OPT: One Page Thread

What have you been reading, lads?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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terrible tastes kys youreselves

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is that translated by someone who's not ESL

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Lately I've just been rereading some manga from my high school days.

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I've never seen anyone so deep in denial yet so thirsty.

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God this is a satisfying picture. Rickert has done more to make me happy in a single slap than I've done in my entire life.

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I want to read something that's hentai but no sex, like diz

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I read Battle Angel Alita and it's one of the best manga.

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spoilered for lewd

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this is oddly cute
they better actually fall in love with each other later on.

>there will probably never be a Rokudou anime

Attached: Ranna_emptiness.png (1628x1200, 1.49M)

But he already loves someone else.

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So does she.

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Darling in the Franxx, Gunnm, Re:Zero, etc. If I liked the anime/film, I’ll end up reading the manga

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Absolutely fucking destroyed.

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So does a lot of other MC's that later fell for the main heroine, author may pull that in this series, we never know.

They're both infatuated with the same person,

So? Doesn't mean that the author can't make them fall for each other, especially with the whole "let's pretend that we're girlfriend and boyfriend", I'm not saying that it's gonna happen for sure, but there's still a decent possibility for it to happen.

Damn, just gave it a quick read, that shit's cute. Wish there were more chapters.

Attached: kawaii kouhai.png (844x1200, 263K)

Sauce ?

not that guy but post some doki doki rom com and ill gib sauce

is it actually cuter than pseudo harem?

Not sure what you mean.

Attached: pseudoharem18.png (1039x1465, 478K)

Sorry, don't know it, so I couldn't say. Maybe I'll give it a read.

This manga is fun desu

Attached: tumblr_3bfe99d2e47310277b8f8da99929bc6a_55b86ec2_640 (1).jpg (640x910, 214K)

you again? why haven't you kys yourself yet?

Oh for fuck's sake nigga, I just googled the page and downloaded it from the first link. Calm your autism down

Are you this much of a complete retard?

What's the part that makes me a retard?

Pretty much every third or fourth word.

Attached: 3days.png (838x1200, 493K)

Google image search actually works on this one

Here you go user. Now give me the sauce.

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too much edge

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What was the name of that manga about a writer and the naked guy who hangs around with him?

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i just started reading jojo, but i paused and read some junji ito. gyo was a very fun ride.

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2 pages

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why is everything with Nidome in the title, trash?

fuck you this is great, mc isnt a beta like shield hero and gets real revenge

Doesn't for me, it just says it's line art.

I'm late to the party but Tanya is very very enjoyable
honestly my biggest complaints are the french having C.R.714's in the great war and that every time salarymankun appears all I can think is jc denton

Attached: e11.jpg (1080x1551, 426K)

Attached: Me and the Devil Blues v01c03p120-121.png (1689x1200, 557K)

This manga legitimately gets better every single chapter. It's becoming good.

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how does that trash invalidate this being trash

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this is not so bad
MC is an idiot and all the girls are shit, but it's not that bad.

One of my favorite Romance manga. Really wonderful.

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Im still unsure what it all means.

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I remember an user saying that Umezu Kazuo was suffering from demantia we he was working on Fourteen, can anybody confirm that?

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From what I hear, the biggest failing of the Youjo Senki manga is having too many WW2-era vehicles in a WW1 setting. The novels and anime do take a little bit of artistic license, having WW1 start a few years later than it actually did so there's a little more in the way of semiauto rifles and submachine guns, but the tanks and aircraft are too much.

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I read it for the great artstyle, but it turned to be a nice read too.

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Chinese webcomic that is actually good.

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loved it, thanks user

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Still my favorite

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>reading the adaptation

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Is this that manga where the thot gets BTFO so hard she cries herself to sleep?

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what happened to this

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This is Yea Forums not Yea Forums.
Go read The Old Man and the Sea, one of the greatest short stories ever written in that case.

Here's another OP

Attached: 1554329265081.png (847x1200, 338K)

you're right

imagine getting Ara Ara'd by a wolf...

