Attached: 1568868321326.jpg (1080x1080, 147K)

Iris and me.

Attached: CheerleaderIris.png (600x450, 271K)

Forever and always.

Attached: saya and fuminari.jpg (1465x1035, 1.03M)

My waifu and me.

Me and your waifu

Shipping is cancer.
Iris is cute. Good taste.

Why yes I am a yurichad. How did you know?

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I noticed you weighed over 600lbs.

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It's not really shipping as long as they're a canonical couple. Simply comparing canonical couples and picking a favorite isn't really shipping.

one small mistake, shiki and fre-chan are not lesbians they are just college students

Your body odor stenches from here

Pikachu and Satoshi are the OTP, yes.


>Iris is cute. Good taste.

Phew. I didn't know the pokemon had dokidokis and wakuwakus like this.

The ship that keeps on giving

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2D niggers ≠ 3D niggers

me and leaf

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Iris is not a nigger. Niggers don't have long straight hair.

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well, you are the MC after all.

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She looks polynesian, or like one of those Japanese indians.


Chillest, most low-key OTP ever. Underrated.

Me neither, I thought Pokemon and all its characters were trapped in an endless status quo. That was cute.

Attached: hakumei & mikochi.jpg (1280x720, 133K)

I saw your scruffy neckbeard.

Dawn made me so hard as a kid. That mini-skirt is unmatched and she's still best girl.

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Reminder that this ship caused the death of most of Kyoani's staff.

Based taste.

crashing this thread

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I'd drop her bunny, if you sniff my drift

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I love these two more than I love myself

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>shipping Ash with Ash

Pokemon harem end

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PM gal series is still one of favorite works of pornography

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Fuck off. Ichika is a cute.

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iris can be a nigger no problem, but she's my nigger, and A CUTE
I want to spoil her and sleep in her hair


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Their kids are going to be even more autistic than them

>Utena and Anthy
Someone missed the obvious symbolism about fangirls being evil.

Attached: i-came-here-to-laugh-at-you-15736522.png (500x522, 89K)

Had it not been for serena being the most obvious with her feelings, I would've loved to have had Dawn been his main.

The best.

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That never stopped Kurisu and Okabe. Yukino and 8man will be fine if they can keep Haruno away from their kids.

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Nice taste user
Champion Iris is the best Iris's outfit tho

So is sister incest yuri ok?

Anime Iris a shitty shit, but Game Iris is a solid choice.

Bittenfeld is just tsundere for Oberstein

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Masato x Mamako

Yeah she is

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>Ren and Len



Attached: Chibi Boom.jpg (750x537, 98K)

Bicycle ride together is a clear OTP sign.

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My dad and your're waifu.


I don't think so buddy

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It's time to accept it, user.

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True OTP.

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Fourth wall canon.

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The only yuri couple I support.

Fuck this was cute. Too bad she was never mentioned again.

My sides

Except for the Vocaloid garbage this is some fine taste

The bitch is Nog as all fuck.
What you need to know here is that characters like Iris are black until people realize they want to fuck her. Only then is she "brown". You aren't supposed to find Blacks cute or sexy, after all.

I don't know if you were here when she was first revealed and especially when she became an official anime pokegirl. EVERYONE shat all over her and kept calling her a nigger. Japs would post about why they even put in a black pokegirl in the anime over Hilda. she got shat on to fuck and back.

Then came the porn.

Suddenly she was Native American or Indian or Flip or Thai. She was allowed to be literally any brown race except nigger because heaven forbid anyone wanks it to one.

She got her own segment in both the anniversary special, last year's new year special AND the XY recap special. They're making very sure you keep her in mind.


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Drasna and me.

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Oh god why?

Is that some strawberry panic I spy? Based and oldfagpilled.

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>2hu shit


Attached: rin-and-daikichi-wedding.jpg (1000x1274, 1.38M)

When are they gonna animate the time skip?


>tfw you respect a shitty insest cumbrain's OTP chart
unless you mean OTP include familial love and friendship

>xd lol i epic troll
Imagine being Austin and actually think that making yourself look like a literal retard is "trolling". Imagine being Austin and having to delude yourself into thinking you "troll" people because that's the only way you can cope with your shit life. You are the "lolcow", Austin. You ever get straight up mocked and outed by mods of half a dozen sites that confirm you samefag and make alt accounts.

>all this Chad Taste
enjoy the (you)s Yea Forumsutist you earned it!

The Prince and the Pauper.
Gachafied, homofied and genderbent with the Japanizing beam, and set in a steampunk WWI UK.

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God-tier taste user

Attached: King&Diane.png (800x746, 652K)

>He ships Shinji and Kaworu
Point and laugh at this retard hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

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Based and saved

I have to watched the last one but I'm pretty sure that's not incest

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The fuck is your problem, moron?

Me on the right

Attached: 41g0x1hzi3e011.jpg (600x672, 87K)

Nothing, Austin. I'm not the one with problems, that would be you. The cringy pathetic obsessive loser who's consumed with trying to attack and harass people over Yea Forums in order to cope with your shit life.

Everyone hates you, and for good reason.

Nice big sister, now keep cuc-, supporting GS to win the Priestess' bowl.

what a cutie

Couldn't be more right.

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Who the fuck is Austin and HOW the FUCK am I harassing you by simply posting a pairing that is my OTP? Stop replying to me if you keep insisting on being a annoying faggot. In fact, YOU are the one who harasses me

You know you've made a solid OTP when the /u/tards get all pissy when it is mentioned.

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>xddd lol if i play stupid maybe my epic trolling will be epic meme!!!!
No, Austin. And you will never fool anyone. You're the only person who ever posts that image, and you couldn't be any more obvious your intention is it shitpost. You even said "durrr crashing this thread xddd".