Shamiko is a brainy succubus.
Machikadork Mazoku
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Translation Archive Threads:
Chapters 17-18:
Chapters 19 and 10 extra:
Chapters 20-22:
Chapters 23-26
Vol 3 Prologue:
Chapters 27-29:
Chapters 30-32:
Chapter 33:
Chapters 34-35:
Chapter 36:
Chapters 37-39:
Chapter 40:
Chapter 41:
I want to dream of Shamiko tonight
A dorky semen demon
have they announced an OVA or anything yet
What's Mikan doing with a box of mikans late at night?
How was she able to tell it was the real Shamiko and not a dream version? What does the Shamiko in Momo's dreams usually do?
If we ever get a season 2 she makes Shamiko write a love letter to Momo in the first episode.
How did Shamiko get a photo of Momo during her transformation? And the special nude version of it on top of that?
Momo could slow down or time her transformation with the camera shot if Ryo asked her nicely. She has a weakness for little sisters
Doesn't look like they'll introduce Mikan's navigator at this rate.
God I wish that was me.
She finally filled up her cum box and couldn't wait to share.
We might not even need to wait until season 2 for that.
Shamiko should visit Mikan's dreams. Imagine how fun would it be!
something with her tail no doubt
Michael is introduced by chapter 27, the start of volume 3.
Names of the navigators:
That's an angel from eva, isn't it? Absolutely based.
why is shamiko's transformation sequence in every episode it's featured in so dark, or something
can't really tell but it just feels off
It's mandated by law.
Watch more anime, newfag.
Everything with bright flashing colours gets the brightness turned down in the broadcast as a measure against triggering epileptic seizures.
Dumb Jap kids watched a bad pokemon episode in the dark and got a case of the shakeies so now every action scene is mandated to look like shit on the TV airing.
having said that, you should watch this scene
>from Eva
Well, you're not... wrong...
Think though, user. Anno got those names from somwhere and it wasn't his brain.
it's a dream, you can just tell
remember, she's a skilled mahou shoujo so fantasy bullshit where it just works is totally acceptable
You're a treasure, user.
Imagine a future where Bible and the rest of old lore will be lost and Evangelion (or better Machikado Mazoku) will be the new lore.
When you see someone in a dream every day, you will be able to distinguish the dream and real version.
Despite the fact that only CRT screens cause that
It doesn't sound plausble that it can happen with CRTs but not LCD or plasma. Got any kind of source on that?
>discount Noa.jpg
Please, leave.
Epilepsy doesn't give a shit what type of screen you have.
I've had 50 lucid dreams and multiple dreams with anime girls, ask me anything
I sure do enjoy Machicunny Mazoku
But Ryo isn't the MC.
Pfft. I thought Yea Forums would scream bloody murder for how this is /u/ trash and not cute and funny enough.
So what are the chances this is getting a second season?
no webms of Momo playing with the tail?
there's something oddly autistic about that scene.
After Stella no Mahou S2 and Kill Me Baby movie
Experience has taught me that most of the people who behave like gay girls are evil aren't originally from Yea Forums.
it's fun to meme about yuri shit but if a male character appeared I would not be mad
But a male character's been there since the first episode.
The mom's cute as hell. I can't even
I meant, if Joshua came out of his box and started fucking Seiko on-panel I would not be mad
I'd americlap.
Past 3 threads and no webms?
>Dad in a box
I want to break the pink defence line!
quality hands
Wait a minute, those boxes seem way too similar to each other.
>Mikan box
you finally noticed!?
Do they happen naturally or do you use on of the methods for inducing lucid dreams like WILD?
Mikan's family are the ones who sealed Shamiko's feather?
There's nothing wrong with this being yuri, /u/ is the real problem.
>Mikan used to live in Tama town
>Mikan and Momo knew each other
>Mikan boxes
Nah everybody wants to play with that girl's tail, not just autists.
Gently pat and stroke your mazoku to calm them down
Pokemon ruined everyone lives.
I can't believe a box of tangerines nutted inside this cutie, twice!
A shame they don't loop well.
>CGDCT actually has elaborate backstory
>I've become death, destroyer of worlds
It's projecting around 4000-5000 sales, which historically is just short of what you need for a second season. However, this is 2019 and streaming is a bigger thing than it was five years ago, so it might be good enough. (Every show in the modern streaming era has either sold 7000+ or sold under 2000, so it's tough to tell.)
*Kirara show
oh nice.
have you done Shamiko spazzing out? that looks like it should loop.
also her clapping here. don't remember anything else worth making a webm of.
To Love-Ru, the right edition
> Get eaten by a cat.
