KyoAni employee PTSD

>2 Months after the arson incident and some workers have not returned

No matter how much money is poured or support they get, I highly doubt KyoAni can recover. If the company ever does somehow make it, they will be drastically different.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Not surprising, Some of them will be paranoid for life.

>they will be drastically different
While I wouldn't have wanted to happen like this I felt they needed to change at some point anyway. In the past 5 years they've mostly been mediocre and ended up below studios like JC Staff and Silver Link in my opinion.
In the future I'd be fine if they made stuff that looks like Imoimo as long as the content is decent like Imoimo.

I'd get them pens and paper to have them draw themselves out of the mindfuck.

All of Kyoani's future projects will be Charles Bronson style revenge porn stories.

>Aoba has undergone expensive skin graft surgery and is now in a stable condition. Though he is still being treated in an intensive care unit and needs a ventilator, he will be undergoing rehabilitation including speech therapy
he's living the life.

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Now they can finally adapt Fire Punch.

Why go through all the hassle when he is going to get the death penatly anyway?

Kyoani was confirmed dead after they lost most of their signature key animators. Whatever new Kyoani is, it'll be Kyoani in name only.

I keep hoping for some good news when I come here, but for weeks now it's been nothing but old and bad.
Wish it was at least something new.

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because he's a HUMAN BEING WITH FEELINGS. Can you imagine the psychological stress of if the cops decided they could just snatch him up and interrogate him after surviving a fire with initially life threatening injuries?

who died, by the way?

Kinda hard to feel sorry for his psychological stress considering his burns are a result of him being retarded enough to catch fire after killing so many people, boss.

Its sad but they were stagnant

well his doctor thinks otherwise. Try having some empathy user!
>Police have obtained an arrest warrant for Shinji Aoba and attempted to apprehend him but were currently unable to, as it is up to the doctor to determine whether he can withstand confinement

Thats the perpretator? I though he got away scot free
He actually burned himself? Fucking retard

>waaaah please keep feeling sorry for us and send in more donations

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Hopefully through the councilling they're recieving they'll be able to return to work - wouldn't blame them if they didn't though.
However its naive to think the studio is not going to recover, they have multiple other studios + AnimationDo - it will take time but they will be back.

>Aoba suffered severe burns and was subsequently chased by an unidentified Kyoto Animation employee during his escape attempt until he collapsed on the road from his injuries

$25 Million USD and counting
stay mad

Won't revive KyoAnus to the anguish of kyoanuslickers, though.

dumbass obviously got gasoline all over himself when he was pouring it
Really not the smartest.

>ended up below studios like JC Staff and Silver Link in my opinion
Your opinion is shit. Especially in light of the travesty JC Staff made of the third season of Index.

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Where the cute PTSD manga

Sentai's gofundme was confirmed to be able to make it through to their bank account with only minimal international transfer fees just a few days ago. That's good at least.

It's an unprecedented tragedy. What's your problem

Index was never good anyways

Don't feed the edgy posters

THAT YOU WOULD FEEL NOTHING if this weren't your favorite anime studio. There's countless amounts of horrific shit going on recently in Japan alone people are indifferent to.

And? You're not entitled to have random people care about you, seethe more cause you're a loser

JC Staff just make so much that I don't have to watch any shit like that.
In that 5 year period they've made 10 seasons of anime I've liked vs 1 season and a film by Kyoani so it's an easy choice, even if half of the stuff they make is shit.


t. shounenshitter

based crossboarder, enjoy the vacation

>stop caring about things you care about!

While Saiki and Flying Witch are shounen they're the only ones of those 10 I think.

This is why I left med school. Honest hardworking people die alone and suffering while entitled little shits recover to whine about treatment for shit they caused themselves.
Thank god I can now ignore fucking motorbike crash victims.

Enjoy your dead studio, girl.

I don't see how that's a problem.
I'm not about to paralyze myself by worrying about all the world's problems.
A shame about those suicide pact degenerates. Is that what you wanted to hear?
Furthermore, I keep finding your posts in these threads, and I bet other anons can identify you as I do.
You sound profoundly autistic and I hope you'd stop posting already, thanks.

>stop caring about people who brought you countless hours of entertainment and start caring about muh poor african children that can code javascript
fuck you

For now. It's now a question of what Aoba's fate will be after his cushy hospital time ends and he's hauled off by the police.

Take your meds, ESL

I certainly don't. I recognize how fake that empathy really is.

Indeed, I doubt anyone actually cares about nigs.

He really is a remarkably stupid motherfucker, I mean just look at his completely retarded motives.

>serial killer murders some people
>they arrest him and find his victims
I mean what the fuck do you want? Should we send money to the victim's families so they can buy their dead relatives back to life?
KyoAni is a company and a business, their continued survival would hinge on being able to sustain themselves, which they haven't been able to do on their own for a while due to being arson'd and losing half of their staff.

Get raped.


Cringe and dilate pilled.

They still have over 100 workers, which is more than a lot of other studios
At least the light at the end of the tunnel is that they aren't going anywhere.
Not very bright considering what they want through, but still somewhat happy.

Just have them merge with another studio like Madhouse or Wit.

Damn why are you still alive lelouch?
It's been years since I visited Yea Forums and it is kinda nice and silly to see you again.

The best KyoAni work is only four to five years old. Hibike is an absolute masterpiece.

They should move to a more secured building. Also have some guards and all.

and nothing of value was lost
Their last actually good show was like AmaBuri, and that:
1. Was 5 (!) years ago
2. Was only good thanks to good side characters
KyoAni's one big advantage was always their good choice of source material, but at least since Chuuni they've been shit even at that, AND their adaptation ability only gotten worse.
Fucking Koe no Katachi was a mediocre manga that was hacked into an incomprehensible snorefest. Tasteless retards keep praise it and all other kyoani shit only because it looks and feels like SERIOUS ANIME FOR BIG BOYS.

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how does Yea Forums feel this incident inspired copycats and that no one may truly be safe anymore?

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>Kill all the cuties
>Muh feelings
I would like to see him suffer.

I only managed the first season. It was just Tari Tari done wrong and as far as people say here it somehow got worse in the next season.

What if they make this killer work for them? Wouldn't it be interesting?

you can't argue that line on Yea Forums
the social failures here turned sociopathic and/or autistic lack of empathy into a way of life and the basis for an entire political movement

I feel so badly for them. They really didn't deserve it

>you feel something because you like something
Thanks, Captain.

