5Toubun no Hanayome

All quints are equally great and deserve to win this rollercoaster
but Yotsuba is the best, and by virtue of being on Yea Forums, you should be rooting for her
Fuck Negi

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Other urls found in this thread:


Yotsuba is the best

First post best post

Believe in Yotsuba!

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Truly a good start to a good thread

slightly better than ninoshitter - mikuj warfare

Nino will be the last quint in this arc. She was with Fuutarou last before Ichika, so Negi will tell us what she was doing with Fuutarou last.

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How’s it feel to be so wrong about everything?


with nino


She'll get half a chapter next week and that'll be it, nignog.

with anyone but nin*****


Imagine being so enraged by a literal cartoon drawing that you spend all your time in a 24/7 general just to talk about how angry the drawing makes you.

Imagine spending your time in 24/7 generals and seething over what others think lmao

Struck a nerve, huh?

Keep seething

then why are you here

I'm looking for Miku...
Have you seen her?

Attached: Wanna get cucked_.png (500x281, 208K)

you can't cuck a female

You can though, ichika already did


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She ded.

He's just a retard who keeps making shit threads. Usually he'll pick 1 quint and shitpost.
Sometimes he'll even post kaguya or ishigami some other girl in OP just for the sake of it.

He keeps spamming new threads away from the main one for no reason with no topic. Also goes into kaguya/ishigami threas to shitpost there. Basically tires to get start shit between them and toubunposters in general. It's best to ignore the thread and hope it dies.

I seriously doubt the last one can be anyone but the one who collpased.

>All quints are equally great and deserve to win this rollercoaster

Attached: descarga.jpg (318x159, 5K)

First to lose

No ones lost retardkun

>Yea Forums
Never heard about any Yea Forums places, there's only that one hacker that ended up on the news

>First Date
>Her dead eyes
I will forever be hunted by that

Imagine being part of a 24/7 general at all.

Thanks esl

Spoilers when


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If 23 share a chapter like spoilers say im going to laugh so hard. Its probably 2 perspective with 3 in there or 3 perspective with 2. But if its actually both. Oh fucking man my sides will explode.

No, she was the last for exams. Negi won't do that again.

Kek. The amount of salt Nino can produce is insane. Making up fake spoilers just because one dumb interview which probably doesn't mean shit.

Just look at this faggot

The exam chapters followed the popularity poll order. What if this time around it's the chapter poll order, but in reverse? We know nothing about Ichika and Fatso chapters, but if Fatso comes next, I think the order could be 15243 or 15423.


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Wasn't Itsuki's side before Yotsuba?

>no spoilers
I hate you all

But Futarou's heart chose Ichika.

Nope. It was 34512.

Let me guess, now Negi will drag this on by making every other quint kiss Fuuts so he can tell who kissed him near the bell, only to say that he will not choose anyone again

I found you nino ship jumper

Attached: 3414.png (754x330, 180K)

I hope no.
He is not Seo Kouji


Would you all rather have Fuu be able to identify each quint apart
>From the quality of their lips and kisses
>From THE HEART through LOVE

I'd rather
> from the quality of handholding

No, he'll get hang on the "who would make him happy if she was the kisser?" question but won't be able to make a choice, he'll talk with Itsuki who'll say if that's too hard to think about he should try thinking about which one of them does he wants to make happy the most or something like that which at the end will make him realize how he feels

>Quality of lips and kisses
What would each quints' lips taste like?
>Coffee of highest quality with a tinge of milk because it's a frappe

Ichikabros? Did Negi censor Ichika's kiss because he is going to draw a lot of her kissed in the future? Right? right,,,

Attached: 1421.png (742x572, 279K)

>Her own juices which Fuutarou has previously put there


Don't they all have distinct perfume? It'll be easy as shit.

Underwear or softness of breasts.

>>From the quality of their lips and kisses
Nah. It's possible to cover everything (scent, form, feeling and even the way she kissed him)
My choice is HEART

Attached: 1241.jpg (241x209, 12K)

That lip thing makes no sense.

producer's semen
nigger semen
old man semen
good toothpaste
cake curry burger pizza all combined
Yotsubest once again

After KISS to LIPS he uses THE HEART to find kisser through LOVE

Semen is your breakfast fag

>good toothpaste
She can't even brush her truth without help. Her mouth stinks.

He would be smelling their legs and armpits of course.

I saw posts of Mikufags jumping to Ichika as well.

>no spoilers today
>still waiting them and don't use Nino wojack before them

Remind you that teeth cleaning scene Negi stole from Gatari


very insightful thank you for your post

I love Nakano-san.

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Attached: The-Quintessential-Quintuplets-Manga-Volume-5-Cover-Art-Yotsuba.jpg (1200x1794, 229K)

Very high quality post

spoilers today?


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Yotsubride & Yotsubest.

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Why does every other volume, after that of Yotsuba's have a four leaf Clover?

Ship jumpers only want to be on the winning side to keep shitposting. Truly pathetic.


Cute cyclops!

Spoilers tomorrow?

spoilers literally never

As an Ichikabro, seeing any panel from the first half of chapter 83 still pains my heart.


>Just woke up
>*checks thread*
>no spoilers
Wtf bros? You told me spoilers would be out by now!

Spoilers tonight

All the quints are good except for Nino, who is ugly, looks like a shark, and is a shit.

Attached: goblino.png (250x220, 24K)

can't wait for an Itsuki chapter

wtf i love tripfags now

based tripfag

Kek based

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I want a Slav Babushka Potato Shark Gremlin Nino

It's almost 11 in Korea what now

>Go-Toubun no Sorayume (Fantasy in Five Equal Parts)
>Sahara Gensei
Release soon

> super hard to stay loyal
Wow, that's a lame excuse for being pathetic if I ever saw one. Those who jump ship are less than human beings.

I will never trust you Koreans again.





