALGAM), Mata Aru Himade
>BD4 - Sforzando's Reverberation, Cutting Edge X2 Ready Go!!
>BD5/6 are still unaccounted for

Going by past patterns there's still four new songs left (Though that doesn't mean they'll play in the show, look at Green Green and the Shinai ED for example). The logical conclusion is
>BD5's songs are in the Shinais or are just for fun
>BD6's songs are in the last episode or also in the Shinais or are just for fun

Chances for a second all-gear song are kinda low again since we already had Rikka Ryoran and still need to get Kimi Dake Ni and Metanoia out of the way next episode, so maybe we'll get a Shemku song next ep. Noble Red song could feasibly be on the last BD just so they have an excuse to show up at the Live. I'm also banking on a new version of Niijiro no Flugel with Miku thrown in for the ED. Problem is that still leaves one mystery song.

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Chris and Miku for having less screentime than these garbage jobbers

Anal collapse wanko.

>Shemmy: Meteoroid-falling, burning, and disappear,
>Hibiki: THEN!!!!!
Ultimate kino moment, god I love this

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have you not seen her actions on screen? do you not look at the screen when no voice is playing?

She gets screen time, she gets to do/say some cool things, she gets a new song. I wish Miku could be as relevant as Chris.

Vanessa > Elsa >>>>>>>> Milaarc
Bat gremlin is cute.

Myths were made to control people, and in the past the rulers wanted their people to get off their asses and do something productive.
>See, this awesome hero also started a family and returned to working in the fields, you must too!

The kind of wish-fulfillment you want only started getting popular relatively recently when Big Entertainment realized they could make make money out of NEETs.

tech support.jpg

too bad every single sub group will no doubt ruin it.

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I can see Hibiki growing into a jaded grown woman constantly angry
>Clerk: Maybe the label is outdated
>Miku: Hibiki, no this again, please calm down

The denied her the super computer she deserves. They must pay.


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Would you put it in Shem-Ha?

Attached: Shemmy gets penetrated.webm (1920x1080, 1.55M)

t's good. No need to shout symphogear just like season 1. Still it's a call back to season 1's tagline.
Did kirika and hibiki's hair just get longer or it just me?

translator fucked up. The line is about elfnein intending to take the hit for hibiki so she doesn't have to live the rest of her life knowing she killed her wife

>these fucking FEELS
Why should they torture Chris like this!?

Kirika got a whole devil tail from her hair. Everyone got a hair upgrade

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 12 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_22.05_[2019.09.21 (1280x720, 109K)

Shut the fuck up, inbred nigger. Only delusional here is you considering you can’t accept the fact that lesbians get more poontang than you ever will. Fuck off and die in a fire.

Why hasn't Miku broken up with Hibiki again?

yea its this.

>Chris is off in Val Verde during the events of XV
>The Geahs fail to KO the coffin because they can't aim for its weak point
>The Geahs fail to capture the blood Noble Red was trying to get away with
>The Geahs fail to stop Vanessa from following Ogawa with evidence against Fudo
>The Geahs fail at getting Hibiki to punch the Shem-Fetus
>The Geahs fail to stop Noble Red from being succed out into the vacuum of space and have no way of getting back to Earth

Waifufags are fucking embarassing

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It's kind of sad ;-;

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My sides

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>pointless midboss fight
>stadium massacre has been completely forgotten and in some cases forgiven
>Fudo's entire scheme was extremely stupid and pointless
>Amalgam has been a press X to win button all season
>Tsubasa's suffering led to no development, just an excuse for Fudo to kidnap the side character plot devices
>nothing episode
>Carol had literally zero impact on the plot
>Shem-Ha sidelined Miku entirely, doesn't use Shenshoujing at all, and is a generic villain with no interesting goals
>Fudo fight was the only good part of the season
>them going to the moon resulted in nothing, they're back on earth now
>only good Amalgam fight so far
>GX episode 12's ending, again

This season is so fucked. Nobody is going to find 13 satisfying.