>gets eaten by the voice of god
It's a little bit more serious than just a cat
Navigator Metako a best!
Background still gets in the way, but yeah, it loops better.
The tails are actual vaginas in TLR though
Wouldn't be the first time. Paradise Lost and Dante's Inferno were Christian fanfic when they were written, and lots of people treat their ideas as official lore now.
They're not here? Why else would Momo constantly have her hands on Shami's tail?
No they aren't, they're even drawn differently
It's zooming out in this one.
Why are her tits so big?
She's a big girl.
for you
Will this series stand the test of time as one of Yea Forums's few beloved Kirara or would it fall into obscurity the week after it ends?
Confirmed speedwatcher or hasnlt watched the ep.
Hell, Christianity is largely people taking fanfic of Judaism more seriously than the original.
So Mikan sealed him?
Probably more than that, but at least twice
I sense you autist level user. It's comparable to mine.
It'll leave good taste behind. The little Shamiko that could.
Impossible to say for sure while it's airing, but I'd like to think so.
I am* become death....
But I'll forgive you
Deepest lore.
All the health she didn't have when she was a loli came back at once and was stored in one place.
What's the moonrunes mean anons?
Thank you camera-san
>teacher of prematurely dead children in Paradise
Considering the nature of magical girls...
Machikado Mazoku ep11. Thank you very much!!
It was Sakura
You just need to check how Yabuki uses the tails to "censor" the real vagina of the girls, the things even have a visible clit
>Innumerable eyes
>365000 eyes of Metatron
>365 years on Earth as Enoch
this lore
What? Why?
I think it'll be remembered fondly, especially since the last few were what, volleyball and anima yell? They weren't exactly the best of what Kirara has to offer.
It's undeniably above Comic Girls tier (and frankly the budgets of the two shows should have been swapped), and honestly more entertaining than Yuru Camp, although that may come down to taste
Just be glad it's not as popular as Gochi, those threads are cancer incarnate
> d-don't think this means you've unhhh!
Mangaka just needs to shoehorn in Mohammedian lore into this and it's golden. Who gives a fuck if it triggers sand niggers?
muslim lore is shit, though
Manga translation threads have given lorefags things to salivate over even after the last episode.
>Muslim lore
knockoff from Judeo-Christian lore.
>honestly more entertaining than Yuru Camp, although that may come down to taste
Personally I think that's too apples/oranges to really make a comparison.
>christfag calling muslim lore a knockoff
Don't even start mate
Translation please!!!
Mikan: it's Shamiko's fault for being so sexy
Shamiko: don't think this means you've ahhh...
Who gives a shit if something is the "best" or not, they were fun shows that still have a few posts about them every so often. That's what matters. And Gochiusa threads are just people having fun in a natural Yea Forums way so I don't see any issue with them.
The issue is when they turn antsy and hijack threads like what happened with Gab Drop and its Satania shitposters.
Most Kirara are popular though.
As someone who has watched nearly every Kirara show, this is probably on the lower end of my top 10. I'd rank the following above it (in order):
> Hanayamata
>New Game
>Yuru Camp
> Anne Happy
I'd rank it just above Slow Start, Urara, Wakaba Girl , and Blend S
I need pictures. Pictures of Shamimom table-masturbating with the box.
I don't recall seeing that happen any often, I'm talking about the few contained threads that don't get deleted because how dare people have silly threads on a place as serious as Yea Forums.
>Higher than this
Fucking hell, mate.
>Anne Happy
Shamiko's health came with a price.
Everyone's entitled to their opinion, no matter how wrong it is.
>dumping all this lore right before the end
>S2 never
Shamiko will ganbare very hard for a second season you'll see
What happened to Sakura then?
>S2 never
You don't know that
What do the hebrew letters on the mikan box with Joshua inside of it say? I haven't read hebrew since I was 10
We'll see on the last episode. There will be a card at the end if this has done well enough.
the game
This was normal years ago. Show would be pure jokes until the last two episodes then suddenly drama.
oy vey they know
So google translate was right. I recognized the alef and tzadi but nothing else. Made sense when I read this:
Hanayamata is basically Sora Yori with an even better soundtrack (including probably my favorite OP ever). Also I love genki gaijin girls.
A-Channel had stupdily high production values (the best of any Gokumi show I've ever seen, including KinMoza) and also had a great soundtrack.
Anne Happy is probably my favorite Kirara comedy with a fantastic main cast and solid writing.
Fuck off, Jew.
who is the cat?
You will lose your shit over how that Joshua and Shamiko's staff may be Aaron's rod.
