One Piece

With Act 2 over, what are your criticisms of the Wano arc so far? What would you like to see Oda improve on in the third act?

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I just want to see Oden

Is Doflamingo the only prisoner in level 6 of Impel Down?

I'm sure they must have caught a bunch more over the timeskip.

no, boa will be there soon

The buildup has been slow so I hope act 3 will be pure happenings

>what are your criticisms of the Wano arc so far?

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No, but he's in solitary confinement due to assassins going after him.

Act 2 was good. It would've been great if Oda cut the Udon and samurai shit a bit and focused more on the pirates like Kaido, Law, Hawkins, Drake, King, etc.

I want to see Zoro interact with his two wives more.

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Let me guess, the fruit was partially fermented

So he's a bitch who can handle GP.

It was necessary, the gap between Luffy and Kaido was so wide it we needed to see Luffy train

Same, though I don't think Wicca or Rika will be appearing anytime soon

Stop right there, Roronoa Pedo!

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I can't wait for Law to marry Anana and join the Big Meme pirates

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Since there's always so much Oda dicksucking going on in these threads, tell me about your biggest flaws with One Piece and what Oda needs to improve on

You can cope more. You've been at it for threads already, go to bed.

Kaido and Big Mom
>880 cm
>Devil Fruits
>199 cm
>No Devil Fruit
>one arm
What is his power?

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He needs to listen to his Shueisha masters more so he doesn't get assassinated as often

He's the actual head of the World Government

Jokes aside, I can see Momo offering Hiyori to Zoro as a reward and, for some reason, he accepts to marry her. Having Zoro marry would fit the arc being unpredictable.

I really liked the prison story, but the gathering of the army was a bit boring. Don't really give a shit about the nine scabbards or whatever

Buggy of the Yonko

>being concerned with marriage
>being married at all
You evidently don't understand the character, or this story at all.

OP is ending on chapter 1200 so lots of offscreening and just info dumps of what happened.
No elbaf arc, no shanks fight, blackbeard killed soon, akainu joing the good guys so no akainu vs luffy fight.

romance dawn ch 1-600
new romance dawn ch 601-1200

Cope for what? I like OP and been caught up with the latest chapter, I just don't think that Oda doesn't make any mistakes like many people in these threads blieve

Stop offscreening fights, wasting time with shit no one cares like udon prison and never EVER do something like BM's amnesia again, NEVER EVER

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he got da biggest haki

All that matters is Best Girl being back in the story

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One piece Stampede sucks, just so you guys were wondering.

fucking this

Back to Charlos she goes.

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Extremely good Haki, like Garp. Has to "compensate" for the lack of a Devil Fruit.

Show vegapunk. That's it. How long is he hyped up for? 600 chapters?

>One piece Wano sucks

Charlos is death

So am I right to remember that in those japanese theatrical dramas act 3 is when the main action takes place?

You're crazy. Udon segments were GOAT.

Why didn't Robin learn haki? Her last thought pre-timeskip was her wanting to become stronger for Luffy. Does she simply have a shitty potential?

Not always, it's the action and climax in part 2 then conclusion in 3.
Oda going with the climax and ending in 3 instead.

If it's Kabuki (what Oda is going for), expect something bad to happen (the Alliance loses, Luffy and Zoro get one-shotted, etc). Act 4 will be the turnaround, where they will succeed.

>way too many characters
>plot is moving too slowly
>I don't really care about any of the new characters
>art isn't up to par
>keeps drawing that same shot of the Flower Capital in every chapter
>all the highlight chapters have been about what's happening OUTSIDE of Wano
>Beast Pirates have all been pretty lacklustre so far
>Orochi is just another ugly ridiculous villain
>pacing is all over the place
I hope act 3 focuses just on what's going down at Onigashima and doen't jump all over Wano with a hundred different characters running all over the place.

Too busy being Dragon and Sabo's cocksleeve.


Act 3 is SH/alliance getting btfo (like the first encounter with croco-chad) and act 4 will he regroup and counterattack. With act 5 being island wrap-up/new challenger appears (like kuma at thriller bark).


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act three is supposed to be the big sacrifice moment


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So basically, act3 of wano is like
'The Empire Strikes Back' in Starwars?
(Crossing my fingers)

>Kaido is the strongest creature on land, sea and air
>Luffy will fight Kaido three times
>on land (act 1)
>on sea (onigashima raid)
>on air (while riding momo)

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5 acts for a full play.
1 is introducing the characters.
2, 3, 4 speed it up with a tragic moment in 3 and fights in 2 and 4
5 is a quick and satisfying resolution

Why is Law hot?

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Can anyone stop him?

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Katakuri design ranking

Manga: Hot
Anime: ugly, deformed
Fanarts: even uglier than anime


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Im-sama genes

The power of redpills

Tick, Tock Morgans

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>Cucks thought he was a coward
Never doubt BIG NEWS.


Im sick of how long arcs seem to drag out in their final strech. Birdcage and big moms wedding cake chase for example.


Too many fights are being offscreened and instead we're getting stupid shit like Udon prison or Otoko.

>Plot covenant story telling

straw hats always seem to get out of citations that they damn well shouldn't and even if they do the consequences should be more impactful.

I hope he does Big Mom's amnesia again so it isn't just a one time thing.

t. Vivi

He is an over designed shit all of them.

Who was in the wrong here?

He drops heavy redpills on his opponents

For me it's Alvida

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I thought that Act 3 was the sad part and Act 4 was the HAPPENING act


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>Stussy tries to seduce him
>Ends up succumbing to the BAC (Big Albatross Cock) instead
Don't underestimate the bird.

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Kaido and Big Mom alliance is a 50/50 against Morgans

FemKatakuridrawanon here,
Here is my art work from 9 months ago

Attached: IMG_20190921_183536.jpg (900x1300, 80K)

And here is Pre-TS Nico Robin I did today

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And lost all 3 fights ?
Sounds pretty based to me.

I want a doujin of them meeting each other in their current look and have hate sex

Yeah, I can't wait for Marguerite's reappearance

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Stussy only likes giraffes

same here

after catching up part way one piece after a long hiatus from sabody arc to caesar clown, I realize one piece isnt for me anymore, here I am rooting for Caesar clown not because I want him to succeed but because everyone else is a hypocrite. I want to watch doflamingo but I dont want to watch entire arcs to get there


Episode 904 will focus on Luffy, Zoro, and Kiku fighting Holdem's subordinates

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>u don, wano?
>the criticism was about wano not ending yet

He need less structure in his arcs,
and less story threads going at the same time.
Since the timeskip the story feels slow and fast at the same time.

