ITT: Shows where the first episode is the best episode

ITT: Shows where the first episode is the best episode

I'll start

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Samurai Champloo had its up and downs, but it had a lot of great episodes in my opinion. Can't even pick a favorite.

Came here to post this, holy shit. This show taught to keep my expectations in check.


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[bagpipes intensify]

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oh yeah this too, just watched it recently. saw people touting it as the better version of AoT, it really wasnt. it started out pretty good and had a lot of cool moments, but most of the characters and morals were pretty cookie-cutter. just kinda became a clusterfuck at the end too

what show?

kek le kek

when i watched it originally i really liked it, but i just finished rewatching it and for me the best episodes were all in the first quarter other than the finale double. the first ep definitely had by far the best fight imo.

I don't know, the final episode is really intense and really felt like they were going to die. The problem after the first episode is that some of its appeal worns out (the transitions, for example) and just like Bebop, it has a tendency of isolating the characters and there are few episodes where they are all together in the same situation.

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This better be bait. The first episode is by far the weakest.

Bully la Bully.

I dunno if I'd go that far, but it's certainly not the best.

First one is the only interesting one. All the other episodes they just repeat the same concept but it loses all it's soul.

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It's definetly not. The weakest episodes are in the 10s while the best are either before Heavy Metal Queen or after Pierrot le Fou. After the second Vicious encounter it starts to get boring, but the final episodes are definetly the best,

Nah, Champloo had a ton of great episodes.

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The second (that was the second right) episode was actually probably one of my least favorite episodes of champloo.

yeah for me the first quarter or so is good and the finale is good, but a lot of the middle is pretty forgettable

Anime often starts out good but deteriorates after that.

Isn't this the episode where the ojiisan burnt to death? If yes, it is much later

Yeah, Samurai Champoo went to shit after ep 1.

It was the second episode, I looked it up

nah, this one has a big ugly guy and a hired assasin to go after Mugen and Jin respectively. the one with the burning guy was a two-parts story after they split up for the last time before the finale

Definitive best to worst list of episodes:

Hard Luck Woman
Pierrot le Fou
Ballad of Fallen Angels
The Real Folk Blues
Jupiter Jazz
Cowboy Funk
Speak Like a Child
My Funny Valentine
Mushroom Samba
Waltz for Venus
Heavy Metal Queen
Bohemian Rhapsody
Sympathy for the Devil
Toys in the Attic
Brain Scratch
Black Dog Serenade
Wild Horses
Honky Tonk Women
Stray Dog Strut
Gateway Shuffle
Jamming with Edward
Asteroid Blues
Ganymede Elegy
Boogie Woogie Feng Shui

I (partially) disagree with your assessment, but you are entitled to it.

that two-parter was pretty shit as well desu. they have mugen go on about how he's "never met anyone like him" but he barely did anything. all it was was looking like he was already dead, whatever that means

Anyone in this thread smoke weed?

Space Cobura.

Elfen lied

This show went downhill so fast

Attached: So Close yet so far.png (1920x1369, 3.63M)

kill la kill

And the reason was Gamagoori

oh damn yeah that too. no idea how i got through the whole thing, it really wasnt very good

Not even close to being the best episode.
4 and 18 were better.

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which was the best then? or just list all the ones you think are better than the first

The one that I posted is the first to come to mind, but I'd say a good half of the series is as good or better than the first episode, which doesn't really stand out much.

the le weed episode? it was okay. i guess we just have different tastes. personally the mugen-jin fight in the restaurant was one of the best scenes of the series for me, the energy of it and how the music lined up was super satisfying. there were other good eps, like the finale and the one with the spy lady.

Tower of Duraga. I don't think anyone even remembers anything other than the first episode.

Akame ga kill

This, wonderful episode.

ITT brainlets admiting they didn't get a series and could only enjoy the most basic introductions in it.

Most Gundam series, but especially 0079.


I don't know why but my favorite Neon Genesis Evangelion episode is the first one

rip in piece ;_;

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