Tomoya is out of Sakura's league. Sakura looks boring and is boring. Tomoya is much hotter...

Tomoya is out of Sakura's league. Sakura looks boring and is boring. Tomoya is much hotter, has long hair instead of short hair, and has a much better personality.

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Sakura is NOT boring!!

Yes she is!!!!

>Sakura looks boring and is boring
Sakura is the cutest you plebeian.

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She’s out of my league.

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Sakura is ugly and not cute.

Her name is Tomoyo buddy

This but unironically.

Poor Tomoyo need a loving boyfriend so she can forget Sakura

She needs another girl. You know she's gay, right?

They’re both cute

If she stays as a gay, she will be cucked forever. Better straighten her up.

>Short hair is bad
Is this the most pleb opinion?

Came here to post this

>new girl shows up
>she's BEEN wanting The D
Sorry Tomoyo but even your mom took the straight pill at some point.

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Sorry, but if you can't appreciate Sakura you do not deserve Tomoyo.

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Cope harder Tomoyo.


It's Tomoyo you dumb fuck.

>Only straight Tomoyo gets cucked by some fag vampire

She just can't win

But she's gay, and that makes Sakura better by default.

To hell with leagues, I'd fuck both of them and the Chinese girl too.

Tomoyo doesn't need a boyfriend or a girlfriend

All she needs are cute videos of Sakura, and living vicariously through Syaoran

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