>We don’t have enough solders to deal with the situation
Hahaha admiral fags btfo.
Yonko >>>>>>>>> Admiral > Yonko First Mate.
One Piece
Official rankings not based on crew size but only their own abilities
>Magma hat guy
>gravity bitch
>old ringo starr light guy
>big mom
>wan piss
imagine actually believing this
Admiral being = to yonko never made sense.
If that was the case there was no excuse for them to not take out a individual yonko, if all three admirals + the fleet admiral were each themselves equal to a yonko their power would eclipse them way too much.
>>We don’t have enough solders to deal with the situation
Send eight ships to be cuted by Mihawk
Fr that would make the paramount war absolutely one sided
Comparing luffys fight with cracker and fujitora.
3rd commander > admiral.
Why are the marines so weak?
Reminder that the manga is ending on chapter 1200.
More things will be offscreened like blackbeard and shank's death, luffy and law will be captured by the marines who arrive in wano once he beats kaido with G5 and law makes a deal with the marines to only take them.
romance dawn ch 1-600
new romance dawn ch 601-1200
Would Luffy's shits be absurdly large because of the insanely large meals he eats?
Shit is kind of confusing, it seems like they're talking about Wano but it seems Koby was talking about something else too
I thought coby meant with ‘our soldiers’ the sword faction
Oda only truly offscreens unimportant shit.
If it's important and he offscreened it, he later comes back to it in a flashback.
how will Mihawk dab on the marines?
In the previous BB scene he said the Rev Army clashed with the admirals.
Now we got told that someone got murdered and something bad happened to Sabo.
So someone used the chance of the two sides fighting to kill Cobra? And then Sabo proceeds to job?
Shitposters: Nothing happened!!
>tfw pirateCHAD
Fuck the marines
Yeah, THAT happened in THAT place!
Get hype for THAT guy!!
Marine spinoff when?
Lets put the pieces together:
What the hell happened to Sabo that the WG DOESNT want published?
I've dreamed off a Garp prequel about him joining the Marines and hanging out with Sengoku and Tsuru for years
Chapter 956: Ursus Shocku
He survived.
Nami's wife!
Nono, the Marines/WG would gobble up a commander of the Revolutionary Army being taken down.
The question is what happened in Alabasta
I really dislike Oda's art
Based Akainu preparing a coup against the WG while also getting ride of the RA and affiliated pirate scums
I genuinely think it got annihilated.
Abolition of Shichibukai
Sorry dude.
I used to feel the same way but now I like it a lot.
I really hope an admiral or 2 were sent to capture Mihawk, because if not the WG made an idiotic move. Mihawk can destroy an entire army of fodder in one slash.
So did Oda retcon this guy into a revo or is this another "Kizaru full force kicks Drake in the face knowing he'd survive it" situation.
I would enjoy seeing robins reaction to reading in the newspaper that Alabasta got Buster Call'd while Vivi was in the reverie.
Upper tier VA's like Gion could probably put up a fight and overwhelm him if there was a few off them
Someone tried to assassinate Vivi
Cobra took the shot for her and died in her place
Sabo was blamed for killing one of the only peaceful king in the world, he may or may not been captured.
No they couldn't
Dunno why it would be a retcon since Kuma mentioned Dragon in Thriller Bark and spared Luffy. You're free to try to explain.
The latter. Kuma had the nickname of "Tyrant" from the start which confirmed he was some sort of ruler
The thing about the warlord system is that the pirates were the dogs of the WG
Dogs have leashes for a reason, and now nobody is holding theirs
Fujitora has essentually released a bunch of coked up super pitbulls into a room filled with preschoolers and then locked the door
How long until mihawk fires a slash at mariejois because he wants more guys hunting him
"Sword" is a group led by Drake that acts out from the Marine. They are doing his own business in wano, not a job ordered by Akainu.
Not enough soldiers means not enough soldiers in Sword, not in Marine.
>So did Oda retcon this guy into a revo
I want to fucking believe these are actual trolls who shitpost with minimal effort
So all the old shibukais gonna get tImpel Down and then luffy gonna rescue them/sabo?
He wasn't talking about the yonko dumbass
I am not entirely sure if he knew Luffy was dragon's son at that moment. He was just messing around with filthy pirates
FUCK Sabo, he's a traitor and totally siding with Im
He couldn't even hurt Jozu and pre-TS Luffy was able to get by him
Where is her butt?
Fuck no retard
Still stronger than Shanks tho
Jozu's devil fruit has a natural advantage against sword slashes and Luffy had allies helping him evade mihawk
>Kuma mentioned Dragon in Thriller Bark
Hang on a second, wasn't Mihawk saying something a few in universe days ago about wanting to get the fuck off his island because he suspected the Shichibukai system was going to be abolished? Why the fuck is he still on his island getting ambushed if it was shown earlier that he saw it coming and wanted to avoid it? Or does the whole chapter take place "a few weeks ago" and is this the day after he said that?
What's up your butt?
He told Perona to get out, he didn't plan to leave himself.
you blind?
Really gonna enjoy the SHITchibukai jobbing to Vegapunk's new weapon
Everyone except Hancock is going to escape because she'll probably stay defending her island to the last woman. Or maybe they have a secret weapon like a gigantic snake sea king they could use to occupy the Marines while evacuating everyone on the island
He said that as a warning to Perona
>Nooooooo you can't just tease us and prepare the futur plot in advance without telling us everything! We want to know!
Goddamn those anime binge watchers are annoying
It is not hard to find. I'll post if you want, but if I post it you are confirmed to take dicks in the ass daily.
nami's a widow now?
Imagine Kiku's pulsating anus
*blocks Hancock's path*
Don't mess with bisoromiposters
>akainu sends hundreds of men to their death trying to take down shichibukai
>a week later he finds out big mom and kaidou joined forces
How fucked is he?
why are you still in these threads. why are you so obsessed.
>Read one piece
>Luffy says he's going to search for the one piece
>Narrator doesnt tell me what one piece is
Fucking hack writing, stopped right there
>aaaaah shanks stop the war again please
So Coby did something important at Reverie to get promoted two ranks within like a week right?
Shirahoshi > Rebecca >Deadvi
Motherfucker that was a bloody decade ago what the fuck is wrong with you autists?
This. I love being teased and blueballed for 500 chapters, I don't even want the plot to move forward, I just want more teasing!