> Shamiko invades sick Momo's dream
> Scrubs her loli insides
> Shamiko invades again
> Gets her tail violated
That means they're married now, right?
Damn, this show is lore incarnate. I really hope this gets a second season, though I'll probably succumb and read the manga knowing we rarely get second seasons.
Anima Yell was pretty good though.
Ogura Sion -> shorthand herself as Gu-Sion (Gusion)
Sata Anri -> (Satan)
Asase sensei -> (Azazel)
It was more entertaining than I'd have expected for a show about cheerleading, but I don't know that I'd call it especially good in the grand scheme of things. Not that it's bad, or that it isn't competently made; it's just nothing special.
oh boy, they're going to cap the season off with this NTR scene aren't they?
I always imagined bottom right to have some dark souls or bloodborne music accompanying it. Momo is legit terrifying in that panel.
It hurts the heart, and the eyes!
Pre-Muhammed, it's pretty much the same anyway.
Hopefully now that the anime's covered the Daddybox, we'll get some of these. Please, Japan.
Don't make light of it, it's a serious issue. 2/5 Devil Girls get tail abused by their Magical Girl gf.
Manga spoilers
Sakura pretty much exhausted the rest of her magic to get to Shamiko in hospital and then put her core into her hoping that it would make her better. It did, but not totally. When Shamiko grew horns and a tail is when she got better to the extent we see her now.
They're asking for it.
so what you're saying is that Shamiko is used goods.
No, Sakura impregnated Shamiko so that Shamiko could give birth to Sakura. It's like that one Marvel comic where one of the female heroes had the same thing happen, but this isn't rape nor controversial.
looks like it happened while Shamiko wasn't conscious and way under aged. sounds like rape to me.
[thunderous TOKI WA KITA in the distance]
What am I looking at here?
What people thought of Machikado ep 10. The important detail is 95.3%: very interesting.
Nah, sorta, but you're giving the animeonlys a twisted picture of what happened
If you've seen Nanoha, a linker core is the closest thing I can compare it to. When magical girls expend all their magic, their ether bodies kind of.... disappear and all that's left is the core. Sakura was hoping for 2 things 1) that her core would help Shamiko and 2)that Shamiko would one day get strong enough so that she didn't need the core anymore and Sakura could one day come back.
Oh fuck yeah. Nice
everybody fucking loves Machikado Mazoku
Nicovideo's rankings for the episode. Basically, 95% of the viewers ranked it at 1, which is the opposite of our 1-5 scale. 1 means amazing.
Now we just need MAL's and ANN's "reputable" seal of approval right
I remember every kirara
even Anne Happy
No, we need a reputable source of proper evaluations in the west to be listened to. Sadly, the only place that matches that criteria is also known for party vans and birthing nearly every western meme.
_____toki wa kita_____
Just admit you loved it like the little girl you are.
D-don't get the wrong idea! It's not like I'm tsundere for it or anything, okay?
This doesn't mean much, generally the only people still watching by episode 11 are those that like it
I wanna go schlop schlop on those sideboobs
the soda handjob scene is way different in the manga
Of course, but that doesn't mean there's no possibility of a bad episode.
As a succubus shamiko should be good at handjobs too.
Shamiko looks so fluffy
Shamiko is fluffy
What would Shamiko's shit taste like?
Which chapter involved Shamiko going into her own dreams? I can't remember.
Bros... ShamiMomo is too cute. I think I need go buy the manga now...
MomoShami. There's no way Shamiko's the top.
I demand a season 2.
Shamiko got upset when she put it together that she could be the top if she wanted to.
So this is the Animate store bonus if you buy the BD from them on release day.
Most of the time it's flat girls that have the ruffle on their swimsuit.
she like natto raw egg rice
Isn't going to have an impact outside of very specific circumstances. People heavily overestimate the importance of streaming because they equate international revenue with streaming. In reality the most of the international revenue comes from merchandise and not from streaming.
Good merch sales are far far more likely to be a reason for S2 than streaming.
thirty something?
lillith is literally the flattest girl i have ever seen
how does she do it?
Shamiko not forgetting Momo's password always gets me.
Buy those pillows and figures.
Look how fucking flat that ancestor is holy shit
boobs hadn't been invented yet when Lilith was created
Momo looks like a cow next to that plank.
One Trick, Five Sticks, Wiener Flicks.
don't open, shamiko forgot to cut her hair!
God thats really hot.
Our brainy demoness is so smart.
What a supportive father.
>ancestor is flatter than a cutting board
>but her descendant is pretty fucking stacked for her age and probably going to become a titty monster
When exactly did her lineage go so wrong?
it's called evolution you stupid gay. deal with it, for they only become bigger.
large breasts are an evolutionary disadvantage
Shamiko's shamikos
If that were true then we wouldn't have, you know, evolved that way then.
