ITT: Worst characters in a series

ITT: Worst characters in a series

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There arent supposed to be any worst girls in Love Live, but Rin manages it anyways.

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>Not liking Yamai

Shit taste, OP. Yamai was one of the better ones. The series went downhill fast when she was left out and the the author instead focused instead on adding 50 literal whos and putting worst girl Manbagi on center stage

go back to R MANGA

but that's wrong
somehow even more wrong

what a terrible thread

Based Nakanaka OP

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>worst girl

Go see a doctor

>Manbagi "Because he's nice" Rumiko
What do you people see in her

>Yamai was one of the better ones
>worst girl Manbagi

Imagine being a man with no sense of taste

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Two things

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Stop posting, Yamai, nobody likes you.

Funny way of spelling Shuuko

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The Komi manga was much better as a light hearted comedy instead of a shitty "will they or won't they" love triangle where one of the girls has a 0 (zero) percent chance of winning with so many side characters that no one really cares about any of them. The whole 100 friends thing was stupid to begin with

Have there been a proper knight girl chapter yet?

Did someone say "worst girl"?

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No, and fuck you for bringing her up.
She's a dead character, wait until I make somebody new.

Her only purpose is to be edgy and remind Thorfinn a hundred times a day she'll kill him if he kills anybody

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>autist can't tell apart "picked up an eraser" nice and "was ready to throw down with the beach pickupers" nice".

>Hating someone

You ALMOST caught me user

what if they said she looked old?

I wish she would kill him already

This until Fuuka took over as worst girl

Reminder she's a liar who feigns weakness and grows up to be a disloyal bitch who would sell Kyon out in a heartbeat.

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First actual good post