K-korean bro? C-chinese bro?

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A tripfag with impeccable taste for once

Try again tomorrow or rather the day after tomorrow like last week.

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>negi has acknowledged about leak and hasn't sent them chapter earlier


Sirfetch'd is Negiganaito in japanese. Punny man.

I wonder if Negi is actually one of the ESL shitposters here.

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The page that destroyed Ichika and Yotsuba's chances of winning.

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Opinion discarded

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This but unironically.


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Naah, Negi is a busy man.

If he shitposts on his leisure time he would spent it at 2chan

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Consensus in Japan is that 3 and 4 are out from the interview since they fell in love too early. It’s either 2 or 5.

More like Itsuki and Miku's

Since Reddit bet is on Miku and Yea Forums is on 2.
Will 4channel lose for the first time?

Attached: Yotsuba vanishing.jpg (580x823, 323K)

Why F can't be cool like this?

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>Yea Forums is on 2.

Attached: dae.jpg (980x1040, 138K)

Yea Forums bets on anyone aside from 3 and 5

>Yea Forums is on 2

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>Yea Forums is on 2

Attached: BANANA.jpg (715x715, 93K)

Cope hard

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Ichika is the bride though.

All Ninohaters look at this guy.
You don’t need any wordy justification for your hate. Just hate.

Ouch, must suck to be a nincel knowing even this tripfag's taste is better.


Ahahaha - it's only Yotsbua
Only Ichika heard about kiss.

Pretty accurate

Fully agree with that user

Snek didn't deserve to win
Yotsuba did nothing

Yes shitty quints can't win


Ichika is the kisser, she knew from the beginning because she did it. Someone else will learn about it.

>Ichika is the kisser
Stop playing with my feelings user.

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No, the kisser is Itsuki

PNG is 11 MB

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Ichikabros, do you remember times when we could win?

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>Consensus in Japan
So 2 or 3 Ninoniggers sucking each other's dick?

I want to fuck Fuutarou so bad.

Yea Forums's version has overheard. So it's either heard or overheard and so if Negi left it as an ambiguous panel like the "met" part in chapter one then it's a red herring.

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>one then it's a red herring.

Everything is a red herring.

Does anyone have Negi's wife number? Can you call her and ask who is wife ?

Who has the highest chances right now? I'd put it


Yotsuba's standing could change depending on how Fuuts finds out she's lolikano

>all signs point to a 3v4 end
feels good being a mikuchad

3 > 5 > 1=4 > 2

5 is underdeveloped and first girl in a who's the bride manga
4 is underdeveloped, obsessed and promise girl
2 underdeveloped, obsessed
1 onee-san snek

3 doesn't seem to have heavy death flags like the others have.


If it's heard or overheard and the ahahaha part then it was purposefully added for people to assume Yotsuba and Ichika are out. Since both Yotsuba and Ichika use ahahaha the most.

If you think your waifu deserved to win, then respond to this questions
>Did she ever talked with Raiha
>Does she have enoigh interaction time with F
>What is type of reaction have F for her
>Can she be bellkisser
>What did she do with F
>Did she do something helpful for F
>Is she popular among readers

Raiha is fucking shit, mate.

I respond to all of this questions

>First point is dumb

1> 2> 3> 4> 5. Unironically.

If you think your waifu will win then respond to this
>Is she Miku?
Grats she won
>Is she anyone else?
Sorry you lost

Attached: vol 11 cover 2.0.png (1148x1601, 1.8M)


What happened to Miku bros? I thought she was going to win... She's the most popular after all. Doesn't that mean she's going to win?

>natural one or one that can turn into romance once F understands his own feelings
>enough things to be considered meaningful

>Did she ever talked with Raiha
Irrelevant, just like Raiha.
>Does she have enoigh interaction time with F
Miku is the one with most screentime and interactions with Fuu.
>What is type of reaction have F for her.
Fuu blushed the most with Miku. Fact.
>Can she be bellkisser
Everything points towards Miku. Ichika witnessed the kiss, Yotsuba is a coward, Itsuki doesn't even like him and Ninoshit wouldn't kiss him as Itsuki.
>What did she do with Fuu.
The first one to accept him.
>Did she do something helpful for Fuu.
Miku is the most cooperative and helpful of the quints, the one who is always by Fuu's side.
>Is she popular among readers
Miku is the most popular, by far.

Fuck off ninonigger.

Yotsuba is first and last place.


Attached: group quints no ahoge.png (1920x1080, 2.5M)

Objectively speaking how strong is Yotsuba's "I am lolikano" card really?

Spoilers were posted last night btw. It's a miku/Nino chapter.
>103 회
>22 페이지
>미쿠와 니노는 동시에 푸우 타 로우 만난다.
>미쿠가 차지하는 니노 대학 진로
>니노와 미쿠는 푸우 타 로우 에 대해 이야기
>요츠바는 도움을 거부했다
>푸우 타 로우 그가 그들에게 이야기하는 것을 미쿠와 니노를 알려줍니다

Fucking Negi couldn't bother to re-draw Itsuki's bare shoulders on the cover.

Useless pretty much

Ichika wins. Yotsuba's identity will have no effect on his feelings. He cares about the Yotsuba he studied with, not the Lolikano. He is closer to the quints that he ever was to Lolikano from back then.

>No way fag

it doesn't matter user, she talked with Raiha at the pancake stand anyway

Fake spoilers

Powerful but diminishing every chapter. It’ll play a role as a plot point but if she wanted to win with it she should have done it before or right after scrambled eggs.

Cute, but can be better. Fixed

Attached: gramps pic no ahoge.png (1426x2048, 1.14M)

There's a reason why he hasn't fallen for 2/3 and is always paying attention to 1/4. They're endgame for a reason.

>1 endgame for a reason
She just had her last meal.

> he hasn't fallen for 2/3
Said who?

