Would you follow this King into battle?
Would you follow this King into battle?
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Sure. She's a competent fighter, just not a competent leader.
Imagine the smell
Only if she rides into battle on a banana
You have my sword.
No chance, English bedwetting types. I burst my pimples at you and call your request a silly thing. You tiny-brained wipers of other people's bottoms!
Why is King's toes broken?
This is a designated frog-free thread. Please vacate immediately.
t. Iskandar
I can understand Rin now
>What a strange person...
I would follow her into the bowels of hell.
I’d rather follow my girl Reines
Yes I'll follow that behind as she rides into the battlefield on a banana
she sucked dick for mana and that dick was in rin's ass
Non-canon degeneracy.
So this is a "King"..
Only if she has the strongest potions.
Canon degeneracy.
Why, yes I would.
Yurishitters out.
Resist the temptation of the lewd Brit, follow the maiden.
I just want one series where I don't have to see the sight of yurifaggot subhumans.
no, but I'd plant my face on her soles
Why is Seiba so popular with girls?
My French blood compels me to decapitate your shitty girl cuck king
Babylona seems like a good chance there.
it was a frog that added the cuckoldery in his fanfic of the original
good thing my king is straight
doesn't get any straighter than marrying a girl and having a lesbian baby with your sister