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>Doctor thinks patient isn't well enough to interrogate YET
>Woww dude what the fuck what an entitled little shit, can't believe he didn't pick himself up out of the hospital bed anyway and wheel his ventilator to the police station to sit in an interrogation room for hours when it literally doesn't even matter
He's caught, he's not going anywhere, with Japan's justice system he's might as well be a corpse as is because he's not getting away with it. He's not exactly living it up in the hospital room I assure you having spent a great deal of time in them myself. The only reason to rush it is a disturbing urge for vengeance rather than justice, and if that's you then you're already a dangerous fucker who's basically just looking for an acceptable target to do the same damn thing as him so you can get fucked.
Fuck motorcyclists tho.

It's hardly a question, Japan's conviction rate is literally over 99%. He's fucked beyond a doubt.

That sounds very specific and unmotivated.

Man the whole story felt like it was taken out of some anime.

>Tasteless retards keep praise it and all other kyoani shit only because it looks and feels like SERIOUS ANIME FOR BIG BOYS.

If you don't like KyoAni that's fine, but then you say dumb shit like this in a fruitless attempt to make others opinions seem like they're beneath your own. Why? It doesn't benefit your position at all to be either a retard who can't understand another person's point of view, or a coward hiding behind hollow words so the second you get called out on your bullshit you respond "No, y-you're just retarded!"

You do you, just realize that's how you look to everyone else.

How long until aoba is executed?

Are you literally 12? Or just mentally? One day, sooner than you think, somebody is going to beat your ass down in a parking lot, or you’re going to get t-boned by a drunk driver and when they’re explaining to you that you’ll walk like a gimp for the rest of your life, I hope to god sincerely that this fire randomly flashes through your mind.

Maybe then some of your faggoty edge will sharpen into actual keen insight.

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>he's fucked without a doubt
>pretend to be insane and start throwing tantrums
>get thrown into asylum instead of being hung

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No, you're just retarded

Imma give you a stern reprimanding, user.

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don't respond to bait

Eh, I knew it was bait I just needed to vent.

Sorry I was operating under the assumption that the medical community of Japan is not hopelessly incompetent and is thus capable of spotting malingering from some random jackhole.

It will probably be either post haste, or a decade or more.

Wait, you mean they aren't going to resurrect all the people who died either? I can't believe this, Kyoani will change so much when they come back. Hiring new people is impossible after all.

they claim he has a history of mental illness or some shit like that as it is. Most of Japan's executed psychos were totally lucid when performing their evil deeds except Miyazaki, who was clearly insane but executed anyway

He clearly has a history of mental illness but nobody will give a fuck. Despite popular belief, there is effectively no “insanity plea”. Even in supercucked California, you can’t even try to use it as a defense. Judges won’t even entertain it.

The Hivemind is not going to let this go or forget. They believe in karmic justice and are imminently pragmatic when it comes to crime, especially violent crime.

And we all know Yea Forums alone can meme Haruhi into killing him off irl. It’s a perfect storm.

Do you remember Nanjing, japs?

Maximum psychological torture

They should've razed china to the ground

Can we expect kyoani starting to create serious and dramatic stuff?

>I will never get to Cool kyou's true masterpiece, Iruru, on the big screen
>I will not get to see the butthurt SJWs seeth over her
>I will not be able to talk about each episode with you guys
Life is cruel joke that just keeps finding new ways to hurt me and the worst part is: I'm still not laughing...

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>burn marks in his legs
Disgusting, but he deserves it.

feels good man

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So good that you're going to die and leave your relatives in debt after being injured in a car accident and not being able to pay for medicare. At least you won't complain a lot

>I will not get to see the butthurt SJWs seeth over her
It's a sin to laugh at disabled.

Not guilty by reason of insanity basically only works for war vets with diagnosed PTSD who get into a fight with someone who was already belligerent. On top of that you need to make it clear that the guy who was killed actually gave the impression that he would kill the killer from said killer's perspective. So it borders on just being a self defense plea.

I don't think even the most empathetic person in the world would feel sorry for him

They are still going
most of the people from the studio are still alive and they had several buildings, the arsonist only burned down building 1
There was also a story about a 52 year old who jumped out the window to save his life, coming out of the hospital with broken legs just to keep painting BGs, so they are likely still in production. They care a lot about their animators so they wouldn't just have them not being paid either, so they are probably working even though the tragedy just happened.
they are gonna live

Some fucker is gonna try anno or miyazaki if this keeps up. we need to bodyguard those two.

What would Jesus do?

Uhhh.... Which depiction of him?

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>lack of empathy
>says the guy who feels worse for a mass murderer getting the death penalty than for his victims and their families

Good succinct rundown user-shii.

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more retards to arrest before the incident, gov is going to be more careful now, especially with Olympics coming soon. They can't let themselves be seen in the bad light now.

Thanks user, I really needed to hear that.

>The police then arrived at the apartment and asked where the missing woman was. Shiraishi indicated she was in the freezer.

Based honest suicide assistant man.

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Jesus welcomed a common thief together with him in the paradise, the other thief who was a psycho was definitely sent to hell. Arsonist-kun is definitely going to hell and be Satan's personal onahole

remember tienanmen zhao?

Would be really nice if they still ended up doing that animation for the Paralympics especially now with employees having to get amputations
but I'd understand if that wasn't possible for them right now.

glad to help

feels like that would be dwelling a bit too hard on it, especially considering how recent the event still is.

>when the arson attack just happened Yea Forums was making fun of it and celebrating
>now it's absolutely condemned with the incident seen as absolutely horrific
what the fuck happened?

When it happened people were doing both

This, plus some people use dark humor as a way to cope.

>Yea Forums was making fun of it and celebrating
The fuck are you talking about, even back when it happened the vast majority thought it was horrific. The only difference is that now we don't have to put up the edgy 14 year old faggots shitting up the thread for (You)s since they've already moved on to the newest headline or fad that keeps them busy.

most of the Yea Forumsedditors left after the initial news

attention span of the shonentards ran dry a long time ago on this

Don't mistake me for some future school shooter, I never did that.

the biggest thread on Yea Forums ever made dropped when it happened, everyone besides a few faggots were grieving and constantly asking for news.
don't spread your BS, faggot.

>Japan's conviction rate is literally over 99%
Corrupt to the core. If your number is literary high than 99% percent than your country is corrupt.