Not even her little sister is immune, such is the powerful lust that Shamiko inspires in all around her.
no, being gay is an evolutionary disadvantage, faggot.
They're not especially advantageous or disadvantageous from a survival point of view. Humanity evolved into them because we found them attractive.
Don't give up, user!
If she's so brainy like you say then why she didn't question more about the people around her and their supposed 'weirdness'.
I mean, if I were Shamiko I would question that people by thinking: "Even if they're weirdos people don't even blink when they see my demon horns and tail, maybe this town hides a deep secret... what if all the townspeople are demons disguised as humans?!".
If I were Shamiko I would masturbate a lot
Huge fucking Shamitiddies
I want to believe
In s2
Hang in there, user! Become an user who can correctly identify satire and sarcasm!
Why the fuck does Mikan have orange eyes? And Shamiko is way too flat.
>I am a genius!
>Oh no!
Hang in there, user! Become an user who can delete their name before hitting submit so you don't have to delete the whole post!
yeah, yeah, I fail. I'll hang in there, though!
I wanna suck those tiddies
the name is dumb and so are you
stop posting Momo
So...basically, Shamiko is a succubus and her power all this time was to seduce and corrupt other people, which worked just as planned on Momo.
She had those lewd shamititties, Momo never stood a chance.
How can she tell that? Does she dream about Shamiko often? How does dream Shamiko act? Are they sexy dreams?
Dream Shamiko is confident and doesn't waste time.
>Are they sexy dreams?
Does she mean her butt?
Mikan is a useless joke character.
Dream Shamiko is buff.
Honestly it was bad compared to other kiraras.
with nice buns
but she's very girly and has nice shoulders.
mikan exists to make momo jealous and advance her relationship with shamiko
Does Shamiko ever get her donut pillow?
I can't remember which chapter it's in, but yeah, I've seen her using it in the manga.
>get closer to momo by giving her lunch every day
we'll call that Plan Mangetsu
That's good. At least she gets a happy ending
pretty crazy how even things like hell aren't actually biblical and come from medieval fanfiction that are just generally accepted as canonical now.
she also makes sure everybody gets enough vitamin C.
This is from chapter 66, no idea if it shows up earlier. I can't believe she actually got it.
Mom is a cute
I love her dorkish smile
Will Momo's momos ever grow?
No she isn't. She's there to show us the burdens of being a virgin teen mama.
And we can see just how well it worked for Mango.
She's also pretty /fa/
Oh, Vol 5 Fuz rip is up on nyaa
Hopefully never. I like her flatness and for some reason it goes very well with her personality.
Getting obvious here.
my salary has been already spent on Shamimomo figures user, have no regret
Gosenzo? more like Gonesenzo
>she actually is a succubbus
I've been wondering if this was an excited face or not
I didn't think about it until now, but how did they get her back? Momo could probably throw Lilith several miles far, and she could've landed in anything anywhere along the path.
Ok, now instead of Eve I will call her Ringo.
The popular theory suggests that Shamiko is capable of moving fast enough to continue moving even in Momo's stopped time.
Just search for a nearest trash dump.
The origin of life.
So they are used like that? I thought she will put her horn in it.
>forgetting your wife's birthday?
>how lame
Very nice
I can't be Shamiko taking the photos; she's in half of them. Mikan wouldn't. It has to be Ryo. She has a camera, would do it as a favour for Shamiko, and Momo would pose mid-transformation for her.
Thank you based Shamirate!
Remember to actually buy the manga volumes afterwards if you want any chance of season 2.
God I want to fuck the little sister, she's such a good girl.
so basically Shamiko becomes a psychonaut
Chapter 17 got typset.
Also that 4000-5000 is likely an overestimation since these shows are amazon heavy. (Weird thing were men buy more on amazon than women which fucks with the algorithm, so kirara shows and stuff with heavy male audiences get overrated on disc tracking, and stuff with heavy female audiences gets underrated)
Rip in peace, Shamers
That shit was really annoying in mahoujin guru guru
>shamiko's masterplan is marrying her
>he doesn't rate Kill me baby
perfect as she is, softest voice of the year, good girl, good friend and not retarded.
i wish to hug the momo
and autistic, that's very important
Momo in ch43 has observed Shamiko enough that vocal inflexions, intonations and the tail whipping pattern are enough for her to determine the real deal from posers.
Shamiko is Nagisa having gone through the after story. The real difference is that lights of the town that saved Nagisa came to Shamiko much earlier.