Slow since location switches a billion time per chapter and nothing gets accomplished.

Fast since we get just told that something happened.

ONE PIECE is about 80% teasing right now with off paneled deliverence.

Invisible haki was better than black haki yes/no

Black haki is more aesthetically pleasing

That bridge drawing is absolutely terrible, well spotted,

Are you some type of masochist?

The Normal Man's Burden.

Both existing with an ambiguity on which kind is better is better.

Nah. He'll reject her like Luffy rejected Hancock. Only Sanji is interested in women seriously.

So you're telling me that their just so happen to be an island right next to Amazon Lily, with 500 beast, who are all individuals stronger than the awakens zoans who were by far the strongest creature in Impel down, the world most secure prison which had only two breakout in its decade spanning history and which was full of creature too dangerous to be left in the outside world.

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No I love the beauty of everything turning black and strong

Based justice

No. If her amnesia is something that happened more often, then it is less of an asspull and more of a character flaw. It would have been better if it got introduced during Whole Cake.

What is this post trying to say?

I want to see O-Lin at least one more time. I miss her. Hopefully, Tama can become friends with Linlin once again

That Oda is a hack who makes shit up as he goes

mr green hair swordsman lose once more in a wooden sword battle against me?
therefore I shall proceed with the punishment of inserting my standard dojo issue wooden sword into mr green hair swordsman's rear entrance

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>880 cm
>Devil Fruits
Don't forget naturally bullet proof skin and retard strength
Meanwhile Shanks's arm got eaten by a seaking that Luffy defeated in the first chapter

Why? Because there exists an island with creatures?

Dude it´s a world in that

>Shanks can get eaten by a fish
>Kaido can drown in a puddle
>BIG MOM can starve even with enough food
>no names with Admiral abilites are all over the world but they´re neutral so who cares

>Luffy jobbing to random Gifters again
Oh boy, can't wait.

So why the hate for BM's amnesia?

>Hey fujitora...
>Sup sengoku
>Not much bro, it's still this kid, mugiwara no luffy...
>Don't tell me he's acting up again
>For real lad he's really troublesome, if we don't do anything he will be a major threat within a few years, everyday he's growing stronger and making more allies
>I agree, what's your plan? Perhaps I should go and kill him? It will only take me an hour
>Nah, let's send random soldiers again, I'm sure that unlike the 47345983790857345 previous times they will capture him
>As you wish

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So is Akainu going to be "redeemed" or is he going to die or something? He's justice, he can't go to jail. So either he changes or he's completely deposed/killed.

I still don’t get how a weak sea king took shanks arm. One blast of CoC and Shanks sails away with four limbs

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impel down is the world most secure prison, but the only competent member is Magellan, it got power creep pretty hard

>mr green hair swordsman lose once more in a wooden sword battle against me?
>therefore I shall proceed with the punishment of inserting your face into my gluteus maximus until suffocation

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What does Impel Down have to do with the island?

All shishibukai will end up siding with Luffy

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t. Delusion.

Akainu was always a good guy.

Isn't there an intentional difference?

Idk it's only after marineford when Luffy started learning haki that we saw black haki, it has always been invisible prior to that

This different designs in media is funny.

This is my favorite meme.

Luffy should be glad that Morgans didn't go for the One Piece

It would still be an asspull tho, pkus if it happened again it would only take the focus away from what really matters, the war

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That's why it's "redeemed." I just mean will Luffy actually forgive him for Ace's death or not after they fight or whatever. Akainu isn't corrupt. He's just doing his job.

Just noticed. Is Weevil using Edward's Naginata?
Isn't it supposed to be in his resting place?

the beast in impel down are supposed to be among the strongest in the world and worthy of guarding the world's worst criminal, even Blugori being able to slice up sea king like it's noting. Yet their is a place not too far away from it with hundreds of beast stronger than everybody in the IP staff with the exception of Magellan and Shyriu.

Impel down seems ridiculously underpowered in retrospect given it's relative importance, a single Pacifista would be a better guard than everybody not named Magellan or Shyriu

Hancock's ass

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Morgans has some really Big and hard News for that slut queen and the WG

I need more Hancock

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Imagine if he keeps escalating and at some point he uses Conqueror's Haki

Calm down Charlos, she'll be ready for you soon.

>Katakuri ... has aprendido la técnica secreta del hombre tanque

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He kinda did it with Sabo

I need more Nikyu Vivi fanarts

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Well yeah, of course they could send half of the navy and all three admirals to guard the place if they wanted to but what's the point if it's already so secure that only one person ever managed to escape before the arc? A better question is why they even need the prison in the first place when they could just execute the pirates they capture right away

Vivi loves Rebecca. Nami loves Vivi. The three love each other but also Luffy, he will end up with a bisexual harem constantly making out around him.

Boa Hancock is going to capture Koby and leave him at the Ruskaina Island. He'll undergo the same training Luffy did(Luffy had to use King Kong Gun to beat the strongest animals on that island)

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made for hot glue

the fact that one person ever escape seems outlining considering what we know about it, imagine how much damage somebody like Cracker could do

>Law was a warlord
You know I forgot, and judging by the answers to the question last thread, most people did. Law is easily the most popular warlord. Though I like Mihawk more. BB is cool too.

No, there aren't lesbians in One Piece.

Well, it's a prison, they're all locked and in chains, and surrounded by sea. Even if a prisoner escapes, they're tortured all the time so they should be weaker than usual, and also the marines control the only escape route. Luffy and co only escapes because BB was also raiding the prison and they hypnotized the guy in charge of the doors, there were two simultaneous independent prison breaks.

Reminder that Luffy took Hancock's viriginity on rusukaina during the timeskip

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Cracker wouldn't get caught.

They're bisexual, not lesbians. They mostly wet each other to be ready for Luffy at any point.

Whatever you say Hammock

I guess some of the prisoners could be useful alive, but yeah, what's even the point of having Crocodile alive when he clearly deserved the gallows.

The animals were awakened DF users, they might be jobbers but they will always get back up just like Jack, their entire point is limitless stamina.

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doesnt luffy likes whatever he eats? why did he dislike that pie?