Imagine being the doctors caring for him, knowing all that work is a waste of time because the man has a 100% chance of being executed anyway.

Not him but just because he feels something for the criminal doesn't mean he feels worse for him than he does for the victims.

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Is this asian boss? They had an interview about the arson?

>A unit responsable for torturing killing in experiemnts a shiton of chink and even americans.
>No one is executed.
>Wanting execute a fucking retarded resulted of japan govern dont dealing with otakus/Hikkimoris
Such hipocrsy.

Attached: unit 731.jpg (640x375, 60K)

Souless insects.

These people dont know about .
No school in nipland tell about pic related

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We’ve always done both, kouhai. I myself personally love them and it rained, but that didn’t stop me from making tasteless jokes in the same fuckin’ thread. It’s not like we’re saying this evil shit to them or their families. Similar to how I love a good 9/11 joke but I have huge respect for the firefighters and immense sympathy for the victims.

Also humor is a coping mechanism. The og version of COPE from caveman times.


pathetic weebs acting like this is the end of the world

The two suggestions I've heard is that either Japan doesn't like to question police officers and so if they make an arrest the assumption is he did it, or Japan has a severely underfunded justice system and they only arrest people when they're 100% sure they have it in the bag. Frankly I don't think the second is an acceptable explanation when it's that absurdly high.

Those bitches dont know about the railway of death , unit 731 and other serious warcrimes.

In short, the conviction rrate is so high because the police can detain people as long as they like, so either they find some evidence, force a confession, or just drop the case. From a human rights standpoint, it is especially the second part which is troubling. Investigators have been found to simply fabricate evidence.


I can smell the onions from here.

Beat the shit out of people, and drive the merchants and money lenders out of temples.

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China's a shit country ever since communism came. Japan should of finished the job

>A single dude destroyed a big studio
It is still hard to believe it

what were his motives? I just knew a bunch of shit was being thrown around from being an employee to something else

So Phoenix Wright was pretty accurate

A cycling of healing and burning would be just


>what were his motives
They stole his novel ideas

He claims they stole his ideas. After looking around in KyoAni archives, it seems he did submit an entry to their annual contest, but failed at the very beginning of the selection. Considering the shit that does eventually get published as LN's we can only guess how unoriginal his was. I do hope KyoAni or someone else actually releases his submitted novel. It would be good to check just what was "plagiarized".

My man lelouch, I've been here for a decade and you're still here. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one stuck here forever

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I don't think he would let this guy into heaven.

I feel bad for the people but give absolutely 0 fucks about Kyoani as a studio at this point.

Dude is right, last good thing made was brilliant park

Fucking police in Japan is corrupt much worse than Brazil.

I hope there's culling to deal with these scum.

"People" from Yea Forums who decided to post on Yea Forums while it was happening are not part of Yea Forums.

>2 Months after the arson incident and some workers have not returned
Fucking pussies. Stop crying about the past and do your god damn job like everyone else.

Yes, the criminal justice system in Japan is so beyond fucked it isn't even funny.
Wanna know something else? Their sky high suicide rate aren't actually just suicides.

And "death from common cold" isn't actually dying from a cold. It's "doctors can't be bothered to figure out why someone's sick".

Miyazaki is already on death's door, let him burn. Anno deserves an entire protection detail, though.

That's sad, but look at the bright side, we might never have to watch KyoAni shows ever again.

“You’ve got to have a little bit of rain, to have a little bit of rainbow”

Didn't they just outright fucking close their hospitals on Sundays or some insane shit like that?

based nips

They probably will recover as a functional studio, but yeah, it will be different. That's unavoidable anyway; nothing stays exactly the same over so many years.

While I don't like him and wouldn't be especially sad if he died, he does still deserve basic decent treatment as a human. He still needs to answer for his crimes, but that is not done by just deciding "screw you, no medical care for you".

I'm Korean and I literally don't care

You know that was fucking 75 years ago and that basically all the people involved are fucking dead?
Horrific shit, but it's history now.

You realize that also applies to the holocaust but your people never let us forget?

I'm not Jewish, and I also think that dwelling on the Holocaust doesn't do people much good, certainly not the German people.
Perhaps calm down a little and don't jump to such hasty conclusions?

are you retarded? 78 for asians is like 52

General MacArthur invented the Japanese police system after WW2 and was the one who granted those police powers to Japanese police.

MacArthur did this because while he was living in Japan, he was worried and fearful of rebellion and civil war against the American occupation force in Japan so he granted powers to Japanese police not even American police have.

There is a reason why America did not copy and paste the American Constitution and Bill of Rights for Japan. It would have made occupying Japan after the war, harder, and MacArthur would be cockblocked from being the American Shogun.

You can stop lying about Japan's suicide rate.

Many, many countries have higher suicide rates than Japan.

Of course they do, because Japan's suicide rates are bullshit.

Crossboarders obviously- it was a big event.

>You can stop lying about Japan's suicide rate
Tell that to Japan.

>Be kyoani worker, see fireworks in the sky, then remember the burned bodies of your dead co-workers.
At this point being alive is hell for them.

>its illegal in my country

While I do think that their last good show was Dragon Maid (RIP Takemoto) and I generally dislike Amagi , I have to agree. Koe no Katachi was pretty bad and the fact that Yamada survived to become an even bigger meme than she already was doesn't bode well for the studio. I mean, this was a senseless tragedy and all, but KyoAni was already dead.

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No wonder these insect people couldn't into Christianity. Sickening.

Some christians aren’t any better.

It's almost like they need a Saviour, huh? Properly catechised people understand the importance of institutions and how to satisfy justice. And I'm not even necessarily against torture, but those sort of hypocritical hot takes really ruffles my fathers. It's literally social media "justice". Silence is golden, as they say.

Violet will save Kyoani.

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Violet a shit

What are some examples of notable companies that survived their workshops burning down? I just found out the other day that LEGO survived two different fires.

Didn't he work in America after the war?

You better watch your mouth buddy.

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>Vile Evergarbage
>saving anything
It couldn't even save itself.

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if your neighbor was playing music at 100/100 volume at 1:00 AM, how do you respond?

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Godspeed adorable autismo.

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Is not like it matters if those people go back to Kyoani. The anime scene is a meat grinder of animators, script writers, seiyuus and several other professions. Nobody is actually essential in that world.

Index was always garbage.