Based and BIGNEWSpilled.

this = gold + blood

The translators dropped it (Jaimini's Box), and it ended on chapter 35.

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Attached: Bokutachi ga Yarimashita - Chapter 33 - 18.jpg (1066x1600, 254K)

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artstyle reminds me a lot of Kill la Kill

Yes, it's glorious.

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>born in 1936
>manga was published from 1990-1995
>still alive and functioning today
How stupid are you?


This looks great! I wonder how it will end. Man I'm sure looking forward to this.

sauce please?

If by "dementia" you mean "all kinds of drugs", then yes, he was experiencing dementia

Reverse image search found nothing

Attached: [Fuck this shit skill].jpg (800x600, 141K)

Kouya ni Kemono Doukokusu

that anatomy doesn't look right

Yep that's the one

Only a highschooler could appreciate this shitty storyarc.

stop grouping gunnm with dogshit

Thank you!

Attached: career.png (827x1195, 359K)

Authors probably didn't want to do it anymore or it got axed. It got a really rushed and shitty ending. Shame because I really liked the art and the usual Kodaka insanity

No matter how many anons abandon it and call it shit Berserk will always be my favorite manga.

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>generic edgetrash with bad art
I hope you like axed endings in less than 10 chapters

Anyone know when the TL's for this are? It's like 20 chapters behind

Attached: x4.jpg (800x1143, 899K)

Attached: Level E v03 c011 Love Me Tender - 019[Jinmen Juushin].png (619x1000, 86K)

went to sleep, late 10hr reply but city of love prison manganelo.com/chapter/dw920423/chapter_1

Didn't know it was Chinese.

No weird cultivation shit, no weird translation, no cranky storytelling which eitheir skip ahead too fast or is super slow

Attached: nanbamg5_c64_22.png (1547x2400, 2.56M)

you don't like the assassin onee-chan that is obsessed with milk and confuses the MC with her dead little brother all the time?

the whole setup of the main guy blueballing a thirsty girl would work pretty good in other settings too

Now I want a manga about a paladin or adventurer that no way fags an elf that keeps following him

Sasaki-kun stopped the bullet!

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Li orc no hi?

*Ii orc no hi by Jin

I see that, like myself, you can't help but post your same pages.

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Kuro's artist, huh?

Attached: kuro (2).jpg (860x1236, 375K)

Coming next month.

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Sun is a total jackass

I think I only read a handful of the chapters, and honestly can't remember more than just that much really.

yeah. Hopefully he learned how to write an ending in the last few years

forgot pic

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I want this fucking arc to be finally over yet I kinda dread its end at the same time.

Attached: Gaku Ei BTFO.png (1778x1300, 867K)

I didn't mind Kuro's ending so much, but I'll admit that it did meander into a much darker territory before getting there.

Attached: kuro.jpg (860x1236, 394K)

Attached: file.png (960x1361, 867K)

>Sasaki-kun stopped the bullet!
Sasaki-kun stopped the bullet!

Here's a different one that shows off what the manga is about a little more.

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>we will never see best girl animated

Attached: 16.png (835x1200, 647K)

Thanks to Yea Forums for dumping this last night.

Attached: x19.png (976x1400, 459K)

Same, desu.

I'm looking forward to Shin finally finishing Houken off

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Suddenly, i'm interested.
Any sauce? Reverse search gives nothing

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Houken fixing to get blown the fuck out by the same dumb bullshit hes been pulling for 600 chapters and I don't give one single fuck if thats lame or not if hes gone for good boys

Attached: Gekishin.png (840x1200, 561K)

This series turned to shit every since it got Watamote treatment.

fuckin niggers dirtying the room

Shame we barely get colored pages in OPTs.

Attached: Shadow House.jpg (800x1143, 801K)

I'm about 8 chapters behind on it (6 + 2 omake), but on a release time line it's nearly a year. I also haven't read Watamote to know what kind of treatment you're referring to.