>last meal.
Again? Kek.

based mikuchads

>Thinking Ichika is out

Ichika the Quintuplet Emperor

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>thinking a snek had ever a chance

It is not important as a romance element. Futarou already knows that it's one of them anyway and he thanked her. He'll think "So it was you" and it's over. Yotsuba is the one who needs to grow up.

Learn English.

Ichika already won. You have enough time to cope.

Ichika isn't the kisser. She reacted to Nino's name in pic related since Nino said she wanted to kiss Fuutarou in SE and later reacts to him saying he saw through Miku's disguise assuming he was talking of the kiss.
Ichika's actions make no sense if she was the kisser.

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He's poor, reads dictionaries, and studies like a nerd and isn't a rich gold trust fund baby, who read MISTORIDOs, and hits on girls like a CHAD.

Probably for the best. Sure fictional Batter is cool af. Real Battler was much slower and a playboy who wouldn't solve either the mystery of the epitaph or any of the who/how/why dunnits. His entire family ended up dying for his hermaphrodite womanizing yet forgetful ways.

Attached: Yotsuba reason fear the four.png (1056x665, 1.06M)

You get blindfolded and have to smell each of the quints pussies. You have to pick the one you thought it smelled better. Wich one would it be?

Woah. Yotsuba is a bit high there.

Woah. Yotsuba is a bit high there.

Woah. Yotsuba is a bit high there.

Woah. Yotsuba is a bit high there.

Attached: there's no way that'd happen yotsuba go toubun.png (1154x1620, 1.31M)

What's wrong with you.

Yotsuba is a walking death flag magnet.


Cute. Post this without the shitty meme tho.

>walking death flag
Nino and Miku

>Ichika isn't the kisser
She is but is hiding it. And thanks to that other waifufags like you aka losers have some hope until it gets confirmed. You should be grateful.

>Yotsuba is a walking pile of deathflags
More accurate

Take your meds ninoschizo


Does Ichicunt really think it works that way?

Attached: 5Toubun no Hanayome - Ch.102 - The Last Festival - Ichika’s Side ② - 16.png (1115x1600, 574K)

Ichika won't win because she isn't winner type. Also she will be btfo in the next chapter.

Why would she hide it? She thinks f hated her because she lied so why would she lie again?

It's not for Fuu, but more for puretards otaku

>Ninofags in full seeth.
Did spoiler thread break them?

>kiss happens
>kiss isn't shown
>F knows she's not the kisser
She's pretty much done at this point

t. Increasingly nervous ninofag for the 101st chapter in a row

She doesn't think he hates her, she simply doesn't believe she deserves to be with him. And revealing it is telling him that she loved him. The way she is behaving with him doesn't make him think that she is in love. At the end of this chapter, she realized that even id Futarou chooses one of her sisters she won't be able to bury her feelings instantly.

pathetic character

>Yotsuba is the best
>Yotsuba is the best
>Believe in Yotsuba!
All the quints are best in their own way.

Yotsuba included, but Yotsuba has an special brand of retardation due to her guilt complex:
>Yea Forumsnon: "Yotsuba a best! NOWAYFAGtaro would agree!"
>Yotsuba: "All my sisters are equally best. Except me I'm not as best. Except me I'm sorry Yea Forumsnon-san. I can't be the only best one. But know that no matter who Uesugi-san feels is best. I'll support him with everything I have."
>Yea Forumsnon: "NO you stupid retard!"

Attached: raiha yotsuba the best.png (1070x1600, 667K)

because............ yotsuba means clover

Pathetic or not, she will win.

Tripcuck, destroyer of fanbases

>winner type
What do you mean?
>Also she will be btfo in the next chapter.
Really doubtfully that Negi will btfo anyone before 3rd day
Maximum he can make is cliffhanger where he will reveal two quints who are not bride.

Big fat Ichikass

>doesn't show girl
>girl looks like Nino without her ribbons like she was in the bath
Not sure if it's Fuutaro's mind or Ichika's but good taste regardless. I like the idea of 1x2 better than 2x3. 3 too meek and would probably just lay their after being forced by 2. 1x2 would be more intense and mutual.

Attached: 2c oh.png (471x786, 264K)

>girl looks like Nino

Attached: 1567515197150.jpg (1491x959, 503K)

Because she's /ourgirl/ stupid.
Negi literally said "Yotsuba is Yea Forums's girl".
Go to the bottom right corner of your screen and you'll see you're using [Yotsuba B].
Negi intended 4 to be Yea Forums's ballot in this sister's war.

>Yotsubride & Yotsubest
Fundamentally wrong:
You should know that
>Best girls never win

Attached: niku_endgame.jpg (1200x1700, 738K)

>What do you mean?
There is types who usually win harem stories. Ichika has the least suitable type for that.
>Really doubtfully that Negi will btfo anyone before 3rd day
He will btfo Ichika. Next chapter quint will see their kiss. Fuutarou will explain her everything and will confirm that she isn't bellkisser.
>Maximum he can make is cliffhanger where he will reveal two quints who are not bride.
Ichika and Yotsuba

I love Nino. Is she the bride yet?

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He's already BTFO'D Ichika, although the kiss was an epic panel. Possibly the best one of the year so far for the series.

And he killed Yotsuba, if no one else, in the interview.

>Ichika and Yotsuba
They're the main heroines. Continue coping though. It's cute.

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Often Yea Forums very quickly make right theory and know everything.
But why we still don't know bride personality?

>He's already BTFO'D Ichika,

You idiots, I mean in every volume after Yotsuba's, as in in Ichika's, Nino's etc. In understandable if it's in Yotsuba's volume. But it doesn't appear until Yotsuba's volume and then appears in every other volume like an Easter egg it a hidden message.

Take those headphones off!

I love 24!

