>A LN that's literally called "Isekai NTR"
A match made in hell
A LN that's literally called "Isekai NTR"
Other urls found in this thread:
You combine trash with dogshit and you just get smellier trash.
>Isekai Hero/maou and Otome heroine/villainess get reincarnated in the same world
Is that the Saijaku Bahamut artist?
She may call you daddy and let you nut on her face, but if at the end of the day I'm the one she cuddles with at night, then who's the real winner?
Even in Isekai, you can't escape the tanned NTR guy
Let me guess, the blond dude is actually the MC.
>tfw you are the tanned ntr guy
I know this is a meme, but some people actually think this way.
Is this the thread?
seems like a downgrade from the "Ohohoho" and drills thread.
Nothing wrong. Fuck justice fags.
Seems more like netori to me.
Picked up, thanks !
Wait is this netorare or netori?
how do I get over my average dick complex, knowing that modern women can choose whomever they want and will always choose someone with a bigger dick than me
Find someone who'll love you for who you are.
My hentai doujins say that a good way is being rich and powerful, then investing on brainwashing technology.
worry less about the other men and more about the silicone inflating expectations.
The MC is the tanned guy, not the 'hero', so I'll let you figure it out.
Become a dictator and execute everyone with a bigger dick
If it was about the tanned NTR-dude getting isekai'd and cucking everyone in fantasy land, it would be hilarious.
Is there any character that are actually immune to NTR, pic related are probably the closest one
From what I remember about an user talking about it the tanned dude (the mc) and the other guy get summoned to an isekai land. The tanned dude's powers are based around NTR, so he goes around cucking people in an attempt to support his friend.
Whoops forgot pic
Isekaifags and cuckfags deserve each other.
Become rich. We'll chose money over dick.
you should stop reading doujins and get out of your basement to talk to actual women once in a while.
I think I remember reading this one as a WN. Basically chad mc shark teeth is not a bad guy who actually helps hero-kun but bangs all the support girls around him (local guild girl/priest and even a surrendered demon girl). Eventually since hero-kun doesn't touch the other girls in his party they proposition shark teeth and he rails them hard.
Hero-kun finds out after the victory celebration.
I wonder who is more dangerous when it comes to NTR power, the blonde tanned guy or the fat old bald dude
No, you included the right picture.
Does the Hero even care these whore?
I'd say the fat old man. Even with his lack of appeal he can still get girls a third his age to double peace ahegao and abandon their loved ones. Bonus points if he has no face.
Depends on what you find more painful. The blonde guy will have her keep a somewhat normal life while letting her hide the fact that she's being fucked daily. The fat old man will make her disappear, and the next thing you'll know from her will be from a video sent to your home.
I think he cares about cat girl and the blonde but if I remember right cat girl goes into heat midway on their journey and sharkteeth bangs her while blonde holds out until the victory party before giving in.
Hero-kun is crippled by being a good polite Japanese boy who would never bend them over a bed and give them what they hint they want thus he loses them. Since he's sort of friends with sharkteeth he basically accepts it and sulks off.
What happen to hero then?
Hard to imagine what the next volume would be like.
Many porn LNs are only meant to be 1 volume, anyway.
I always interpreted the blonde guy as being "nicer". Sure, he will bang her and basically show it to you when you meet him, and if the girl gets pregnant you will be forced to become the father (Since abortion or putting to adoption is out of the picture in any hentai), but at least you get to fuck the girl when he isn't doing it.
Bald guy will only give a few videos to fap to when he is done corrupting her, and he usually has some type of connections to powerful people to screw you up if you try something. Blonde guys mostly relies on the magic instant knock-out NTR drugs and on the famous blackmail tactics.
I don't remember 100% as I was Google translate reading like 5 WNs at that time. He either went off on his own or was able to return to Japan since they beat the demon lord equivalent. I think the story continued as well with sharkteeth going on a new adventure (he managed to use his isekai cheat skill to leech power off the hero and their opponents throughout the journey) but since the whole "Isekai NTR" part of the story seemed to be over I lost interest.
