
Just finished watching this for the first time. What a damn good show. Godlike music. English dub was fantastic. Season 1 was good overall, but Season 2 had fantastic episodes non-stop, with the exception of the Law and Order spoof episode.
Slow and Steady Wins the Race, A World With No Sadness, Lovers are Trendy, Never-ending Dandy, Nobody Knows the Chameleon Alien, Even Vacuum Cleaners Fall in Love, I Can't Be the Only One, A Race in Space is Dangerous. They were all so fucking good.
10/10, baby. This show needs more love.

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>a project like this will always be divisive here
How so?

It’s very western, in both comedy and also format: super episodic with wildly different animation styles and no obvious coherent structure. Go in the archive and look at how purists reacted to it. It’s just kinda different in a way that’s obviously not entirely Japanese

I'm not a big anime fan by any means, so that could be why I enjoyed it so much.

I really enjoy the episode about Meow's home life, which was also the one where they were stuck in a loop. Was not only comfy and oddly melancholic, but hilarious.

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Gotta love how Yea Forums will retaliate even the highest production quality stuff if it's not harem siscon trash that makes them feel niche.

Yea Forums here. Dandy is great. What are you even talking about?

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I swear that the spacesuit is in
>the OP
>episode 1
and that's it


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People like you give me hope for this place

Just making an observation
It's weird that it's in the OP at all if it's barely used

Saddest episode for me was the one where they find the planet of sapient plants; the daughter being scared towards the end gets to me, especially since she seemed happy enough with her new life.

oh. very well then. carry on!

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alien loli was best episode dont @ me

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This episode is underrated as fuck and is arguably peak Dandy

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there were multiple alien lolis

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What the hell are you niggers talking about, I was here for the threads and they were overwhelmingly positive with the occasional driveby shitpost that was more often than not just someone posting "" because it was airing on toonami

To be fair when it was airing there were a few QUALITY episodes, especially towards the end. I never watched the BD to see how much they fixed. That being said I don't remember the reception being much different than anything else here, there were people that enjoyed it and people that shitposted the threads.

One of my favorites, had Dandy's great lesson of sometimes just do nothing is the right way to go

He's right you know

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> they were overwhelmingly positive
Because you were posting with crossboarders, except for the shitposts you mentioned.

>dandy s3 never
It needs a s2 first

I don't have cable so I didn't watch it on toonami, I waited for the subs and posted in the threads dedicated to the subbed version