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It is understandable*, or a hidden message*

>But why we still don't know bride personality?
Clearly someone has been speedreading our threads. 12345fags have all made cases every thread.
But everyone from day 1 already knew who the bride was.
1234 are just fillers for 5.
First girl always win.

Attached: itsuki itsmug.jpg (200x309, 30K)

Stop feeding the local retards (You)s.

>First girl always win.
Usually the first girl wins because she's the one with the most screentime and the most development, being first girl makes her the main girl. Itsuki doesn't have that tho.

Is it first manga of Negi?

eatsuki btfo

>being first girl makes her the main girl. Itsuki doesn't have that tho.
>entire arc with only Itsuki
Wow you're so fast you just warped past SE? Impressive.

Stupid Fuufags, have you already forgotten about me? Leave 4 losers to me!

Attached: Oyaji.png (376x461, 174K)

what if the winner is actually the girl with the highest paid VA?

Do you think his wife died because he fucked her too hard?

Who is your least favorite quint and what would you do if she won?

Didn't know that 5fags are that retarded.

They have all 5 quint's flowers there. You're just too stupid to see it.

5, never touch a harem manga again

That’s how Rena died.

Be bored af, but at least it won't be as both boring AND generic as Itsuki win.

I would be happy.
Also quality and quantity of kiss scenes is more important for me than winning. I don't know why.
Why do people have strong desire to see kiss scene? I think people like theme more even than bed scenes. Does Negi have balls to do one?

Okay, i fucked up to read this properly
Nino then.
Stop discussion it there because of very big shitstorm

Can't wait for the screencap when Negi revealed the bride

Nino, 5toubun would go down as one of the worst harem manga I've ever read.

Miku. Go like whatever and move on

Itsuki, I will lose my abs and eat shit-ton of foods.


Attached: 00145.jpg (1280x1920, 592K)

why is everyone ignoring my genius idea

23bros... 14bros... We fought each other so much that the fatty tortoise overtook us hares and no one can stop her anymore from claiming the entire bowl for herself. Knowing her there will be no leftovers for us either.

Nah, while giving birth to Raiha most likely.

Yotsuba isn't my least favorite but my least favorite to win.

I would be disappointed in the pitywin and I would leave without posting anything.

Don't worry bros. I had time to take Fuu therefore this monster will get fuubowl without fuu. Fufufu

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The ahogest. Get more dessert.

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>*knock-knock*. Please open the door, This is diabetes.

>*knock-knock, it's ninos boyfriend big T bone. Open up*

No thanks 25bros are the best duo and fags

Dear ThunderClown.

Ha ha ha!

Best Regards


Ha ha ha!

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Why are people even expecting early spoilers this week?

For a romcom this manga has very little com. Post your fav com moments.

Miku. I will just move to another romcom since I get used to favoring losers.
At least in Bokuben Uruka doesn’t look like to be the winner so I can stick to that manga for a while.

We won't get any answers or rejections until they graduate. You're just getting baited rn.

Attached: F's goal.png (652x847, 290K)

>Did more than Miku and Nino

>She is but is hiding it
Absolutely she have not reason to hide it after Fuutarou suspected her to be the kisser and after her kiss

That's your delusion.

What has Miku or Nino done? Tell me user. Miku made bread and "confessed" Nino confessed, that's all they've done.

Here speedy. The first quint to be helpful and the one who made the others's move.

Attached: cp4.png (979x855, 705K)

>Lolinakano 1 vs lolinakano 2
>The two are the worst girls but between the two lolinakano.
Ichika have the best relationship with Fuutarou better than lolinakano 1.
Yotsuba is stuck in her past and she don't do anything. She thinks her lolinakano card will save her.
Ichika steps by step have more than her lolinakano card
Ichika >>>>Yotsuba

Watch theyre going to say 23 had character development and to cope, without actually saying what theyve done for Fuutarou

That's Yotsuba though. Even Negi said so himself it was Yotsuba who got the ball moving.

And what did Yotsuba do for Fuutarou besides making him an asocial nerd?

Prove it.

>Someone else will learn about it.
Nope it's more like Ichika will indirectly know about it
I think she suspecte Nino

>Even Negi said so himself it was Yotsuba who got the ball moving.
WTF he said it was Miku you dumb liar.

>Yotsuba is the first Nakano Quintuplets to see Fuutarou Uesugi half-naked.[139]

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Not that user but, Negi clearly said it was Yotsuba.

Not him, but you are reading this with the mindset that Yotsuba's actions which changed F should be considered more valuable to F than how Nino or Miku tried to win his heart. A completely valid interpretation, but F could just say the same stuff she said to Rena. He could say he is grateful to her, but what she did for him has nothing to do with romance. Nino and Miku did more to get their feelings across than Yotsuba, even if she had her reasons and unfortunate circumstances to not reveal she is Lolikano.



Confessed, went on a date with him, made him laugh, he worries about her the most, kissed him, and he finds her in just a towel to be hot. Helped him become sociable, which indirectly helped him gain friends and made him no longer be an asocial outcast. Other quints can't even compete. When she turns out to be the bell kisser you 2/3fags will just continue being the autistic fucks that you are regardless of the outcome.
No. He said it was Yotsuba who was the first to guide Fuutarou. You're retarded.
That's about Miku being the first to change you autist. Fuck off.

so who is the best girl? for me:


>That's about Miku being the first to change
>literally says Miku pulled the other's in F's direction
>b-but muh Yotsuba


I actually like Ichika and Itsuki, but their sisters are just far better imo.

Yotsuba is the first one to get the ball moving. You're autistic as fuck 3fag.

4 >>>>>>>>>>> the rest

Just give up fag, you're wrong.

> went on a date with him
Miku went on 2 dates with him
>made him laugh
the swings made him laugh and it's pathetic how you try to make a one time event relevant
>kissed him
How does that help him?
>and he finds her in just a towel to be hot
How does that help him?
> Helped him become sociable,
She's the reason he became an outsider in the first place

Try again.