And yes, Momo is Tomoya.
>Leave everything on read
>Just skim through group chat
Literally me.
How does that work in 3d?
Momo is that cat loving user who browse /fit/
There there Momo. You're not alone in this but that doesn't mean you have to go around wearing crocs.
Jesus. this episode was heavy.
Does manga sale actually improve chance of S2? I thought only anime sale affects it.
It's hard to be certain, production committees don't exactly announce the exact criteria they use to determine what to make more of and what not to. But in theory if an anime adaptation drives enough sales of manga, the manga publishers will be more willing to re-invest some of that capital into more anime which hopefully drives even more manga sales.
It's ok. Lighthearted really. None of the girls made huge deal out of the seriousness of their situation.
>You didn't mention that you can easily die!
>That's not important! Meanwhile you didn't mention that you can easily die too!
>That's not important too!
Wasn't the forbidden fruit fig though?
>Your daughter will never step over you.
Just end me Yea Forums
Momo did seem pretty shocked that Shamiko was so frail and she'd been forcing her to go running.
I don't think it's ever actually specified what the forbidden fruit was, but a fig is thought to be one of the more likely possibilities.
>you will never bait Hotarun into /ss/
>you will never be furniture to two beautiful daughters and your wife
Maybe, but Lilith's diary has an apple on it.
>My weaknesses aren't important because I'm insecure and I don't want to worry you with things that are my responsibility! But yours are important because I want to help you be stronger!
>no u
This is what well-intentioned love ought to be.
Machikado means family
I think it is closer to soul gem in Madoka. The soul gem is the actual being. The gem is the phylactery to the magical lich girls. Nanohaverse see the linker core as a unique organ to the mage instead of the essence to the mage's being.
Momo and Shamiko need to get married already.
That scene made my kokoro go doki doki, bros.
>Joshua is a shota
Oh God, this series is like if my fetish had been given form and life.
50 bucks that shota is Komari in disguise.
is she a succubus
I didn't hear them say サキュバス
I assumed it was just the translator being retarded
(Mazoku means family)
Dango Daimazoku
>everything started at the foot of the cherry blossom hill of miracles
>Nagisa's meeting with Tomoya started with bread
>Shamiko's meeting with Momo concluded with bread
Joshua may be thousands of years old.
>The tails are actual vaginas
user, please.
I don't think they actually say succubus, but the description fits. According to lore, they're demons with the power to appear in dreams, and Lilith was one.
And Machikado Mazoku means "Family Demon". It's a story about Shamiko protecting her family and starting a new one with Momo
Dude, that's To-Love-Ru for you.
No, I know what you're trying to say, but I don't think you realize the extent to which that sentence makes no sense.
And Shamiko dies after giving birth to her daughter, Momo skip town for a few years then come back to her daughter with Shamiko who Seiko, Mikan and Ryo have been raising in her stead, only to lose this little girl as well.
The heartbroken Momo heads to purgatory and then somehow ends up repeating the loops to gather enough miracles from Tama town and break the loop, letting Shamiko get healthy enough to survive childbirth so that Momo and Shamiko can start their family properly.
>throws away his carefree millenia-long demon life to get a family
>when his daughter gets sick, submits to the light clan member and later gets sealed to save her
>even after sealing spends all his time with his wife and daughters
>since the family is poor and has no furniture, becomes the furniture
Is Joshua the best husband and father ever?
>Tama is Pandemonium
>Pandemonium is a big family of demons
the literal translation of what she calls herself would be dream demon
Father of the year
Literally me.
>raises an orphan as her own sister
>sacrifice her magical might to protect the town
>work to secure peace between the light and dark clan in her town
>throws away her own existence to save a frail demon girl
Is Sakura the best sister and magical girl ever?
dreamy demon
A hero we don't deserve.
I use mantras, wake-back-to-bed, daily dream journaling and hoping really really hard
it's magic
Alluring abomination
>You want to hear about mommy?
>Let's see... mommy was a crybaby.
>Even the first time we met, she wasn't sure of herself and she was weak.
>She stood still at the foot of the hill to school
>Guess what she said at the foot of the hill?
>She told me not to think that I've won.
>That was mommy's personality
>Saying that line aloud gathers her courage.
>Mommy's family was poor at the time and didn't have the money to make mommy lunch.
>Maybe Seiko could have tried, but they ran out of rice for the month.
>That's what mommy was like. Then.... ahh... mommy was...
savory succubus
But shamiko is pathetic
>drama in MY lesbian romcom?
Oh japan
Mystifying mistress
How much do we know about loli Momo, what are the chances Sakura took her in after saving her from some hell demon attack that killed the rest of her family?