He fucked Rebecca.
You should probably get that checked out.
Who knows with all that offscreening. You just gotta assume one of three: he got promoted for saving Dressrosa ship and that other princess in the submarine, he did something at the reverie or he was already gonna be promoted anyway,
Spee D. Reader
You just KNOW
I want Akainu to just get fed up with the World Government and Tenryubito and just stage a coup or something.
Zoomer brain want instant popcorn now
>I'll take care of the marine boy, Hebihime-sama!
Zoroniggers that just read the same 6 chapters repeatedly where Oda sucks his dick don't have the right to call me that.
Vivi is old and busted
Because I still liked 90% of Wano so far. And all the previous reverie chapters. I'm not going to drop a series because of one bullshit chapter.
In front of Kyros
I accept your surrender.
Did i hit a nerve? Go binge watch another show
Okay answer this, if a yonko kills a celestial dragon would the marine still attack them with a buster call?
Same. I used to absolutely hate it.
90% of the plot of One Piece is happening inside your head at this point. Oda doesn't have to write shit, just pretend that there IS something happening, and everyone just builds their own headcanon around it which is why everyone always loses their minds with these chapters, even though nothing at all happened or was revealed.
Oda just hit massive gold with headcanon autists.
>That one day, every person in this world will control their OWN destiny. A land of the TRULY free, dammit. A world of ACTION, not words. Ruled by STRENGTH, not by Reverie. Where the law changes to suit the individual, not the other way around. Where power and justice are back where they belong: in the hands of the people! Where every man is free to think -- to act -- for himself!
>Fuck all these limp-dick marines and chicken-shit nobles. Fuck this 24/7 den-den-mushi spew of news and wanted posters bullshit. Fuck "World Goverment pride". Fuck Morgans! Fuck all of it! The World Government is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it -- we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN!
>And from the ashes, a new World Government will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The weak will be purged, and the strongest will thrive -- free to live as they see fit, they will make Piracy GREAT AGAIN!
>In my new World Government, people will die and kill for what they BELIEVE! Not for berry, not for devil fruits! Not for what they're told is right. Every man will be free to fight his own wars!
they have to go at them with the full force of the military even if it costs them severe casualties. Tennryubitos have to be untochable. Look at what happened with just a punch.
One dying would either have to be completely covered up in a way to make it look accidental or they would have to completely go to war with that party.
Probably no
>beautiful gorgeous mighty terrifying savage swordmaster Zoro
>Magma hat guy
>gravity bitch
>old ringo starr light guy
>big mom
Probably beaten the shit out of Sabo
What even is the advantage of confronting the ex Shichibukai besides good PR? None of them do anything that would upset the balance of power. Mihawk occasionally ventures out to fuck with pirates, Hancocks crew occasionally raids ships for supplies and semen, Buggys merc army will still be employed by WG members to fight their wars and Weevil has a vendetta against the Whitebeard pirates. They'll keep doing those things regardless, except now guys like Buggy might look to ally themselves with either Shanks or Big Mom, and Mihawk will probably make annoying the Marines as much as possible his new favorite pastime
They don't send BC for that speedreader and there would be a bigger issue if a CD somehow cross path with a Yonko.
he saved the dressrosa party from a torpedo while saving that other kidnapped princess pre-reverie. if he did get a promootion it's because of that. but i think oda probably fucked up because he was talking to drake who had the rear admiral rank before "defecting" to be a pirate. either way the correction if there is one will probably go up when the issue comes out in japan
Akainu and Fujitora have thought they were scum all along and just been looking for an excuse to kill them
This, their move is fucking stupid. Just cutting off the ties and the support was enough
Wtf sanji got oneshoted so easily?
I don't even remember this shit, was it when Zoro took on all of Luffy's pain?
Koby literally confirmed two Yonko at once is too much for them.
Oda is not an ass man.
Admiral > Yonko first mate
But... Marco was as strong as Kizaru.
Kuma is dead
Sabo was arrested
The assassination attempt happened against the Nefertari and Cobra is probably dead
Vivi is now going to Wano with Sai and is the current user of the Nikyu fruit
They'd be stupid to, you saw how much firepower they got together JUST for one yonko before.
Who do you even send to beat Mihawk?
We saw the trouble Kizaru was having with old Rayleigh who I assume Mihawk is at least on par with
Third 10/10 chapter in a row. The trend should stop for a bit next chapter since it should be a cooldown chapter.
Thats Vivi's face when Im-sama sticks it up her pooper
>But... Marco was as strong as Kizaru.
He wasnt
Fujitora probably, or Kizaru
i assume as part of the condition for abolishment of the warlords cobra and riku requested that the world government store the rest in impel down so as to prevent similar exploitation of other kingdoms.
it's been a nice stretch of legendary chapters but next one should start the oden flashback.
>Oda actually just write really open plots and then just pick up the best fan theory from the Internet
9 years ago
togashit cant even compete
look at his tattoos
Luffy will open the biggest can of whopp ass if Coby hurts his friend
Damage control lmao
Dressrosa and what happened after severely fucked up the "powerlevels" in One Piece.
Raleigh's swordsmanship might be lower than Mohawk's but his strength, speed, and especially Haki are probably all significantly better even at his current age
How so? All I can think of is Birdcage.
Still, unrefuted.
And now they've pretty much handed the Yonkou new allies. Who knows, Shanks might approach Buggy, Hancock and Mihawk with alliance offers now. It'd definitely benefit Hancock greatly since she's the most immobile ex-Schichibukai of all, with an island she needs to protect at all times. Buggy would probably swallow his pride and take it because it'd boost his legend among his men. And Mihawks already Shanks old sparring partner and occasional drinking buddy, Shanks would probably not even bother asking him because an offer doesn't need to be made. Bet Shanks already considers Mihawk an honorary Red-Hair pirate and not just a prospective ally.
Weevil probably wouldn't get an invite from him though, he's been dabbing on Whitebeards old fleet members too much and Red Hair respected Whitebeard
>doesn't have a black sword
>weaker than Borsalino
That's literally how a good story is written.
>Reference something vague
>Pick it up 5 years later to fill up the arc a bit
How is a slow story exactly a good story? It doesn't really mean anything towards the actual quality of writing.
