I'm tired of seeing posts about anime like One Piece, Boku no Hero Academia, and Kimetsu no Yaiba, so I thought I would start this thread to discuss complex and thoughtful anime for an adult audience.
HxH stands out for me because the level of violence and the complexity of the philosophical and ideological theories underpinning key characters and arcs within the story distinguish it as a story targeted at a mature and intellectual audience.
For example, Meruem in the Chimera Ant arc, and his struggles with the notions of identity and injustice between the proletariat and the bourgeois.
no hunter isn't a complex animr, stop being delusional, it's as much as a shonen as one piece and any jump thing, you cleary haven't seen enough animes to claim that
Aiden Roberts
Le deconstruction meme LOLOLOL
Aiden Bailey
IMMEDIATELY stopped reading after hxh, go fuck yourself user.
>complex and thoughtful anime for an adult audience >level of violence and the complexity of the philosophical and ideological theories underpinning key characters >a story targeted at a mature and intellectual audience >his struggles with the notions of identity and injustice between the proletariat and the bourgeois
yeah 13 years old are very smart and adult one piece exploring slavery, starvation and racism it's way darker and realistic than anything you said
want some actual complex philosophical story? try monster, ginga eyuu, mushishi or anything not target at autistic japanese 13 years old
Kayden Hill
>humans....are the real monsters !! whoa.....so this is the power of togashi huh..
Parker Cruz
>calling others autistic while autistic enough to respond to a bait seriously
The closing scene of the Chimera Ant arc really contextualized the whole series for me. Togashi wasn't necessarily just concerned with recapturing the magic of his glory days of writing sympathetic villains as much as he wanted to use the genre to tell a story about human nature itself, and that's really just scratching the surface. Were there moments of levity and shonen battle tropes peppered throughout? Sure. But the layers upon layers of subtext, nuance, world-building, detail, paired with excellent character writing and complexity put it up there as one of the greatest shonen arcs of all time. Good stuff.
Attocious thread with obvious bait OP, I fucking hate hunter pseudo-intellectuals
Asher Turner
The Chimera Ant arc has possibly the most profound conclusion that I've seen from any piece of media.
>"Now, let us drink. >Let us drink. >Drink to the human race. >In every age, there will be good humans and bad humans. >Human life is too long to devote to reproduction, yet too short to devote to learning, in the helix of time. >Perhaps that is why humans succumb to desire and seek release. >Despite the fact that life is complete with the sun, the land, and poetry."
Such a perfect example of visual narration, the embodiment of the concept "show, don't tell".
Isaac Adams
>'show don't tell' literally means use visuals instead of words Imagine being this retarded. It doesn't mean 'use visuals to the exclusion of words as much as possible', it's almost *exclusively* applied to the written word. If you don't like exposition or text heavy series just say that, stop repeating phrases you don't understand just because it sounds like a legit critique.
Another user, the guy you responded to, was probably sarcastic.
Jeremiah Myers
Imagine being such a pathetic weakminded cuck you spend your time celebrating a false flag terrorist and acting like he did the right thing despite him not naming a single jew.
>he supports kikes and kiked whiteniggers killing innocent harmless people instead of the rich and corrupt.
He sarcastically implied that the page posted doesn't follow "show, don't tell", betraying his poor understanding of that phrase's meaning. Work on your reading comprehension, retard.
>the writing is so bad you need an entire tv show to know how characters are connected
Lincoln Lee
>The story is so complex they called a professor of literature from Kyushu University just to explain to the audience the intricacies of the current arc and how it all ties up with the plot. FTFY. You should find the episode on Dailymotion if you search "AmeTalk Hunter x Hunter".
>serieswarrers unironically use leddit bloatware The irony is not lost.
So I'm guessing BnHA is the next series you're going to falseflag with then or something. I though the serieswarrers hated that one especially?
Joshua Sullivan
>A Professor spent his valuable time reading hunders of chapters of shounenshit Right
>the literal targeted audience can't understand your story. >bribe some nipp to make up an explanation so the 12 year olds feel smart and complex truly a genious.
>When the story's so bad the writer himself hates writing it
>one of the arc's themes was contrasting the individuality of humans with the hivemind cooperation of the ants >Meruem even gives a speech to Netero about how he cannot hope to win because Meruem has the collective boons of his species while Netero fights as an individual >however, Meruem chooses to fight in a less advantageous situation (letting himself be separated due to Komugi, inflicting non lethal wounds on Netero) just so that he can learn his name and save someone he has affection for, thus risking the fate of his entire species for selfish sentimental desire >meanwhile Netero gives up his individualistic ideal of fighting as an honorable warrior so that he can obliterate a great threat to mankind Genuine kino. Not sure if this irony was intended or not but I enjoy it all the same.
All the duality in the CA arc was brilliant. The monster and human reversal of Gon and Meruem, how they never met and yet their arcs contrast so coherently was a stroke of genius.