>if you dont care about things you dont know anything about at all, but do care about things you know about, youre an asshole
>if you arent actively trying to be aware of every terrible thing in the world and feel bad about it, you cant feel bad about any individual tragedy
You know they have experimental tests that can raise the IQ and sympathetic reactions of autistic people now, user. You don't have to stay this way.

Their best works are from pre 2010 era and you are just a newfag

>Jesus Wick

I love how kyoanus redditors and hombrés are perma-mad after some trainfag burned their favrit studio. Stay mad, negroes

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Join them with whatever is left of Shaft, some interesting things could happen from there


As a Chinese man, you won't catch me pretending this is the ultimate evil when my country does what it does. Everyone has evil in their country. This sounds probably rich from a fucking chink but it's not like America has better history dealing with mental diseases.

That is fair. Every country, if they're not currently fucked up and doing evil things, have certainly done so in the past. Probably within living memory.

>everyone has evil in their country
not America. As in, from a historical military perspective. If you're referring to serial killers then sure everyone has those.

>>everyone has evil in their country
>not America. As in, from a historical military perspective.
If you seriously believe that, you're deluded.

Nah, that's bullshit. Not all countries are evil, there are some which you can unironically say they did nothing wrong. I'm not even particularly patriotic, but my country wasn't responsible for any sort of major evil, the worst I can think of was a real fucked up political conspiracy in which the king tortured and executed an entire noble family and salted their lands, but that scandalised the entire nation and the king's own daughter sought to correct this great evil and prosecute the court ministers after she took the throne. People we're just apathetic towards it like bugpeople, not all countries are the same.

>gulf of Tonkin """incident""
>9/11 """attack"""
>the failed Operation Northwoods
>etc. etc. etc.
Americans are good people but your government is nothing short of evil, user.

>Not all countries are evil, there are some which you can unironically say they did nothing wrong.
Name one.

Imagine if they made a pitbull eat his penis haha.

I'll name three: the Vatican, Portugal, Argentina. And there are more.

checks out

Vatican. Not evil. Get fucked.

What's wrong with the Vatican and Portugal?

>Vatican. Not evil.
Yeah, that's exactly what I said.

And you're full of shit.

Weren't they a kinda nasty military dictatorship not too long ago?

You probably don't have sufficient historical knowledge about the Vatican, user. And you probably believe all the memes that media has fed you through the years.

Oh yes? What historical knowledge am I lacking? What memes have I been fed?

Please do tell why is the Vatican evil.

It is the Catholic Church, which is itself evil for facilitating and covering up sexual abuse of children by priests. And if you try to tell me that that's a "meme" I've been "fed" by the media, you can go fuck yourself. There's other shit the Catholic Church has been responsible for, but that'll do for something within living memory.

Dude, the fact the leader of all Christianity lives there is proof of guilt. Go fuck yourself. You just have to look at the history of Popes and the Crusades for that. Some are good, others are pricks. There's your evilness.

>but the base of operations wasn't the Vatican at the time

2 edgy 4 me

>It is the Catholic Church, which is itself evil for facilitating and covering up sexual abuse of children by priests.
All churches do that. JW in particular is notorious for this because they put the members through ecclesiastical tribunals before they can go to secular authorities. And there is no positive statistic indication whatsoever that the Catholic Church is more predatory than any other institution. In fact, random strangers are much more likely to be abusers, family members are much more likely to be abusers, school faculty is much more likely to be abusers.
>There's other shit the Catholic Church has been responsible for, but that'll do for something within living memory.
Then say it. Your argument is not impressive so far. You're just regurgitating media memes.

>Dude, the fact the leader of all Christianity lives there is proof of guilt.
Huh? So Christianity is "evil" because you say so? Also, I'm pretty sure that the leader of all Christianity is somewhere else, in the Vatican only the regent resides.
>You just have to look at the history of Popes and the Crusades for that.
What about the Popes? The Crusades were defensive wars without a single exception. They were always reactive and never proactive and they protected Christendom from a religion who sought it's conversions by the sword.

>before they can go to secular authorities
I misspoke here. They are forbidden from going to secular authorities or helping them out in any way shape or form under threat of being expelled from the sect and condemning themselves to hell.

>So Christianity is "evil" because you say so?
Considering you're bending backwards to shitpost like this, my Christian friend, absolutely.

>What about the Popes? The Crusades were defensive wars without a single exception
Spoken like a true American.

Anyways, fuck off to

>All churches do that.
I'm not saying they don't. They're evil too, if they also put protecting their clergy before protecting their clergy's victims. But the point here is that the Vatican is a state that basically is the Catholic Church, which is evil for this (amongst other things). Name any other nation or city state that's run by a specific religion, and it's evil too, if the religion in question is doing or has done that kind of shit. I'm not singling Catholicism out on this one.
>Your argument is not impressive so far. You're just regurgitating media memes.
If institutional child abuse does not constitute evil to you, that's more of a problem with your morality than my argument. And go fuck yourself for thinking it's "media memes". In any case, see what the other user has to say about the Crusades, for instance. Though just to add to that...
>they protected Christendom from a religion who sought it's conversions by the sword.
You say that like Catholics never converted people at swordpoint.

>Considering you're bending backwards to shitpost like this, my Christian friend, absolutely.
Shitposting? It is true that I was being provocative when I suggested the Vatican initially. But I sincerely, genuinely meant it. And the ignorant reactive responses are always par for the course. People just have a hatred of Christianity/Catholicism because of imbecilic conditioning and they aren't capable of objectively and neutrally considering the historical fact. Your conditioning compels you to be ignorant and rude, that's the long and short of it.
>Spoken like a true American.
You are free to present evidence to the contrary instead of making weird, nonsensical insinuations.

>They're evil too
Churches aren't evil because "they cover up" stuff for whatever reason, user. And whatever institutional failings do indeed exist (and they do), doesn't rot the entire fruit. By your very same standard, that would mean that there is no truly good country on earth because everyone feels shame about this or that or doesn't want to scandalise the nation for sometimes legitimate reasons like keeping the peace.
>(amongst other things)
>Name any other nation or city state that's run by a specific religion
Tibet just a couple of decades ago. Present day Iran.
>If institutional child abuse...
Stop. There is no such thing. There are sexual predators. This isn't an "institutional" thing, priests don't take turns. Your media memes do not define reality, user, you've been propagandised and you're arguing disingenuously. You would've readily accepted this correction if it were any other national equivalent.
>see what the other user has to say about the Crusades
The Crusades were defensive wars.
>You say that like Catholics never converted people at swordpoint.
It did in some specific cases, this is all very well documented. But the blood of the martyrs are the seed of the Church, not the blood of pagans.

