Yahari Ore last volume

Looks like we got a date now. Prepare for the shipping chaos when it hits.


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I'm ready for Saika to win.

My heart wants a Yukino win but my penis wants an Irohasu win

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it's going to be delayed again, why bother

Reminder this will be the biggest volume in the HISTORY of Oregairu. It's also releasing when Yukino's figure releases.

my dick and heart says both for Yukino

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Meh, I don't care anymore. The dumb drama kills it.

This series always had "dumb drama" it's one of the series appeal. Remember when Yui acted like a drama queen because she thought Yukino and 8man were dating?

Yes. Sure did. But it never went over a volume nor comedy starved.

The car accident drama was stretched out for 6 volumes and it appeared again in volume 13.

Yahari introduced the "MC totally down to fuck his best friend who happens to be a cute femboy and he still considers himself straight" trope. That's why it has a special place in my heart. I hope that trope catches on.

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Do people really like the comedy in it? That's honestly the weakest part of the series.

>not wanting to be fuck by the cute femboy friend who happens to have a large dick
What are you gay?

Only Urushibara Luka has a large package.

reminder that yukino a shit

Kinda expected this hence the comedy starved part. Let me put it this way, compare the tone pre volume 6 and post volume 6. No, actually just listen to the drama CD (christmas) and compare the mood and how the characters act in later volumes.

I do. Minus the Chiba references. The anime did it way better.

your mom a shit

Yui is going to win. irowhore/yuckynofags are going to get btfo hard

You might have missed the memo but Yui already got her pity victory in ANOTHER.

Reminder that secondaries are absolute trash and that season 3 should have been cancelled so they seethe like the little bitches they are.

i want another Yea Forums BTFO like kami nomi


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All the non Yukino waifufags will protest the final season if the ending spoilers get out before the anime tho.


>a shounen having anything in common with Oregairu
Dumb secondary

Good, it means that Oregairu S3 threads will be peaceful.

So this is what 8man meant by "taking responsibility" with Yukino.

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shitflinging threads are one of the only things I like about the series.

go away

honestly it wouldn't be an oregairu thread without shitposting and yplfag(s)

make me

sensei isnt getting any younger...

I want Oregairu threads to be comfy like S;G threads, is that too much to ask? Heck, I'd be happy with we had Gochiusa ritual posters over the cringy ritual posting that Oregairu threads hae.

he wishes. yukino won't allow him to do that to her

Yukino is thirsty for him, she wouldn't say no if he wanted to take her virginity all for himself.

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I would trade YPF for THK anyday. At least the latter has good taste.

I don't think she's that thirsty. maybe she'd let him kiss her, but that's it

Did 12 and 13 ever get translated? I don't remember anything from 11 either.

They were pretty comfy in the period between S1 and S2 when Spyro was translating the LNs.

Kissing usually leads to dating, dating usually leads to sex, then marriage and kids.

Yes, they have actually. Volume 14 is going to take a long fucking time to TL though.

yukino's parents wouldn't let 8man marry their daughter

Oregairu is literally White Album 2!!

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>her parents have barely spoken to 8man and almost nothing known about them
>but I can say without a doubt even without evidence they don't want 8man to marry Yukino

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why do you think they have barely spoken to 8man, user?

Because Watari wants Yukimom to remain an enigmatic mystery until the end, if you haven't noticed Yukimom has barely talked to anyone on screen, so try again.

if thats what helps you cope user.

>can't come up with a response
Just a 60 days left, faggot and we wont have to see your retarded arguments anymore.

yukimom seems intrigued by 8man, and judging from what little we know of yukidad, he would probably be okay with it as long as yukino is happy

Even with 8man and Yukino ending their friendship, Yukimom still seems interested on him anyways. Yukidad has been supportive of whatever Yukino decides based on her getting the apartment.

Also Yukimom probably knows that it was 8man's doing that she decided to move back in with her mother, and she's probably thankful for that.

The fact that the story has been under a drama phase for too long gives me an impression that things are about to get real bonkers soon once the drama gets resolved.