So... Is Japan entering the "everything goes" phase with Isekai now?
I know that you can get a girl without having a big dick, the difficult part is getting her to stay with you once she realizes that your penis isnt even 15cm
Call me cuck are whatever you want but this sounds garbage as fuck
Isekai has literally always been "anything goes" since it became a trend. Rape Isekai, Cuck isekai, Inverse Isekai, Realistic Isekai, practically anything has been done with Isekai already.
I'm still waiting for my mafia isekai tho.
If you ever swung by syosetu you'd see it's been like that for ages. A lucky few web novels like Sword Art and Konosuba get pulled out of that ocean and made into something more solid like a Light Novel/Anime but there are so many stories, so many isekai, that they cloud the skies.
If they adapted even a quarter of them we'd see nothing but isekai until the day we die.
I was disappointed overall. I wanted sharkteeth to be a sneaky asshole who takes the heroes girls behind his back and ends up with a scene where he's on a throne/bed gloating about having taken all the heroes girls while they service him right there. Instead sharkteeth was not a bad guy overall and the hero just accepted it. Wasted potential.
It's easier said than done to write a novel about an asshole humiliating a nice guy without feeling like an asshole yourself and stopping, I imagine.
Him not being an asshole was actually a pleasant surprise for me. "Heroic" chads are a rarity and most of the time they just bang the girl into submission. The fact he actually got the hero to like it into the first place made it feel unique.
Consensual NTR histories are extremely rare. So appealing to a unique fetish is great for me (And not consensual in the "I can't help but watch it happen so i might as well accept it)
Sword Princess Cistina is basically this in game form, minus the Isekai part.
Having an NTR based power feels like cheap plot to use in NTR. There's reason why Saimin is garbage as fuck
Okay what the fuck vanillabros, I thought you said the NTR fad would come and pass quickly.
Here's the original WN if anyone wants to melt their brain reading Google translate novel18.syosetu.com
I only read to the end of part one a while ago.
I thought this one was pretty dark from the extreme ahegao, was I wrong?
Netorase > NTR
It's as a dark as say, Kedamono (Kazoku) tachi no Sumu Ie de.
Honestly, once you get past the premisse of "stealing another person's loved one", NTR is one of the most chill genres out there. The dialogue is so stupid i firmly believe there is no such thing as a "Dark NTR" out there.
That being said, the fact that she only accepts the NTR later makes 20 minute bandit rape scene kinda dark. Like the eclipse. Except with bald bandits.
I stopped midway. Doesn't she almost never have sex with the bull and mostly sluts around?
>bigger wallet
How the fuck does that work? How does plowing every girl in town helps your bro?
Most of the bull scenes appear near the end, like the part where she is forced to have a baby. Honestly, it's a big fucking lost opportunity since the bull only has 10 scenes out of 50, but still, if you like "A group of adventures where the chad slowly steals the girl of the MC", here you go.
I THINK the sequel with Treasure Hunter Mia has more bull-focused content, but it's been some months since i touched it so i'm not too sure.
>shark teeth
You'll never reach the toilet in time, Zouken!
Play Thug Hero Party for real NTR kino.
just bee you're self
MC of Thug Hero Party is a faggot who couldn't fight a bee if his life depended on it. The fact people still call it a "deconstruction" of NTR is laughable.
just combine both
Wait people call Thug Hero a deconstruction? It's ntr 101.
invest in sex toys
If she ever brings up swinging or an open relationship, bail
DNA test "your" children
I have literally seen it on /h/ a few months ago. Apparently the user argued that it was a "deconstruction" since the NTR makes you "feel bad" for the MC and the story plays the consequences of it in a serious manner.
But really, who even felt bad for that weakling? Literally the only character i actually pitied was the tomboy princess, she was the only one who wasn't enjoying it.
Netori is so much better than netorare.
I wish Monoeye finish Inn my Wife or makes a sequel.
But... Inn my Wife was neither netori nor netorare it was netorase. And netorase only shines when it ends as netorare. Geez, get your easy to follow terms right.