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this page is kino in context
>ton of newly introduced seeming important characters dead
>everything seems completely fucked
>suddenly the enemies start magically exploding into blood on the sidewalks
I just caught up with this last week but I love it so much

Here's one

Attached: x5.jpg (1000x1436, 237K)

Hold up, new chapter or a page I somehow forgot about? I don't recognize this and I've been reading since the anime ended.


Attached: 0123.png (1443x2050, 1.12M)

It's from chapter 48 so you probably just forgot. If you read the official English volumes they don't keep the colored pages, yet another reason why they are soulless and shitty

Attached: x4.jpg (2000x1436, 341K)

Ah, gotcha. Been one hell of a wild ride, this fucking series.

based reiri poster

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I wish this had more than just 2 volumes.

Attached: Jingai no Yome to Icha Icha suru (Dullahan).png (1125x1600, 345K)

Why do you recommend an axed story that was actually pretty alright still read it all, pretty good.

And while we're discussing axed things, here's one about calligraphy that was going nowhere fast.

Attached: Yuki to Sumi.jpg (870x1236, 357K)

I always like giving a pitch to a series, but Ran to Haiiro no Sekai is actually a masterpiece in art, story, and characterization.

It's not terribly long, but every chapter has a purpose and by the end, I still wanted more even though it had a satisfying conclusion.

Attached: Ran to Haiiro no Sekai.jpg (1200x850, 223K)

Useless Ponko is a really good story about getting old and becoming useless.
I feel feelings when I read it because with the comedic elements and funny moments, comes a slight underlying realization that there is a countdown to the end for the two main characters. I don't want that end to come, but it's the only way it can really end.

Attached: Useless Ponko.png (850x1200, 759K)

Attached: Parasyte v05 c032 Tamura Reiko - 011[Manga-Otakus].jpg (710x1106, 165K)

Attached: shuukan shonen girl 2.png (1000x1500, 191K)

Question is; who goes first?

my man put his whole body into it
10/10 form

Koi Goku no Toshi.
Saucenao worked on that one.


are you an actual chink

Black General-San was one of the few manga to manage to make not only every girl best girl but make every boy best boy.

Truly, it is a blessed manga

Attached: Zannen Jokanbu Black General-San.png (1492x2046, 1.11M)

Attached: g15.png (822x1200, 470K)

can't find source on this one chief

New chapter fucking never.

Lust Geass?

Her current work is top level comfy

>new chapter
thanks for the reminder user

Sure this is a newfag thing to say, but I never knew Ichi the Killer was based on a manga. Thanks for the rec!

Some of the most useful posts in a OPT are the ones that inform me of a new release.


Love these threads. I always see at least one manga I either had in my backlog or I overlooked throughout the years.

Attached: embaratoro.png (960x1378, 411K)

Everyone is a newfag until they're not. The movie is pretty good, but the manga is in an entirely different weight class.

I was satisfied with how this one ended.

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I always post Strain, but I wonder if it's ever caused anyone to read it.

Attached: Strain v04 053.jpg (750x1116, 199K)

The brunette is the daughter of the blonde witch actually

I'm assuming this is Yakuza stuff. I like Yakuza stuff so I might check it.

>man playing with his man titties
>shocked as he finds two men with guns have been standing there the whole time
>the two men respectfully leave the room and close the door, avoiding an awkward confrontation

She found out it tasted good though I can't tell if that's because that's the actually taste, its addictive or the fact she's part evol.

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Attached: A14.jpg (975x1400, 513K)

I've seen drawings of that exact setup on Yea Forums, I wish I had saved them

thats a good one

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Left to right?
Flipped by the West or was that just how it was published?

I like giving One Pages that are interesting, but somewhat misleading for what the manga is about.
Although it might not be in this case, depends on your interests in the story.

Nidome no Jinsei

It's mirrored. Once you get used to reading like a Western again, it's no big deal besides noticing that everyone is left-handed now.

kek. Perfectly reasonable interpretation for one page!

Yeah, although it's mostly Malaysian organized crime.

>kek. Perfectly reasonable interpretation for one page!
Whoops. Here's another page as an apology.