Even Sanji can do that and his durability isn't that impressive.
Also fitting that the doctor, Chopper, has innate healing as a final powerup.

disgusting. how do people even do that? it must smell like hell

Cracker can't do anything if he's on level 6 with seastone cuffs. It's really hard to escape without outside help and MC luck

My biggest flaw with OP is that you are not allowed to see anything happening away from Luffy for any longer than a couple chapters, but that's outside Oda's control.

They're degenerates user. Don't question the depths of their depravity.

How do you even know all of that

kinda weird how they are so weak when only others awaken DF we saw were crazy strong,

He bet it on the new generation

Cause Awakening isn't strength based. It's clearly something about learning or unlocking something in your Devil Fruit. So any weakling with a DF could Awaken if they explore it and unlock it

I guess they just put all their effort into mastering their DF instead of just becoming stronger overall

It's like haki and only based on knowledge. You can be weak and know haki, or strong and not know haki. Same with awakening.

Law is hot

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Because cherry pie tastes like shit

Thats not a flaw though, it's a story telling device. We see the world majorly through Luffy and the Straw Hat's eyes, how it reacts and interacts with them, which is why any outside events we rarely get full knowledge of until it becomes relevant to the Straw Hats or they learn of it themselves. It's their adventure and were riding along with them.

wan piss

Same. Might commission Rejuvo to do something if he's not too expensive

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Yeah, it's like how Crocodile said, you gotta fucking explore your fruit powers. I imagine his fluid absorption is an Awakened power.

reminder that Nami is for chad only

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>in a shonen
lmao, status quo never changes in mainstream shit. Remember how only a handful of tertiary characters died in Naruto

>lets just send no named jobbers to capture him!

Omg i need more, is there porn?

just draw it for yourselves. its not that difficult


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Zoro isn't a chad though. He's an autistic fight junkie that shower once a week

>its not that difficult
Yes it is

So a chad?

Could Big News Morgans take Klondike-era Scrooge McDuck?

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No, a retard. And likely a gay one

I'd have to say Scrooge McDuck is still more of a chad,but Morgans will put up a good fight.

Why was he so mean?

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not if you practice everyday for like a year

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What could the possible arrest Hawkeye for? All he does is practice self-defense.

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goth crimes

In ''Monsters'' Ryuma was using a non-black Shusui

Zoro cuts the dragon's head off in Punk Hazard with a 1 sword style, Shusui,

>What would you like to see Oda improve on in the third act?
To move back to the WG and Shichibukai, nobody cares about Wano and the literally whos currently there.

FUCK I just caught up. Why is nobody talking about the latest chapter? Did you all burn out?

It’s very consistent with how Jack is the highest IQ commander but the Bulguri were literal retards.

We did,like a day or two ago.

you missed 20 threads about it already

Could you save me 2 minutes and provide an old link? I'm losing my mind here.

Hancock's cock

I didn't know Kuma was a Sanjifag. Based.

hate to tell ya, but the very first thing we see him do is shit on a bunch of pirates for no reason at all

The Big Mom amnesia subplot where she goes by O-Lin and hangs out with Tama was stupid and pointless. Oda should have just had the prison be right next to the sea where Big Mom washes ashore and causes havoc. Or come up with some other way for Luffy to get out of his situation.

>we wont see any law until october
Just fucking kill me, the pacing of the anime is so slow

Sure but buy my art supplies first

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Lot of offscreen stuff but more importantly not enough purely Straw Hat interactions

It's a good thing he told Perona to get out before the pigs arrived.

Is Dragon the Hiko Seijuro of One Piece? Oda created him so strong that now he doesn't know how to make him have a proper fight.

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>first thing we see him do is shit on a bunch of pirates
I see no problem here.

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Here's two for starters.

dragon can change the weather with haki only lol hes nothing

Don Krieg's kind of an asshole. He probably started it and was like "DINDU NUFFIN" once he got his ass kicked.

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Never understood this pairing, they have no chemistry. All het pairings involving Zoro are shit anyway, everything about the dude is screaming homo. Guy finds most women annoying and only seems genuinely happy when he sees his buddy Luffy.

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>why yes i kill pedophiles instead of arresting them, how did you know?

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>not executing notoriously evil pirates and stealing their fruits
Imagine if the marines has gone the Blackbeard route

user, the only other people we've seen do that so far are Yonko when they're fighting each other.

let's not pretend that Mihawk didn't run away from Don Krieg

I can't believe Zoro lost his eye due to being a cocky dumbass.

>That pic

how do i become a one piece youtuber

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>Never understood this pairing, they have no chemistry
Dude Zoro and Nami act like an old married couple

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>A better question is why they even need the prison in the first place when they could just execute the pirates they capture right away
Yup, this to me is one of the biggest plot holes in the series. The WG clearly has no qualms about murdering innocent people, so why wouldn't they execute the worst criminals? Especially the Level 6 people, where the intention is to erase the prisoners from history.

Thanks. This chapter had fucking everything. There's Buggy, Mihawk, the king from Alabasta, Cipher Pol, Thriller Bark, X Drake, Hancock, Whitebeard jr, the fishfucks, Doflamingo and Big News Morgans. All still 100% relevant to the overall story. What a journey it's been. What a thrill.

Nami is the only person Zoro is comfortable with admitting he's lost to.

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>only one person ever managed to escape before the arc? A better question is why they even need the prison in the first place when they could just execute the pirates they capture right away
I dunno, maybe for the same reason we have prisons and dont kill everyone that commit a crime?

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Paddling that little dinghy with his bare hands. Or using Yoru as a paddle and spinning in place.

Mihawk should have decapitated that dumbass with a butter knife

Imagine being this much of a cuck that you do as a woman says even when you're not attracted to her. Zoro and Sanji are just different flavors of white knight.

>big yikes morgans
When is this faggot bird going to be killed and be served for thanksgiving?

sex with nami

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We live in modern democracies concerned with civil rights. In the olden days, executing the worst criminals was standard procedure. The One Piece world clearly has a much more antiquated mindset with far less enlightened people in power.

t. Cipher Pol

I don't want to pay for sex

Just a friendly reminder of who is the truly strongest entity of One Piece.

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The amnesia plot served several purposes.
Separate Big Mom from her crew
Get Big Mom to Udon prison
Get Queen away from Udon
Destroy the prisons
Unite Big Mom and Kaido, without it being an all out battle between her and his forces.