>By your very same standard, that would mean that there is no truly good country on earth because everyone feels shame about this or that or doesn't want to scandalise the nation for sometimes legitimate reasons like keeping the peace.
I believe that is what I was saying.
>Tibet just a couple of decades ago. Present day Iran.
I'm not aware of anything particularly bad done by Tibetan Buddhism, but if there is, then yes Tibet would qualify. Iran, yes.
>Stop. There is no such thing. There are sexual predators. This isn't an "institutional" thing, priests don't take turns. Your media memes do not define reality, user, you've been propagandised and you're arguing disingenuously.
There is, and if you think there isn't then you've swallowed the Catholic Church's propaganda and are arguing disingenuously.
Right, I'm just going to accept what some random YouTuber has to say about it.
>It did in some specific cases, this is all very well documented.
Then "this other religion was trying to convert everyone at swordpoint and Catholicism defended against it" isn't a very compelling argument.

Anyway, this has been interesting, but I've got other things to go and do. Go ahead and reply to everything with some shit or other and tell yourself you've won the argument if it makes you feel better.

>below JC Staff
Yeah no.

Surprise execution when?

>Trail of Tears
>My Lai massacre
This is just off the top of my head of things I learned in basic US history, did you even pay attention during high school? If you want to speak positively about the US, at least go with the fact we teach about our failures in school instead of ignoring them (though the fact you don't remember this tells me the education system isn't doing a great job).

You should have picked something like Japanese internment if you want evil shit the US actually did instead of a bunch of nothing and conspiracy shit.
>Gulf of Tonkin incident
Barely even relevant since the US was already heavily invested in Vietnam, and as a false justification for war it was a pretty standard "but the other guy short first" lie, which is tame compared to the other things the US did in Vietnam.
Don't be retarded.
>Operation Northwoods
Replace "failed" with "rejected" because this never left the proposal stage. All sorts of stupid shit gets proposed all the time, almost all of them are just archived as a thought exercise that will never be realistically carried out. For instance, the US created War Plan Crimson, a plan to invade Canada, and Canada created Defense Scheme no. 1, a plan to invade the US, even though they were allies because it served a way to estimate their respective capabilities, keep strategic minds sharp between wars, and to make the actually useful plans, Black (Germany) and Orange (Japan), less conspicuous.

Portugal was a colonial power, you don't get to be one of those without doing something morally questionable. Granted I'm not very familiar with their colonial history so I can't authoritatively rate them on the scale of "taxation without representation" to "Belgian Congo."

>I believe that is what I was saying.
And I'm saying that isn't an very honest standard. Quite the contrary.
>I'm not aware of anything particularly bad done by Tibetan Buddhism, but if there is, then yes Tibet would qualify. Iran, yes.
Tibetan Buddhism (or any other variety for that matter) isn't the meme you think it is, Buddhists historically (and even presently) also fought wars and did acts of terrorism. There is also known pederasty and other forms of sexual abuse in the monastic orders, as in all other celibate religions ever. And Iran isn't the only other theocracy, not even the only Islamite one, just an extreme example.
>There is, and if you think there isn't then you've swallowed the Catholic Church's propaganda and are arguing disingenuously.
No, I merely assessed the facts and detoxed the media memes I was fed during several decades of anti-Catholic propaganda. And no, there is no "institutionalised paedophilia", you either don't know what that means or you're just regurgitating more media memes.
>Right, I'm just going to accept what some random YouTuber has to say about it.
No, I'm just pointing you to someone who has done relevant academic research on the topic so that you can better educate yourself. And if you find the source not to your taste because you're losing an internet fight, then please look up sources that are to your satisfaction. You know nothing of the Crusades except media memes. Holywood isn't a great source of history education.
>Then "this other religion was trying to convert everyone at swordpoint and Catholicism defended against it" isn't a very compelling argument.
You're feigning ignorance, I refuse to believe you're this obtuse. Christianity sprouted from the resistance to syncretisation with other religions and the refusal to render adoration onto the Roman Emperor and the spreading of the Good News. Islam converted by the sword with no exception.

Your lack of arguments is evident, there is no need for inelegance.

>Barely even relevant since the US was already heavily invested in Vietnam
Correct. But it was the excuse for further escalation and it was disingenuous.

>Don't be retarded.
PNAC was a thign prior to 9/11, the political will was well known if you were following the relevant think-tanks in the 90s. Also, where was the anthrax was proven to lead to? What about the trillions of dollars missing from the Pentagon? The paper trail exists and has been thoroughly investigated and scrutinised by independent researchers. How they made the sausage is completely irrelevant, discussing demolitions and physics is a red herring. You had war in the span of one month prior to the attack, and it all aligned perfectly with the political will expressed by PNAC.

>Replace "failed" with "rejected" because this never left the proposal stage.
Sure, but that is an indicator of what the kinds of proposals already existed in the 60s. The proposal was rejected because one man stood in its way, but if the wrong man was in charge then it is not unreasonable to assume that it was possible the operation would be carried through.

Also, you have the fraudulent Naira testimony which was the precursor to the Kuwait interventions. Same thing with Colin Powell and the fraudulent charges that Iraq had chemical weapons (the veil he infamously presented traced back to American labs and possible Israeli intelligence). You also had Euromaidan in Ukraine which was a clusterfuck of overlapping intelligence operations (not exclusively American but still). Now you have the Trump Administration goading the Iranians into a war by counterfeiting reasons to stack the Straight of Hormuz with more and more American and NATO military presence (almost like Tonkin). And etc. You could go on and on and on.

Americans are good people. But the government is untrustworthy.

Don't use my wife Kino for your shitposting, user.

I hope we get another evangelion out of this. With a competent director they can channel their feelings into something great.

Don't mistake your fellow Yea Forumsermin as Yea Forums, thanks.

Don't forget the USS Maine, "blown up" by the spaniards for no reason

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>nice and silly to see you again.
you mean sad?

PTSD isn't real.

considering how much crazier Japanese otaku are, why haven't they tried to raid Aoba's hospital room?

Man, that fat otaku really did destroy KyoAni single-handedly.