>be a tanned Japanese Chad
>go to the beach to hit on some girls
>"hey kanojo, kanojo"
>some dweeb harem MC appears to cockblock you and you're treated like litteral Hitler
It's time for dudes like this to get the spotlight they deserve. What's wrong with wanting to fuck? Guy spends hours in tanning salons and the gym, but some random dude gets a harem because "he's nice".
You're right, I meant netorase.
>I THINK the sequel with Treasure Hunter Mia has more bull-focused content
It doesn't. The bull barely gets any action.
I like netorase as a starting point but it's boring if it stays netorase front start to finish.
Reminder to severely bully anyone who uses the term "cuck".
> Not offering a drink with sleep-rape drugs right away
This weakling deserved to get cockblocked.
That weakling tried his best from start to finish. Just because he's weak doesn't mean he should suffer.
Relationships should be based on love rather than lust.
Tanned Chad's need to take harem stealing lessons from faceless old men. You don't charge at the lead harem girl from the get go, you start with the outliers who don't get as much attention from the harem MC. Get them wrapped around your tanned fingers and slowly work your way inwards until the entire harem is yours.
Not everyone can win in the love game, user, and not all girls are fans of blonde tanned dudes.
Shame there weren't any "escape points" where MC could gather his party and bail out. I like ntr with exits, makes staying for the while journey even better.
At least he got a loli god in one of the ends.
I dunno man, the moment he turned dark and killed giga-chad and the idiotic whore was pretty kino.
Any girl who says that is a liar lusting for tanned muscular dudes.
is this some kind of
>tanned people rise up
wait I see it
>in some stories the slutty tanned guy gets the harem mc girls
>slutty gyaru steals the otome heroine harem
fund it
blond dude
The point of forming a society is to make everyone happy. If not we'll still be ruled by kings and everyone would be dirt poor serfs. Those on the bottom are the ones who needs help the most, not the ones everyone should freely step on.
Oh fuck now I want that. Sweet blonde haired blue eyed girl going through an otome game, indecisive on who to choose only for the tanned slutty gyaru to end up with the whole harem. Bonus points if there is an ending where she gets the heroine to become a yuri loving gyaru as well.
can't beat the shark teeth
The point of ntr is misery. Being unable to escape a horrible fate is part of that.
That's so bakarina
Seem like his son is continuing the family tradition.
I mean, he could have killed giga chad during the town attack by the monsters. Hell, MC even admits he could kill him because he is so weakened but decids not too do it because he is too much of a "nice guy". Also, weren't giga chad blessings coming from his clothes? Couldn't he wait until he took a shower or something?
Now THAT was actually impressive. Too bad that them he goes on a whinny rant because he killed the slut bitch, Honestly if it was me i would have simply killed the fat bastard who took the tomboy princess as his slave next and went in hiding after that like in ending 4.
Nay, the point of NTR is showing your dominance to the cuck and how powerful you are compared to him by having the girl go after your dick. Whether he enjoys it or not is irrelevant.
I'd for one stop watching porn, because it's warping your world-view and ruining your self-esteem.
The size of your dick isn't going to matter much in vast scope of things and you can still pleasure women just as easily. unless maybe you have a literal micro-penis
As long as you have around 10-15cm you shouldn't be too worried, this is the genetic average across most countries excluding maybe a few in Scadanavia or Africa.
Ignore bitches who talk about dick sizes, since it's far more likely that they're a slut and not worth the time anyway.
If you wanted dominance you could just rape. And that doesn't address the point. If the cuck can escape the situation, then you don't have as much dominance as you think.
NTR plays into people's insecurity, poor self-confidence and passiveness.
The number of Chads who have "actual" above average dick size.is much less than you would expect. If a girl cares more about the dick size than the appearance of somebody she is a bimbo that doesn't deserve your time.
Nay, the real dominance comes from having a escape and him refusing to use it because he either lacks the confidence to do anything or because the bull it too intimidating for him. It's a mental block that leaves him unable to do something or the chad aura that enthraps the girl a situation where she COULD deny the Chad, but she refuses it because she likes him too much. Remember that there are 3 types of NTR and all of them play into this in many manners possible.
