I am unclear

I am unclear.

What did KyoAni steal from him that led him to set KyoAni on fire?

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Can we move on from this? It’s been two months

hide the thread, retard.

usburgers have 9/11
we have this so fuck off (You).



you should ask israel about that one


why does he look so angry even as a kid?

His future

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Didn't his dad beat him?

What's with the drawings

The thing is, it doesn't even matter if they actually used ideas from his novel. The KA Bunko "contest" is ineherently a scam and theft. By submitting your material to it, you've already given up rights to Kyoani, and they don't even have to pick a winner for the prize money if the don't want to (and they didn't several times).
It was only a metter of time before someone snapped at this blatant fraud.

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because he was angry in the picture? Kids aren't perpetually smiling, you know. Could be a completely candid shot.

>i don't like topic, stop posting it
Fuck off retard.

His sanity.

Shh (((they'll))) hear you

True, violent low IQ retards like you and him who don't understand how contracts work are a menace.

>It was only a metter of time before someone snapped at this blatant fraud
So class action lawsuits don't exist in Japan?

The better question is: What should be his sentence?

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t. kyoani

Burn him again.

then dont submit your works there, retard

I bet your nigger brain is confused about the fact that the debts you withdraw have to be paid back.

It's Japan, the question is not what but when will be. There is a rope waiting for him.

The train anime that they were planning to make.

They didn't, he's a delusional, unstable otaku that blamed the studio for himself being a virgin failure at 41

But by rope? You serious? Not by letal shot?

He's a train Autist? God, that would be perfect

He is so based, fucking HELL bro

>Capital punishment is a legal penalty in Japan. It is applied in practice only for murder, and executions are carried out by hanging.
He's gonna get the rope, the question really is when. The only case I know of that got the rope was the sarin guy and he spent 22 years on death row. Either way If he'll take too long the inmates will beat him to death, he's some weak otaku that got nothing to defend himself with against kyoani loving crooks.

Yes, I also was surprised but Japanese are pretty brutal with their justice. Most of sentences are guilty and the death sentence is by hanging.

shut up faggot retard

will we or anyone in general get to SEE the hanging for closure?

Japan likes to fuck with people by not telling them when they'll be executed either, so they can carry the fear of death over their heads indefinitely.

> kyoani loving crooks
Shit my dude i can see that. What a peculiar country.
The concept of death penalty by rope is fucked up tho

>kyoani loving crooks.

Does he want to die from the pain of his burns? If so, delay the rope until that changes.

if you dont intend to provide reward after a task, then dont give the task at all.

I'd probably set a building on fire too if I looked like that. Asiacucks must have it rough.
Also KyoAni stole absolutely nothing. He was probably just a low-IQ paranoiac who thought that they stole his ideas because he named a character Kumiko or something like that.

This is Abe Keikau
>Destroy a famous studio
>Blame the Otaku/hikki for this
>start the purge because muh 2020 Olympics
>Rebuild the studio to making Abe Propagand
This is literal Reichstag fire of anime.

If the execution of the task isn't worthy of the reward why should it receive it?

>rebuild the studio making abe propaganda
They already were an abe studio
If you'd ask abe to point at one studio who portrayed family life the way he wanted it to be he's probably point at kyoani

They all avoid the best possible system, the guillotine.

They stole Keit-ai from him.

>hold contest
>keep rights to all the entries, even those that didn't win

They deserved to burn.

It's not fraud. It's done in America as well with big companies like Sony.

Abe is based!

Attached: Abe anime.gif (1100x500, 195K)

what are you a jew?
stop being a piece of shit and act like a decent human.

They stole his ability to ever walk out a doorway without flinching, wondering when not if any given rando he sees is the Haruhi fan who’s lighting him on fire a second time.

Wouldn’t it be great if, every time he heals up, when it’s still painful to touch but healed and he can wear clothing over the burns, he just got burned again? Not indescriminently. Exactly on top the existing burns, replicating them. Scarring from burns doesn’t help against further burns, btw. It’d be like pic related. Except every time he healed up (as much as he ever can), then he gets the same side of his face held down in a deep fryer. This should repeat for every person he killed. And maybe once for each kid they had over in the Kyoani daycare on principle.

Tax money well spent and we could get it started by New Year’s for extra karma.

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It’s not a “scam”, edgy teen. You SUBMIT work to them and SIGN a contract. You come to them, on purpose, and it’s probably the best or only shot at the industry you’re going to have. The whole point, which is both stated and obvious, is to grow talent and become self-sufficient. No commitee funders to answer to, no rights holders to get robbed by, nobody telling you what can or can’t be done in the work. If getting to be part of this and have your dream come true does not seem like a great thing, you either never tried to succeed creatively in any way, or else are 30 and still think your band is going to get signed.

They hung almost a dozen of them not just one guy. And didn’t even inform them. They were taken out of their cells for routine checkups or somesuch thing and whoops why are we out here? Isn’t the dentist down the other hallway?


Fucking glorious.

>it’s probably the best or only shot at the industry you’re going to have
Thanks for the laugh. None of the authors published by KA Bunko had a career thanks to it, and all their LN stopped 2-3 volumes in. Kyoani isn't interested in making these author grow, they just want free material to adapt, so after these people churned out a couple of books they can be thrown in the trash.
This would already be disgusting enough, even ignoring the fact that Kyoani gets to keep the right of all submitted materials without giving the prize. Honestly, they were just asking to get set on fire.

Most people have already forgot this even happened because no seiyuu died.

You get the reward promised. If you don’t like the reward, why were you so stupid that you did it on purpose and travelled there to do so? I am 5’ 11” and 140lb., I can try out for basketball teams. I will not go pro. The team ripped me off.

As someone who has criticized the LN publishing retardation for years as the main culprit of Kyoani's declining quality, it feels amazing seeing them LITERALLY being killed by it. It's like divine retribution proving me right.

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Je approve of this post.

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Don’t enter. Why would you enter unless you LOVE that? Why make that choice out of the millions of things you could have done that day, like garden, or organize your shelves, or go out to eat, or take a nap, or try harder on your writing. Why do none of those things and instead SEEK OUT, track down, fill out submission forms, stick through interviews, reviews and screening processes, revise material and then sign contracts that do exactly what they say they do?

Ask me how I know you’re a zoomer.

Retard. You’re sn ignorant clown and don’t even grasp the basics here. Again: why sign the contract you went through a backbreaking amount of effort to get the chance to sign if you don’t LOVE it? Until you answer that you’re tldr again.

It’s pretty clear you’re not only far from “proven right”, rather your life itself is bring proven a mistake.

>wasting tens of thousands of dollars in taxpayer money when rope does the trick for cheaper and with a higher success rate
Dumb Amerilards

Boiling bacon grease or a deep fry cooker are free in any WcDonald’s.

You do realize that less and less people were entering the """contest""" every year as the scam became clear, right? These people were amateurs still or just out of school, they didn't know any better. But after seeing Kyoani not giving the prize year after year and the previous published authors being thrown away and forgotten after a couple of volumes, everyone wised up.