SWORD is literally the Marines special forces unit. Like the SEALS with the real life US Navy
Well its not like they can keep doing that because what they did in Alabasta and Dressrosa was only possible with the WG's complicity
Just means it's methodical and planned, which is nice.
I assume his rubber gastrointestinal system would be capable of inhuman shits
>Write a consistent story
The absolute state of shitposters today
>"Sword" is a group led by Drake that acts out from the Marine
>literally written in the chapter MARINE HQ SECRET SPECIAL FORCES
what makes you think he is weaker than borsalino lmao
I'd be very surprised if Akainus one of the founding members of SWORD, an undercover operation doesn't seem like his style at all. If anything I'd expect the founders to be Sengoku, one or all of the Gorosei, Shanks and maybe Kuzan, who might be doing what X Drake is doing with his alliance with Blackbeard
More like 36th. The last chapter that wasn't absolutely perfect was 920, and that was still 9.5/10
he wasn't talking about the Yonko, it's something else, they are discussing the Yonko later
If anything that makes it even more impressive, the longer your story is the harder it is to maintain consistency.
We'll have to wait, his statement is a fact unless proven wrong.
Hancock is 100% joining Luffy's Grand Fleet.
sword will attack
shield will protect
Oda literally made up the Worst Generation when his editor told him that Sabaody was boring, 10 years later they now play a massive role in the story when Oda didn't intend them to even exist.
They can probably take on BM's but not the kamikaze nutjobs from Kaido's crew
He never has to worry about tearing his asshole or anything.
>an undercover operation doesn't seem like his style at all.
How? He's the one who planned the Squardo thing. He's sneaky.
Kuma literally mentions Dragon a chapter or two later
Based Oda being able to fold rogue elements into his well planned story.
he literally just did some cover OP shit against WB with Squardo
I'm sure Akainu having a random sword tattoo on his arm is just coincidence.
Yes he was. So was Ben Backmen
>akainu will live
Stop posting your headcanons user
Mihawk is Yonkou tier. He was only a warlord because he has ZERO crew and just drifts about as a loner.
so, sabo is ded?
Im expecting them to give Hancock a plea deal,
Turn herself in and they dont raze the entire island
Planning doesn't preclude putting new ideas in. The guy had several notebooks ahead of Dressrosa, including Zou, WCI, etc quite a few years back.
Based doublethink Anons.
>what makes you think he is weaker than borsalino lmao
The fact that his bitch ass was exhausted against a casual Borsalino using a sword.
Vegapunk's weapons are robot copies of each Shichibukai AND their powers combined surpass 1 Yonko.
Oh fuck, I completely forgot about that. Huh...his constant autistic screeching about absolute justice just drowns out anything remotely subtle that he does. Maybe he really is just pretending to retarded to get people not to suspect he's actually crafty
No Sabo is getting framed for the death of Kobra most probably
How high do you guys think the Shichibukai's bounties will be now? I'm feeling Mihawk at 1,964,000,000, Whitebeard Jr at 1,400,000,000, Boa Hancock at 800,000,000, and Buggy at 750,000,000.
Sengoku's operation with Corazon was literally identical to what Drake is doing with Kaido. They even used the same code word response system as Coby and Drake use this chapter.
Anyone who doesn't think Sengoku is involved in SWORD is a retard
You've never planned anything besides your next meal have you? I bet your mom still makes you lunch.
>sacrificing herself for anyone else than Luffy
nigga you think it gonna be that simple
He is old user. Prime Rayleigh was probably fleet admiral tier, current Rayleigh is first yonko commander at best
And people deny the existence for inflation.
Mihawk: 2.5 billion
Weevil: 2.4 billion
Hammock: 0, she's getting captured (on purpose hoping that Luffy comes to rescue her)
Buggy: 0, he's getting captured
Croc's bounty just doubled.
There's something wrong with Buggy. Doesn't everyone fucking know he was part of the Roger Pirates? His bounty should be insane, he went to fucking Laugh Tale.
Is Mihawk even a pirate? How did he become one?
why would mihawk who does fuck all even have a bounty
In term of raw power he's a match to him but he seems to have some stamina trouble, especially when we know tha admirals can fight for 10 days.
Same reason they don't actively pursue Rayleigh, because he lays low and fucks with weak blue shitters.
>k-kaido will CRUSH Big Meme, just watch!
>She bends Kaido to her will in an alliance even after he said he was going to kill her
>Still never SCRATCHED by an enemy in combat
This, what did he even do?
Actually what did Hancock even do?
Because he's going to kill the 15 battleships worth of marines they just sent at him???
Buggy doesn't lay low. He announced himself to the whole world during Marineford and is very active in the NW.
I don't think Weevil will have a bounty higher than BB. I think his mother will get a 50,000,000 bounty simply for being the brains of the operation. Weevil is dangerous, but he's also fucking braindead.
I think it's largely kept secret, and I don't remember it being explicitly stated that Buggy & Shanks went to Raftel.
so why send the battleships in the first place, all he seemingly does is walk around on his monkey infested island and sometimes get mad at people who disturb his sleep
Best swordsmen in the world, too much of a threat not to have a bounty placed on his head
Also mihawk has been hunted before, as stated in this chapter
It also seems like he's going to indulge himself on the marines
>during Marineford
Yes, where he gained a bunch of followers and amnesty from the government until now anyway.
The only one above 1Bi is going to be Weevil and maybe Buggy for comedic effect
Hancocks doenst get a bounty upgrade until she actually does anything, so she is back to 80Mi
Mihawk is too chill to go over 600Mi
They said during Hancock's introduction that she went on one piracy expedition and caused so much trouble that they instantly offered her a place
>I don't remember it being explicitly stated that Buggy & Shanks went to Raftel.
Rayleigh said WE went there. And they were part of the crew. They went there for sure. Buggy is obsessed with treasures yet doesn't give a single fuck about the One Piece. Because he knows.
I can't wait till oda goes full retard and she dies to that giant nigger who hates her then katakuri takes over and leads his country against the WG for luffy.
Bros I'm so excited. Fuckkk I want to time travel.
>caused so much trouble
>only 80 millions
and people say Oda didn't fuck up with bounty
any of the shickibukai being captured would be dumb because it would be a waste of a character. Buggy especially because he's already been to Impel Down before and it'd be funnier if he escaped and had to stay on the run from the marines
>Knocked out by a single brontosaurus falling on her head
Embarrassing performance, lad
The "trouble" her crew caused was draining ships of their semen. All the supplies/treasure they stole were probably considered fair payment by their "victims".