Stay mad, World Government, it makes for a nice headline.

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It's cute

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Did you miss the part of my post where I said that Oda could have just had Big Mom wash up right next to the prison and attacked it then, no amnesia sideplot required?

"Big Dick" Morgans rapidly climbing to the status of best character in one piece. Good work dude.

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"Stop this goy from reporting!!!"
Fuck off, Kike Government.

If someone ate the Mizu Mizu no Mi would he become weak to himself?

you go fuck yourself with no hands, meaning that you start livestreaming yourself riding the BLACK THVNDER dildo u got hiding in ur nightstand

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Where is my boi Eustass CAPTAIN Kiddo ?

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All I see is two people hating each other guts.
My parents have been married for 30 years btw. Zoro legit can't stand Nami, it's not your old married couple bickering

They don't interact like that in the manga

Someone post the BLACKED Robin I need to fap

What does it matter.

>The One Piece world clearly has a much more antiquated mindset
They have an island of trannies user

She would have murdered Queen if she didn't have amnesia

Preparing to get APOO'd again.

>All shit breaks loose at a Big Mom event.
>No panic, he sees the BIG NEWS in it and makes a profit from it.
>Triggers everyone by calling Luffy the fifth emperor in his newspaper.
>Ciper Pol wants me to not publish this? Beats the guy to a pulp and exclaims that he is the one in charge.

Can ANYBODY stop this bird?

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The island of trannies are enemies of the government and allies to the communist revolution.


Why are they so fucking cute?

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He's probably written the newspaper articles that Mihawk cut Shank's arm

You have to look at it another way: They shipped all trannies off to a single island to contain them.

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Nobody. Nobody except for one man due to make his long-awaited return.

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You just start. It's a slow grind, but you'll get there.

Do you think that Big News Morgans included "By the way, the government didn't want me to print this story, they even sent an army of elite CP0 assassins to kill me, but I defeated them all. Nothing will stop me from exposing the truth!" in his article?

Crocodile is Denjiro, prove me wrong

Nobody would believe it and it would just get him into even bigger shit

Enel can´t do anything against Morgan, his return will only empower him further:

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I'm really curious what he'lll do in act 3, his crew aren't on Onigashima are they? Was it mentioned where they're being kept? Personally I don't seeing him taking part in the raid on the fire festival simply because there's no way he'd know it's gonna happen, and also because there's already enough people getting involved right now as is

Unlikely, Morgans playing it smart, he will beat their asses if they dont let him publish what he wants, but he doesn´t want to waste his time fighting off better assassins, hes a busy man afterall.

>Train every day of your life
>Refine your body into a deadly weapon, harder than steel, faster than bullets and sharper than a sword
>Basically immortal, hardened pirates are like ants compared to you
>Government sends you to inflitrate some news bureau
>"But be careful; there's a big bird in charge there!"
>lol ok
>Years pass
>Polly won't take the cracker
>Pull out a gun because brandishing your fingers doesn't have the same "don't fuck with me" tone
>Bird tries to take a swing at you
>It's a bit faster than you expect
>where r my teef
>god is that you?

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This actually. What crimes has Mihawk committed? He's only the greatest swordsman, right? And he probably worked the most diligently for the Marines.

It's probably just on principle. Though it would be nice if the marines decided they were cool and left him alone, everyone wants to see the extent of Mihawks' powers.

For sure they're underestimating the ever-loving crap out of him unless there's an admiral or two nearby.

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>Polly won´t take the cracker.

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They need to show they´re in control after throwing out the Warlords, they might not need to stop Mihawk due to his actions, but him going down is needed from a PR perspective to not look like idiots for firing him.

But there are other trannies roaming around and people dont freak out, plust they have their own set of whats normal and prejudice, the one piece world has its own unique mindset

>weird illusion powers
>compares himself to a wild beast
>always been oddly close to animals
>Ushimaru looks exactly like him
>wields a sword in his mouth, like an animal would have to

So we all agree Zoro is a fox stuck in human form, right?

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Post your best awakening theory.

>Marco's awakening will be shown at the end of Wano when he takes out Big Mom while dying himself. But his awakening will be shown as a little 2 centimeter baby phoenix coming out of his burning body, and will become a baby human.

>It will still be the same Marco we all know but he will restart his life as a baby, with new memories and having to be raised by Nami and whatever lesbian woman she hooks up with.

>Narrator reveals that for 2021 years, there has only been one phoenix devil fruit user: Marco

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>Marines see him cut an iceberg bigger than Pica casually
>lol let's send fodder to him

damn, gandhi is WOKE as hell

Leave Orochi to me.

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>yfw anime onlys who don't know about SBS or cover stories

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>They will fuck our shit more if we keep them! We need to remove them!
>What do you mean they didnt take being fired well and are fucking our shit?!

Its like a self fulfilling prophecy.


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my theory is:
shanks and his clone will come to wano and butcher big cringe and kekdou with their swords and force feed the poor chinks in the villages with the meat, uncooked, straight from the carcasses.

That's her right here, tho?

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That's because your a fucking retard who doesn't see the obvious direction Oda went with that.

He's a pirate and has a bounty for a reason. He killed time by hunting down Krieg and his crew all the way to the East Blue, so he's not a kind man. He's likely wrecked shit all across the Grand Line on his journey to the top.

Keep in mind something important. To the public eye, the Straw Hat pirates came out of fucking NOWHERE. They had one bounty and a small crew in the East Blue, likely didnt even get in the papers, and then suddenly Luffy gets a massive bounty increase and so does Zoro (whose supposed to be a bounty hunter), and then out of fucking nowhere the entire crew storm Enies Lobby and destroy it.

To the world, on the largest scale, the Straw Hats literally appeared one day and destroyed on the most important WG facilities ever, and then vanished for two years. So theres no telling what shit Mihawk pulled that isn't public knowledge, and what is, we barely know the dude.

>It's a one-time Devil Fruit
>Marco retains all his memories, spends his multiple lives being part of the various factions

they can't fuck anyones shit on behalf of the World Goverment if they are killed can't they? And people like Hancock and her pirates will be used as public meatholes

>simply forget the bird you're messing with is a New World veteran and can probably take an entire Cipher Pol division without an effort

Pretty easy to find compliations if you go to the-place-that-must-not-be-named.

lole keep projecting loser

Alright! I'll leave the fodder to you, Zoro. Just leave Kaido to me!

