Would you follow this King into battle?

Would you follow this King into battle?

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Sure. She's a competent fighter, just not a competent leader.

Imagine the smell

Only if she rides into battle on a banana

You have my sword.

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No chance, English bedwetting types. I burst my pimples at you and call your request a silly thing. You tiny-brained wipers of other people's bottoms!

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Why is King's toes broken?

This is a designated frog-free thread. Please vacate immediately.

t. Iskandar

I can understand Rin now

>What a strange person...

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I would follow her into the bowels of hell.

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I’d rather follow my girl Reines

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Yes I'll follow that behind as she rides into the battlefield on a banana


she sucked dick for mana and that dick was in rin's ass

Non-canon degeneracy.

So this is a "King"..

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Only if she has the strongest potions.

Canon degeneracy.

Why, yes I would.

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Yurishitters out.

Resist the temptation of the lewd Brit, follow the maiden.

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I just want one series where I don't have to see the sight of yurifaggot subhumans.

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no, but I'd plant my face on her soles

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Why is Seiba so popular with girls?

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My French blood compels me to decapitate your shitty girl cuck king

Babylona seems like a good chance there.

it was a frog that added the cuckoldery in his fanfic of the original

good thing my king is straight

doesn't get any straighter than marrying a girl and having a lesbian baby with your sister

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