Maria's hair looks so good now that they aren't tentacles anymore


Will she finally summon up the power of the god hand?

all those scenes were written just so chris who is irrelevant this season has something to do similar to what kaneko did with maria this entire season
>dude a bunch of shitty episodic filler events with noble red

I will because I don't nitpick about every single little thing in a season

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I know shit is going down and its cool but I just keep laughing at Bikky showing how horny she is at the final moments. Take that Miku I guess.


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She saves that move for her night with Tsubasa

pretty much and then the XV shills will get butthurt at this post
oh look you already triggered a butthurt nanafag

Okay, that's one too many posts, fucking filtered.

I would rather take a Shem-Ha wins end over a rished HibiMiku conclusion desu Mikubros
Shemmy, despite her extremely limited airitme, has been one of the best parts of the season, so I won't mind her getting the army she needs to go and BTFO the other Custodians.

I wonder if now that Enki has been introduced if the MOBA will continue to pair Fine with Genjuro.

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what are the chances longer hair bikki is actually a reference to the mommy hibiki autism

>you wanted to see the meteor shower, right?

>carol song begins

Attached: TURN THAT SHIT UP.jpg (400x400, 16K)

Shem-ha: Meteoroid-falling, burning, and disappear, (nagare boshi, ochite, moete, tsukite)
Hibiki: THEN!!!!! (SOSHITE!!!!)
OH my hibiki shouting before final episode is a must for sure.


It's an alternate universe anyway, and it's not like it doesn't make perfect sense for Fine to move on from her ex-boyfriend after 5000 fucking years.

In that universe Genjuuro is pretty much her God now.

And you know why?
Because those shows weren't made to sell music and therefore had to adhere to set patterns that were not dictated by the pace and needs of the story but by corporate demands, instead they could tell their stories (or SoL shenanigans) as they wished or as they were written in the manga.

Crunchy roll up to bat, fucks it up immediately.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_21.31_[2019.09.21_13.28.58].jpg (1920x1080, 136K)

based verfag

Please tell me this season will havce 14 or 15 episodes.
This shit can't be so rushed. XV was planned along with AXZ, and they knew it will be the final season. Theres no way the ending will be so halfassed

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They are just going back to the status quo for the previous four seasons, Hibki's b-side won't play and Miku won't say how she feels.

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I mean they couldn't even get

It's really a same all 3 sub groups are utter trash.

yeah and the XV shills, /sgg/ trannies and damage control fags won't admit this

The translator obviously never watched any previous season other than maybe AXZ if they're low on translators.

I am not surprised.

Holy fuck CR
You can tell translator-kun does not care about Symphogear

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shut the fuck up I will message your prostate

Except CR is unintentionally bad while Cummie and YamatoTomato are intentionally bad.

And people pay for this?

They only cared about their dumb yaoi this season

>Episode is actually better on rewatch with subs

>defending crunchyroll
Sasuga crunchyroll trannies

not like crunchy cares about TL quality, they literally just hire random students because they're the cheapest.


yamato was too retarded to even understand the meaning of a certain doll's sentence and also fucked up carol song lyrics. their english output might be intentionally bad, but their japanese intake isn't. that's unintentionally.

At least the latter two don't ask you to pay for their shitty subs

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Hi Herkz, please put me in the screencap.

No..... Bad Gajin reaction.

it has 13

Sing me a christmas Carol


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>anyone who hates crunchyroll has to be a retarded namefag
ok retard

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It's almost like that goes against 5 seasons of her character and lyrics.

adam doesn't count.

Red Hot Blaze failed again, I swear they are doing this on purpose

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sorry, it's all over

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Maria need to headflick Bikki


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Man, this is great.
Keep it

Maria needs to fuck Bikki in the ass.

I might be misremembering regarding the exact voice she uses but the later Wixoss seasons.


