Tatsumaki alone is saving this dumpster fire

Tatsumaki alone is saving this dumpster fire

Attached: 59f944d8710b02e76a1ec736be639c7b.png (1234x1684, 1.41M)

can one picture of Tats with weird anatomy fuel an entire thread?

what the heck is that between her legs wtf she's a GIRL you freak

fat people cannot into drawing


Is she really bottomless in the opm? Cause thats hot.

>dumpster fire

Do people seriously think OPM is bad?


might as well just draw her uterus

retards here think that shitting on popular things they like makes them look cool

Why not? Redraw is dog shit.

What the hell is wrong with her anatomy

This image confuses me???
Someone explain????
I dont understand?

I htink that smaller buldge is supposed to be cunny, but the paper cut is way too low and the awkward fold of her cloak blocks it

user is based


what the fuck is between her legs? was she gelded?

Well what do you expect? All Japanese people are blurred down there; they can't reasonably draw normal genitals.

Attached: Untitled.png (1234x1684, 1.57M)

What the fuck is going on in her crotch area


Attached: you fool.jpg (740x1010, 433K)

Are you implying OPM is good?
Cuz it seriously isnt.
If it wasnt for the amazing animated fight scenes it wouldnt be anywhere as popular.

Based user. I was so confused looking at this pic.

bless you, redline user

it's a redline day
everything's okay

isn't that a Kanji? what might it mean?

That's a tranny tuck


Attached: benis n big balls.png (1234x1684, 1.39M)

That art is confusing the fuck outta me.
Is she supposed to have a dick? Either way it is really badly drawn, I cant even tell where her genitals start and where it ends.

Bless you, redline-futanon

Attached: 1566657885983.png (129x126, 36K)

seethe more

Why are one of her (feminine) balls tucked behind her leg and then one shoved up front and over the (feminine) penis? This seems like it would hurt.

she has two vaginas


Attached: 1315183899952.jpg (432x288, 13K)

lmao OPMfags get so triggered whenever someone say the truth about that shitty series

And here I thought it's Tats with a cute feminine penis. Fuck you, OP. You cum guzzling faggot.

web comic > manga > anime

split the anime as S1 and S2

web comic > manga > s1 > s2

The animation in S2 is more faithful to the original

Attached: opm.png (300x423, 121K)