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Not my point, I'm talking about the anime onlys that dont even know such things exist. Cause they are anime onlys

>What do you mean they didnt take being fired well and are fucking our shit?!
Mihawk and Boa don't care. Just leave them to their island and they'll just do what they do. Boa always was insubordinate after all. That was always who she was.

Well yeah, but good luck easily taking out those guys if you only send big ships/vize admirals and maybe some Pacifica to end them. Unless Vegapunk did finish something that one shots them this will only piss them off.

get ready to get your shit stolen by cuck_boy theories and the other muslim one piece youtubers

fans love anything to do with Marco and I haven't heard of this before. really good shit

>yfw you'll finally see the day of Hancock and her snake bitch gang being sold as sex slaves for the Celestial Dragons

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>So we let Mihawk go.
>World's Strongest Swordsman.
>Oh, alright. He was a pirate?
>Yeah, he just sits on his island all day training
>Oh ok.

Isn't Boa and her sisters still the property of the tenryuubito?

Anyone has the current sales numbers for both vol 92 and 93?

Yeah, i really dont get Toei, not adding SBS info is fine but why create filler arcs or completely ruin the pacing of an arc like they did with the reverie when there are so many cover stories? We could've gotten a mini arc following the grand fleet AND a decently paced reverie

The great war they've spoken of will just be the fact that they set Mihawk loose on the sea to resume his piracy.

Is Oda actually autistic?

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Technically, yeah. It's not public knowledge, and that fact is likely completely forgotten by the Celestial Dragons unless they saw the brands.

'cuz they'd get no ratings. Filler arcs always make sure to have lots of strawhats being badasses and they're so cool aren't they cool you guys please go buy our shit.

What makes you think they World Goverment would let go of the Shichibukais if they didn't have something more powerful to replace them?

With all the biological weapons introduced in the new world and the really high tech, both by Sanji's dad and Caesar (who both are said to be just a fraction as smart as Vegapunk) It's kinda implied that Vegapunk invented nuclear weapons.

Japanese love to introduce Nuclear weapons in their stories as the final biggest power, Godzilla, HxH, Pokemon (wish I was joking), Dragon Ball, Naruto, Bleach, etc

>"areuh areuh"
is the baby fucking possessed or something

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So just like with the Straw Hats, the WG started shit they can't finish. Typical.
Good thing they have chads like Coby to finish the fight for them.

The beasts in OP world are massively underrated
The elder sea kings Shirahoshi controls most likely can give BM and Kaido a run for their money
Zounisha, too, is stronger than any yonkou Commander we seen so far

>Bonny could very well be heading to Wano with Sai and Vivi
>Momonosuke has been foreshadowed to defeat Orochi himself but he still to young to handle the ame n9 habakiri
Its happening

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>Hey remember that time we raped those 12-year old snakegirls?
>That was fucking weird

nowadays Oda spend most of his days chilling in Hawaii and partying on his mansion in japan, he just tells the story to his assistants, the average shonen jump artist have 1 assistant at best, Oda has 10

it's time for 2ch fan theories:

>Shanks is an alien
>Milhawk has a brother named Condor who are swirl swirl fruit
>Last poneglyph is in WG's treasury that will be involved in later arcs
>Kaido is actually a dragon who uses his human zoan form to keep intact
>Final arc will take place in space

Clearly it is
>That Perona
It's hard to believe she's actually older than most of our mains. She looks and acts like a goth child.

>Luffy gets his teeth knocked out
>They're back 12 pages later
>Some mountain bandit cuts the desk of a bar
>It's still there 955 chapters later

One Piece is self-regenerating furniture

Black Beards's chest hair probably fell in his

Why said that about Vegapunk, they better have that on board of those ships or they really underestimate things.

Also: ...When did Pokemon have nukes?

>She looks and acts like a goth child.
moria spoiled her

Why are these theories so fucking stupid?

Not even a year, a few weeks of drawing only the basic female anatomy will allow most people to draw a decent Vivi

>Twelve years passed and she still didn't pay for a repair
I bet she doesn't even have panties, too. Fucking Shanks can't even send some money.

Thats exactly the type of silly detail Oda loves to keep consistently in, i bet any Makino panel that includes the bar top throughout the manga has that cut in it.

Just shows how much of a bro BB is. He could’ve killed everyone there but he just wanted some pie

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I've rarely seen theories, west or east, that aren't fucking stupid. Youtube is full of One Piece readers who think One Piece is a completely different story with the kind of theories they spit out

Queen would've died, and Luffy would've died. Her being child like is the only way she could be restrained long enough to be brought to Kaidou

Big Mom who knows Kaido since at least 40 years described him as a "thing"

>Kaido is a poneglyph that ate the dragon zoan that lets you transform into a human, like the fox we saw a few chapters ago

>This is why the spear, axes and everything else broke when trying to impale him and why Oden was able to put a scar on him. Only Oden can hurt Poneglyphs

>doesn't know the shithole known as 2ch's One Piece board
Where do you think those 4th poneglyph is Shank's hair stuff came from?

Thank god for that. She's cute.

Have you seen the theory where the captain of rocks as implied as Robin's grandfather?

Still could have had her with amnesia washed up next to Udon and her getting hungry getting in there, from there it would have practically gone the same way without a roadtrip.

The casual reader doesn't even care about theories. They just want the next chapter and see shit going down. Only autists spend time reading theories.


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Fuck off shichibuki fags we don't need you

>Sir the yonko have joined forces

What I meant to say was, I'll suck all your dicks if you come back right fucking now

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>Literally Robin will beat Kaido the theory

Someone do a "Im a genius" and then when the news come in the "OH NO."

Is Akainu working with Aokiji and Koby as head of Sword?

How can you become a Celestial dragon?
Stelly wanted to become one

Excluding Mihawk, they wouldn't make the slightest difference. Would all get one-shotted.

X&Y. Personally I loved it.

Also Pokémon has way worse shit than nukes if you get into the spinoffs. WAY worse.

t. disgusting pedophile

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You can't. Stelly is an idiot who thinks he can make it to the top of the world if he scumbags hard enough, the Celestial Dragons are born Celestial Dragons, you can't just become one. Maybe if a Celestial Dragon brought you into their family or used their powers to decree you as one, but none of the others would ever respect you or treat you like their equal.