Attached: Strain v02 013.jpg (750x1103, 207K)


Attached: f12.png (844x1200, 260K)

Open wide user.

______*Unzips dick*_____

>she's actually an eldrich horror in disguise.
ok, now you have my attention

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isekai ojisan somewhat follows that elf thing

Attached: k12.png (847x1200, 963K)

Just here to say, thank you for posting this. Just finished it, was wonderful.

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Attached: K10.png (847x1200, 225K)

No problem, user!

Attached: koroshiya ichi v09p158.png (761x1100, 484K)

Count of Monte Cristo. Wish its longer so that the author could show how much time and effort the count invest in his revenge plan, and even after all that planning, his revenge is almost screwed multiple times and he can't avoid the collateral damage on the innocents. I like that better than sudden effortless bullshit power like that recent revenge manga.

Attached: 1.jpg (1458x2048, 857K)

>left to right panels
>right to left pages

Attached: 23.jpg (1392x2000, 974K)

The best SoL

Attached: onepagebarakamon.jpg (900x1291, 455K)

Holy shit, this was so fucking amazing. This whole sequence really put character power levels into perspective. So fucking good. It makes it better that you actually want the villains to die, because the characters you love and want to see more of are dead. In your state of rage fueled desire for revenge, she shows up and just starts fucking deleting people. God damn, every single fucking chapter of this comic finds a way to be kino...

Ran and the Gray World is fucking amazing top tier in every aspect. So satisfying. I wish she had continued that one shot about the princess fleeing the civil war.

Attached: img005g.jpg (600x800, 89K)

Nah it's fucking garbage but it has nice art.

Attached: v3.jpg (1282x1800, 603K)

>beats up all guests
>nicknamed "mad dog"
>second chapter rolls in
>was actually bullied her whole life and endured it like a lady
if she had a bad temper or was a psychopath, how in the world did she endure all that treatment?
if she was smart about it, why beat up everyone in that party, thus ruining yourself socially?
complete garbage, dropped

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based and gaypilled

Attached: x9.jpg (1127x1600, 407K)

but why

don't know why but i just find this super awful. i read every other manga with this same exact premise but i dropped this one after trying to read it 2-3 times, no idea why. just something off about it

Attached: aliens.png (844x1200, 168K)

i might pick it up if he keeps his new design. seriously hate the first design, and for me 70% of a shonen's appeal is the mc's design. if i think they don't look good/cool or whatever, i just can't enjoy it

Because it's a good, short and bittersweet manga.

Attached: 030_1039248290390.png (1782x1300, 381K)

I hate monogatari anime, pretencious af, is the mongo better

Attached: 7D0EB9EC-32C7-4DC5-ABB6-C3499557EC9D.jpg (750x1252, 606K)

this is twin stars exorcists though

dat hair

what is she? WHAT IS SHE?!?!?!?

trace.moe for next time

a very thirsty thot

Attached: 005___1558692488.png (1300x1849, 362K)

>implying you need to be old to be dement

I'm disappointed about a few things that happened but this manga is such a underrated gem and a wild ride. Simply exquisite.

Attached: K16.jpg (1940x1400, 1.97M)

Posting another one since this manga has a lot of good spreads.

Attached: Red: Living on the Edge.jpg (1690x1200, 602K)

let me guess they find true love just as the guy is about to die or some shit like that?

That is gorgeous to look at.


top kek

so he dies alone and unloved?

Great one

Attached: V34.png (1688x1200, 943K)

Not monogatari and shit taste for not liking it

man what a rough day at work

Attached: 6.jpg (728x1031, 128K)

If he had dementia in '95, he would be dead or totally invalid now, and he's not.

Speaking of...

Attached: Gankutsuou.jpg (728x1136, 200K)


So it’s not about shota butts?

I hate the bug guy so fucking much.

Takkyuu Dash

>Takkyuu Dash
>ping pong manga
the fuck?

