Literally did nothing wrong
Spirit Circle
>a literal terrorist and necromancer who killed god knows how many people
>understand how deeply he has fucked up and wanted to essentially become a god to fix it all up
>did nothing wrong
where are the translations?
You're thinking of Lafalle, who actually did nothing wrong
CR does it.
Is he ok?
Who is the best reincarnation and why is it Vann?
yeah, it's going to be diejoubu
Definitely Vann.
Wrong chart.
Vann raised a kid succesfully. A winner right there.
One of my fav pages.
And nobody rips it.
Kajima was top tier, the final moment made me tear up
Who were aliens?
Robo-cat was the statue in the Aztec era. It's not robot, but it's there.
Not aliens.
it was me
Such a nice manga. You can just read it from start to finish like a good book, that's pretty rare for manga.
Why do people keep posting "I UNDERSTAND THE UNIVERSE" when Lafalle had better moments?
crazy idea, but maybe you should just read it
>being a Fortunafag
I'm actually more of a Vannfag
>still sucks Fortuna's dick despite Lafalle being so much better
Nice try, "Vannfag"!
oi, that was rude.
no hard feelings, Lafallefag
Thank you, Vannfag.
>They were this close to ending their feud in the Sengoku era
Why did I feel a legitimate pang of sorrow for Fortune when he revealed he was so autistic he was caught off guard and emotionally hurt that his disciple was trying to kill him?
Has Mizukami written anything worth reading besides Spirit Circle, Biscuit Hammer and Sengoku Youko?
why wouldn't you?
Fortune only tried to make a world a better place.
Lafalle was wrong
I've only read those three. I was a little disappointed with Sengoku, the middle post-timeskip part reeeeaaally lags and loses a lot of the tension and development the first half had.
Only about the tower being the cause for no more birth. He was right about stopping it.
psycho staff, his short stories, pretty much anything really
I liked Nihonmatsu siblings. It's nothing special, but fun and has a lot of potential. Too bad it's just a short story. It also has unfinished translation.
The story didn't feel as tight as the other two, but I still enjoyed it quite a bit.
Fortuna just needed a hug all that time
sengoku was my favorite
its true that the time skip takes some time to pick up again, but it have some of the better characters that mizukami has written
By the time of dragon fight it picks up again.
I did miss Jinka/Tama's assholery though.
But generally i think it's the work with some of the best development out of all things written by Mizukami and an absolutely amazing ending.
Planet WIth was satisfying
I wonder what else is he gonna do in the Mizukamiverse.
I want a manga that shows more about those higher dimensional fuckers
Were they the same elementals from Spirit Circle?
Those ones playing dice or whatever? They seem way more high level.
The ones from Planet With seem more universal-level beings.
no, it wasn't, stop kidding yourself.
His walking the void oneshot with the giant super robot was great. Could easily be turned into a feature length movie.
Him stopping it was meaningless
He executed millions for no real reason
You mean he saved them from eternal torture. It wasn't a life anymore.
Just like all terrorists he justifies his heinous crimes with rhetoric and dogma
It was legit though. His wife had no answer to this
If he was so clearly morally right he would have just made the case and swayed the public at large instead going Bin Laden on the towers
>If he was so clearly morally right he would have just made the case and swayed the public at large instead going Bin Laden on the towers
You're really naive if you think this is always a possibilty. The world was too fucked at this point.
>there's no point in engaging in discourse we just have to blow everything up
No, but history has shown that there has been many situations where violence was justified and even needed. You can't always solve everything with words.
>history has shown that there has been many situations where violence was justified
>therefore your first and only recourse should be extreme violence
I sincerely hope that you're just taking the piss
>therefore your first and only recourse should be extreme violence
I literally never said that. You might be the one who needs pills.
It was hinted that he's hardly the first one to advocate shutting down the towers so going public with his opinion would have just deprived him of the opportunity to change things himself.
A dozen more reincarnations for you OP
You're defending a guy who did just that and you excused it by saying that violence has been justified in history. What else was your point supposed to be?
He didn't advocate for shit
Who did he talk with about his opinion beyond his wife and the secret cabal of of other tower directors?
>You're defending a guy who did just that
But he didn't. He saw that there was no way other than deactivating the systems. He didn't even kill anyone, so this doesn't count as violence. He literally spared them all. He's just criticized because he broke the law, but this was definitely a case where this was justified because the law itself was fucked up.
Not him. There were any number of people calling out for the end of the towers already without him. The point is that him making his stance known would have been a pointless gesture as opposed to keeping it mum and actually taking action. Lafalle made the right choice with regards to advancing his cause.
Dunno if its the same, but I loved the one about the old guy living his teenager chuuni fantasies.
The Dragon did nothing wrong
>keeping it mum and actually taking action. Lafalle made the right choice with regards to advancing his cause.
So, like a terrorist, he decided to take kill millions of people because he thought the ends justified the means and discourse would get him nowhere
That's exactly what I'm saying
>the law itself was fucked up
Maybe he should have tried to change it then
There are people in real life who are for medically assisted suicide or pulling the plug on coma patients with no chance of recovery and they manage to actually try and resolve the problem without secret campaigns to get every hospital director to shut down their coma ward
>Maybe he should have tried to change it then
Absolutely useless.
What Lafalle did was both reasonable and smart. Things would never change without him making hard decisions. He didn't even have to kill anyone.
He hasnt written anything bad. Everything is okay and up, to varying degrees of good and great.
Read some of his oneshots.
>But generally i think it's the work with some of the best development out of all things written by Mizukami and an absolutely amazing ending.
This. I love how Shinsuke went from butt-monkey to edgelord to paragon. And so many of the other characters had a complete arc as well