>Chitoge Nino the winner

Attached: ChitogeNino.jpg (340x255, 78K)

>F literally says it's thanks to Miku
>Interview says Miku initiated it
okay, I will believe your words over what's written in the manga and what the author himself says

Negi said Miku changed first thanks to F, and that started to make the ball rolling for the rest as they were pulled in as well. He put Yotsuba as a guide for F to have someone who is close to F from the beginning, then go from there to each girl one after the other. This sctructure surely will be attractive to the readers.

She's so lucky, she's a star.

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RaihaxNino cuteeeee

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When will she join the adult industry?

>Mikus dates
Good joke.

3, I would have dropped that manga long time ago if she wasn't there

Is Ichika a good villain?


>f rejected her dance
>f rejected her coffee

>2 attempts to kiss
>2 actual kisses
>represents dark side of love
She is this type of cool antagonist, who is much better than mc

Attached: scum.png (830x544, 449K)

attempts to kiss
actual kisses
Not one of them even close to Kino. The ones who don't have a kiss yet will get a kino kiss.

That doesn't even follow the story logically. Yotsuba was the first to change since we see that in the flashback and her change leads the others to change except Nino. This interview was during volume 10 right?

>In general term
Actually sticks with Fuutarou in helping her sisters.Made Fuutarou realized the quints attitude can be changed with the right effort.Fuutarou himself relying on Miku to pull back Nino,Ichika and recently even ask her to look out Yotsuba.
>In romantic term
Confessed,wanted him to know her better to make him fall for her and vice-versa,asked him for a date by herself(no quint or no Raiha),basically propelled him to make choice after months of stalling.

Attached: 6456.jpg (1068x2148, 676K)

>Negi said Miku changed first thanks to F
>being a secondary who didn't understand the Japanese
>being such a speed reader he sped through a whole arc

Attached: Yotsuba won 6yrs ago.png (824x728, 724K)

5 > 2 > 1> 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4

I mean if you were in Fuutarou's shoes why wouldn't you go with Ichika? Think of all the clout you'd get for dating a celebrity!

3> 2=4=5 > 1

1st attempt was good
2nd attempt was emotional
1st kiss was good
2nd was close to kino


Attached: yots is dis nig srs.jpg (547x259, 72K)

first kiss was so bad I can't even remember it.
>2nd kiss close to kino
Kino bench in the way

1>4>i don't care

>Actually sticks with Fuutarou in helping her sisters
Opted out
>Know her better
Never asked about her dream, only talks about studying with her
>make him fall for her
I'll become someone Fuutarou will fall for
>Asked for a date
Said it wasn't in a weird way, opted out again

Doesn't contradict anything I've said. Nice reading comprehension.

Yeah it does. It means Negis interview doesn't follow what's canon in the story.

How did Yotsuba help f with helping the other sisters? Miku helped him with Ichika and Nino. What did Yotsuba do?

>Opted out
F knows about her feelings and that's all that counts.

>Never asked about her dream, only talks about studying with her
The only quint he's been able to see with love so yeah he knows her better than Yotsuba

>Said it wasn't in a weird way, opted out again
A date is a date, if you won't count Miku's then why would Yotsuba's count?

Yotsuba didn't make anyone move. F got Miku on his side and only then Ichika and Nino got interested.

Yotsuba is the pillar, Miku was the ball. In the end the first to change was Yotsuba, Fuutarou himself said so.

Being the first to change doesn't matter. She wasn't helpful in getting the other's on his side and that's what counts here.


Because Yotsubas was an actual date. Mikus only date was the aquarium. The sister wars one wasn't a date. As far as love goes, he called her Ichika first, then changed his mind because of her behavior after it because that's not how Ichika behaves.
Fuutarous actions in the day off arc was how Ichika started to accept his tutoring not Miku. Ichika is the one who pushed Fuutarou to convince itsuki and with Nino Miku did help with that.

4 > 2 >>>> 1 > 5 > 3

remeber he called her Ichika only because she baited him by calling Itsuki "Itsuki-chan", something only Ichika does. There was absolutely no LOVE involved in him calling her Ichika, the only LOVE vision happened after he changed his mind and decided she's Miku

Will Negi show us drunk quints?

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The loser quints will drink their sorrows away

>Muh for my sisters sake
Yotsuba is coward and she takes back her first confession before she knows about her sisters feelings toward Fuutarou.
She hiding herself behind her sisters

so everyone but miku got it.

Naw he changed his mind after her act broke as Ichika because she was mad and Ichika doesn't act like that. It's actually implied in SE that Fuutarou can tell Ichika and Yotsuba apart from the rest. Because he has feelings for only 1/4.

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How has the chapter been received in Japan?

She didn't really change. She accepted because she knew and loved him. Futarou says that because he doesn't know things from her POV.




So you give up.


I mean I still think she's stupid as shit for Sisters' War, but it's interesting how she's been able to dance just out of everyone's peripheral. She's definitely set her self aside from the other quints, but not really for any good reason.

No, you really are just a speedreader.

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Did she say something wrong?

What? Yotsuba gave herself away easily as disguising flustered her enough and ultimately ended up telling him she wears a ribbon in the present, thus F got her. F knew she sucks when it comes to these things. F couldn't tell Ichika was the one who dragged him behind the bus, only followed the leg injury. Then F admits that the Itsuki question was just a cheap trick to reveal the faker, he couldn't tell her apart at all, but that was the only way he could conquer the challange. Don't pull implications out of your ass.

>just a few pages before pulling him in for a kiss
i mean it's more tactful than what she did before but it's still pretty mischievous

Are you retarded? He wasn't talking about the past. There is no way he'd know about that.
You don't know what a villain is.

You are seeing things that aren't here. She removed herself because she truly didn't think he would even consider her. That kiss is her reaction to Futarou's action towards her.

