
Recently got into this series and I gotta admit, dog made me into a sadist.

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Dog a shit.

Agreed, the others are worse than shit tho. So dog comparatively a best

Dog a best.

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>liking a literal bitch version of Utaha


Dog > Imouto > Chino > Fujo > everyone else > shit > Sharo

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Sadist lolidom > masochistic JK dog

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a shit.

Not based


There's already a thread up, newfag. Learn to use the catalog.


I dont see any thread up atm.

Let me fix that for you.
Sharo > Chino > Eriri > Smell > Imouto > Fujo > Utaha

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This but reversed

Look harder.


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Cringe and bluepilled.

Based and redpilled

It pains me to see so many anons wanting to get drilled in the ass by a strap on.

Highly desirable only when a tiny, petite, and small-chested cute girl does it. I have the power to stop it, so it is basically me allowing her to do it because she's special to me.

Oh, nvm thanks user.

Still kinda gay, nigga

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Great taste
Also don't listen to the samefagging yuikanigger, he's deranged

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Chino > Sharo > Imouto > the rest > Dog

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t. samefagging THK itt

Replace sharo with Dog and youre golden

First -tard, and now it's back to your classic -nigger. Old habits truly are impossible for you to get rid of. Now we just need you to come up with a shitpost nick that a 9-year-old would come up with, then have you force it ad nauseam.

I believe I speak for the majority when I say Sharo and Chino are best/top 2 girls for most people.

Dog will forever be a best. It cant be helped that some faggots have gay tendencies

Shit taste

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It's true.

This. Dogfags are normalfags who don't belong on Yea Forums.

Yea Forums just hates dog because shes popular. Otherwise, i'm sure most anons would love to have a big boobed masochistic upperclassman

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Yea Forums loves Dog.
That Yuikafag is outright delirious, don't believe his bullshit

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Will keep that in mind

Good list. I raise Imouto by one rank but that's due to a strong preference.

Yeah, most people probably are that way. Having either of them out of your top 3 is an early warning sign of shit taste unless you have a damn good reason.

The frank reality is the Yuika is better whether you're a masochist or a sadist. Femdom requires a woman with a strong will and the reverse is only fun if there's a strong will to crush.

Back to plebdit.


Sharobros hate Dog. Chinobros hate Dog. Lolicon hate Dog. Yea Forums hates Dog. You can't fight the truth, THK.

You daft? He's saying an eager and overly enthusiastic masochist is boring. In contrast, if you are a M yourself, then Yuika is already perfect. if you are a S, however, Yuika is much better because she has a stronger will that put up resistance thus more fun to tease, break, in, and dominate, which a S naturally thrives of.

>t. delusional sharoshitter

Wew. Dogfags BTFO.

Except my wife Chino is best girl, dumb haglover. Sharo is good, but not better than Chino imho.

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Prove me wrong.

As the person who originally posted that I will say there is a distinction there - you can be fond of taking the submissive role from the start and still be a good sub. But masochism is always better if a front of denial is put up, for both the dom and the sub. A sadist will enjoy the process of "waking" the masochism in their partner, and a battle of wills is essential to the scenario. The true problem, though, isn't that Dog is already into it - it's that she can't even hide it. She can't even put up a front. Or, more importantly, it's that she's basically being dominant in forcing someone else to be dominant.

>mfw reading the latest manga chapter and seeing just how much of the good ecchi the anime cut

Why even adapt an ecchi series if you're gonna cut out half the ecchi?

Sharobro here. I don't hate dog. She's at the bottom of my list, but is ultimately inoffensive and can be pretty hot sometimes. Tits balloon too much in a lot of scenes though.

For context - The anime just had Sayuki lick Keiki's face immediately after putting the collar on, whereas in the manga...

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He may be exaggerating a bit with the last one, but it's not too far from the truth, no? Let's break it down. Dogfags generally are:
>ultra masochists who oddly project onto her


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Imouto > Dog > Smell >>> Lolidom > Shit > Fujoshi

Anime also cut this scene entirely

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swap lolidom and fujoshi and you got it

Her M attributes overtake her entire disposition and behavior, leaving no room for sadists, who gets off on thrills and pleasure of inflicting some form of abuse/pain (even if it's a front). Simply put, Sayuki is a poorly thought-out and designed M character for S&M fetish.

Whoops, forgot spoiler

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>just saw the latest ep
>haven't been spoiled
>predicted it was imouto all along
>big reveal
>it was her


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My wife chino is so cute

Yuika a shit

Dog a shit

Dog a best

Yuika will always be best or at least superior to Sayuki. Sorry, autistic Sayukifag. It's the objective truth.