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 12 [720p].mkv-2019-09-21-14h36m20s801.jpg (1280x720, 178K)

You know, the way it is going, I'm highly doubt they could pull off a satisfying HibiMiku moment. The problems Miku got with Hibiki have been piling up for nearly 4 seasons and now they only got like 5 minutes to solve it along with all the other things. I'd rather Miku dies, goes into a coma, gets isekai'd or whatever than her just accepting a half assed "sorry" from Hibiki, going back to the status quo and that's it because there is no time to do anything else.


god I fucking hate noble red so fucking much

It's almost like shitstainbiki has been a terrible character and horrible human being for 5 seasons straight!

Attached: 1564267127831.jpg (586x444, 197K)

>newfag doesn't know who herkz is

Was he solely responsible for Heavenrend or was that someone else?

But killing is bad wrong

Attached: 743bb7d24dee1193e5e22a8dfa401d81.jpg (600x561, 56K)

more like he's living rent free in your head

Thanks Trump!

At least use the correct chart dipshit!

Attached: Episode-12-Gaijin-reaction-chart.jpg (2630x3334, 2.28M)

Bullshit. There's only 1 TLer left in that dead fandom for ages and they'd don't like Synphogear.

Okay, so:
Good: More bondage fanservice

Bad: Tsubasa just standing in the background while the noble jobbers ranted about being sad and needing hugs.
I mean seriously, the bad guys doing their sad-routine is "okay", but Tsubasa just standing still in the background was fucking bullshit.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-09-21-20h16m54s060.png (848x480, 457K)

>slaughtering innocent people is just so TAXING and STRESSFUL, I just can't do it anymore, can we like stop?

Name all of them.

Ogawa a best

Name ONE character more badass protip: YOU FUCKING CANT

Attached: 3454512312312.png (1920x1080, 2.18M)

It's a shitposter.

hibiki's "badass" or gar moments are not earned at all and are just shoved in to look cool because /m/fags

This is much better than "meteoroid". What the fuck does that even mean.

That makes sense actually, and I’m not against it at all. I’m just mad that there wasn’t a Hibiki x Chris duet cuz they absolutely could’ve had one this episode instead of Chris just singing her song again.

Fuck Shitbiki and fuck MUH ASSPULL CUZ AOI SCREAM

Shitbiki has never overcome actuall suffering

I mean, what was she going to do? Tell them to fuck off in front of everyone? She just wanted to go home and was silently glad they died.

At least they didn't make Tsubasa forgive them.

But I bet they will make it happen through Kimi Dake Ni. It's kind of ridiculous since Hibiki will sounds like a hopeless husband and it will makes Miku look like an easy to pleased wifey

>Shitbiki has never overcome actuall suffering
what about the

The episode was a lot better with sub.
Also shemha calling back to s1 was great.

>Conmen telling people to buy them Amazon giftcards are saving the world.

Glad that sword-senpai has maturing and learned to read the mood!

When it's still in space, it's a meteoroid.
When it's falling and burning, it's a meteor.
When it's on the ground, it's a meteorite.

noun: meteoroid; plural noun: meteoroids
a small body moving in the solar system that would become a meteor if it entered the earth's atmosphere.

I mean, all Miku wants is for Hibiki to listen to her problems, stop putting herself in harms way for nothing, and kiss her. They can do that in kimi dake ni.

Tsubasa might have been pissed but she has the tact to not shittalk people while they are dying

Also knowing that everyone got a new form yet Hibiki will defeat Shemmy in solo while other geahs will just stand and watch sucks

>american education
jesus christ even the fucking japanese understand what a meteoroid is, the is just embarassing
sasuga west cucks
>this is the average nu-Yea Forums poster

/m/fags are the most powerful race in the world except the gachafags, they're worse than the /u/fags

Attached: Dw4MC9fUYAIYsb7.jpg (1200x934, 195K)

Tsubasa is an adult!

At least that would be a form of character development, even if it would have been complete garbage.
Honestly I'd rather take that over her being a manequin in the background.