We don't know anything.
>come to this thread expecting typical cute Shami post and user shens
>getting hit with a serious case of feels
Well, Clannad similarities are already mentioned, but Momo looking Madokaish can give a hint too.
Shadowy Madam
Old and wise demon reminiscing.
>Shamiko buys a high spec phone
>How can this poorfag even afford... oh yeah, she works for the tapir.
Why did I just assume that Shamiko was being paid in free lunches and that Riko tricked her into free labor and coerced Shirosawa into being a jew?
Riko has some tail solidarity.
I think Momo forced them to pay Shamiko with actual money after the food payments became dangerous.
Dayum, what a healthy goat.
The tapir is a good guy, he pays fair wages. He's just desperate to have workers.
Riko loves the tapir so she would do anything to get him some employees.
>Dante's Inferno
The title is 'The Divine Comedy'.
Well, Inferno is just the most famous because Purgatory and Paradise contain less suffering and therefore less fun.
This is hilariously jewish.
Overflowing!! Machikado Mazoku (ch.53)
~Shamiko obtaining her desired equipment edition~
Momo: So let's set the phone passcode as Shamiko's birthday in reverse.
(so 8-2-9-0)
Shamiko: What's a "passcode"?
Shamiko: fufufu
Shamiko: I've finally bought it!
Shamiko: The doughnut pillow!!
Shamiko: It was on sale at 398 yen!! (from Sankyu)
Shamiko: I can comfortably put my head to the side without leaning on my horn when I go to sleep with this thing!
Anri: Shamigrats!
Shamiko: But to think that I can find just the right kind of pillow to buy... Tama Town sure is amazing...
Shamiko: I wonder who other than me would have a use for this
Anri: ...
Anri: That's not really a pillow.
Anri: That is a seat cushion for people with Hemorrhoid which protects their butt.
(-Anri held her tongue even if she was about about to tell her)
>Watched every Kirara
>The peak of Anime nowhere near its deserving 1st spot
>Anri: That is a seat cushion for people with Hemorrhoid which protects their butt.
Anri: That is a seat cushion for people with Hemorrhoid to protect their butt with
>how do a mahou shoujo and a mazoku have sex
Mahou Shoujo and Mazoku are capable of immaculate conception.
>immaculate conception
but the big G didn't plant the magical core in Lilith or in Mikan!
Shamiko's husband is cute
"Protect" sounds really odd for this. "That's a seat cushion for people with haemorrhoids to ease their butt pain" would work better.
HS being at the top is just assumed, so there's no reason to list it
Yeah. I tend to transliterate from the text so proofing will be needed.
Anne Happy is Oonuma's wild ride. You either get on it or get run over by it. Manga over & S2 never. ;_;
Fuck, marry, kill, inseminate?
>Fuck rib
>Kill flattie
>marry rib
>inseminate rib
>The first mention of the "treasury of the LORD" occurs in Joshua 6:19
In before Joshua is the Messiah cause Jesus is just Greek for Joshua.
Why are Liliths ears pokey?
Cause Lilith is the first demon.
Why aren't Shami's ears pokey?
In case if user got lost.
If Joshua's staff which Shamiko found in volume 3 is none other than Aaron's rod, then Joshua may be the Messiah if we go by Jewish lore.
breeding with Eve's descendants did away with the pointy ears.
Evolution is not always for the best, it seems
He's not the messiah. He's just a very naughty boy.
absolutely based, this is like cartoon terrorism on a national scale
>Something came out!!
>It's really slow but there it is~!!
Imagine her saying that when your dick unfolds beneath your fat rolls.
Well that's not a reference I expected to see on Yea Forums
But Momo's not fat at all
I'm going to miss Shamiko so much, Yea Forums.
You can see how Momo's heart went doki-doki when Shamiko stood up to her
WEG material
why are sages all retarded?
wait a minute
those are tetris blocks
My youtube recommendations feed is now full of videos of goats climbing vertical walls and ancient mythology. Thank you Shamiko!
Metako has a very pink asshole.
>ITT: villains that won and realized their dreams
The light clan is the real villain though.
>Momo: So let's set the phone passcode as Shamiko's birthday in reverse.
>(so 8-2-9-0)
Very gay.
Of course not, user. How can you even say such an heresy
I love girls who get so happy at simple things.
Also, I am now in want of a donut shaped pillow.
Should I kill myself when this ends?
>Shamiko's birthday
>next week
Please give her a season 2.
hang in there user! hold out hope for season 2!
>soliciting child soldiers to do their bidding
>limited disclosure if not outright lying to potential recruits
>terrorize the innocent
Shamiko has the same birthday as me, huh. Should I start asking mom more questions about my father?
