What now, Ruitards?
Domestic na Kanojo
Hina a best
Rui a shit
Rui a shit
Well, I guess there's no choice for us but to cope and seethe.
Rui deserves to lose for being autistic.
>beginning of hina redemption arc
Imagine bragging about a losing flag lmao
Side note, but do you think rui and hina would be sub, or doms?
It's usually the opposite of their personality out of the bedroom so Hina would dom and Rui would sub.
Natsuo no girlfriend end when ?
Is this how Ruitards cope
Rui a best!
Chef, calm down.
Reminder for neither side to cry victory before the end.
I want to fuck Hina
A man of culture.
Glad to see Hina avoiding Natsuo after realizing her feelings like most heroines instead of "I won't hold back for Rui's sake" like Rui would.
Still upset that Kei keeps Rui until endgame though, I would've preferred Rui to be permanently dropped off and the focus only on Hina. I guess sales matters.
Why do you hina fags hate rui so much? Yea she's little autistic but that just means she's more like us.
>that just means she's more like us
Implying I wouldn't hate myself.
thats why no one is going out with you
>GE 2.0
>Hinafags too stupid to understand as always
One dimensional fans of a one dimensional character. They can't help but live out their fantasy of fucking their older (step)sister to pay any attention to the actual plot. Their pointless defenses become playground grade "nuh uh!" so quickly it's rather sad. They have to love Hina because reddit and discord already picked Rui.
Rui will end up with a black boyfriend.
What does it mean if Kei constantly likes tweets about Rui on her twitter? And yesterday she liked a tweet about a Ruifag saying sorry for Hinafags. Reading it hurt me fucking head because it was clearly some spic from a third world country, but Kei clearly favours Rui. I know that shit doesnt influence the story but I don't trust mangaka.
>she is like us
>we hate ourselves
She has already lived in (((America))) with an interracial couple, so yah probably
Would never cheer for myself in a love triangle.
>Hina about to get raped and murdered by the dude behind her
>Hina is a Japanese nationalist who will do her part by bearing many children with Natsuo
I must be in the minority that I'm a Ruifag who also likes Hina.
That's where it's going.
Ben isn't black though.
Rui gib him her virginity, she deserve the worthless faggot, Hina was a second handed product therefore she doesnt deserve anything.
GE wasn't this dramatic. if anything she should do Medicine
I hate you retards which have poisoned the well and caused my contempt for you to splash onto her. Also her betrayal of hina. She’s disingenuous and a cunt who was perfectly happy to fuck a random guy. It’s only because it’s mc that you defend this behavior. God fuck you fuckers your tears and asspain will make me hard
Ah, a patrician.
Sisters sandwich when?
Rui didn’t give her virginity to Fujii Natsuo she just threw it away with random stranger
and that stranger was Fujii Natsuo, no? whats the matter? you dont get a the point, you just dont think like a macho, look she has been only fucked by him, he marked her, she marked him, they deserve each other, to Hina, Natsuo is just ANOTHER man in her life, to Rui he is the ONE AND ONLY.
Why don't they just share him?
What kind of fucked up mental gymnastics logic is this?
the mentality of a man that doesnt need to pay for sex unlike you, stay pleb fucking nerd
Spotted the ESL sperg
Ruifag cope is reaching new levels. Thanks for the screen cap.
> Literal homewrecker
> Lusting for her own student
> Now trying to steal her sister's man
There's literally nothing valuable left on Hina other than her face.
why censor his name let people know who is that autist retard
I mean hes not wrong in a sense. Yes Sasuga has made Hina the obvious heroine but I'm not trusting mangakas. Been burnt too many times. Shes clearly bias towards Rui. I know twitter doesnt influence a story, but the amount of tweets she likes from spics complaining about Hinafags and compliments about Rui makes me think maybe Sasuga would be retarded enough to do so. Like I said, not gonna trust Sasuga to be competent with the story no matter how much foreshadowing she fucking does.
Hina flew all the way to NY just to honest with Rui about how she's feeling while making sure of the other party's take on things.
Hina broke him, Rui broke him. maybe he should find a nicer person?
Id probably choose Rui though.