He suspected Yotsuba before she gave herself away. Fuutarou didn't use love to tell it was Miku. He had a feeling that the Miku who confessed to him that Ichika was in love with him wasn't Miku, because he can tell Ichika apart just like with Yotsuba. He used deduction with Miku, with Ichika he already had a feeling it was her. Even chose course E so he could speak to her again after what happened the next day, then chased after her so she would graduate with her sisters as well. Fuutarou has feelings for Ichika and Yotsuba.

Listen Ninofags, Ichikafriends and...I don't think anyone is rooting for Itsuki but either way we have to unite together and admit that Yotsuba is a shit. A SHIT.

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She's still the first to change in his eyes and her sisters eyes. Imagine arguing with canon. Pathetic.


t. ninoshitter

>referring to all 4 of your sisters as "just anyone"

>in his eyes
Yes, because he lacks information. But there, she hadn't changed. That's canon. It's not because she changed that she accepted him, she was ready to do it from the moment she knew it was him, unlike her other sisters. So, he, not knowing that she is Lolikano, could only assume that she was like her sisters.
>her sisters eyes.

Come on. It was Ichika who acknowledged which route Fuu will choose. It wan't Fuu who chose this route to talk with Ichika.

The ledditard that keeps pushing your nonsensical Miku narrative. Just fuck off back to ledd!t. Looks like you need your safe space.

>She hasn't changed that's canon
Your headcanon. It's canon that she changed first.

I like everyone though. And I don't need alliances, they are dumb.

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Look man, in harem serie, my sta dards are based on who would look the best pregnant, but since it's a series about identical siblings, I'm fine with anyone.

Bonus points if all the other non-pregnant sisters ger super hyped to have a kid, since they are all genetically identical.

Bonus bonus points if they all get pregnant.

spoilers when?

I don't disagree with that. But Futarou was talking about the quints accepting as tutor, not the rest, he has no way to know about that.

You know in this i like how she gently laid head on his shoulder much more than kiss.

Holy shit he literally said he chose E because he thought Ichika would choose that one. He chose E so he could talk to her.


she knew about Miku's feelings right away in the first chapters, but yes, I agree everything is an excuse she hides behind because she's a coward


Speedreader is here. Did Fuu understand why Ichika lied to him during Sister Wars.

Well he was talking about how it's because she wants better grades. The way chapter 21 is setup with change is that the reason why Yotsuba changed is because she loves Fuutarou. It's a pretty intimate chapter, Fuutarou thinks she changed and accepted his tutoring from the start she tells him the reason why is because she loves him.

No, duh.

You are pulling shit out of your ass. The topic is Scrambled Eggs. As F mentioned, Yotsuba to him at least, can't lie, can't disguise properly. She started sweating bullets, then gave herself away. He suspected her, but only after she started sweating bullets. A page earlier he says he can't tell her apart. As I said, he couldn't tell it was Ichika who dragged him heind the bus, only followed the leg injury. He admits he couldn't tell "Ichika" apart, only relied on a cheap trick to win. He couldn't tell her apart an arc later as well, only knew it wasn't Miku. He said to Ichika that based on what happened on the trip so far, it must be her as Fake Miku, it's her intuition. Then when he took her wig off, he asked her that in the hallway, it was her as well? I don't care if you think he loves 14, the fact remains that he still can't distinguish Ichika with confidence.

Maybe tomorrow, maybe Friday.

Nice headcanon, user. Go re-read once again, Fuutarou runs out of "hints" to tell who it is by, and then he remembers only Ichika calls Itsuki with -chan, so he asks Miku to address Itsuki, and Miku knows his intent, so she baits him by saying -chan. Then he goes AHA!!! Got you! You're Ichika...and then the quint does not give him any indication that she's mad when walking away, he just uses LOVE vision because he remembers Miku's specific habits with the fist-clenching. ...and Yotsuba is just too terrible at acting so she was found out asap....then again, why am I replying to bait? Sorry, I'll stop

14 = lolikano of the past
5 = lolikano "Rena" of the present
23 = lolikano "bride" of the future

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user, let it be, it's just bait. I don't know why I replied to it either

You Ninofags change tune every week.

Naw she does walk away like she's mad. Imagine speedreading this hard. She acts short with him and blows him off.

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I like Itsuki but I'd be disappointed if she won. I'd be fine with any other quint winning, but her status as the main girl is just too predictable

So like I said he could tell it's Yotsuba before she gave it away. Because of love.

1>3>5=4>2. But I like everyone.

And like said, you are pulling shit out of your ass.

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One thing that confuses me is that during the wedding Futarou and his wife aren't used to kiss each others. How does it make sense? They marry 5 years later. There is plenty of time to get comfortable with this. They weren't dating and he proposed straight up? They had a long distance relationship? Because being in a relationship for years without kissing is absolutely impossible.

Yes he knows about Yotsubas behavior patterns and knows that she isn't good at lying. Because of love. It literally qualifies as love based off what the grandpa said. Continue coping though it's cute.

it's implied their only previous kiss was the bell one, but given how Raiha says her brother didn't change much from his high-school years, he is probably still awkward about romantic gestures. We don't know how/when they got together, but it's only Fuutarou who is a bit embarassed , maybe he's just not used to publically doing such things

>m-muh Nino!
Every time.


t. nincontinence

>We don't know how/when they got together, but it's only Fuutarou who is a bit embarassed
The quints watching say that both are nervous. Also, no mater how you slice it it's still weird. If they were used to that the bell kiss wouldn't have been mentioned. It feels like they were not in a relationship and he proposed straight up.

Nino destroyed my village

Based Fuutarou proposing to Yotsuba with a white ribbon.

Miku the Snek

Thanks user

what if fuutaros gay

Ichika can't win.
Alpha stats, succesful career.
Negi can't let her win perfectly in life.

She's a liar and jealous so it evens her out. Only her or Yotsuba is going to win.

