Why are traps becoming so popular?
Why are traps becoming so popular?
because people are becoming gayer.
i dont think they are though its just that theyre getting better art
Because of characters like Yukikaze.
Maybe you're just paying more attention to them.
>girl switch
what did she (he) mean by this?
Because faggots are not been killed as often as they should.
It means prostate grant.
hmm i see
mora and more faggots feel safe enough to show their rampant faggotry nowadays. we should go back to curb stomping them
as always, based dumb satania poster
You can thank/blame Yea Forums for that.
Heterosexual coupling is becoming more and more fraught with peril as SJWs gain more power and influence. Even as a heterosexual myself, i see the logical argument for it. Why deal with a cold, cruel, socially-motivated, money hungry, manipulative woman, and the whole world will curse you for it, when instead you could just get with a girlyboy and not have to deal with any of that. Seems like a lot more pain and effort just for an appealing meat hole.
Of course, this all falls apart when you realize there's not really that many passable traps at all irl.
Similar appeal as incest. It's taboo but given it's fantasy and not reality it can pass the psychological "block" in your brain more easily, especially these types (and most japanese designed) that are 95% female looking.
fucking BASED /g/ user
There are plenty of femboys, if you're thinking about trans people then there is a grand total of 0% of them who are traps.
People joke about them online and producers see that as a possible market.
Handsome crossdressing girls are better. Just too patrician for the low IQ masses.
They were always popular. Perhaps you should ask why is anime and everything that have to do with it becoming mainstream?
People are becoming more accepting of their gay-ish fantasies and the joys of prostate play. Combine them and you get traps. Mostly straight, a bit gay (and you're okay with it) and it allows for ass play.
Needs better traps
Boyish trap > Draw a girl, call it a boy
Any fetish market is very profitable because it's just niche enough that either nothing is being distributed through piracy or very little of it is and people are driven to dickbuy expensive content.
That's not a trap, it's fooling nobody.
Because females are boring.
The most important thing people seem to forget; traps aren't just skinny boys. They're supposed to be "girls" that, upon realization, are found out to actually be boys. It's annoying because you can write a good trap, but they don't do that anymore.
It seems 'trap' has lost the meaning of 'trap'. It's a trap because it's convincing, you were 'tricked'. If it's just a slightly effeminate boy then you don't start off thinking they're female.
new translations fucking never
The only good traps are trap where their secondary characteristics are 100% female/feminine and can only be distinguished by the lack of breast and dick.
Most anime males look very girly anyway, even ones who are not supposed to be trap or femboy.
I like when you can't really tell what they are.
Specially if they could pass as tomboys but turns out they really are boys. Androgynous boys and girls are the best.
Cheap and easy way to appear "unique" and "interesting."
People that want drawn traps are there feed their fetish for slightly wide chested and flat girls with dicks, they cut right to the action with little ambiguity There definitely are some hmanga and doujins that fit that definition still but they are the minority.
Boys are just better at being feminine and girls are just better at being masculine, it's a weird world out there.
so random XD
facebook normalfags ruining things as always
Pretty much.
Because fags want to gaslight every person and co-opt every internet fetish as part of their degenerate death cult.
Because I like them. And yes, they're gay.
Because traps are cute.
Based and bipilled.
It's because boys know what my dick wants
Because everybody is dicksexual.
You know which one?
It's a recently translated one
the REAL truth is men expect a certain type of femininity from women that they will never have because that femininity exists only conceptually in men's minds, and real women don't have such behaviours
so traps then exhibit this type of femininity that men idealize because they themselves are also men and regular guys see them and feel attraction towards them
How's are you liking your first season of anime?
source pls
Is this one translated online somewhere? Was wondering if it's ever show up