>turn herself in
>island safe
>her hero Luffy will surely come blow through impel down like he did for Ace
I swear to god, if next chapter we see Vivi wearing gloves i'll freak out
>if next chapter we see Vivi wearing gloves i'll freak out
Why? What about wearing gloves is so special?
So Blackbeard is rushing off to get the Shichibukai?
>start to sail to become the WGS
>random Marines stop you and ask you what are you doing sailling alone like a weirdo
>they become really annoying not understanding your dream
>kill them
>get a bounty
>"meh might as well be a pirate who cares lol"
Sabo killed Kuma, but the fruit went to Vivi. It wasn't reported in the papers about the second part, which is why Blackbeard is on his way
You do realize Luffy fucking raided enies lobby and impel down all within a couple months and was only given a bounty of around 300 mil right. It was only 100 something mil after enies lobby.
God, I wish I was a marine.
>Buggy getting captured
The strength of Buggys men was acknowledged by Whitbeard himself at Marineford, and they've likely gotten even stronger since then fighting in proxy wars during the timeskip. I don't think Buggy's going to lose many of them fighting against the WG, if anything I can see them decimating the fleet sent to bring Buggy in quickly enough for Buggy to not even have to bother trying to escape on his own. They'll likely even have time to pack up base and set sail before the next Marine wave comes for round two.
How can someone read this quickly.
Probably wants them in his crew
The jaminis scan had it more vague
I assumed he meant getting the mera mera fruit by whatever black magic they pull
>Was already sleepy from a big meal and takes a short nap
>Tanks a fucking BRONTO falling on her skull with zero defense haki and is completely unfazed on waking up
>implying he doesn't want their fruit
Seems like it. Trying to recruit them maybe. But maybe he's doing something else. They didn't show any admiral going after the shichibukai, so maybe they're doing something else that put BB into action.
The really big bounties are for being an active threat to the balance of the world.
Random acts of piracy isn't gonna go above 300,000,000 or so
>Buggy is already halfway out the door when his underlings start cheering that they fucked up all the marines
>they praise him because they assume he was on his way to flank them
Being in the BB crew must be based as fuck.
>No one fucks with you for being in a yonko crew
>Get all the bitches you want for free
>Your captain will hunt down any fruit you want
Why people even says he's evil
He's just trolling you. He knows it din't do shit to her.
>declare war on the WG
>take a massive shit on all 3 main Marine facilities
>assault a CD
>300 million
>beat up a yonko commander
>1.5 billion
Bounties =/= powerlevel idiots BTFO
Oh sorry I got the timeline messed up 300 mil was after enies lobby. Even then he only had around 100 mil after taking down a warlord I don't think its very strange for Boa to get a offer with a bounty of 80 mil.
yeah unless they send an admiral none of the shichibukai are going down. People talk about Yonkou's vice captains but Vice Admirals are complete dogshit compared to pirates with a name.
>blackbeard tries to go after mihawk
>gets his shit pushed in, entire page dedicated to shiryu getting his ass raped
>blackbeard tries to go after weevil
>weevil goes full tard rage mode and blackbeard has to run away
>coby already captured hancock
>buggy has already fucked off to partner up with the mama-kaido alliance
>goes home with nothing
Hope this happens so teachfags can seethe
Kuma used to wear them
They wouldn't know of she ate the fruit unless someone saw it, and i doubt that BB is after that since he is after something(or someone) that he wants to get before the marines, and they already had the Kuma
He's after Pluton.
>Liking most of wano
>Hating things actually happening
Now i know you're a troll
Mihawk will be 4b+. Screencap this.
The yonko commanders are a much bigger threat to the WG than some rookie going around being retarded they have also probably committed much larger atrocities through years and years of piracy
Man, naruto ended 6 years ago. Go back to your shitter thread
Rev Army
>We are gonna declare war on the Celestial Dragons because that's how cool we are
>Proceed to fuck up the plan and your first commander gets fucked
I don't care about Dragon and co anymore.
All these people do look like they are enjoying the fuck out of life
One Piece Bounties are a complete joke and got extremely over-inflated in way too short of a time. Bounties instantly go up in the millions, even if you're just starting out. Most of the Straw Hats don't even have a bounty over 100 million. Luffy has a 1.5 billion bounty, while both Zoro and Sanji's combined bounty doesn't even equal 600 million.
Yeah, but he also won't lift a finger for you if one of your own crew members is trying to kill you in front of him. He'll probably just laugh about it being fate and egg him on
So what actually happened to Sabo?
You don't even know what really happened. Sabo is fine.
Based. Chadbeard did nothing wrong.
Why would they care about mihawk that much?
>ywn be a woman and suck BB's cock
Why even live bros?
>that translator note about swords increasing in rank.
Yeah a complete rookie making the Marines look like a bunch of incompetent weaklings is really less dangerous to the WG's influence than a faggot who sits at home all day jerking off onto biscuits.
>Willing to pay 5 billion for a single devil fruit
>Yonko bounties are only 2 billion
>both Sanji & Zoro's bounties combined are under 600,000,000
Luffy is the son of the most wanted man on the planet, has openly decalared war on the WG multiple times, and now has a fleet of Supernova level pirate crews under his command.
thank you best amazon
>someone whose best friend literally conquered the world
>in his fucking 70s
>wtf he's not oneshotting the admiral he's weak!!!!
Based retard.
>320 and 330
>less than 600
>Yeah a complete rookie making the Marines look like a bunch of incompetent weaklings
Did you forget they literally blew his entire crew the fuck out in a couple minutes when he started actually fucking with the important people?
>than a faggot who sits at home all day jerking off onto biscuits.
Please stop shitposting.
All those retards who argued the opposite last week got btfo
so when will Jinbei join the crew?
I hope it is implied he died but he ran away, and is not actually captured.
He's coming to Wano. Boa is on her way too.
How do you think it reflects upon the world government/marines when a literal who starts fucking your shit up
Tic toc, Hancockfags. Rear Admiral Coby will show your favorite cuckquean how is it to be JUSTICE'd.