I...i completely forgot that Lysandres plan was essentially launching a Superweapon to purge Pokemon, huh.
Theyre a great force to help keep off the stuff that works under the Yonko though, as was proven with most of them keeping Whitebeards crew busy.

Undoubtedly. He clearly clashes with the Elder Stars openly and has no respect for them beyond their position. It makes sense he would form a super secret task force that the WG doesn't know about.

Akainu didn't want to get rid of the Shichibukai, only Fujitora did, and he refused to back Fujitora.

Don't worry, Kaido is going down this arc.

>"...have you ever been read, Kaido-kun?"

Yeeeeah, sorry sir. That's my bad. brb killing myself.

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The Strongest

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Goda yet again taking shot at the jews

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The absolute state of Cipher Pol.

Takes huge balls to work with people you've tried to kill and maimed. I could respect Akainu even more if this is true.

World Govt. will be SHOOK

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>These Shichibukais will give my crew some tough time, maybe I should one-shot them to make it easier.
>lol no

>Koby clashes with Hancock
>Fight goes on a stalemate for a while
>Hancock gets the upper hand
>She suddenly feels sick
>Koby finds out she is pregnant of Luffy's child and decides to protect her
>Garp and Roger all over again

Boa did some nasty things to Luffy during the Timeskip.

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Did Sabo die?

Celestial dragon have wives who are not celestial dragon.
What about the kids?
Are they celestial dragon?

Just wait until Imu promises to make all the kings into new celestials again to get their support against the new pirate king

Kaido will go down
But THE KAIDO will not

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Mihawkfags hate when people bring them down from their delusion of clouds but whatever: The Shichibukai can be beaten by a single admiral in a few minutes.

Mihawk didn't do shit in the War of the Best, he jobbed against Jozu and Buggy

this. Every Udon chapter was literally "Nothing happened"

>Celestial dragon have wives who are not celestial dragon.
What? Where?

reread sabaody before the auction house part

Pretty sure he was framed for killing Vivi or king neferati.

>>Koby finds out she is pregnant of Luffy's child and decides to protect her

Oh my god

Stop asking questions, goy.

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Are you sure it's not a concubine or a slave?

Justice has no room for petty grudges.

How can you be the strongest swordsman if you're not the strongest swordsman? Big Meme and Shanks both use swords.

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Saint Charlos wanted to make the nurse in Sabaody as one of his wives

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But they aren't actual wives. They are fuck toys that get thrown away when the CD is bored of them. The only time we've seen an actual CD wife, she was clearly a CD as well.

The Wano war will probably be over before they discover

Probably just rich asshole speak for sex slave. The people's reaction doesn't suggest normies can be made into tenryuubito. They won't even breathe their air.

by reread that means read the fucking text bubbles.

How's it going Akainu?
One of the Admirals refuses to listen, the Shichibukais joined the Yonkous, and the Yonkous are making Alliances?
Well, too bad it's none of my problem! I wanted Kuzan!

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Kek Mihawk confirmed equal of Shanks Weevil confirmed equal of young Whitebeard and this guy thinks Marines with Shichibukai wouldn't wipe the floor with 2 yonko.
Facing one emperor they had 0 casualties and wiped out captain, 2/3 top commanders. Try again yonkotard

Everyone without autism understands that it means that Mihawk is the most skilled swordsman, not that he's the strongest being who has ever touched a sword

X Drake was stunned that the marines had shady business going on and then delivers these news like it's nothing.

That's supposed to be a sex slave smartass.

Imagine Morgans vs Afro Luffy

>the shichibukai allied with the yonko
how would he react?

So if Big Mom comes at him with a sword, she's not going to hit him because he's better at it than she is and she's not going to win.

I mean, she can probably nuke him, but that's still league above the fight any of the marines are going to put up.

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Being the strongest swordsman in a world where advanced Haki and tier S devil fruits with S tier users exists it's like being a big fish in a small pound. It's irrelevant

And Oden was probably a stronger swordsman than Mihawk.

Post the worst One Piece theory you have ever heard.

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That's what's about to happen when all the warlords join Luffy

chotto matte, mihawku...

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Being the most skilled swordsman but not being the best user of Haki, or the fastest man alive, or the physically strongest, and so on

sex slave are not wives

Devil Fruits come from the Shandora Forest.

That one theory where there is supposedly two shanks that exists at the same time, one with the scars and one without the scars.

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>Join the marines
>Get sent on a suicide mission as cannon fodder

Yeah, that makes sense

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seastone bazooka

>Shanks hair is the last poneglyph

Volcanic eruption.

ahahaha what, explain this

So what you're saying is that Shanks and BM would beat Mihawk in a fight with a sword right? Otherwise he's Yonko level because Luffy, an actual Yonko, can't even dodge 1 hit from a Yonko.

>You know Luffy, I have a promise, a promise for our brethren, a commoner-free world with endless possibilities.

>World Government doesn't protect us from you Luffy, on the contrary, they protect YOU from us, when lord Imu's final message arrives, we, the celestial dragons will wipe and annihilate every human or non human creature under our feet. The fated time will arrive soon Luffy, the time where the day of the rope can finally begin!

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That the One Piece is a Devil Fruit/Anything to do with Devil Fruits


go on

What would happen if a Yonko like Big mom abducts and marries a celestial dragon?

>Weevil confirmed equal of young Whitebeard
Which does not mean being as strong as WB on his prime (50's). Learn to read.
>this guy thinks Marines with Shichibukai wouldn't wipe the floor with 2 yonko.
Never said that. Just said only Mihawk would make a difference. Again, learn to read.
>Facing one emperor they had 0 casualties and wiped out captain, 2/3 top commanders
Facing an old and ill Emperor that couldn't even dodge a casual attack from fodder.
Go back, Redditcuck.

The other CDs would either freak out, panic and demands he be rescued, or they would just consider him dead and strike their name from the records.

road poneglyphs are red, shanks hair is also red, so shanks hair is the 4th poneglyph. to check out more 2ch related theories see

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How did you get that from my post? If it's just swords then Mihawk wins because he has the best skills. If devil fruits and haki are allowed them Mihawk loses

Mihawk never beat Shanks and now he's afraid to fight him because it's a lose lose situation

Weevil has no confirmed level really. Just speculation on both ends.

Coby is stronger than Hancock.

Vegapunk was the mysterious prisoner

Some dumbass used to force this shit here.