Ganbare user! Discover your demonic heritage and obtain a complimentary magical girl.
All for the sake of peace user
>My brain is full of fuck
Fucking LAW faction.
>MM teaches us to make a lot of backups
>now it teaches us not to reuse passwords
What a clever show.
you don't actually need to find her, you just need to get Shamiko close enough for the telepathy to trigger or whatever
This is fucking mortifying. The app keeps updating but I can't play. Just today noticed the Shamiko, this is killing me. I want a shamiko.
she's very cute, apparently
I can't upload the webms because they have sound
how much shamiko prostitution first time
Why? Everyone knows Life of Brian is peak python.
You can upload it to a file sharing site and just link it.
I wanna FUCK those tiddies in her crisis management outfit.
Magical girls seem to have complete freedom to do whatever they want, though. Sakura set up a safe haven and Momo is gay for a demon. Meanwhile, Metako or Michael does fuck all to stop any of this despite being sworn enemies to the demons their contractees are helping out.
There was this moment where Metatron called Sakura his former master. I don't know if that's a mistranslation, but it's an extremely out of character thing for an angel to say.
What control of the stream from a squeezed lemon!
Says someone whose favorite pastime is playing with balls
I want Mikan squirt some juice in my mouth.
Where were you when shami was die?
anri is so pale there
it doesn't seem right since she's a tennis girl
her arms at least should be quite tan
They finally admitted Shami is a succubus
is this what she is thinking about all those times she curls her hair in her fingers
Getting drunk...
Cute crown
>magic girls nearly killed her as a kid, put her into poverty, killed her father and widowed her mother right when she gave birth to their second child
Shamiko is fully justified in killing them all
he's not dead, he's just a box
I want more of this energetic girl bros
>real fang
>awakened to skin fang
what did they mean by this?
Nah, shamiko is nagisa pre-after story. No lights yet, but due to the promise Nagisas dad made with the town on that hill, her life was tied to the town and she could live a normal life without the sickness mostly. However shamiko isn't saved yet, just like nagisa. Her life still relies on a single crutch that could collapse at any time, just like nagisa.
Momo still hasn't found the lights
Nagisa is still in school, but not as sickly as she was growing up
As long as the town is doing well she's not dying
Shamiko must become a top tier demon in order to survive on her own
A magical girl saved her life growing up, and also sealed away her dad forever
That's just equivalent exchange
>Hebrew letters
...? I am confused.
Fuck the light clan.
Joshua is old enough for them to be relevant to him
You're lv1 discovering the hidden shit in the story.
Nothing ever said that he was thousands of years old, that's mostly fanon. Only thing said was that he enjoys appearing young.
And he didn't make the box, the box comes from Mikan's dad's factory. Mikan has a few dozen identical boxes lying around
Succubus are corrupters, so they supposed to be brainy.
Sex is just one of the options.
I get an impression that this one is not that smart, though.
being sealed in an object imprints your soul into it, it's only natural that it would change to suit you
also I'm pretty sure this is him in Egypt
She can almost imagine what a gun looks like
That's pretty smart
Round 2
fuck, my eyes
I think mikans dad just dabbled in Jewish occult
But she ain't got none, so the flavour is irrelevant.
The dream
>Hero indistinguishable from extant hentai character
Jesus gosenzou is flat as a pancake.
Shamiko managed to reach all of her goals in less than a year
>Family no longer poor
>Get magical blood
>Buy a doughnut shaped pillow
Only things left are freeing dad box and Sakura, and managing to corrupt Momo entirely. Maybe free Lilith if she finds time.
Shamiko actually developed as a character. She's lived up to being Shadow Mistress. Satania is nowhere near where Shamiko is now.
>family no longer poor
Where the fuck do they get money anyway? Aside from shamikos waitress job.
Which is kinda strange as well since she should have way more saved up from that by now considering she has no hobbies. Even if it's just part time and she has to pay for a phone plan, she should have a bit saved up by now. Where does it go?
The family no longer is constrained by having 30000 yen/month for their revenue cap. Seiko's no longer losing money to freak accidents for one. There's no chapter on Shamiko opening a bank account yet.
>She doesn't lose money though
That doesn't explain how she gains money
>She doesn't have a bank account
That doesn't tell us where all the money is going. She should have enough that she doesn't have to wait for a pillow to go on sale, and she can handle a fancy night out that she thought they were getting for free but was really a mistake. If she doesn't have money to pay for either of those it makes me think she's often down to nothing, which tells me it's going somewhere
Minimum wage still gets you a bit of money when you have no bills or rent to pwy
Brb calling the light clan
Some mazoku girl is getting too strong for comfort, that shouldn't be allowed.