This. Thanks.
Eh that's one way to enjoy the genre I guess. I enjoy watching the corruption and suffering of fictional characters.
If you wanted to watch corruption just play any corruption RPG game out there, which also has the suffering of the girls getting rape.
Suffering and corruption aren't even a necessary part of NTR, since there is nothing stopping a cuck from enjoying or accepting his position of a cuck over time or a girl being forced to bang another guy against her wishes and never change her mind during it.
>193328844 #I have literally seen it on /h/ a few months ago. Apparently the user argued that it was a "deconstruction" since the NTR makes you "feel bad" for the MC and the story plays the consequences of it in a serious manner.But really, who even felt bad for that weakling? Literally the only character i actually pitied was the tomboy princess, she was the only one who
That's why you still are a virgin, user.
Hero should learn to become a fat and bald old man whenever he wants, that way he would never be NTR'd since old man power is greater than tanned blonde.
That's why Kings never fight the demon king directly. Because they're fat old men the battle would end instantly and in the fallout every heroines virginity would disappear overnight. As a King must be generous he sends a hero to do the work so there might be some genetic diversity in his kingdom afterwards.
We've officially gone too far
>Disaster level demon
Still salvageable
I know this is a meme, but it raeally depends on what you want. If it's just the sex, then you win. If you plan on making her your genuine partner and she just has sex with you and nothing else, then you lose.
The problem here is that in a standard otome game a slutty gyaru wouldn't exist, period. You'll have more mature girls, more outgoing girls, and sometimes more flirtatious girls, but the gyaru archetype very rarely shows up unless it's a male demographic parody.
It's all fun and games until she gets preggo and doesn't want an abortion
That's when you go out to buy cigs and never come back.
>that one of the blonde guy that starts to fuck his girlfriend mom through blackmail
>she ends up taming him, he even gets a job to take care of the baby
And thus another average black American household is born?
Still don't know where to put generic NTR balding fat old man at what level
he's above the chart
too fat to fit in
that manga was horrible
I fucking hate ntr so much. Not because of the cheating or losing somebody but because its poorly written story.
I mean you could say the same of a lot of vanilla stories. Or even corruption stories. And of course NTR as well. Poorly written stories transcend genre.
user, there's always going to be a better man
the trick is to keep her locked in a basement, safe from ever finding one
This user knows the correct way to keep a relationship.
I mean shit that infuriates you. Like cops suddenly disappearing during a hostage situation or people acting strangely for the sake of ntr or whatever shitty fettish the manga is.
The hero went mad and start attacking NTR guy. Both of them blasted out of the room and flying while fighting and the direction went into the city. The fight end with the hero almost died and almost half of his body get blasted. The NTR guy actually is a good guy since the start and what he did all this time is for the sake of hero but thing doesn't go as planned in the end. he regretting what he did to the hero and then make a wish to rewind back the time when they first summoned into that world. (if i remember it right after they defeated the demon lord he got something that can grant any wish that he want but it can be only used once). The last scene he saw is when the blonde heroine come and horrified see the hero's corpse.
you mean shit like blackmail/rape stories where the woman doesn't call the police? thats true in japan, specially small rural towns
the social stigma for the victim is for life, if someone got raped/pregnant its their fault, and everyone knows
>you are a villain who rapes a girl and wants to seduce her then, but she only hates you
>you manage to seduce someone's wife and want her to leave the husband, but she stays and he forgives her
It wouldn't be great to be in an original lover place, but if you have feelings, then the ntr can be no less damaging for you.
nah we are talking about blackmail for holding hands, or having a condom in her purse, its fucking retarded
I’m glad there’s an NTR LN getting adapted but this is not what I fucking meant
Hey man, her boyfriend was smoking out back. There goes any chance he had at university or sports. She deserved it for dating such a horrible person.