Ifcall quints fight who is going to win?

Nino is perfect and my wife!

Ichika is a natural performing scat sex, she'll eat from anybody unlike her sister Miku that is very specific (she only eats from old performers)

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Hey anons I can tell Miku apart with LOVE. We're destined to be together.

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>I'm sure Miku is tired from yesterday, but there's no harm in asking for her services again...

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Yotsuba needs more love.

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No, she's going to win either way so FUCK her.

You seem to not understand. Yotsuba acts unnatural thanks to the disguise, while the rest acts like nothing has happened, they can pull it off naturally. The inability to act like someone else for a long time is not a conscious habit that requires LOVE to see through. F couldn't tell her apart with small talk. But when the topic of the whole Itsuki disguise came to be and its purpose, which she was so worried about, she dropped her spaghetti easily. Revealing Yotsuba this way is hardly an achievement, but if it let's you sleep at night, then sleep tight, user.

the various nino

Why do people assume that Yotsuba winning would be a pity win when she herself had helped Fuu become the man he is today? She also cares about him and his well being more than the others. Did eberyone forget that?

>win perfectly in life
Nothing has been perfect for her.

Sorry user, but I also can distinguish Miku with love and lust

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Some jealous shitposter. Don't pay too much attention

Stop ranting and accept the facts.

Spicku is shit.

Imagine believing that.

Bandwagon bitch.

>helps you sleep at night
Seething 3fag

I want
2 be 3 ve

I want her to win so badly bros

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It's from 2/3fags. It's their way of coping because the next chapter is a Miku/Nino chapter.

>F couldn't tell her apart with small talk
He couldnt tell her apart because she wasnt talking. He suspected her the second she did. In any case Scrambled eggs shouldnt be what ticked you off. He had the same vision he had with miku with yotsuba during their date when he saw lolikano in her. He just brushed it off because he was comvinced lolikano wasnt a nakano.

I'd like to see her win once she stops feeling sorry for herself. If that doesn't happen then it's a pity win.

Maybe in her next life.

>He couldnt tell her apart because she wasnt talking.
She asks him if he has any more questions which means they were talking before that, he only found out because she slipped about her ribbon
>He had the same vision he had with miku with yotsuba during their date when he saw lolikano in her
He also saw Itsuki as lolinakano just a few chapters earlier

That's because itsuki said something similar to lolikano. You're retarded fuck off back to ledd!t.

When will the suffering end?

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When she mouth rapes Fuutarou.

When Fuutarou confesses and maries her.

Attached: cute.png (1430x1788, 1.21M)

So, never?

So you are saying that talking to yotsuba twice and finding her out doesn't count, but talking to miku for more than 7 pages and getting it wrong out of a 50% chance, and then getting it right after seeing her frustration counts?

What makes you think so?


Yeah, unfortunately.

That is the plan.

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When Fuutarou rejects her. Yotsuba is currently too self important and the reason she can't confess is because she doesn't think the others could stand on an equal footing with her.
Yotsuba needs to confess and be rejected so she can get over her superiority complex.

Holy shit you're retarded.

So her superiority complex is giving her an inferiority complex?

This is sadly accurate.

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It convinces her she's super special.

her inferiority complex is false, she just feels guilty because her sisters sacrificed for her years ago, so now she thinks she's so superior that she has to sacrifice for her sisters ad infinitum. Not revealing that she's lolikano is part cowardice due to shame, part assuming that Fuuts would auto-love her if he knew shes lolikano, thus her sisters would be compromised and she'd feel guilty again

>Current Yotsuba
>superiority complex
Were you bullied in the past?

What would be the most based solution Fuutarou could come with? Marry one and let the other 4 cry and get over him, 0 fucks given?
Marry one and try to stay friends with the rest knowing his presence only hurts them but acting like it's nothing?
Reject them all and when all of them get over him, pursuit the one he loves the most?
Or just have a legal wife but in practice have his harem?

>Being this wrong
Fuutarou already rejected her. That's why she started supporting her sisters.
Stop posting here.

>years ago
That incident literally happened right before they transferred to Fuutarous school.

That's not how superiority complex works.

Yotsuba will win. Keep trying to deny it you cucks.

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Bracelet san will comeback soon

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>Fuutarou already rejected her
She rejected him.

Yotsuba is the cuck trying to help her sisters win over her man but they all do the same at several points so all of them are

year then, doesn't change much
you can feel shame for failing to fulfill your end of the promise while somebody else managed to do it with flying colors
at the same time, you can feel superior to all of your other sisters because you believe yourself to be on higher ground compared to them
Despite thinking you're superior, since they saved your ass and sacrificed for you, you can feel guilt towards them and thus sacrifice for them
Human psychology is a nuanced thing user

This. Yotsubafags think with their emotions instead of their brains which is why they can't understand Yotsuba's darker side despite it not being too hard to figure out.
They lash out because its true.

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>Yotsubafags think with their emotions instead of their brains
but that's mikeks?


>2/3fags. It's their way of coping because the next chapter is a Miku/Nino chapter
KEK!! Why?it's clear that Nino will be involved in all her sisters chapter.
>Ichika chapter (valided)
>Miku chapter...
>Yotsuba chapter
>Itsuki chapter
>Her chapter

>She rejected him
Slow down on the speedreading my nigga.
>year then
Try about a month.

People don't realize it takes a certain amount of arrogance to believe that all your sisters have to be "helped" and that you're being the bigger person by not playing your instant win card.

Yeah Miku. Doo you want us 4fags to keep carrying you?

So, Yea Forums
Did that make you happy?

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im talking about compared to present time, they have gone through at least a year since they transferred. Yotsuba has started sacrificing for her sisters right after they sacrificed for her, but it has been at least a year between then and present time, so she's been doing the same act for about that long

Fuutarou looking discreetly at his wife Nino cute

Yes. Ichika is supposed to be aggressive. She became too tame after the Kyoto arc.

no, i hope the manga doesn't devolve into one of those harems where every girl kisses the mc before the ending

Yes. If the ending is either 4 or 1 then I will be happy.