>How do you think it reflects upon the world government/marines when a literal who starts fucking your shit up
The world didn't know about any of this until Luffy went to marineford. They covered up everything meanwhile Katakuri and the BMP go around fucking shit up all day everyday and there is nothing the marines can do to cover it up.
and you just know he will be immune because he 100% gay
Hopefully Oda lets someone draw that after OP is done. We all know Oda won't let any lore-relevant spinoff happen before the main story is over.
I see nothing wrong here. It's not like they're buying the Soap Soap fruit.
Black beard already has Moria on his side maybe the next Shichibukai would be
>the chad rear admiral coming for that hancock ass
Based Koby increasing his harem
not *some* devil fruit but the op op no mi which can give a person immortality
banpresto knew what was up
Mihawk is Imu's brother.
Right, or some retarded looking zoan like giraffe or something.
Holy shit future leak
What note?
Fuarkk that Croc and Hancock design
I wish this was real
I like all of them, but that croc is the best. I like the pipe detail too
>nobody mentioning Morgan just putting down a CP0 with fistcuffs
Chicken's got some moves.
it's not a cp0 member
I need MORE porn of Marguerite. One of the most underrated girls, back when I was catching up I wanted her to join the SHs.
I actually believe they're related somehow.
Yes, exactly. Thanks for the help.
>2019... I am forgotten
Didn't they say the incident with the grand fleet was happening very soon?
The koby conversation was listed as happening "currently" so unless she can teleport the wano arc would be way over by the time she got there.
CP9 were jobbers who lost to a bunch of rookies who didn't know haki, why would CP0 be any different?
CP0 are the direct shield to the Celestial Dragons, and know Haki and Rokushiki.
Unless it's Zoro's waifus.
What are you talking about? They didn't cover up shit. They outright blamed the Straw Hats for razing Enies Lobby to the ground, instead of admitting it was actually their own Buster Call. The CD incident was widely reported. Marineford's exact details probably didn't go public, but Luffy coming back to literally dab on them absolutely did.
>Cucks actually thought based Morgans was your typical coward
>Gets gun pointed to him, goes 'fuck you too' mode
That's BIG NEWS Morgans for you. This fucker has my respect.
>Moria siding with the guy who murdered one of his crewmate
She's touched Luffy's tralala and ding ding dong.
Sorry, Moria's corpse*, should have been more specific
I don't think the final battle on Wano will happen in one day.
lol it's monet joining the strawhats all over again
thats why that fat bitch left him alone she knows you cant fuck with BIG BIRD
Yeah, and I wish there was a doujin based on that.
I think Oda needs to let Chopper have a moment where he saves Luffy from DEATH from a disease. Poor guy's been neglected. Let's see if it happens in Wano, doubtful...
hancock finally will be with luffy
Pirate Queen
Go reread udon Kizaru.
>mfw Zoro's anus is wide enough to hold swords
Since when did common soldiers do anything in OP?
This is a universe where people are lightning and throw earthquakes at each other.
Boa Hancocksleeve
Chopper already medically saved Luffy's life in Wano.
Hody was a common soldier when he murdered Otohime for the crime of having small breasts.
Morgan's a Zoan DF user, the one gimmick all Zoans have is rapid increase of physical stats, Morgan also habituates the New World (strongest part of One Piece map) and is a reporter so he's constantly thrust into dangerous situations, why are people surprised he's strong?
>crime of being flat
plebeian spotted, go back to /d/
Feels good
I didn't make the laws, Oda did. Name a SINGLE other adult female without big tits.
lol CP9 were stronger than Crocodile and Moria
How are they going to take out a yonko if they cant even take out much weaker Straw Hats who are the enemies of the world government and world nobles personally? Have you considered that the brittle balance between yonkos is advantageous to marines? If one of them were to be crushed, then the other three would become even stronger and harder contain. There's also a possibility of yonkos making an alliance to counter marines, if they see them coming after them, which is the worst case scenario for marines. The Yonkos are not petty crooks or pillagers like your average pirate, they're essentially warlords. They run their territory and keep them in peace to an extent. This also makes things easier for marines as they don't need to expend their own forces to keep those territories protected from new world pirates. You are also not taking into account all the other factions in the world that need to be monitored and contained. The shichibukai, revolutionaries, individual powehouses like Wano, Zoa and Elbaf, underground organizations, the D's and everything to do with void century. On top of all that, they have to keep all the world government member states in check. Hypothetical is one thing, but the reality is that they have their hands full and can't afford to spread their forces too much. The Age of Pirates that Roger ushered has made the world very chaotic, and quite difficult for the marines and world governement.
I'm not even gonna try to get my hopes up for Hancock and Mihawk vs Marines because knowing Oda he'll skip everything again to show us boring characters no one cares about doing boring things in Wano instead.
kaido is kinda lame ngl
see You wold have to be retarded to not have seen this coming. Of everything that happened in this chapter, Morgan being a decent New World fighter is the least surprising
Read Dragonball Super then fightfag
This picture doesn't make sense because Big Mom was still hot when Katakuri and his brothers were kids.
Mihawk is NOT yonko level becuase he was jobbing against som literal who from whitebeards crew. If Mihawk went against an admiral, lets say Issho, hed get anaconda'd
>wahhh I don't care about the main story of the manga I've been reading for fucking 900+ chapters I just want action unrelated to plot and character development gimme gimme gimme!
sugar you octuple nigger
Naruto fans are actually chill. Blame Bleachfags.
>literally clashed swords in a single panel
but I forget that in a fightfag's tiny headcanon not instantly oneshotting an opponent with el blanco diablo gear 6,000 means you're weak
Fujitora jobbed to Zoro, Law and Doffy.
Dang. I get not liking the 930s, if you haven't liked the latest Big News stuff in Wano this series just isn't for you.
Sabo probably got captured and Bartolomeo knows that Sabo is Luffy's brother. I think this is going to be that incident.
Fujitora can't beat Zoro tho how can he even look Mihawk in the eye?
seething mihawkfag
>s-she's actually 22, I swear!!
The thing is Oda doesn't even make the main story interesting. ALL Wano characters are absolute dogshit and boring as fuck.
Chadhawk would kill Kekssho, Green Trash, Cuckzan, Kekzaru and Cuckainu.
Just like Zoro jobbing to much weaker enemies when he's not going all out against them?
