You can tell it's bad because despite the popularity there is very little porn of it

You can tell it's bad because despite the popularity there is very little porn of it.

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You can tell it's bad because despite the popularity there's very little porn of it.

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Which is a shame since the girls are so sexy
The fact that the anime didn't produce any Yue porn is a disgrace to Allah's crafted Earth

you can also tell because it's bad

>I was sent to another world with video game stats and crap abilities
>but secretly my abilities are actually the best in the world and now I have a harem

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I consider that a plus I don't like lewding my favorite girls.

It's really sad how there is only the bara Yami gay doujin when we have mimosa

You will never not be an obsessed retard. Get a fucking life already

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There's barely any porn of anything these days. One Piece, Jojo, Hunter x Hunter barely have any new porn doujins coming out the way they would have if we were back in the '00s.

H artists these days are massive egoists in it for the wrong reason (trying to get picked up and hired as actual mangaka - not unprecedented, or trying to get e-fame like attention whores like shindol). There's no appreciation for the medium itself.

if h artists DO parody stuff, these days it's utter shite like gacha mobile games

I want more Vanessa art

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>despite the popularity
It's not even popular. It's a big flop in Japan.

Actually, the show being popular despite there being little porn of it would point to it being good by itself
Porn is the worst, cheapest way to advertise a show

> literally 0 vanessa art
> 0 good mimosa art
> 0 ntr starting noelle and charlotte
> 0 sister lili art

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Factually wrong. See any WSJ sales/weekly thread.

But of course you probably don't read manga - obviously just another retard that parrot whatever e-celeb jewtube "influencers"


Does the manga drag the chapters out as much as the anime does? Holy shit. 4 minutes of intros and recaps then 2 minute outro and previews. Theres what 16mins of a show that has terrible pacing?

New to battle shonen anime? Sorry but it's been like this for fucking ever.

It has a lot of bara porn. They really like Yami.

>no porn means it's garbage
Objectively false

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The manga's way better than the anime which is to say, it's perfectly average
I gave up on the anime when they decided to impeccably animate a beach filler episode, then do a climactic fight in MS Paint
Seriously the worst animation I've ever seen: like panning shots of key frames done in GIMP
Also Asta's screaming was on the verge of giving me tinnitus

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On one hand, yay intellectuals like the same anime I do.
On the other hand, this means ill never get my Asta vanilla tsundere harem with hand holding and leg locking.

lmao your ass hurts

Just fucking skip those, you brainlet.

Get your eyes checked faggot, Julius vs patri is the best animation of the year.

>zero shipping in part 7
Actually laughed

>Also Asta's screaming was on the verge of giving me tinnitus
Do you have some kind hyperacusis? Asta screams are pretty torelable compared to the retarded bullshit half the retarded MC usually talk about in WSJ.

The story seems to be ok, but the animation is atrocious. I'm not to picky about animation quality but it bad when its in your face.