What are you looking forward to?
Fall 2014
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I don't watch seasonal anime
Nothing's piqued my interest besides the obvious MHA S4. Wake me up when winter comes.
2014 was 10 years ago
It feels like these shows were airing just a couple of seasons ago. Where the fuck does the time go?
Parasyte and Yona. Maybe Cross Ange if it's not too mean-spirited.
dropped sora no method so hard
also never forget
>people nostalgic for 2014 anime
holy fuck this board has truly gone to shit
Log Horizon S2 seems cool
Great season. Especially for fansub drama.
For me, it's Aikatsu S3.
Well, most anons here are in their early and mid twenties, so they probably started watching seasonal animes around 2011-2014.
Now post the Yea Forums edit
>amagi threads while it was airing
Amaburi was the last good kyoani animu
Greco was a clusterfuck, just good old times with tomino
garo was ok
Wixoss only good series
Ange was really fun as a trainwreck. fucking NORMA
UBW was worse that expected, same for Log s2, but both had some decent moments
InouBattle had 1 good scene in the whole series
Bahamut was the dark hourse of the season
Parasyte was AOTS
Try was a disappointment , as well as Psycho pass
Shirobako was ok
Shitgatsu was cheap melodrama
Yuuki Yuna was good, but didn't need any fucking sequel
holy shit, i thought it was this year's.
Damn this season was hot.
Yuuki Yuuna looks like a nice slice of life anime.
>TFW remembering all the shit I watched even the things I dropped in 1-3 episodes five years from now I will be able to do that for this season as well
Tracking time with anime is too depressing.
Build fighters was so good, there's no way they could mess up Try.
was cute, I want the mascots to humiliate me (and then fuck me)
meh, overrated
decent but forgettable, I think there was one stand-out episode
>cross ange
very fun trainwreck
>log horizon
ran out of steam
>magic kaito
underrated, good all around
shit and edgy
low brow, forgettable
>ookami shoujo to kuro ouji
I think I watched the whole thing but I remember nothing, generic as fuck shoujo I guess
>nanatsu no taizai
generic shounen trash
>inou battle
just boring besides that one scene
>furo jijou
mediocre yaoitrash
>akatsuki no yona
decent shoujo adventure, kind of slow paced and doesn't look great but was worth watching
>gundam build fighters try
mediocre, such a fall from S1
entertaining but another one of those that I mostly forgot about
most disappointing adaptation ever
>psy cop ass s2
again, disappointment coming from S1
cringe fest, the characters are too annoying, I didn't feel much
fun times but also an overrated show, the characters and premise carry it heavily
I think I watched that, also sucked and forgot about it
>mushishi s2 s2
its mushishi
shit and edgy. come on, just a bad madoka rip-off
>Slice of Life
I am feeling healed already
I legit cannot believe it was five years ago. The time between Madoka and it, or even Takahiro's Christmas 2013 and it feel so much longer than the last five years.
that was my favorite mushishi season tho it had my favorite episode of the whole series, episode 2 i think, the one about the cave
Watched like 3 episodes of Amagi. The pilot was rough. I thought it got a little better with each episode but then I still quit it.
Watched 2 episodes of Fruit of Grisaia and thought it was utter shit. And I'm a harem fag.
Watched through the first season of Trinity Seven and thought it was really bad. But I'm such harem trash I endured the season.
Watched one episode of Shirobako and meh.
I liked Your Lie in April for about 10 episodes. Pacing was tremendous. After he finally got over his piano stuff it went downhill pretty quickly. I think that was only half the season so ehh
Eventually will get around to Parasyte and maybe Ookami.