There's one schizophrenic poster who posts about it here every once in a while

Kaido, Big Mom and Shanks would all lose in a second if Sugar touched them

Oh wait, this isn't a stupid theory, it's canon since Oda is literally a retard

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>Has a Black Blade
>Doesn't have good haki
Wow man. I don't know what to say. Next you'll probably say Shanks is the weakest Yonko because he has no DF, or BB is because he has no CoC.

>>Milhawk has a brother named Condor who are swirl swirl fruit
This is literally el hermano tier.

When did I say he doesn't have good haki? I dunno who you are arguing with

>mysterious prisoner

? what

It doesn't have to come to this, Luffy. Just give me the hat. It's mine.

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>I actually expected the anime to be good for once
How fool i was

I dont get it

can someone post the pic of shanks as a cd?

Why does not Sugar age?
What is the reason

>The retards doing these pics are adults

1-we dont know if he was the one that turned Yoru into a black blade
2-We dont know how the whole black blade thing works, it might have nothing to do with how strong your haki is, since neither Rayleigh, WB and Oden had black blades

Can someone convince to me that not ALL Marines are in SWORD? I can't process any other thoughts than the the top dogs are in it together.

I can only think Aokiji, Kuzan, and hell even Akainu are in it together.

Those first Udon chapters where we didn't know it was Kawamatsu.

>Kizaru you idiot, that was one of ours!
>Who was?
>The pirate!
>Which pirate?
>I can't tell you because it's a secret
>Just let them all escape

That'd be cool as fuck

People were speculating that Vegapunk was the mystery prisoner in Udon before Kawa was revealed.

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Necessary drawback for THE most OP fucking fruit ever.

Imagine if she touched one of the pirate king's bones, all the pirates in the world would just be like "wait wtf are we doing"

This is great

>Kizaru and Green Bull are incredibly lazy bastards
>Isshou is straight up insubordinate
>World is going to shit
I do not envy Sakazuki's job

thh Oda is a hack who changed his design, just look at that head

why the fuck would he be the prisoner when he has been constantly working on marine tech since 20 years before the current timeline, and was working on the new project that fujitora saw? god damn OP fans can be stupid.

I'll never not be amazed at how retarded certain people from the fandom can be.

So is Law a member of s.w.o.r.d. too or not

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>Luffy, I know you liked that doctor of yours, but he had to go. Reindeers belong in the forest and not on a ship. Don't worry, I gave you one of mine. His name is Joseph Mengele.

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The weird thing about this retarded theory was that there were actually more than 2 people believing in it.

>I can only think Aokiji, Kuzan,

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Clones and the fact that Fujitora didn't meet him

Honestly when they were first introduced I thought one piece had jumped the shark. But I see now, Oda. I see what you wanted to do.

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It was literally just one guy, and his reasoning was so fucking retarded that no one gave a shit

You're say Mihawk's haki would be overwhelmed by a Yonko even though he has a blade coated in hak which he is proficient at using.
1. Fair.
2.But we have nothing to say that a Black Blade when wielded by a master wouldn't compete with a Yonko. It's just an assumption that his skills don't apply to haki even though Rayleigh had extraordinary haki, and even CoC, though he was a swordsman.
However I'm not saying Mihawk IS capable of fighting a Yonko. Just that in theory there's nothing to say a master swordsman is inherently lacking in any skills besides swords. Zoro&Rayleigh are the 2nd most powerful people in their crews after all while practicing haki, and Shanks&BM are Yonko that both use swords. The idea seen here that "using swords excludes one from using haki well," is as ignorant as saying "a DF excludes one from using haki well," That's all I was trying to point out.

>sends the hearts of a hundred marines to their HQ
>part of Pirate groups since he was a literal child
>backstory already shown

Eat more fruits user

its his hat you absolute moron

No, because that means he went from not knowing about them to joining them in less than a day. When Drake free'd him from prison he didn't know why which means they weren't cooperating. To think that Drake would invite a pirate who previously betrayed the marines to join a secret organization that not even the admirals know about with the chance of him leaking it is just retarded.

>that only one person ever managed to escape before the arc?
Two, actually. Shiki and Morley, although nobody knows about Morley.

He didn't want anything, his editor told him that Sabaody felt empty so he designed the supernovas in a day

We don't know if it works on non living things. It probably doesn't.

Yes he did?

What a total fucking madman. If I was a mangakai I would fear him.

I didn't know his hat was shaped like my penis and one meter tall

It's a retarded DBS meme about jiren having an older brother named el hermano (literally means brother in spanish).

>Giving enough of a fuck to fuck

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i dont get the swirl fruit meme

He's making a mock about hackfags. Absolute moron.

they ultimately have no narrative agency, only serving as convenient henchmen

Both of the translations said that he couldn't meet him personally, only that he saw his invention

Are you the one that said it was Vegapunk?

Totally ignoring super is one of the smartest things I ever did.

You've done well to make it this far Luffy, I'm proud of you. You've truly gathered fine crew memb- wait, Luffy...

What is that fat blue animal doing on your ship?

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Just because he can use haki doesn't mean he can use it like Shanks who is set up to be some kind of haki god

That's just you projecting.

The DBZ threads are the best on all of Yea Forums

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Vivi is not that fat

Who will be the MVP of Wano?

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>Jinbe? My nigga!
Yeah because he couldn't physically see him.


Why do you post this everyday? Don't you have something, anything in your life? You post this in ebery thread everyday for the past 2 weeks

>retards that still don't know the meaning of the word jobbing think their opinions count

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>Luffy, Zoro, Law, Bege, BB, Drake
>No agency
Please. They're the ones actually living up to the hype of "Supernovas represent change in status quo."

Maybe Shanks is just a really good all around fighter. Maybe he doesn't have any super special Haki powers, but just has shit like the CoA blast or whatever and the CoO future sight, plus good all around capabilities.

You can meet someone without seeing them you know

Give me back my fucking hat, can't believe I gave up an arm for this.

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You don't get to be a yonko without some sort of hax. Oda's clearly just keeping it secret and in 4-5 years we'll know.

I can't believe Shanks is going to kill Jinbe.

Slave labor and emergency food supply. Come on Shanks, you should have figured that out on your own.

>That Sanji smirk from Chopper's perseverance

Fuck, I miss stuff like this. Oda just doesn't give the characters casual moments like these.

Usopp. Again.

Today I will remind them.