Attached: Hayao_Miyazaki.jpg (250x379, 19K)

They need holidays. They'll come back stronger.


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Are you fucking retarded, everyone in the threads were horrified. Sure, there were a few edgy jokes, but they were overnumbered by actual sympathisers.
Though, there were a few carlos jokes. Those were admittedly funny.

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And yet KyoAni has the most reasonable work environment in the industry.

>giving an easy death over having him suffer botched skin grafts until he gets hung
>not waiting for courts to dig up every dirty embarrassment and shame him before being hung
No, he can suffer more. Fuck off mercyfag.


Are you for fucking real?
>Trail Of Tears
>Japanese-Americans being interred for bullshit reasons
>FDR stealing everyone's gold like the filthy socialist he was
>Nuking the Japanese when they were trying to negotiate a surrender, TWICE
>Tuskegee Experiments
>MK Ultra
>Ruby Ridge
>all the deranged German and Japanese war criminals they pardoned for handing over research and doing work for them

The US Federal Gov't got up to, and gets up to still, some VERY heinous shit.

PTSD has nothing to do with paranoia. Can you kill yourself already

The 34 in the hospital will survive, but they are scarred for life. The animators' careers are over for a long time until they regain dexterity, which may be never.

I would give them two or three years top get themselves back on feet. It's such a climb to get through all that recovery is a tough road.

>PTSD has nothing to do with paranoia.

It does you dumbfuck

>Christians never tortured people

The Dunning-Kruger at display in this post is something else.

Links? Genuinely curious.

>the day before Aoba set fire to Kyoto Animation, his apartment manager turned off his electricity for not turning off his lights when told so
>Aoba flew into a rage and destroyed everything in his house according to investigators
>once tried to knife a store employee and got jailed
is this guy a genuine psychopath? Makes his novel stealing claims dubious.

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Jesus would say without me there is no salvation. Keep the commandments. And invoke his holy name to cast demons into hell.

We have no authority to condemn him to hell but we all must stand before his throne and face judgement with Satan the accuser announcing all of our sins for everyone to hear.

Since he is probably not Catholic and just killed a bunch of people for a prideful reason he is most likely not getting into heaven.

Through the power of yurikino.
By the way, I'm betting $50 on season 2 being extra dark and depressing.

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Do you really want to compare them with other religions, champ?

>Since he is probably not Catholic
Look, as long as you're not a Calvinist, I think you're probably good.

I mean, unless you're a prideful mass murderer, that is.

>Americans making everything about themselves again
Color me surprised.

Yeah it'll be so dark that it won't exist.

I hope Kyoani makes positive and good feeling anime again instead of having drama or negativity.

That would be disservice for them as studio and for us as an audience. For them as a studio because if they were producing a light hearted SoL comedy then there is no reason to expect they would be in the right mood to draw the right inspiration, and because not tapping into the rawness of their feelings would be betraying their artistic spirit. And to us as an audience because whenever you see KyoAni from now on, you will not be able to divorce whatever positive, feel good anime shows they produce from the tragedy that afflicted them.

The time for Dark KyoAni has come, user. They either finally produce an original masterpiece after all these years or they fuck it up by focusing on all the wrong projects.

>tapping into the rawness of their feelings would be betraying their artistic spirit
You're living in some kind of Okada-tier melodramatic fantasy. I bet you believe tomboys exist too

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I think you're taking it too seriously.

Tomboys exist.

>No wonder these insect people couldn't into Christianity.
Comes with advantages of not getting multicultured into the dirt like these western cucks.

they're never coming back

So the apartment manager is the one who's at fault for their deaths.

I was very sad on that day but now I don't give a shit anymore. If they make it through good for them, if not, I don't give a fuck. Anime is ruined either way because of the western hordes.


They determined there was something seriously fucking wrong with him, yes.
There's basically no mental health services in Japan though.

>his apartment manager turned off his electricity for not turning off his lights when told so
Is this a nip muh honor thing? I would understand if he had some massive flood lights pointing at the buildings. But this seems a little petty.

Big loss of talent. I was broken up about it for a long time and it still makes me sad thinking about it. Those people didn't deserve this. I hope the company can survive and pull through but they just won't be KyoAni anymore even if they do. I don't know what to think but they were definitely my up there in my list of studios and what happened to them fucked with me big time. Even now, it's painful to think that everything they've ever done is going to be tinted with this tragedy from now on.

I know this is a joke.
But realistically speaking, why would the owner of Kyoani put money into a dying anime industry?
He'd be better off walking away with the money or investing it in some other form of media that will be around in 50 years like mobile games.

i remember he bought some multi-thousand dollar bose speaker that looking like a megaphone cannon and he would use it on his neighbors to piss them off.

I feel the same. I mean I didn't even love all their shows but I think they did a lot of good ones, and they certainly didn't deserve this fate.

Their server with all their work being safe was the one letup in all this tragedy, what they did was at least not for nought.

Jesus fuck, put him in a rusty woodchipper feet first.

What are you talking about? They are being fed migrants from several other Asian countries, they have a strong international military presence in a couple or regions and lots of westerners in the job market. Just because it's less brown doesn't mean they aren't subject to the same globohomo bullshit like the rest of us.

Yeah, I wasn't a super fan of everything they ever made but they did do some stuff that I really liked and even when I didn't think that a show's content was that great, I always liked their visuals, direction, and attention to detail. It's such a sadness that a lot of their most talented animators, designers, and technical people were killed in the arson. Such a terrible loss of life and a terrible loss of talent.

As long as he suffers on earth, hell can wait.

>A 27-year-old man who lives next door to him said Aoba once falsely accused him of making a noise, grabbing him by his collar and hair and threatening to hurt him. A woman in her 40s in the neighborhood said the police were called in August last year when Aoba was listening to music at a very loud volume late at night.
>As he refused to open the door, the police entered his apartment from the balcony, and an ambulance was later called, she said.
what was the ambulance for?

do you really expect anyone to give a shit about stuff that happened almost 100 years ago?

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>multi-thousand dollar bose speaker

Still trying to wrap my head around how a crazy NEET could afford that thing. Is his family relatively well-to-do? Was he a crypto investor? What's the story there?

execution by CO poisoning and subsequent incineration.

it was his life savings. When assaulting a neighbor over complaining about the noise he reportedly shouted he has nothing and especially nothing to lose if he kills him (the neighbor)

I know he was mentally ill, so I should have some understanding, but I really just can't sympathize with this creature in the slightest.