Why are the NTR guys always one of these
>fat old man
>tanned and blonde/dyed hair (sometimes has shark teeth)
your are forgetting fatass or ugly shota that can be strangled with a single hand.
Because being ntr'd by Joe is boring.
Even ntr is subject to having shit plots with shotas. Now if the old man gets the shota as well...
there is one where the neechan gets ntr'd and shot gets to be a bitch to a fat old man, it was fucking weird
>old man cucks the shota
>also fucks the shota
Are you talking about the one where the mom dresses up in her daughters gyaru clothes?
no it was the son of the fat old man that cucked the shota
Not quite the same but... Happy End for everyone. In a way.
What would be the name of ntr ending with everyone fucking everyone?
What's the appeal of netorare?
I get netorase cause that's just being a slut with no emotional attachment. But netorare is more emotional.
Does anyone know any good harem manga with NTR?
>being a slut with no emotional attachment
So Isekai Ojisan?
I'm sure I've seen it, a fat old dude that's tanned and blonde.
What's the appeal of characters being killed, or even characters being killed without struggling? Fiction is good for exploring the darker side of life.
Shota NTR is the saddest NTR
lol that looks fake as hell, you aren't fooling anyone faggot
I enjoy it for seeing a wholesome relationship crack, strain and eventually shatter. As the womans morals gradually change because of someone else's influence and the MC being suspicious but never confronting her until it's too late.
I enjoy netorare with a netorase start. Seeing the wholesome couple thinking they have control over the situation and themselves only to lose control with the MC losing his woman and the woman becoming someone different than she was originally.
So we learn again that most people that hate ntr don't even know what it is
The dude in that one wasn't a shota, he was just a manlet.
>get off to wife being a slut
>still love eachother at the end of the day
There's no dilemma about cheating or anything. It's just people being weird with their fetishes.
Killing developed characters deserves "tragedy" in the series tags while NTR often goes unchecked, it should go under "tragedy" too.
Just DIY I didn't want to believe it either that's why I went to all the trouble of MTLing CN and KR raws.
Then I stand corrected: manlet NTR is the saddest NTR.
>extremely averse to something
>hey you better smear that shit all over your face to learn how to tell different kinds of shit you don't like apart
>extremely averse to something
>keep clicking on threads about it
Admit it, you're tsundere for NTR.
>NTR power, the blonde tanned guy or the fat old bald dude
Merely depends on the age and mentality of the one NTR'D. Reality is neither has an advantage and power is perception itself per . Females in hentai all can't be the cock anyways.
>I always interpreted the blonde guy as being "nicer"
That's more due to marketing audience and I guess?
Hentai (not just NTR) marketed at males with self-insertion in mind.
>Old ugly fat man targets that market just like faceless black haired skinny default guy targets the general audience.
>Tanned blonde faceless guy just a spin off of that faceless default guy.
Old fat man markets towards IRL old fat men who are later in life, as such might be more jaded and like/need crueler or more sadistic stuff to get off. This is generally the case for all hentai and not just NTR.
I will agree with you on their methods old fat man caters to the idea of social/economic power whereas tanned blonde caters to biological/youth superiority. For both self-inserting as the NTR-er or NTR-ee.
>that NTR where the childhood friend hooks up with and marries his father
>in the end if he had treated her like a girl he wouldn't have to call her mom
That was a wild ride, he couldn't get over her and in the future dates younger women asking them to wear her hairstyle and has a little brother on the way
I've clicked on isekai, I always do
I once read a strange translation of the Ramayana where one of the fabled heroes of the story, the great white Monkey King, Hanuman, is on a quest to save the princess/goddess for god from the demon lord, followed by his trusty lieutenant (a green monkey I think). Anyway, along the way of their quest they come across several villages with damsels in distress for whatever reason or whatever and the wording was fucking weird but it basically said that Hanuman was compelled to comfort the women at. every. single. town.
Then, after like the 5th town, the lieutenant monkey is like "hey boss, mind if I take this one for a change?" but the king says "No! This task would be too great for you!" or some shit, and so he continues on his merry undertaking.