>The original oda died sometime after water 7/enies lobby, you can tell by the change in paneling and art style. The second oda died sometime after marineford (post war). The third oda was killed after fishman island (yes, killed). Jump realized it may have been too hasty, the fourth Oda was given multiple chances but was ultimately also killed after dressrosa. We're on Oda #5 right now.

Milhawk's island has swirly hills which nips think it has been caused by milhawks brother's devil fruit (a.k.a. Dracule Condor). Apparently Condor has destroyed his home island so Milhawk became a pirate to defeat his older broher.

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That nigga shanks went ghost in 956 that I'm starting to think he work under the WG.

>WB, Kaido, BM and BB's commanders are pussies that need DF to be strong
>Shanks commanders don't care about it and got strong as fuck by maxing out their base strength + haki.
Best crew.

Considering Gol D. Roger, Garp and Rayleigh, I'd say that's accurate. They seem like normal strong men.
Luffy is a Yonko and he has no hacks.

>They're the ones actually living up to the hype of "Supernovas represent change in status quo."
Are you forgetting Urouge?

Yes I agree. And Fujitora met Vegapunk. Are you the same guy I was responding to?

He didn't meet him. He literally says so himself

>Hito Hito no Mi: Model Junji Ito

Alright, he's free of superiors, but hasn't really done anything. I hope he and Bonny will actually do something eventually. Apoo also technically chose to serve Kaido but that makes him a henchman.


give me the panel

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Wasn't her husband badly hurt and Zoro tried to help find a hospital? Poor guy is probably dead.

What will the strawhat pirates be called after Luffy returns the mugiwara back to Shanks in Elbaf?

As you wish

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>DON! written in gothic font
nice touch

>after Luffy returns the mugiwara back to Shanks
He won't. Shanks will tell him to keep it obviously.

>but hasn't really done anything
He defeated Snack, making the 4 Sweet Commanders into the 3 Sweet Commanders.
Urouge is literally the ONLY supernova aside from Luffy to take down a Yonkou commander.

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It's essentially El Hermano.

>Chapter 1000: Breaking of the seven seals
>Frontpage is Vito trying to amuse Bege Jr
>Kaido and Big Mom are drinking together, it's revealed that they both tolerate each other only if they're drunk
>Big Mom asks Kaido to regroup once again, Kaido refuses for he's expecting something big to happen in Wano
>He says he's vaguely scared of Strawhat, a feeling that he feels first time since Roger
>Sikp into Wano, Hyogoro and Luffy are discussing somehting
>Hyogoro says that all Conqueror users have an inner seal in their heart, only it's removal would reveal an user real power
>"Roger once told, that's the hidden meaning of an awakening"
>Luffy asks how to achieve that, he says Luffy will awaken his true power in the exact time he needs it
>Meanwhile Zoro manages to encounter Orochi once again
>Orochi taunts Zoro that he'll lose once again
>Zoro says not this time
>in an another place Jack seem to be fatally injured and tries to call Kaido to warn that they're being invaded
>a hooded figure stabs Jack before he reaches
>"Day of the rope is finally into us brohers, let us begin!"
>Shanks is about to invade Wano with a 1000 WG fleet, accompained with Imu and Gorosei watching everyhing from a luxuriously decorated ship cabin
>"It's.... time."
>chapter end

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Vega is a super important prisoner, it makes sense that barely anyone is allowed to meet him

Damn you fucked me in my ass user. Thanks.

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>Luffy, Zoro
main character introduce way earlier
not a supernova
Marine henchmen
>Bege, Law
I guess so.

My point was that you can feel how they were forced, the story could have easily been written without their involvement, with the exception of Law

Sunny Merry Pirates.
Named after both ships, the Dawn Of The World, in reference to Laugh Tale/Ds smiling, and Jinbe's old crew too.

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Fucking worthless nips. Oda's talents are wasted on those pigs.

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>Laugh Tale

thank you, now can we please stop with all these chinks here and reddit calling it 'Laftel' after the new movie?

Raftel. The final island. Over my dead body.


what if koby's rear admiral rank is only under the sword organization? whatever rank he was revealed with at the start of reverie might be his official navy rank unrelated to sword

Celestial Dragons are jews, the ruler, evil 1%

Fishmen are blacks, irrelevant disgusting creatures used for slavery and sold by jews (Doffy)

Who will be the muslims and mexicans?

You mean aside from Caribou and that guy who's named Lord Taco or something?

Its still Raftel, its broken japglish

its spelled Laugh Tale.

D people laughing with a smile. Get it? LAUGH tale?

Caribou the one muslim character shown abducting beautiful women and having the MUD logia lmao Oda is crazy how does he get away with it

This ain't no raffing matter. Back when One Piece was just going from island to island, we dreamed of Raftel.

That doesn't mean the theory is wrong.

Luffy is gonna win back the hat, either through a duel or by saving shanks ass.

lemme spell it out for you
>not meat

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The Celestial Dragon hate crime:ers

Why did it took Oda 20 fucking years to mention that when he said "Rauffteru", he wanted to say "Laugh Tale", instead of "Raftel"?

>when your protege befriends trannies, animals, fish fucks and has a fat blue animal on his crew

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the name has only come up like once

Guy's like chinese or some shit. He don't speak english.

He's probably spoiled by Sanji's cooking.

same reason mary geoise real spelling came up only durring levely, and and the spelling of the levely, oh and the fucking spelling of KOBY

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Even Luffy has tastebuds. He was devestated at how disgusting his own cooking was during WCI and was sad during Thriller Bark that the only thing to eat was cheese.

Friendly reminder that Zoro hasn't had an introduction box yet.
Maybe he was Zolo all along.

maybe Robin is really Lovin
wait you're onto something here

post your reaction when Coby beats Hancock

t. retard not worth replying to.

We've had wanted poster

wouldn't be the first time the government got wanted posters wrong
see: sogeking, sanji and duval, cracker

>whitebeard was weaker at 25
Proof? Or do you think Kizaru meant weevil is as strong as white beard when he was a baby?

>Kizaru says Weevil is strong like cancer free WB
>it means when he was an infant, kizaru couldn’t be referring to how old WB was weakened!

I know, but virtually it wouldn't be Marco anymore, or would it?

Kinda like moder science questions, if a person transplants his concience to a robot with organs and everything virtually making him human, would the robot be considered to be that person?

Marco's df has so many good discussion points but people here would rather talk about Carrot's ass