I love how they just casually revealed Shemmy's motivations and no one's talking about it.
>convert humanity into her own power
>take revenge against the other jannies who just left her

Attached: shemmy's master plan.jpg (1280x2160, 362K)

Judging by his twitter I'd say it's the other way around.

done fucking all the way in episode 12 too

Looking at her chest it's easy to forgot that she's 19-20 y.o

There's no way anyone would have liked 'Tsubasa forgives Noble Red for everything and is sad they're dying'. Come on man. You see the shitposting in this thread already because Hibiki didn't want to kill them?

Is Fine like the only straight (or at least bi) female in Symphogear? All of her love interests are men.

Attached: 1503342164635.jpg (1920x1080, 177K)

Elsa is redeemed. End of story. Goodnight.

You guys all seem to not remember that Symphogear endings are always a underwhelming disappointment.

>Episode 12: Senki Zesshou

Attached: 1562518118050.jpg (720x405, 30K)

It's the same as Adam's, what is there to talk about?

>obsessing over some retard and reading his twitter
>dude I'm not obsessed he's obsessed!
the absolute fucking state of you
as much as I hated GX, the LION FISTING was cool

Enki had already revealed that in his infodump, did you speedwatch it?

>Symphogear is OVER FOREVER next week
I don't like this.


>People are still mad at the idea of the Protagonist soloing the final boss


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 66K)

>a character other than Hibiki is finally able bypass god regeneration
>unzips "weak" and common relic than can destroy gears and alchemy
This isn't fair, Elfnein was supposed to save the world!

Attached: Elf9.jpg (1920x1080, 296K)

Cool story, sikkids.

Chris is the only other potential one and even then that's a tossup.

There's still the Shinais and the Live.
You're not some casual that doesn't watch them, are you?

>Hibiki just rips her clothes off by hand

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.36_[2019.09.21_19.49.50].jpg (1280x720, 143K)

>stop putting herself in harms way for nothing
She saved the world four times though, it's not really nothing, right?
>kiss her
That's a high hurdle

That season in general was worthless

Bikki's long hair remind me of the long-haired shops of her.

Hibiki has been all about saving peoples, not hurting and certainly not killing them. Besides, aside from the psychopaths, anyone would be upset if they get told to kill someone for the first time in their life.
I was hoping this would help change something in Hibiki and make her less retarded but then Vanessa didn't die right away. What a cop out.

Shemmy is so cute

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_01.39_[2019.09.21_13.49.53].jpg (1920x1080, 165K)

>oy vey goy please come to our shows
what the fuck was fudo's plan again?
something something NIPPON STRONK?

Well, you're right. Miku is just really worried and feels like it's her fault Hibiki is in this constant state of needing to rise to the call of action. To Miku, it feels like Hibiki will never be able to rest.

What Miku really needs is for Hibiki to reassure her that it's not her fault, and somehow find a way to come to a compromise with her.

My god she looks so happy!

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_01.28_[2019.09.21_21.14.47].jpg (1920x1080, 408K)

>Hating AXZ
This is why GX fags are bunch of idiots

Whee I can fly

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_01.52_[2019.09.21_13.50.49].jpg (1920x1080, 166K)

>Fine wanted to fuck Enki
>Ver wanted to fuck FIS and rule the world
>Carol wanted to dissect the world
>Adam wanted to stop the jannies from rising
>Shemmy wanted to take revenge on her fellow jannies
Symphogear antagonists' motivations were never that deep to begin with.

Attached: 1566082929571.jpg (725x416, 91K)

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>genjuro was about to fight seriously again
>carol stops him

She already killed Adam

Fuck you Carol she was about to sing.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_01.40_[2019.09.21_21.15.15].jpg (1920x1080, 379K)

Even if he beat Shemmy into a pulp, she'd just regenerate.

We don't need any other dead Kazanari, user

Muh dick

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_06.18_[2019.09.21_21.22.17].jpg (1920x1080, 396K)

Will Shemmy be fully eradicated or will she stick around the same way Carol is doing with Elf9?

Adam is a puppet, doesn't count

Attached: smugbikki.jpg (540x674, 164K)

>Yeah... Fuck Miku btw.