Big dick Morgans vs Mad D Monk will be final battle of one piece
I love them!!!
she is
>failure as a son; didn't join the marines
>failire as a father; didn't help rescue luffy in marineford and let his dad and a bandit raise him
>failure as a leader; let his subordinates get killed/captured and doesn't know where they are at. currently shitting his pants meanwhile luffy would be going apeshit by now
the absolute state of dragon
>there was a death
>the death could have contended with the disbandment of the Seven Warlords for the front page
>also front page material
What did he do?
After dozens of chapters with nothing happening, all of a sudden, EVERYTHING is happening.
based sakazuki the pedohunter
>Morgan's a Zoan DF user
No, he's not. Hybrid form doesn't look anything like that. He's a giant bird who can talk.
>Rear Admiral Coby
What was his ranking after the timeskip? What was his ranking before the timeskip? What were all his ranks? What will his rank be when we see him next? How did he become a crying nobody from 3 years ago to being a rear admiral now?
Goddamn dude, seriously, drop the series. Multiple characters in Wano have sizeable fanbases. A Yonkou alliance and world war was just announced.
>He speedreads life
>ALL Wano characters are absolute dogshit and boring as fuck
He's not a zoan.
He has the Albatross fruit. It's been confirmed.
user if you truly feel that way then I'm honestly sorry for you. I feel way more sympathy toward the inhabitants of Wano and investment in this arc than I have in any other post-TS arc. And while I get the main world stuff is enticing, it's always so hype specifically because Oda stretches big reveals across whole arcs. If we got it all at once it wouldn't have the same impact.
>pirate story
>no captain hook
ok who else is from SWORD
i bet my ass on Tsuru
What is it like being bullied by a young tomboy?
His 2-year progress is greater than Luffy's. Though he will obviously be a bit weaker in the end.
user, it's been confirmed he at a bird devil fruit.
When? Where?
see and
>Makino's kid is Shanks'
Very hot
How are the shitposters doing right now?
So we're all certain Alabasta is fucked, Marines heading over there but our boy Blackbeard will steal the Ancient weapon and use it to destroy the WG while they're dealing with Kaidou+Big Mom
he cant cause hes blind retard
>Shanks is going to be the father!
Based "Milf Hunter" Sabo!
Coping and seething. They can't even.
Question....do you anons consider Kaidou 'evil'?
Most main villains we've seen in One Piece are purposefully brutal and go out of their way to ruin entire kingdoms. While Kaidou toppled Wano, he's relegated most of the ruling to Oroichi. Most of the fucked stuff in the country -- poisoned rivers, no resources, people poisoned by SMILE -- are more of a byproduct of his indifference. Most of the atrocities he's committed aren't intentional but rather drunken fits of rage.
Popping a vein and having a stroke.
>the tomboy starts to get breasts and worries she won't be strong anymore
What to do?
I was thinking giving BB an ancient weapon didn't make sense considering a.) he hasn't expressed an explicit reference in one unlike Crocodile or the WG and b.) Oda already gave him a unique powerup via his 2 fruits that no one else in One Piece has so why make him even stronger. But then I was thinking maybe Pluton could play a role as a timer in the last arc, kind of like Birdcage in Dressrossa or the bomb in Alabasta, except now the stakes are even higher and the Straw Hats have to beat Blackbeard before he blows up half the map.
It's really no surprise that Kuina's one sword style was so strong, she got extra practice on Zoro's ass every night
How would you react if the 10 pages of reaction to Sabo was just his getting captured? At most that could happen is that he's ratting out the revolutionaries and telling the marines the revolutionary's REAL HQ forcing all 3 admirals to mobilize. Basically 10 pages worth of reactions to hype up something small.
A story has three acts user
>makino got blacked
biggest news this chapter
>Kyoshiro effortlessly blocked a 720 pound cannon
>Fujitora ran away crying after he struggled with a 360
No, but a thing that will happen off-screen is you waking up in the middle of the night only to realise i'm fingering your asshole to prepare yourself for taking on my giant 20 incher. Faggot
>SWORD is One Piece FBI
>The 3 Admirals all have a unit they're responsible for
>Kizaru's is the Science Unit, Fujitora's is SWORD, and Akainu's former is unknown. Maybe an "assault special forces" related team.
>Kuzan was the former head, and Sen Goku before him
>They are likely a public group who deals with complex criminal behavior, they likely have some autonomy from Government authority and likely have enhanced extrajudicial authority like the modern FBI.
>This gives them a unique role, as they would be a particularly powerful populist organization that's for the people. It looks like they're being led to be a counter force to CP0.
>Kuzan is operating outside of Gorosai knowledge and infiltrating Blackbeard .. it's possible that he's still working with SWORD. A sign that SWORD might already be Anti WG.
>It's likely that Rociante was former SWORD
>It's likely that Law is currently a SWORD operative, working under Fuji, and his plan to dismantle the Shichibukai and then move on to work against Kaido.
Can't wait for the shirtless rooftop battle while Hiyori creams herself seeing Zoro's sweaty abs and muscles.
Reminder that these are Kaido's sons and Oda just didn't want to spoil it.
Why didn't shanks just kill blackbear at marineford? It seems like a liability leaving him alive like that
>marines spreading their forces thin to capture all the warlords at once
>rather than splitting into less, but bigger groups to ACTUALLY successfully capture the warlords
Which ones will escape? Which ones will be captured? Will ones will die?
this chapter must have had like 3 Goda moments
holy shit the numbers confirm
>it's fucking small
>Akainu's former is unknown
he should be the leader of SWORD because of the tattoo.
>It's likely that Law is currently a SWORD operative, working under Fuji, and his plan to dismantle the Shichibukai and then move on to work against Kaido.
There are retards actually thinking this. Reminds me of Oda BTFOing the schizos who thought there was two Shanks.
Hey wait a minute
His Vivre Card
>Tori-Tori no Mi Model Albatross
This is One Piece, not Yakuza.
nice catch
>yfw you're a Piratechad
Enjoy getting cucked repeatedly, Marinekek.
I don't think that fits his MO. He's a "kill em all" kinda guy.
Why? He was a Shichi, he had the Roci connection, Drake risked to help him, he fits into Fuji's plans, Oda is hinting he is up to something, etc. There is plenty of evidence.
Why do people bitch and whine about Oda off screening events or fights.