Not a full page but still more than enough

Attached: sumire.png (396x248, 36K)


There's a reason why I called the pic "sports.jpg"

I gave up on the show about 7-8 episodes in. Bored me terribly because there was minimal focus on the actually interesting vampire guy and instead we had to follow the mundane misadventures of a spoiled fop. I dropped it right at the episode where he throws a tantrum and picks a fight with that mellow big dude.

kiss your sister?

Attached: 2lewd.jpg (228x392, 43K)


Shut Hell has been an amazing ride from beginning to end

Attached: Shut Hell Harabal be selfish to the end.jpg (1694x1200, 571K)

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It's obviously keen your senses.


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Cute yandere fairy butt

Attached: x22.jpg (836x1200, 795K)

gimme sauce

I cant even find where the fuck this is from
I must be a dumbass

Kengan Ashura

Attached: 1546782030846.png (846x1200, 1010K)

No wait, I found it. It was from that go chan magazine
Thanks for the fap OP

Pretty sure that's Uwakoi

Attached: superb.png (1745x1400, 842K)

Thanks to the user who posted this in a previous thread. It was cute.

Attached: useless ponko.png (850x1200, 453K)

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Attached: C15.jpg (835x1200, 376K)

I wish I was isekaied into a different universe where a different sperm hit the egg and I got a cute little sister instead of a bitchy older sister.

>omae wa mo shindeiru

Reverse image search fucks up for me on this one for some reason. Source?

the girl is either a eldritch horror and has to fight other eldritch horrors or some shit. Or she is actually fenrir or cerberus and the guy is her master.
that's all you're getting

Also try using yandex, it's literally the first image

Attached: try harder, anon.png (841x402, 110K)

Oof. You sure showed me.

Attached: 1555734076185.jpg (844x1200, 210K)

Anyone who is interested, don't bother. It's good, but you won't like it.

HnK really looks better in white and black

Attached: Kengan Asura.png (1133x1599, 826K)

Since the rugby world cup has started and Japan won their opening game, what have we got available in the way of rugby manga?

Attached: kyougaku_koukou_no_genjitsu_c18_01.jpg (847x1200, 190K)

Just read this, thank you user.

If its shiguri then its pretty good and they will most certainly like it. It gets attention on Yea Forums and i dont remember any real pleb filters.

I havent seen this get too much attention. Im glad to see people have noticed it too.

Attached: g29.png (1125x1600, 504K)

It better not be during this battle though, he is supposed to be all tuckered out ...

>TL never

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Attached: tomo-chan_c051_p130.jpg (1296x1967, 566K)

thanks, asshole, i read all they had in one go and now i gotta wait for the next chapter

Attached: dumb witch.jpg (1113x1600, 243K)

Kengan asura

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Seki is kino

I'm so mad the TL has stopped

>ribcage inside the tits

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I think I'm just going to replace anime with manga. It fits way better into my schedule.

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I can't believe this trash got serialized

It's cute. You got a problem with that?

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if you're retarded, maybe

Just stick to your battle shounen then.

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It's not a OPT without Ragna shilling.

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>Just stick to your battle shounen then.
says the man defending teenage boner fiction

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Hermes is the ultimate hype-man

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something about beggers and choosers

So much butthurt over a manga no one is forcing you to even acknowledge exists.

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Yeah, just what this thread needs. ShindoL bestiality porn...


Look I can draw mediocre porn that is sad!
Ain't I a stinker?


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looks cute, sauce? image search didn't work

So where do you guys get your manga from? Did everyone just give up and start using online readers or do you follow each group directly?

I'm lost now that madokami is mostly dead.

Either OPTs like this, those threads that are about some specific interest of the OP (delinquents, fighting manga, tomboys, you know the type of thread), the Mangadex front page, or other forums where bots post links to new manga that people are interested in.
Or just pick-up recs from thread conversations.

I just rip things off MangaDex. But I also buy localized manga on Book Walker.

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this thread was almost garbage but that manga saved it, cheers

That reminds me

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just when you think this shit cant be more retarded

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why was the ending so trash

Not into shota but this one is very cute

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Poor Herc is going to get cut to shreds. Pic related was just too big of a death-flag

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Is this a series about a based dad?

