ITT: Manga only you are reading

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Care to share a title, OP? I remember starting to read this one but I stopped since only a couple of chapters were translated. If more have been translated I'd be happy to resume reading

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Reiri from reverse search fag

I tried using SauceNao but I didn't get any results. Thanks anyway, user

I wish this bitch wasn't so edgy. Other than that it's pretty good

I was just reading this a few moments ago.

No one talks about this one, BRIDE STORIES

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it's a bit much sometimes but i figure it's just there to set up her growth later, pride before the fall and all that.

I try to avoid starting mangas that may take more than 5 years to be fully translated.

I'm reading it too you double tissue paper

some old shojo onesho

Lurk more

i made two threads for it in the past 2 weeks and both archived before 20 replies

Nigga don't lie, Reiri is a super cute reverse trap.

Also batshit.

Aishi girl

Literally Mulan 2.0.

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>moralfag translator dropped it by his (((((own))))) accord
yeah you're not going to see any talk for this for quite a while


I wish Iwaaki would end the series soon so he can get back to writing Historie

I know I'm not the only one but it never gets discussion here.

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manga board when?

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We didn't need one before crossboaders got so fucking obnoxious, why can't we just day of rope animeonlies?

a very cute senpai

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Apart from maybe those that have exhausted hox
I doubt any of you have read Don Quixote.

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Never see it get talked about.

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>samurai in europe with guns folded 9000 times
Surprised it's flying under the radar

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Really? A translated chapter was recently released two weeks ago.

Koi to Uso
Yes I'm gay

So good.

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Blue Exorcist still exists?

The things I would do to get a fish gf of my own.

Wow. I hadn't been keeping up with it, so I obviously hadn't heard the news. I hope someone else will step in and continue to translate it.

>not knowing how to read syllable runes

I'm a huge sucker for "grumpy old man" stories, and Ponko's very cute.

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I was surprised to hear Wakusei Closet is actually known here. Hopefully people might read more of Tsubana's stuff now.

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Srsly, why no one talks about it? Am i unaware of something?

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I guess I'll read that considering I'll be waiting a while for more Wakusei chapters.
As for things no-one seems to read it's a shame that Stella no Mahou has really consistent releases and no-one's bothering with it. While I've read a lot of things less popular I don't think any of them have had an anime to help increase attention or regular releases.

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Gideon of the 3rd
There is litteraly no information online and no one scanslate it.
I'm aware of it just because I have the physical italian edition lol
It's a great re-interpretation of the france revolution and it deservers more attention, but sadly no one cares :(

Is it still ongoing?

>There is litteraly no information online
Just searching the name as you posted on google gives you multiple sites about it and 6 chapters in English on the first result.

I recently re-red for the like fifth time Ureshon and Omujo! Omutsu Joshi, two of my all time favorites.

Last time I searched I found nothing.
Well I'm at least happy someone is talking about it
Still 6 chapters out of 9 volume isn't much
I hope that someone makes an english translation so that more people can enjoy it

I always thought it was weird how Asano's current series is more or less completely ignored here. It's actually pretty good.

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i'm a big fan of takemitsu zamurai and this reminds me of a female version of it

I liked the character designs in this. Sad it got axed....

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Far as I can tell, nobody else cares about this one.
I can't blame you.

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>Don Quixote
It's on my backlog

This another gem IMO.

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Damnit, wrong pic

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Dem eyebrows, though.

Cigarette and Cherry
Candy and Cigarette
All good manga have cigarette
You're smoking a cigarette right now

Wait isn't this the middle School girl Fuji-something from the manga about her and her boyfriend?

Waiting for the last 4 chapters to be translated.

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just found this randomly the other day, pretty good so far

No, this one is about a high school boy who moves (for school) to a temple that's run by his aunt and distant cousin. The MC begins to have funny feelings about his cousin and these feelings may or may not be reciprocated.

Was the temple located in the Kentucky of Japan?

Japan. It's a 2nd or 3rd cousin. Practically not even family.

It's honestly been an amazing ride. I hope all the volumes get western release.
Also I once saw screenshots of what I assume is an anime adaptation? Anyone know if it is as good?

Yeah, I sometimes wonder how it happened that it was ignored when airing and still is ignored, even with regular chapter releases. Is it a curse?

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It's ok. The MC is such a wuss it makes me cringe to read it.

Bakuon Rettou is missing only 4 chapters too. Perhaps is destiny, for i read and love both.

Its okay but the manga is much better. Didnt like the VA and the use of CG, lots of cut content and less charming artwork.

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Quite good, thanks user.

Guys give me some manga only you read that gets updated and I'll read em with you. Always looking for new manga to read thanks!
this is really new and the art is pretty good

forgot pic

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Cute girl.

