Nice boat

As of 2 hours ago, it’s nice boat day in Japan. Nice boat.

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Makoto a shit.

>MANkoto a best

Is this Yea Forums biggest legacy in the anime industry?


Nice boat.

Nice boat is still nice

This is a nice boat thread.
Post nice boats.

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Oh nice it’s bigger
Bigger than you
You are not me

Need a water salute from a fire boat to commemorate the anniversary

Nice boat.

I don't like this thread

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Nicer than 2007.

I don’t like this image.

I know this is /vg/, but still.

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Nice boat.

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Oh yeah more nice

Vice boat.

>"Super" rare
>3 stars

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You limit break them to fill up the other three stars.
Rares get 2/5 stars.
Commons get 1/4 stars.

They have weird holidays.

A very nice boat

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Even Japan knows it as 'Nice boat.'?

I remember this.
Japan’s otaku raged against not airing it, but after watching the final episode, they changed their view on the issue.

Watching gore scene and say nice again and again, it’s weird moment of our life.


In these days Japanese otaku people come to know Yea Forums through the nice boat case.

christ that was over 10 years ago? I really am going to be here forever.

fuck off with your ancient shit

Nice boat rivers forever

It’s old anons great love.
Please get out of here.

Fuck off zoomshit.

Nice boat.

How does it feel to approach 40 while still living the life you were living when you were younger than me now?

>tfw you have been on the nice boat
it was nice

I don't know, how does it feel?

Probably grateful that they found something they enjoy and can continue to do so regardless of age.
>select images containing boats

Was this a Yea Forums or 2ch meme again?

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I don't know, you tell me
I'm not baiting here btw, I'm seriously curious

Oh yeah young and fine.


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Anyway nice boat continues.

I just told you I don't know, retard.

Nice boat is so nice that retards cannot understand its feeling.

To this day Japs still say nice boat.

Young people doesn’t know.

Japan’s otaku are too much forgetful and now their brain is filled with new seasonal Waifu.

But the murder case Makoto and his girlfriends committed is not worth remembering.

Nice Boat flows to anywhere.

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Nice age coming
Nice age coming

Boat of 2019

How nice boat you ride

I literally just saw it on a Vtuber's live stream. Someone typed nice boat in Jap english text format, then the other japs started typing it when some boat showed up.

I want to die


Nice boat is near here.
Waiting the time.

Show the URL.

Don’t die.

haha imagine that wet soaked pantyhose foot in your mouth ahaha ahaha

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That’s all my old friends.

Mantoko literally did nothing wrong.

Oh nice boat.
My sin, my soul.

Nice boat

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Animals are out of laws.

The real man’s boat.

Does anyone know the name of the ship? It's too similar to one I boarded which was supposedly bought used from Scandinavia.

He’s goddamn rodeo.

Yea Forums meme.

Reminder that there is literally no more reason to care about the anime now that School and Shiny Days are translated

All this time I somehow never noticed that this happened on my birthday.

Did anyone ever follow up on what happened to Axe-kun?

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Nice boat.

can boat get pragant?

You're gonna need a bigger boat

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This was for School Days or some shit?

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Don't you have some tide pods to eat?

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