>can't sympathize
so with the knowledge he had no money left and his landlord getting pissed, he banked it ALL on his novel becoming an anime and getting rich. Since it failed, isn't that a tragic story?

I'm really hoping no loser's gonna copy him and do the same after the toei 100 results come in.

Not when he blew his money on being a fucking asshole to other people for no reason.

Oh i see. He was a massive obnoxious faggot to his neighbours. Previous comment striked. Fuck him. In that case i do not blame them for turning his power off.

Copycats for this type of attack are very rare.
That said i hope the coverage of the trial focuses more on the victims and less on making this man a celeb. This tragic event was done because of attention. Mentally ill or not. What people have dug up on him shows that he was a massive attention seeker. Swift trial, swift death, unmarked grave. Let him be forgotten while we remember the victims instead.

Kinda hard to idolize someone who's so fat and so clearly an idiot.

And beep boop to you too NPC.

Defer to the old scriptures for legal matters which would likely call for the death penalty in this case.

>clearly an idiot
he was actually cunning in the way he planned out his arson attack to ensure mass casualities. He even plotted an escape route for himself but didn't count on being chased down and incapacitated by that one undisclosed KyoAni worker.

When the news first broke people had a chuckle until the severity of the incident was made apparent.

lmao so glad he suffered at least a little

The media does it to all the big killers. Like all the serial killers. They become household names and leave a legacy. Yet people cannot name the victims of these people.
I remember tabloids being a big influence in Japan at one point, but i do not know if that is true anymore. But if they are anything like the west's newspapers. They will make him famous. But lets hope not i prefer to not let this man play on my mind.
I saw people joking because the first reports sounded more like he had torched the entrance a bit.
But i am not going to start chastising people and nether should anyone else.
We are not moral crusaders on Yea Forums. Take it to other websites if you want to revive the Spanish inquisition.

I hope you are right
Considering how these kind of attacks don't often have copycats in japan we might just be in the clear, and so far there have been no showing of anyone trying to pull something similar ( as far as I've heard/read)
There are uglier creatures who got idolized in the past, someone with the fucked up mind to go and kill innocent people will probably not care what he looks like

Anonymous internet behaviour is nonsensical. In all of our social interactions, we're constantly inches away from violence, so we're polite and we hold our tongue because this threat of violence is generally constructive and inspires goodness. Such a threat is absent in online discourse, and people erroneously assume that such a thing in fact promotes sincerity when more often the not it's the opposite. You should feel bad about what happened even if you're ambivalent about KyoAni, and you should chastise the literal antisocial Yea Forumsermin that uses anonymous platforms not as a place to be creative and be, you know, actually sincere about things, but just as infantile shock tactics and an imbecilic excuse to make sport of obnoxiousness. Anonymous imageboard culture is not Yea Forums culture, you can still be a moral actor and be able to use this platform. The exibicionist sociopathy that tragedies like the KyoAni arson inspires, ironic or not, should compel you to reconsider your online browsing habits and not laying down apologetics for these "people". You're not an animal.

What makes copycat attacks rare in this case is that the man had no "cause".
Copycats have to hear about the man and what he did and want to take his place. taking up the "cause" and proving they succeeded where that man failed.
The guy was already outed a loony attention seeker. Nobody follows a known discredited loony. So copycats see no "glory" in copying him.
Please do not become the internet police. You cannot handle the workload. And please do not turn Yea Forums in to another copy of the shithole that is Twitter. Like i said if you want to go witch hunting Twitter has got you covered leave Yea Forums out of it.
I am all out of fucks to give after being morally exhausted by constant outrage culture. My posts in this thread are mostly talking about the victims and not to turn the killer in to a celeb. And i feel strongly about the victims and have deep sympathy for them, their family's and the Japanese justice system that has to deal with this mess.
But going sperg SJW moral purity on Yea Forums is not the way to go forward. And in fact your efforts to shame would backfire as more trolls will say the shit you do not like just to spite you and piss you off. Hide their posts if you get upset. DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS.

>Yet people cannot name the victims of these people.
Well, usually the victims were just normal people who were murdered by a complete freak, and the freak is the guy who's interesting, due to serialkilling being a rather major faux paws.

That is the problem i was pointing out. How documentary's are there on serial killers.
>Going inside their mind
1000s of them. The most the victims get is a brief mention and perhaps a bronze name plate. But i guess what you said is true, the mind of killer is more interesting than the memory of his victims.

They'd put the guy on a fucking cross if it wasn't for how goddamn fat he is, I don't know if they had a pole strong enough to support his weight, let alone one which all of them could get their hands on to hoist it up.

Hopefully that trap door is wide enough

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>Lesbian Tomboys exist.

My post had nothing to do with moral outrage culture or SJW moral purity or whatever nonsense. I was merely attacking the bullshit romanticised presuppositions of anonymous online discourse.

Being in an asylum is unironically a fate worse than death.

>Copycats for this type of attack are very rare

Copycats are the norm in Japan. Some nips are inspired to do alot of crazy shit like this.

>Let him be forgotten while we remember the victims instead.

Aoba's name will be remember for a long time because of media mentioning his name for eternity.

>My post had nothing to do with moral outrage culture or SJW moral purity or whatever nonsense.
Really? So why did you make it then?
This thread is about the tragic events that happened not a thread about how you hate trolls and get assblasted because someone was not "respectful". As i said take it to Twitter if you want to witch hunt people who hurt your feelings. Keep Yea Forums out of it.

>Some nips are inspired to do alot of crazy shit like this.
Yea i have heard of the crazy shit they do. But most of the time i have noticed, they wont do "what has been done before".
I remember the vandalism of Gainax and some of the Idol drama. I guess you could praise the fact they find copying other peoples attacks uncool.
Not to say there is not one unoriginal person but as this was a very shocking attack with no real justification. He just did it for attention. It would garner not very much sympathy at all. It would be a different story if they hired him screwed him and he went postal because of it. That story garners sympathy for the attacker. (Killdozer comes to mind for a destructive attack that has sympathy for the perpetrator, but in that case he only killed himself) As this was not the case and delusional rantings about "stolen work" is the justification for his attention seeking.
I just find it unlikely someone would want to "finish" what this scum started. Even if they are a crazy Idol otaku.