To this day I have no idea wtf I read but the book was a translation of that story so whatever.
translation is iffy as hell, but you do you user...
If you hate NTR you could just, you know, not get close to it? I avoid scat/gyro threads and doujins because I don't like it. I don't dive head first into the pile of literal shit and declare to everyone nearby: I HATE THIS.
Get good at foreplay. You need skill to be good at sex
none really, it's a rock paper scissors thing
>not get close to it?
Then it should be marked by a separate tag, oftentimes series don't even have tragedy tag in it just drama. It's not just drama anymore if it has NTR in it.
Also this
Picked the fuck up.
>>that NTR where the childhood friend hooks up with and marries his father
I read those screencaps when the guys gf cucks him for his father then marries his father and it was even in the local news hu hu hu. I think he was a bong poster on here or on leddit.
huh which one? the one where he is fucking his students, then makes her his woman after the father kicks the bucket?
At least the MC isn't this guy.
Any rape or NTR that has the MC's mom being raped or cucked away? No doujins please.
I like fat faceless old guys but he was just gross.
is rape really ntr
It is when she starts to like it and MC watches.
the Chad ofc
fat shits are disgusting
>isekai author wants to stand out so he makes NTR to trigger the masses
>the lol so random kiddy crowds eats it up and freaks out about it like usual
that's why those things are still happening. they won't die until you'll stop giving them attention.
Stew in your inferiority for years until it turns into malice then you either are smart about it or you get caught right away.
They take away your chances? Well take away their choice!
Tachibana is top tier mom NTR
Goddammit another fucking isekai with a premise that could be kind of unique but they just can't have things go too far in an interesting direction because of the target audience
>I'd for one stop watching porn
>prostate cancer
No thanks.
it really isn't. It is baby's first NTR, and to top it off it is NBR trash.
Why does this matter when the guy is a cuck who has like three sex scenes and then becomes completely irrelevant?
cope and kneel
>shota confesses to his onee-san
>onee-san's been cucking the shota
>shota was actually cucking his onee-chan the entire time, too
I need shota ntr recommendations, as in the little shits get ntr’d
Thx in advance
Also, I’ll add this isekai to the KINO sections where it belongs
I laughed harder than I shouldve, thanks. Imagine if that actually was a thing though? I don't think my heart could handle that much suffering.
Now this is rock bottom. Surely we can only go up from here.
Shots can ntr you
Based Maou.
Downward spiral
>The main status windows contain Name, Race, Profession, Height, and State. For girls, there’s also chest size. When registering for guest book at the inn, it’s required to show this window to prevent crime, such as when someone’s profession is Thief.
>But you know, isn’t it amazing that you can see a girl’s chest size ? It feels like someone designed an RPG for adult. I feels like something is wrong with this world.
>“…Is there something wrong?”
>Both me and Yuela have a hesitation to showing our status to other. It’s embarrassing and there’s information that I don’t want other people to know.
>“…It can’t be helped”
>Yuela opened her main status window while seemed a bit reluctant
>It can’t be helped. After all the main status window is like an Identity Card. If I can’t show it, I will be treated as suspicious person and can’t stay at the inn. I followed Yuela and opened my main status window
>Name : Kaoru
>Race : Human
>Profession : Gunner
>Height : 174 cm
>State : [Curse of the Goddess of Darkness] [Likes NTR]
>Name : Yuela
>Race : Dragonkin
>Profession : Swordsman
>Height : 169 cm
>Chest Size : 88 cm
>State : [Curse of the Goddess of Darkness] [Immoral]
>“….Oh my, this…”
>Oyaji watched over our status windows
>“[Curse of The Goddess of Darkness] huh…”
>As expected, Oyaji doesn’t pay attention to my Profession or Yuela race. Gun and Dragonkin are very rare in this world, but his eyes were stuck on the State column
>“Even though you are still young, you sure got into a trouble”
>Oyaji expanded his hand and closed his eyes. Swaying his head left and right. He have an exaggerating gesture lamenting the fate of two young people. But the way he said it have no delicacy at all.