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Did you miss the sexy bondage torture quality time with Chris? She's bi, which is likely a result of reincarnating in both men and women over the centuries.

Doesn't change that she still loves Enki.

Yeah sure, everybody would have hated it.
Still, setting up that big trauma-moment in episode two and then kinda just forgetting about it.... Bad writing such as this grinds my symphogears.

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>Metanoia Aufwachen, starting on the Geahs atmospheric re-entry
>First season subtitle said by the big bad Shemmy
This is absolute kino, apologize livestream EOP watchers

Fine is bi with a preference for men. Shemmy might also have had a crush on Enki.

Attached: Senkaku_no_Ky%3Fryokusha%3FRecapture_Operation_Gacha.png (1334x750, 1.98M)

Based Milaarc.

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And Shitnessa is a robot

>Will she let me grope her if I ask her nicely?

I love her lads

Attached: shem-miku cool.jpg (1071x999, 240K)

The concert massacre's scale was way too big for what the rest of the season wanted to do with it. Definitely a mistake and should have just been maybe the loli and the couple of concert-goers Tsubasa failed to save personally.

Chris needs to get raped by a group of brown nee-sans

Call me a dork, one more time!

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 12 [720p] 00:01:29.jpg (1280x720, 92K)




Imagine the smell

You do remember that she was a human before, right?
Also, Adam doesn't have charming jiggly boobs, Vanessa does.

>>unzips "weak" and common relic than can destroy gears and alchemy

This is actually problematic, as SSJ can probably negate anything they throw at Shemmy and completely wreck their Gears.


>Shemmy might also have had a crush on Enki.
Shemmy only love the future


Adam was a doll and then a giant bull monster. He was never human.

no way really????

>my fellows
Really CR!?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 07 [720p] 00:20:29.jpg (1280x720, 138K)

She only looks cool right before she jobs though.

This episode was the only time I thought Millarc looked cute. They should have all just been whole monsters the entire time instead of cosplayers

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You know this episode isn't so bad after all. Lack of new songs is still disappointing though. Heck I even felt just a little bad for NR when they huddled together and cried.

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Where were you when Trump saved the world from Russian-ha troll hackers?

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>Marysuebiki is literally just asspulling phonic gain now by doing le epic datto-stemmo meme

Or, have Tsubasa sword the vamp to death when they fought last episode and have it be only the sad doggogirl that gives them a ride to earth.

> Even if he beat Shemmy into a pulp, she'd just regenerate.

Didn't stop him from wrecking Fine's shit until he fell for her trick.

RIP Wank and her gaping, prolapsed, stretched up gaping and overpenetrated ass

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_13.37_[2019.09.21_20.58.29].jpg (1920x1080, 156K)

>carol wins the fight
O MY Shénshòujìng

Attached: shem-miku laser balls.webm (1280x720, 328K)

Rest in peace little girl. I'm sorry you had to be in a series that fucked you over in every possible way and did nothing to fix that. You didn't deserve any of that. Maybe you be isekaied into a world without idols and have your next life be a happy one that you deserved.

Attached: RIP.jpg (1920x1080, 97K)


Attached: [Commie] Senki Zesshou Symphogear G - 01 [BD 720p AAC] [8FEABEA9].mkv_snapshot_08.51.786.jpg (1280x720, 98K)

It is bad. Germain killing people was kind of alright because he 150% believed it was going to save humanity in the long term.
Noble Red was doing everything for selfish and stupid reasons. This is bad.

Tsundere much?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_17.36_[2019.09.21_21.36.51].jpg (1920x1080, 798K)

They needed all three for Daedelus End, user.

>muh 70 thousand
Human lives are cheap compared to noble redeemed

Kirika and Shirabe only knew the cute dog.

>What kind of villains you want, dawg?
>Give me a Canadian dog, a chibi vampire, and a Cyber Dindu

>She get isekai'd in otome isekai
Poor girl

It's Enki. He's the type of man who turns lesbians straight.