The scans for Aiura are pretty active and few people seem to care about it, although the anime is probably more important to watch.
Stella no Mahou mentioned above is scheduled for every 2 weeks and is pretty reliable.
Both are probably only worth it if you like CGDCT though.

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maybe I should finally read this

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Ohhhhhhh tomboy delinquent! I'm in! Thanks

What a pussy. Good thing I dropped that mediocrity years ago.

It really is quite good. I like it user

Those are 2 of my favorite authors. Im simply not reading it because I want at least 3 complete volumes before I give it a chance

given the change of setting from what this guy usually makes I'm not surprised but I do wish more chapters came out

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Here's a few but some arn't updated that often.
>Mado kara Madoka-chan
>Super cub
>Saeki-san wa Nemureru
>Sidooh & Bakoun Rettou

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At least I hope I'm the only one reading it.
It's so fucking bad.

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sauce nao whatever manga this was from then ignore it and look at the author's other manga then read the one with syrup in the title, thank me later

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Read 1st chapter. Its good!!

Is Iwaaki too old to draw now?

That series is so good barring the odd meh chapter here or there. Tsuboi's the most entertaining character and I always love her chapters but for whatever reason I love every single Nagasaki appearance. She's precious.

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Iwaaki is drawing Historie when he feels like it.

On one hand a 90s setting and seeing the Ise/Yokota team again is cool. On the other hand I don't know shit nor care about MTG.


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If nothing else the OP/ED are great since they're done by sora tob sakana and Etsuko Yakushimaru respectively.

no idea senpai, I'm in love with it

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way better than all these Hajime no Shits
but never gets a thread here

have you read other Tsutomu's works, Yea Forums-non?

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Pretty fun so far

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Isekai Goumon Hime. It's hitting me right in that Weird Japanese Shit sweet spot and I'm loving it.

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I've read Don Quixote.
Fucking great pair of books, still funny after hundreds of years. Although I'm certain the great translation I read helped.
I hold a lot more respect for Spaniards (Real ones, not Beaners) now.

I keep meaning to put aside time to read it
which translation did you read?

>I love every single Nagasaki appearance. She's precious.
Treasure them. She's not got much longer to live!

Signet Classics, translated by Tom Lathrop.

>Super Cub
I wish it updated more often because it's super comfy.

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New chapter when?!

Yeah, i am reading Sidooh (which i love) but the translations are very slow. Someday i will read his other works (Jiraishin, Tetsuwan Girl, etc.).

I hate that manga

Tetsuwan Girl's weird in that it's pretty enjoyable and then it gets to the Ameica vs. Japan game and like halfway through suddenly crime drama and it kind of fizzles out by the end.

Do lewd things happen to boys in this? If its just girls i"m out

>tfw no cute moth loli wife

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Your amerilard is showing

i've only seen it posted twice. it's pretty fun with a cute MC and main heroine.

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Thanks, I had forgotten about that one

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Yes. Though theres a castration scene that is anything but sexy

But besides that it happens yes? What sort of things?

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The chapter called 'Another Theater' has what you're looking for

I don't see any chapter named Another Theater, what number is it? I might be retarded though.

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Oh it was called "A New Theater Opens". Naked boys but no actual sex scenes. Oh well.

fuck, this manga is too fucking real for me

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I think discussion dropped off completely because the scanners dropped it

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The anime is going to be crazy

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BattleRoyale Soccer

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New translations when?

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>original scanlator does his thing of doing a series until he gets bored
>passes it to another scanlator
>said scanlator never actually works on it
>gets passed to another scanlation team
>they do two chapters and that's it
In a way it's almost fitting. A pump and dump for scanlators.

Skip to Loafer is goddamn great and I wish more people read it.

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I love it but it stresses me out in a weird way

geeko is a treasure

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THAT brown cow is a 16 year old?

rei mikamoto has such good inks, the swooping dynamic style really makes his schlock work

Iron Ladies, a manhua about a dude who becomes the "daddy" of every woman in a Chinese Cyberpunk galaxy where only women can become transhuman super-soldiers called, Angels.

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Maybe the best romcom i have ever read, but...

> Only 5 chapters translated in 2019 so far
> +90 chapters left

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Oh fuck I remember stopping it after making the RPGmaker, I should return to it.


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Tomomi Abe is a genius.

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>it must shoot a beam

my fucking nigga, this manga is based
>mfw scanlations aren't finished
>mfw there's a sequel too

ah yes, Murcielago. What a ride

>a manhua

I'm reading it. Can't wait to see Reiri go to war

Cute swimming kirara.

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I never heard people talking this cute manga.

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it's pretty cute. reminds me of another manga that I can't remember the name of

Picked up

Does he lose weight?

Translation never ever.

It’s a good manga too bad the group that was translating it drop it.

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I'm reading this! Wish they'd release chapters faster.

Came across it yesterday. It's pretty cute though what the fuck is with the like half-dozen attempts at scanlation sniping?

Cute guys.