>My [Likes NTR] skills refers to, of course, that NTR. One where my wife, girlfriend, or the one I love got taken from me. Anyway, when such a thing happened, my body will get excited unconditionally.
>Yuela’s [Immoral] skills makes her become abnormally excited when doing immoral act. And, the representative of immoral act is, of course, cheating sex. Yuela will get really excited when she is doing it with another man.
This doujinshi is an ultimate pleb filter.
Its core is 200 pages about hot mom and her two daughters slowly getting seduced and then banged together in top tier action. People who focus on NTR aspect of it must be the most insecure cucks ever. Sometimes I think author created "mc" only to scare those retards away since they don't deserve to enjoy good porn.
By they way I'm not even sure it's NTR by sadpanda's definition.
>Another person's spouse / partner being unfaithful and the one being cuckolded being aware of the situation. Also acceptable for when the story is clearly meant to invoke jealousy or sympathy on behalf of the person being cuckolded.
As far as I remember he was never aware about them having sex with others. And he was never shown too attached to them so he wouldn't be too depressed to learn about it. (though I might just remember it wrong since it has been years since I've read it)
>And, the representative of immoral act is, of course, cheating sex
I can think of a million things that would be a more proper representative of immortal acts than cheating.
>My [Likes NTR] skills refers to, of course, that NTR. One where my wife, girlfriend, or the one I love got taken from me. Anyway, when such a thing happened, my body will get excited unconditionally.
So it's not even actual NTR? Just some roleplay fetish shit they do as a couple?
See, as an NTR connoisseur, I have mixed feelings about this title. NTR should be subtle. It should hit you when you least expect it. That's when you want it because it has the greatest impact, and let's be real, you're not supposed to anticipate getting cucked. So 5/10. A little disappointed.
That being said, if the plot is essentially the tanned alpha male going after every new harem member the MC picks up with the ultimate goal being his main lover, then it actually doesn't sound too bad.
The MC has a cuckolding fetish so it's not even that.
I thought it turned into actual NTR near the end
It's not even the NTR that people hate.
It's Netori.
>It's not even the NTR that people hate.
>It's Netori.
It's fucking 2019 and people still don't understand what NTR stands for.
It covers all variations.
Fuck, I'm pretty sure I hid "e" inside the spoiler tag, but Yea Forums simply couldn't parse it.
Now it looks so ugly.
Exactly. Honestly, I find Netorase the most infuriating one of the three.
What distinguishes netorase from swinging?
Cuckoldry doesn't just involve swapping partners with other couples.
Finally something good for once
Likes NTR was such a disappointment. Everytime it got close to crossing from netorase to netorare the MC just shut it down, sometimes lethally. Chapter after chapter of "ah ah ah" bloating everything and then the author dumped the story and that was that. I would feel bad for the translator Isekaintr be he seems to only like netorase so fuck him.
Swinging is netorase but netorase isn't necessarily swinging. If the MC likes watching his wife be a whore then its netorase, swinging would be they both swap.
>A LN that's literally called "Isekai NTR"
Oh God, I think I'm going to be sick.
>Swinging is netorase
Not necessarily. It might also mean that the couple are both massive fucking sluts that love each other but also enjoy fucking other people.
>Swinging is netorase but netorase isn't necessarily swinging. If the MC likes watching his wife be a whore then its netorase, swinging would be they both swap.
I would say it's the opposite.
Netorase is swinging, but not all swinging is netorase. The main point of netorase is that one of the parties doesn't have any sex and just watches the action. But in case of usual full partner swap everyone has sex and therefore it's not netorase.
I'm happy as well user but no need to vomit out of excitement.
I get the fat old man stereotype, it's the archetypal sleazebag.
But I don't get why blonde and tanned is an NTR symbol. Delinquency?
Pretty much.
Japan is autistic about appearance so people who bleach their hair and get tans are usually associated with juvenile delinquents who refuse to follow the rules.
They definitely don't follow the rule of "don't fuck thy neighbors wife and daughter, at the same time".