Kuina's spirit is in Wado Ichimonji. Zoro defeating Mihawk with it would fulfill both their goals of being the strongest swordsman. This also means TS Zoro had been neglecting his sword-waifu for the longest time.
Hancock will end up in Impel Down
Buggy and Mihawk will escape
Weevil will continue to be a brain dead simpleton almost entirely unaware of anything going on.
>There is plenty of evidence.
No, there's no evidence. You don't even know what evidence means. Go take your meds.
They didnt even successfully buster call Luffy pre-timeskip
Not sure why they think this force is enough for a shichibukai and their armies
No wonder Kuina offed herself, I would too if I was this ugly
Wait, Is BB heading to Alabasta to get Pluton? Or the location of it? Also kobra got killed by whom? Fucking Imu?
I like to think Morgans doesn't have any crazy martial arts skill, nor is he a punch fiend like Luffy, and just uses old school fisticuffs. He seems like that old school fuck who'll duke your ass for lipping off at him.
>I don't think that fits his MO
he literally has the sword insignia tattooed on him, Oda wouldn't do that by chance, also there's probably more to Akainu than meets the eye
>mfw forgotten
Morgans is actually a madlad
Same, except Perona
That doesn't even make sense considering her spirit would be in the sword when she dies. How would she know what Wado looks like if her spirit wasn't in the sword yet?
There are three headlines, and all of them are alluded to in this chapter. A death, the results, and an assassination attempt. The other three things covered are an incident in Alabasta, something with Sabo, and the Warlord system being abolished. The Warlord system is obviously the results of the conference. The death can't be the Alabasta incident, if Cobra died, it wouldn't be a reason for fishmen to fear humans, fuck, it wouldn't even be an incident, Vivi would just take the throne, who cares? So, The Alabasta Incident was the assassination attempt. Meaning that the Death was Sabo. You even see Dadan saying, "after we just found out he's alive..." meaning he was probably reported dead. He also probably isn't, but he was REPORTED dead. To recap:
Death: Sabo (probably faked)
Results: Warlord System Abolished
Assassination Attempt: Alabasta Incident (probably Vivi, potentially ordered by Im-sama)
Are Akainu and Fujitora old friend? Is Aokiji in deep undercover, with Akainu knowing about it?
There's no way someone like Aokiji fought for 10 entire days without having a serious conversation at some point about the state of things.
How deep does the rabbit hole go?
When will /ourguy/ Akainu rebel against the (((world government)))
What's up with Oda's monster tits fetish? Makino is boobs lady too?
Leave Mihawk to me
>Not sure why they think this force is enough for a shichibukai and their armies
the WG has a long track record of making bad decisions when it comes to dealing with threats
>try to execute roger to end piracy once and for all
>cause the golden age of piracy
>try to do the same with whitebeard 20 years later
>cause a second golden age of piracy
>invite a complete unknown to join the shickibukai
>he breaks all the strongest criminals out of prison while humiliating the government on live TV
Marines are starting to snap. They actually sent fodder to deal with Mihawk. At least Coby has a good chance of succeeding in his task. Buggy will obviously bullshit his way to some escape.
The top dogs of the Marines all know how fucked the WG is, and are all in on the conspiracy.
All the plans are coming together now.
He is a sneaky cunt so I could see him being a former member, but if he had control over it he would never let Coby be a Rear Admiral there.
Would she peg him too after winning, or is that only for Zoro?
Does he actually like tomboys?
akainu is their pet dog
And that's what makes him based.
>That's 1862 wins for me Zoro, on the ground. What was that? Eh, doesn't matter, chairs don't need to speak.
Hancock will be captured so that Coby can get promoted to Vice Admiral. She'll be taken to Mariejois to be a slave again, and Luffy will rescue her while on the Sabo warparth. She'll think he's there for her, and he won't even have any idea that she was there. She's gonna cream herself about it anyway.
The rest escape. If there's any justice in this cruel earth, Buggy will end up with Shanks.
A childhood under Kuina's ass has made him what he is today.
I want to have children's with nami
>BB on the road to get the Mera Mera
>Luffy will drop everything to go Mary Geoise, with Kaido and BM hot on his heels
>Shanks is already there
Her we go.
He doesn't care. Here's what will happen: He won't care about Hiyori at all for the entire arc, Momo will offer her to him as a reward, for some reasonher big asshe accepts and marries her in Act 5. Oda did say the arc would be unpredictable, and having Zoro marry would fit.
Do tomboys fuck people besides their childhood friends?
Akainu is a true believer, but he's an absolutist.
I think an Akainu face turn is possible once he learns of their real bullshit once the One Piece is discovered. Whitebeard said whatever it is it would cause a world war. Akainu doesn't mind some collateral damage but if what it means is that bad, I wouldn't be surprised if he turned on the WG for it. Oda already built up that he is getting pissyf the Goro after all.
I thought blackbeard was getting pluton, because of Kobra being killed?
get in line
He's absolutely the type to have 0 patience for politics and sucking off the CDs.
I can easily see them pushing him over the edge soon.
Gun users don't even qualify as CP9, let alone CP0.
This. If BB wanted the MeraMera so bad he would have went himself and monged everyone.
>He won't care about Hiyori at all for the entire arc, Linlin will offer her to him as a reward,
Either way I can see a big rush by all the major players to MG.
But he hates the tenryuubito and cypher pol so it would make sense .
yes because hes a manly man with strong spirit. also this:
Yes that is also why the government agent tried to stop Morgans. Because he was publishing the info about plutons location in the paper. He did it, and Coby also mentioned the same "it" that BB was reffering to.
You're right, Zoro will marry Hiyori at end, but it's because he's the traitor after she convinced him to switch sides.
>mfw strawhat and marinefags on full suicide watch
An Akainu face turn would also be legendary.
Can you believe there are people who hate Morgans?
What would happen if Zoro won?
Luffy would still try to fight him though. How would that situation happen?
Kuina and Zoro were both 10 at that time, right? If they fought once a day, it would've been 5.5 years of them going at it. Even if they fought 3 times a day, they would have been fighting since they were both 8.
It'll be 1800. By 1200 shit will have been shaken up and the next 600 will be the ride to the finish.
What does Blackbeard's Japanese line say, exactly? Is there any implication from the words he used, or is it totally ambiguous about whether it's an object, person, or group that he's referring to?