Attached: Enki_clashing_with_Shem-Ha.png (1920x1080, 1.25M)

So the final episode will just be a mirror of ep 8 where everyone will be helping so that Hibiki can reach and punch god? Because I don't really see an ending where all of them finish her together considering only Hibiki is the god killer.

>Shemmy might also have had a crush on Enki.

I wish we would have gotten more backstory on Fine, Enki and Shemmy instead of wasting so much screentime on Noble Dead.

So that's how she managed to gather enough fragments of herself to revive! God dammit Maria you fucking ruined everything.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_15.58_[2019.09.21_21.34.14].jpg (1920x1080, 431K)

Big dork I love you please step on me and be my wifemommy

Just handwaive it with some "I carry the feelings of my friends in my heart."

How is she so cool and dorky at the same time?

Attached: 1544187386958.jpg (1920x1080, 163K)

Fuck them for that tease. I wanted a new Shem-ha/Miku song while she is curb stomping Carol, not the old Carol one while she is jobbing.

Attached: shem-miku laser balls2.webm (1280x720, 622K)

>Just not gonna have Tsubasa say anything

Attached: Symphogear XV - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.12_[2019.09.21_15.00.15].jpg (1280x720, 108K)

Oh hey Miku!

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_02.03_[2019.09.21_21.15.38].jpg (1920x1080, 422K)

Before Shemmy I never realize Miku can be this fluffy and smug.

Sad familia art all week now, I guess.

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Gee I would like to know what Miku is thinking during all of this.

>second-to-last episode of SYMPHOgear
>still no new songs

I like how Tsubasa is silent during this exchange.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_13.38_[2019.09.21_21.31.35].jpg (1920x1080, 406K)

Enki would have turned the show into a battle harem, and nobody wants that.

>Elf9 probably forgot the lyrics of many songs due to her memories being used to fuel alchemistry destruction

Attached: mpv-shot0027.jpg (1280x720, 100K)

> curse of Balal is gone
> Gears gain full access to all abilities their Symphogear have and can freely use them, as Fine foreshadowed as early as S1
> asspull

I'd give her even deeper penetration, if you catch my drift.

Literally who

"I'd like to stop being raped continuously"

with the curse gone they don't need phonic gain to activate xdrive

>Fine is bi
She likes to sexually torture young girls but it's more of a side kink than actual sexual preference. She wants the rod of a worthy man.

Bet you 5$ there will be no lost memories mentioned at all.

>Well shit.
This doesn't change anything. Hibiki has to kill Miku.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_21.46_[2019.09.21_21.42.20].jpg (1920x1080, 399K)

I wonder what Tsubasa was thinking during that time
>Fuck Noble Red
>Fuck Hibiki
>Fuck Chris
>Why they never cry for my 70000 fans
>Didn't they also fucking kidnap that Kohinata girl

Just how deep on earth was she? If it took 1 year for the coffin to resurface

>thought Apple was going to save this season
>it actually ruined everything
I can't believe Maria did the mother of all jobbing.


Attached: axz ending.jpg (320x240, 41K)

>I just wanna go home and fuck my Ukrainian wife

That part made no sense to me. She was still a corpse a year later.

Let's hope some sort of idol isekai exists for her.

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This but unironically. They all need to fuck off and let Hibiki handle her domestic issues.

Symphogear is heavily flawed. XV is no different from any other season in that. It's not perfect
But I still enjoy it and don't regret watching this show at all
It's really something else and really fun, even with it's flaws. This is how I feel and I'll be sad to see it go forever

I think you are right, except if Carol decides to help the Geahs in a huge way next episode. The damage to Elf9's memories might then be great

So it really happened, the shitposters are going nuclear because they know how irrelevant they'll be in a week. That's fucking hilarious.

Poor Miku.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_05.17_[2019.09.21_21.20.18].jpg (1920x1080, 385K)

>I want to get fucked by Hibiki, not these disgusting tentacles

>Tsubasa healing moment (ver. 3.0) has no impact and gets completely overshadowed by asspulls immediately

Me too, user. Me too.