Wait a minute. Shamiko is too poor to own an iPhone X/XS!
Probably food.
She works a parttime job. Haven't you read the manga?
Refer to volume 3 to volume 5.
Get a reading comprehension
She works as a waitress now, she buys fancy phones
Seiko has a job, we don't know what it is
Oh nice! I wonder if there's a video of that too.
>ywn never bully shamiko and take her donut pillow away from her to keep her from becoming to strong
Why live bros
She also wants to make Momo smile more often.
Iirc the mother has a job.
Peach bitch either takes all her money or tricks her into spending it as we've seen.
I think their family qualify for subsistence in Japan. The rent is a non-issue with how absurdly low the rent is at banda apartment.
Where can I buy my own personal Gozenso? It would make a cute paper weight
That goal was accomplished, ch39
I think they said at one point that rent is like $150 at those apartments specifically I'd you're either light or dark clan. In the chapter where Mikan moved in.
Anons are working on a model for 3d printing.
It's not USD $150. Mikan said that it was 120 yen in chapter 28
120 jpy / mth, abt $1.20, not $150
Yeah I forget the number
>$400 a month
>Rent is $1
>Food is probably $20 a month for frugal types. Rice by the pound is fairly cheap.
>Kids don't eat out at all
>Kids allowance is between $1 and $5
Where did all it go? Did it go towards buying Shamiko's bras during puberty? Although they kinda made it sound like they weren't always making the full amount each month?
Shamimama does drink a lot throughout the series...
>rent is 1 dollar
What fantasy world are you living in?
>Shamiko finally getting a doujin from a well respected futa artist
She's finally made it
Medical fees. Shamiko's had a hard life.
>Food is probably $20 a month
That's pretty cheap
Those don't count
One with demons and magical girls apparently.
Read posts above
Sakura worked out a deal for dark and light clan to basically not pay rent in town.
Dark Clan and Magical girls get a huge discount at the flat where they live. Iirc Sakura owns the place.
I... feel very conflicted about this. Any signs of deparvity from either Asanagi or Satou Kuuki?
In those apartments
when will it be scanned
They don't count towards the limit but they do still have to pay out of their pocket.
I knew she could do it
Now all we can hope for is that it's normal pure futa between Momo and shami, and no strange elements thrown in. No other characters
Oh fug, not that artist. He's not the right futa guy for this.
Depends, is there a store listing?
tell me about this artist by which I mean I can't read moon pls help
Not short enough
If you're really tight on budget, then you can live on $20 a month sometimes. I'd assume they go cheap as hell.
Aptly named is the shadow mistress, for her work is so subtle behind the scenes you don't notice until its too late.
It was pure genius hiding behind the persona of an incompetent dumbass with a fantastic rack.
Just read his other works on ex
It'll be more depraved and less vanilla if it's the guy
Oh heck. That's the Dulce Report author?
I cannot identify the artist because I am not good at moon and my sauce buttons are failing me
It's the magic girls' fault that her life was even in danger. Who the fuck punishing someone's kids/descendants for their parent's actions?
Ever heard of that Christianity religion?
>Shamiko's now powerful enough to freely manipulate the dreamspace
Why does this scare me so?
she will clean your mind up for free.
poor ancestor
Can she bring dream items into the real world yet?
Well, I guess that tells me the convention & release venue, so if they give it to a co-signer shop, it should be after that.
Fighting is for plebs all she needs is an assortment of sleeping pills, some chloroform on a rag and a comfy ring pillow and your ass is grass.
>Nothing ever said
*Yet. in later chapters it's said that he roamed Mesopotamia freely, so he's old as fuck
>Muscle wizard for anti-army protection
>oGUra SION for magical supplies
>Ryo as military advisor
>Mikan for sniping
>Ugallu for run and hit tactics
Shamiko is to be feared.
Yeah, but they are poor because of the limit right? I think seiko work and get decent wage but lose them afterward to the restricted limit.
Probably a cross between the two. Soul gems break and become witches. Cores in this don't really break or die as far as we know. We suspect they get recycled into other Magical Gitls from what Sakura said about hoping one day too be "reborn" again, but that's speculation.
if Yuuko becomes strong enough, she should be able to revive Sakura with her magic, like how Ugalu was made
animeonly just wouldn't understand any of this yet. We haven't done vol4 in the translation threads at that.
You'd think the bodies being comprised of ether you could just treat them like you would a candle and dip them in it to build up layers, yet Momo has scars that wouldn't matter if you reshape the ether.