>Really? So why did you make it then?
The answer is in the very next line.
>This thread is about the tragic events that happened not a thread about how you hate trolls and get assblasted because someone was not "respectful".
I'm not sure why you're being so argumentative, you're more bothered by things I didn't say than what I actually said. Calm down.
I've been on Yea Forums for longer than I care to admit, so I've changed my stance on anonymous online discourse multiple times. People tend to idealise what goes on in here, like this is some kind of bastion of free speech of whatever the hyperbole of the day is. But quite simply, what happens online, as I said, is an unhealthy lack of violence, that was the point that I was making. Yea Forums differentiates itself in multiple boards, it's all a filter mechanism to specialise discussion and ultimately to help moderate the content. Trolling is simply noise, it doesn't add to the discussion in any way and it's just infantile and exhibitionist, this type of content is expressly against board rules and you're saying that for whatever reason everyone should be indifferent to it. It's an abnormal behaviour that is not only very much against board rules, it's psychopathological to some degree because it only exists in the absence of deterring violence.

This has nothing to do about witch hunts or hurt feelings, this is about how boards operate and the functionality of anonymous online spaces. Indifference towards trolling is like being indifferent about having clean public spaces, this isn't Yea Forums or any permutation of Yea Forums, you aren't supposed to sift through filth in order to communicate and if you're doing so it's only because the moderation is derelict in their duty. This is a very simply, extremely uncontroversial concept.

So to sum up you just did a long winded post to feel important in a thread nothing to do with you because you discovered the the oldest known behaviour on the fucking internet.
Look as i said go to twitter. This thread is about the victims of the fire, not your sudden discovery's of shit people knew back in 2001. Have a trophy and fuck off.

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>not America. As in, from a historical military perspective
>it was under a black american presidents orders that revived slavery in regime-changed Libya
It always cracks me up when the world delivers irony

They just tell you that, it's like their version of friendzoning.

>still being this much of an argumentative faggot for no good reason whatsoever
It has nothing to do with me "feeling important" or not. I was just giving you my opinion because of what you said initially:
>We are not moral crusaders on Yea Forums. Take it to other websites if you want to revive the Spanish inquisition.
This is objectively false and I have given you my views on the matter. If you don't want to linger in the off-topic discussion, that is actually the right thing to do, but please be mindful of the fact that the retarded things that you say is actually the root cause of said off-topic discussion. Which isn't even off-topic, by the way, since it directly relates to people's reaction to the incident, but you just want to be a cunt for whatever reason.

>Say i am not going to bother morally policing trolls because it is pointless and will only backfire and encourage more trolls.
>This makes me the "cunt"
Okay. Fine, you go and tell them trolls. But don't come crying to me when they say nasty shit about the fire victims just to spite your ass.

>still being this much of an obtuse faggot
You initially said something that made me want to share my thoughts about it, you know, like this was some sort of anonymous online forum or something. Then you started arguing against things I never even suggested (you're still doing). It's all so tiresome. Pay attention to what people are actually saying.

Give him a fair trial, so he can actually speak and dishonor himself. The psychological part could be more damaging that simply letting him die, without hurting the integrity of their judicial process (if they have any in Japan).

It's not easy to feel sorry for this kind of scum, but that dignity is part of being the bigger person. And when he gets convicted and sentenced, it's even more of a win than if you took the cheap way out.

>Me saying do not feed the trolls is being "obtuse" now
Last post from me man but you are a hoot. I would love to see you melt the fuck down in another thread so stick around. Your sensitive ass is not ready for the internet.
I agree let him have his 5mins on the stand. Then when the guilty verdict is passed. Send him away and forget about him till the date of his death. Then an unmarked grave. To be forgotten is a worse punishment for this attention seeker. Forgotten in life and death. No legacy at all.

>Send him away and forget about him till the date of his death.
I've been told that is the common procedure. It's agonising.

>Then an unmarked grave. To be forgotten is a worse punishment for this attention seeker. Forgotten in life and death. No legacy at all.
Yikes. Why does this reek of teenage /pol/tard?

What? You would rather i say some shit like
>Lets put needles in his eyes and cut his dick off and tear his finger nails off and go full Pinhead on him
That is a bit to edgy for me. I just prefer justice that is swift and to the point. Trial him, convict him,Hang him, throw him in an unmarked grave.

Have the Japanese government bothered to put in any reforms to the fire safety regulations? Or, are they just not bothering? It seriously can't be that fucking expensive to just put in some goddamn fire sprinklers or improve the regulations just a bit.

>without hurting the integrity of their judicial process (if they have any in Japan)
They pretty much don't, hence the 99% conviction rate.

>can't be that fucking expensive to just put in some goddamn fire sprinklers
Bro, that entails installing a bunch of new water pipes, in LOTS of buildings.

Such a legislative act would be regulatory overreach. There is no need for it, no one could have anticipated such a thing and it's doubtful that any regulation in place would've helped. Also, installing sprinklers and passing safety certifications isn't as inexpensive as you think.

>They pretty much don't, hence the 99% conviction rate.
Literal bug people.

>goes missing
>week of mounting dread and hopes for survival
>is announced as one of the victims doused in gasoline first; disfigured beyond recognition
how did you feel

Attached: Yasuhiro-Takemoto.jpg (500x323, 70K)

Like shit. Takemoto was probably the biggest loss, at least in my opinion. But then again, I really liked Dragon Maid, I think it's one of most underappreciated KyoAni shows. Worst thing about having him gone is that now Yamada will become an even bigger forced meme than she already was.

I think it was stated somewhere that it was basic highschool schlock, so something rather similar probably occurred in one of their many airing anime with school settings.

Interesting, didn't know they used hanging in Japan.

Horrible - he was my favorite Kyoani director
And on top of that Kigami was my favorite Kyoani animator

Ishihara is also alive

Attached: chuuni.jpg (850x1200, 332K)

only reason I'm holding onto hope for Hibike season 3 is because him and Yamada are still alive
Despite the character designer, and multiple instrument animators being dead

>police interrogate Aoba
>T-they stole my novel! Publicize the contents!
look forward to that event

best thing to do is rebrand themselves with a new name

I don't think I'll ever forget this.

Because I was leaving Japan the day it happened, and was glued to my phone in Taiwan waiting for updates

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They did start a war purely because they thought the Falklands would just look better being in their country.



>Have the Japanese government bothered to put in any reforms to the fire safety regulations?

They should have put a reform on mental health issues as well.

It's been two fucking months, dude. Is that a long time to you?