Has anyone here been c u c k e d before?
I almost lost my childhood friend to someone else but I decided to ask her out before he couldve made his move.
>two trash genre
picked up.
Speaking of NTR, is pic related the best NTR?
>Not getting a girlfriend so you an record your sex sessions
>Not masterbating to sexual encounters you've actually had rather than fucking yourself by watching other people have sex
Can't get ntr'd if you never have a relationship your entire life.
>not going straight from 2 to 6
Yes but not by choice.
I'm the chosen one.
What's good about NTR is that it doesn't even need relationship. Even if you've never talked to some girl, but you have a secret crush on her you are vulnerable to NTR. In fact this is probably the hottest form of NTR in H manga since it's the most believable setting (unlike blackmail or girl suddenly becoming cock hungry slave) and it's full of helpless jealousy and regret.
It's part of why I like family ntr. All the MC has with his sister and mother are your usual familial ties, then chad thunder cock or faceless old man show up and become more important to his family than MC. Seeing the breakdown of that relationship is great.
>full of helpless jealousy and regret.
Why would I want more of that in porn?
>this thread
>all these cucks
>Reads 229 replies just to say he hates it
Did you just get ntr'd out of your time?
No I just looked for isekai thread and came to say that y'all sick degenerates without ounce of self-respect, and that says something coming from an isekaifag. That's all.
But how would you know we're all cucks if you didn't read the thread? We've been discussing Isekai all this time and you're missing out unless you read the whole thread.
Anime adaptation guaranteed unfortunately
Why aren't you writing your own NTR isekai user?
I've seen enough, you're cucks alright.
Because I have some self-respect left.
Don't bring Van into your shit posting, I'll start thinking you have taste.
just b urself
I dont get it
Van is the peak of NTR in isekai, you cuck in denial
By Japanese standards?
It would be like that one h-manga where the hero levels up whenever he gets NTRd.
Why you would even try to think further than the flimsy premise is beyond me though.
NTR always makes everything better
I always wonder. How did these people look like in their youth? Were they normal people until something happened or were they born balding, fat, and ugly. Do women pregnant with their seed give birth to offspring like them?
>Do women pregnant with their seed give birth to offspring like them?
They never wear condoms, it's a never ending cicle
They were always ugly, they just gained fat first then balding later. Maybe having one reborn in another world looking like a baby version of that appearance might make then viewed as a demon lord.
>he doesn't fear the big dick smug shota
It's like sexual gap moe in the humiliation aspect of NTR, the MC getting outdicked by a young kid of all things gives it a unique appeal. Kind of like a reverse 'fat old man' thing.
Meanwhile on TNE: Epilogue (1st half) and there's no NTR.
- Basically it just shows off Hajin's happy life. He declined the CEO position Yeonha offered him and settled with becoming a researcher.
- 3 months has passed since he came down from the Alps with everyone who came to visit.
- As Sahyuk mentioned only people who were related to the Kwang-Oh incident or had strong link to Hajin like Evandel or Kindspring could remember him.
- So Suho and Jonghak, for instance, couldn't
- Small stories about what Yeonha, Chameleon Troupe and other guys do
- Small chat with Rachel and Boss
- Finally, a big decisive chat with Nayun
- Gathering of related people and they ask Hajin about his and Boss' story:
>“…Our story.”
>“We’ll have to write it from now. Until it becomes a happy ending.”
>I spoke as I always did and smiled. Yi Byul smiled back. Everyone in the room smiled. That was enough.
>Although I became a completely different person in a completely different world.
>Although I lost everything from the previous world.
>The current me… no, we, could confidently say that we are happy.
>Since we can forever be with people who are precious to us….
Personal thoughts: Honestly, after this one I don't think there's anything to add to Hajin's story and about those close to him except maybe Suho. So, second part better be about Sahyuk's Akatrina campaign or else.
In an average white American household is where they kill themselves so nothing is better at this point
I thought this ended?
Nah, there's still the second half of the epilogue left. Author promised to post today but knowing him I won't be surprised if it's posted next week.