They'll stick around until they figure out what the most popular show of next season is.

Yeah that was kinda dickish. But the joke's on me for expecting some new songs.

So the blowback from swan song was caused by curse of Balal? That thing that no longer exists because the moon base blew up? Stupid shemmy.

>it takes courage to grab Hibiki's hand
>there was literally nothing about this that needed courage
What was the point of this? It feels like they cut out an entire plot regarding this but forgot.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_18.37_[2019.09.21_21.06.41].jpg (1920x1080, 247K)

Topdad is to Kaneko like Jar Jar is to Lucas. He didn't need to be at all in this season. At least this season topdad was like Jar Jar in clones and revenge but still he shouldn't have been there.

Her faces are so fucking good.

I'm sorry you can only understand the surface level of the series.

Bet you 10Z$ the shinais will have her forget a bunch of comical stuff.

The fact that they're flying in space probably.

This is cool and all but how are they gonna deal with SSJ? Hibiki is unable to hurt Miku too. Carol is nearby at least.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_21.49_[2019.09.21_21.42.23].jpg (1920x1080, 444K)

Tsubasa is autistic and doesn't like touching people

>tfw part of team traffic cone now

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Senki Zesshou Symphogear GX - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_12.06_[2019.08.20_14.57.44].jpg (1280x720, 262K)

She was thanking her for earlier, you idiot.

Attached: Biki Basa.jpg (918x748, 455K)

>>it takes courage to grab Hibiki's hand
it's kaneko referring hibiki reaching out for saint germain, noble red and welcoming tsubasa back to the team speedwatcher


I like Tsubasa and Hibiki's friendship, I wish their arc had been better. I'm surprised they got an arc at all though

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_18.32_[2019.09.21_15.49.00].jpg (1920x1080, 168K)

Shouldn't you be worried about Miku instead?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_18.08_[2019.09.21_21.37.58].jpg (1920x1080, 451K)

Man I really wanted a NR song. One as good as the alch trio one.

>Don't be the asshole that's going to bring up the time they unleashed the Noise at a concert then killed that girl in front of me
>Just let these death flags they're waiving do the job
>You'll be done with them soon

AS much as we say we want more O3 interaction I really want more O2 stuff

Attached: undergear s1.jpg (3469x5000, 2.09M)

>SSJ can negate everything

She'll punch her even more gently than she did Vanessa, kill only the Shem-Ha in her, and then they'll put her in SONG's cutting-edge medical facilities and after a week she'll be heiki hecchara.

If we follow the tagline Hibiki will not hesitate to punch god and kill Miku at all.

It was probably Maria's fault somehow.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.03_[2019.09.21_14.10.22].jpg (1920x1080, 148K)

Enki has pretty exquisite taste for a shonen hero though.

Attached: DhlRzbqXUAEq1l5.jpg:orig.jpg (714x714, 56K)

At this point Miku should just die instead of continue suffering with Hibiki

Delicious Shemku pit

Are you implying that Tsubasa would have ever hesitated to save Hibiki from a dangerous situation like that because eww cooties? Maria's point last episode is that she needs to overcome herself to meet Hibiki's courage but there was nothing to be overcome here.

Yeah, she's still the hottest girl in the series.

Attached: xscreen-00614.png (1280x720, 846K)

The writing isn't exactly the best, some character drama is eye-rolling, and everything is way over-the-top. I still love it tho, the series has so much heart put into it, so many great, fun moments, excitement, mythology, and the songs and music create that outstanding atmosphere. Even the very cheap cliffhangers still get me every time. I also like that in the end a lot of events from previous seasons are still in some way relevant, even if they surely weren't intented to back then.