I can never get enough of those, or middle-aged men in general

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Same, for Mangadex. There's this program that downloads all the chapters for you and it makes getting whole manga very easy, even if it takes awhile. That being said, I really only resort to scanlations when I can't get a hold of the official release, which I prefer is most cases for obvious reasons. But a lot of official releases are hard to get for free and there's just a stupid amount of manga that has never been officially translated into English. Why the FUCK has Viz not picked up Level E?

When it comes to getting offiial releases, I don't have a good site for them, normally. Just a lot of Googling and a lot of the time someone has it on Yea Forums or /wsr/.

B-By the way, does anyone have the Viz translation for all 56 volumes of Inuyasha? Asking for a friend...

perless dad is pretty based
thanks my man, i didnt know that the author of dorohedoro had a new manga

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You disgust me.

Always happy to see someone push Rokudou.

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He's just a side character but he's always good for a laugh. It's pretty funny how many adults in this series used to be delinquents.

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Oh nice.
I'll have to give it a shot

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Skeleton thread now.

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what maga is this

this is where Red peaked

Learn to use SauceNAO.

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It's been a great boon ever since it started being able to pick up normal series and not just porn.

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Monkey tits. Great big monkey tits.

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is Jun pregnant?

50% of my reason for reading this is purely just because I love the art.

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>no serialization yet

Too bad it wasn't more popular.
It is a very nice and adult read.

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go nagai

That he is, my boy.

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Plot twist: She is an alien trying to destroy humanity by gathering a cult following and MC is the only one who can see past her tricks

user, I have lost my sides, have you seen them? hopefully they are still in this universe

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This is the series that just taught me that I am always just gonna have to look up the full details of a romance series before I read it. Guy is in a happy relationship with girl? Time to insert some drama so they can break up. Multiple times no less.
They say that in a sci-fi or fantasy series, the rule is that you can't ask your audience to suspend their disbelief more than once. This series made me realize that good romance operates under a similar principle, that in a romance series, you can't have more than one breakup. After that, I just can't be bothered to read anymore. I simply can no longer be convinced that you will ever let things wrap up.
tl;dr, fuck that series.
Man, I really need some good romance, shit. All of it is so bad.

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>fucking monkey
Cmon user, you are not supposed to fuck unwashed animals

>than once
Actually isn't it twice?

What do you mean?

some couples do break up multiple times and its allways awfull for everyone involved, including friends that need to deal with their stupid drama, i just wish they could keep it to themself or break up completly

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If I wanted a realistic romance I wouldn't be reading sappy romance manga.

im saying that is awfull in the real world and in fiction and no one want to dealt with it

oh ok, fair enough then.

here's a cute romance manga since everyone's asking for it

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Shounen, Chotto Sabotteko?

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Gayest fight out of all. It's not like i can't understand it but holy shit, he mounted Ohma hard.

This manga makes me very happy.

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> 1 chapter

This manga is so fucking funny so far bless Q

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It took a few chapters to get going, but I'm enjoying it a lot now that it has. I didn't think it could match up to dorohedoro, but I am much more optimistic now.

based bully killer

I remember the thread when this chapter released. Everyone was losing their goddamn minds in the most glorious way possible.

Yeah the past 4 have been great, we just needed Death introduced

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talentless nana

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By the same guy who made Keyman.
ZINGNIZE is the name I think.

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Read the Ghost in the Shell manga.
Then read the second volume.

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After going through the thread, I have a question. Do such a large percentage of you generally read ecchi manga, or is it just that the little that you do read is so titillating that it becomes over-represented in OPTs? Not that I'm complaining. I'm just curious.

I'm binge-reading 'Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu', and I dread the moment I reach the latest chapter.

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sex sells u retard

Netero and pouf

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It's a shame that the current translators butchered the novel with bad grammar and spelling.

good looking gal

Join us in our despair.

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Just finished binge reading Alice and it's pretty good.

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One of the more better written death game stories. Especially has an actual ending.