Me first
Kuina is older
He gets to suck on her tomboys
He's gonna steal Mam's Poneglyph.
someone draw nami drinking a bunch of rum and getting a fully belly, haha wouldn't that be funny hahah
>So pathetic that she needs to team with her ex in order to kill strawhat
>this is 10-11
How big would they be as an adult?
Do people still like sanji even after asanagi said he was a cuck?
speaking from experience, if you drink that much rum you'll either end up in a hospital or piss it out.
can someone post the carrot at pedro grave image?
>it's another Luffy saves somebody arc
Sabo better fucking die like Ace did.
One pissu lol
Reminder that after 5 years in the marine Vergo was still only captain.
Koby growth is something else
The kanji on his hat here reads "Absolute Justice", he is a government dog.. but I can still see him turning on them. If the WG is more evil than the pirates, his ideology demands he turns on them.
>that CG
Where and when?
So much for Dr. K healing Cobra's family sickness
Guess his backstory.
If he were CP-0 he would have just used shigan
They can still fight before that happens, maybe the fight would be what pushes Aka over the edge.. it ends in a draw.. and Akainu later rebels because of the exchange with Luffy.
They have similar "ends" just not similar "means".
So is this just garp training or Koby had hidden chad genes in him?
Why is Vegapunk wasting his time with clones of Kuma? Just make pacifistas of Linlin. 10-15 of them with lasers and jetpacks would be largely enough to take over the whole world.
>Because he was publishing the info about plutons location in the paper.
Then they wouldnt have sent a single CP agent
They would have sent the whole CP0 and a Buster Call
Do you have any idea how idiotic would be to publish info about the fucking ancient weapons?
Pirates fucked up his town, most likely.
>Muh anarchism
This isn't his blood
He wants to protect order and the best way to do so is to keep the World Government intact. But the way he talks to the gorosei proves that he knows they are full of shit but considers them the lesser bad over a chaotic world controlled by pirates.
>Bahhhhh you can’t tell me what you’re not the boss of me!!!
>Fedora tipping intensifies.
Albatrosses have the strongest wings of all birds. They can glide for like 10K miles. It's no wonder he can knock a nigga out no problem.
...Do people here actually think being the WSS means you're just super skilled with a sword? Being the strongest swordsman means just that. You are the strongest character that primarily fights with a blade. Doesn't fucking matter if you use haki, speed or whatever. Whoever wins is the stronger swordsman.
I don’t think Morgans care. He publishes whatever he wants
More like Sabo and Vivi are going to Wano, Sabo wasn’t captured.
Pirates likely fucked his shit up when he was a kid. He got some legit hate boner
I would love for that to happen, Vivi having no choice but to stay hidden from the world.
It's interesting they're hinting at him having shit with them. He's Fleet Admiral but knows nothing about CP0 operations. He's in the dark for a lot. He is not privy to any of their bullshit because they know he'll flip his shit over it.
It's fucking nuts but I can absolutely see him turning on them.
>the Japanese have funny ideas about currency
Whoa, who would have thought.
To be fair, Fujitora was holding back so that the SH could take the credit and stop the WG from covering it up.
They harden in the form of ______
I don't know what to fill in the blanks with.
So what did the Boney girl do?
How old is Akainu? Do you think it could be Rocks who fucked his shit up?
Funny how that burnt guy actually survived.
It's possible that with their long history of bribing Morgans, they never suspected he'd actually double cross them.
>Sabo fake death again
Oda is a fucking hack.
What if Sabo dies but Moria makes him a zombie?
carrot is the traitor and kurohige's cocksleeve
>Haitus x Homosexual
How's he going to do that when he's dead too?
Morgan’s doesn’t say he doesn’t lie on his paper, he states that only he chooses which lies to publish.
push her down some stairs
Blackbeard is the fastest seafarer in the story so far, though it’s never explained how.
Coby will beat Hancock because he cannot be turned to stone
Screencap this senpai
any pictures of irl one piece characters?
What is the proper way to fuck a tomboy?
she's the traitor isn't she?
Keikaku doori Orochi-sama
Do they really?
>being so much of a brainlet that you’t imagine things that happen offscreen
>not enjoying One Piece’s rich story
I think you should be in an HxH thread and reread all of togashi’s shit chapters that hold your hand every step of the way
>fat ass gets hit with cake
>immediately drops to knees and starts eating it
>dylan roof chucks entire water melon onto skull of fatass
>fatass just keeps eating
Because he murdered Thatch, a nakama, in cold blood; because he tried to murder Luffy. Because of the “new era” that he is trying to bring about, that Bellamy and Doflamingo talked about on Mock Town.
Is this crew Yonko-level?
>Luffy clogs the toilet every time he shits
anyone here remember pork wrangler (park ranger)?
Just want to make sure im not the only one left...
Boogey: 100 millions
Hammock: 240 millions
Weevil: 700 millions
Mihawk: 1 billion
I know pork wrangler from another board like 10 years ago (not on Yea Forums). She had fucked up teeth.
The government does not have this much money
Maybe Denjiro, or Law.
You would think that the absolute unit has the highest powerlevel but I can't help but think that anorexic Tarzan is a serious contender.
>has the power of blackholes
>thinking he cannot transport an instant speed
user use your damn head
For me, it's Lanced Jack
Where the fuck is Denjiro though
And people of Yea Forums think incest is okay.
The only traitor is use to your brain.
Buggy: 798,700,000 million
Boa: 899,675,400 millions
Weevil: 2,780,500,000 millions
MikeHawk: 5,557,300,303 billions
Wait a minute...does she have no arms?
But Kyoshiro technically isn't a pirate, he's only affiliated with them. Same goes for Orochi.
See the second panel
its not like he was cutting giant ice glaciers with a single slash of his sword at marineford hmmm
If think this manga sucks
meant for
same as jiren
All 3 admirals can handle roughly1 yonko crew and thats about it. Thats why the mere thought of any yonko teaming up makes them shit theirselves
yep, autistic emo narutard (or was he a bleachfag I don't even remember it's been so long)
He was cancerous as fuck, but I feel he would make these threads extremely based if he were around
Simple. There's no reason to ally with a bunch of disobedient rogues when they've got an endless army of droids.
The voice makes this sound like a sbemail.
>Buggy and big mom
Who will he marry?
>Mihawk changes his outfit to a more outlaw look
Could be good