>literal who ogawa shown penultimate episode because lol random seiyuu cameos
plot armor

But how come Maria knows it?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_16.15_[2019.09.21_21.35.12].jpg (1920x1080, 444K)

>These bondages are uncomfortable
>I want to take a bath
>When was the last time I get to eat shaved ice, I wonder?
>Wait, isn't the homework due next Monday?>Shit, my piano test is coming up and I haven't practiced at all
>I hope Hibiki remember to bring in the laundry and finish those left over rice

Yes, an excellent question Carol

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.27_[2019.09.21_14.12.43].jpg (1920x1080, 196K)

Damn, prehistoric women look like THAT?

Attached: 1567464434089.jpg (1920x1080, 344K)

She's been waiting 5 seasons for the claiming of her virginity and she's not going to be denied now.

Attached: lewd (2).gif (800x450, 761K)

What new songs were in the second-to-last episode of S1?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_02.06_[2019.09.21_21.15.41].jpg (1920x1080, 420K)

stop being an autistic retard
it was referring when hibiki reached out for tsubasa's hands and she hestiated pulled back but hibiki stepped forward to take her hands in anyways back when she was welcomed back to the team, dumbass speedwatcher
and I fucking hate XV

The mirror fragments were pretty much useless before Ver got his hands on them.

Hibiki will FIST Shem-ha, and get INSIDE HER

To save Miku, of course.

Watch the show.

For a second there I thought they were laying some last minute hooks for spinoffs. Either that or that I'd missed a secret season and we were actually on season 6 the whole time.

We could get one OVA for each

Attached: 1393632491166.png (900x689, 511K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_13.43_[2019.09.21_21.31.51].jpg (1920x1080, 353K)

G had two (2) new songs in episode 10

Imagine Hibiki and Tsubasa having sex.

>damaging Carol's hat
Fuck NRedemption, Shem-Ha is the one who deserves death

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.44_[2019.09.21_16.13.53].jpg (1280x720, 327K)

This is a mistranslation; instead of "in the noise" it should be "of my ancestors".

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 12 [1080p]-16.10.303.png (1920x1080, 2.29M)

Something something networking humanity into a kind of a hivemind did it. Body is irrelevant when you are part of every human being out there.

big cat stream

>and we were actually on season 6
You missed 6 through 14?

Remember that Noble Red saved the Symphogears, who will save the world.
Elsa, Vanessa (and Millaarc) are heroes in the end.

Attached: NR.jpg (1280x720, 174K)

Just shut them down?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_19.06_[2019.09.21_21.38.58].jpg (1920x1080, 536K)

What a nice god

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.58_[2019.09.21_14.16.14].jpg (1920x1080, 188K)

There, I ended Symphogear before anything happened

You're the fucking speedreader here, that was exactly what Maria was already referring to last episode and why she told her to meet her courage.
>xv haters have 0 reading comprehension

Noble Redemption complete. We did it, familiabros.

SSJ was in China, not near the South Pole.

The better question is why the Custodians left a relic behind that could create hosts for Shemmy, despite the Balal jammer working.

How do you fuck that up?

Shit I just realized that part of the people who are mad are patternfags who thought they had everything figured out.

Attached: soumen demon.gif (200x210, 49K)

They just wanted to show them how useless their efforts are because they hate the Geahs. Heroes they are not.

Shonen hero don't get laid.

>dude let's just shut off all technology lmao

>step 1: be crunchyroll
see, it's easy

They are for friendship, not sex

Attached: 1551261971082.png (1024x1024, 283K)

Elsa just furthered Kirika's depression.

Fine was trying to make it into a Symphogear but none of the orphans were compatible with it.

>SSJ was in China, not near the South Pole.
For a civilization that high as Custodians, near is probably "in the same solar system"

> being too smug has never backfired for any Symphogear villain ever

But imagine how awkward it would be.

They don't look like "IT folks" to me

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_19.56_[2019.09.21_21.40.08].jpg (1920x1080, 613K)

They don't usually waifu the villain either.

Attached: [Leopard-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear - 13 END (MX 1280x7.jpg (1280x720, 83K)

>IT people
>looking good

Attached: ikemen.jpg (1280x720, 162K)