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Yeah her guilt runs deep. Are you trying to say that's a bad thing that she doesn't instantly get over it and pretend it didn't happen like Nino did?

that's a rare combination
I see a lot of 1&2 fans but rarely 1&4.

No, but I do think she has had more peptalks and pushes than any char should need before going through any development, and because of that, I can't see Yotsuba as more than a forced self-proclaimed martyr that would make for a pity win if she ends up winning. Her guilt is way too dragged out and exaggerated in my view, you don't have to agree, we can all have opinions, but it's likely why many people associate Yotsuba with a pity win

>When Fuutarou rejects her
Keep hearing this but this is one of the most retarded takes I've seen that's been posted here. Yotsuba has been rejecting herself to not compete with her sisters and Fuutarou already rejeced the idea of them going out and she's still depressed. Do you honestly expect her issues to magically fix itself after getting rejected by Fuutarou again? Jesus christ, you're fucking retarded.

Peptalks don't just solve someone's issues user. If it did people would get over shit easily.
>Pity win
So everything she's done before her issue was made aware of just goes out the window and gets overlooked and now it's a pity win. Amazing analogy. You wanna talk pity, see what all the quints did for Miku, that's pity.

Based nip store promoting for Vol.11

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How did the hospital quint collapse?

how much longer until this arc ends so I can batch read it and avoid the drama fest

She ate one too many hamburgers.



>Based nip store promoting for Vol.11

>5fags talking shit after it was shown she was Rena
>Turns out Rena isn't lolikano and Yotsuba's idea
>supposed to win because she's "first girl"
>turns out Yotsuba is the true first girl
>supposed to be "main girl"
>entire series can be reread from Yotsuba's POV
>supposed to be "Itsuki's cover" volume
>entire volume stolen from her by Yotsuba flash back arc
>5fags call other girls filler
>Vol 11 filled with Yotsuba
I feel good for 4bros their quint is blowing out 5fattyfags.

Evens best girls.

Attached: Itsuki fatty btfo.png (1056x672, 1.15M)

Based nips know what's up.

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In the BUTT!

That's a complete misinterpretation of yotsuba's current situation, likely designed to boost nino's chances in your head.

Is there a series where the girl Yea Forums hated most didn't win?

That's some delusion.

>Negi decided to make Nino not do anything after her confession
>Makes her the bell kisser to even it out.
How pissed will people be?

No. That's very accurate. Yotsuba literally does not reveal the lolikano card because IN HER OWN WORDS "she doesn't want to be the only one who is special"
She literally thinks she has a trump card that puts her above everyone else and makes her more important than the rest.

yes and some of that self-importance leaked out of her when she was about to claim she's the closest to F during the takebayashi visit

that's cute user

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Didn't Negi say in a recent interview she prefers girls who hate the protag first and then fall in love with him?

>Makes her the bell kisser to even it out.
Even Negi isn’t that much of a hack

>She literally thinks she has a trump card that puts her above everyone else
She doesn't want to influence fuutarou, their interaction back then is the basis for the person he is today.

So 134 out, nothing new

Apparently. Which is kinda funny because the only quint who has told him she hates him is Yotsuba.

23fags are the worst posters and make their quint look worse

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You got to admit that karma is delicious...
>5fags call others filler
>5's volume filled with chapters about Yotsuba

In the butt!

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How can anyone deny that she is the bride at this point? These kind of scenes only work because Futarou shows interest when it comes to her. She also doesn't want to show that he makes her panties wet. The way she behaves even after showing signs that she loves him, the dude has no idea she has been obsessed with him for months. He thinks she isn't interested.

Don't respond to those idiots. They clearly didn't pickup on how obsessed Fuutarou was with lolikano.

So is next chapter Nino side, or Miku side?

It's actually both their chapter shared together.

Watching Itsuki antics makes me happy.

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If leaks are real
>Nino’s career choice
Then it’s definitely Nino’s side.


What do you think would have happened if she revealed the lolikano card pre 7GB? She literally got him to move on from lolikano and distanced herself from him and now her sisters can actually take him from her. However shes still helping him in her own way. We reach kino when Fuutarou either realizes shes lolikano via LOVE or falls in love with the Yotsuba who gave him one of his best high school experiences via the various school trips and class rep duties

>Samefag replying a fucking tripfag
Ninohaters cannot fall any lower

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I think Yotsuba side.

I want to fuck Miku

>103 회
>22 페이지
>미쿠와 니노는 동시에 푸우 타 로우 만난다.
>미쿠가 차지하는 니노 대학 진로
>니노와 미쿠는 푸우 타 로우 에 대해 이야기
>요츠바는 도움을 거부했다
>푸우 타 로우 그가 그들에게 이야기하는 것을 미쿠와 니노를 알려줍니다
From what I remember from the translator
Miku and Nino meet Fuutarou
Nino talks about her career choice
Miku and Nino talk about Fuutarou
Yotsuba refuses help
And Fuutarou apparently tells Miku and Nino something.

>they hated the tripfags because they spoke the truth

>And Fuutarou apparently tells Miku and Nino something.
23 out


>Is there a series where the girl Yea Forums hated most didn't win?
None, never happened...
All best girls predicted by Reddit to win wins, (i.e. Chitoge, Emilia, Miku). And all girls predicted by Yea Forums loses (Onodera, Rem, Nino)


Finally 3 btfo

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It won't. Ichicute is the bride.

Yotscute is the bride

Yotsuba a shit

Ninofags are mentally ill

Rent free

Yea Forumsshitters need to keep their cancer vernacular in their containment board

Nino a shit

reminder that mods don't care about our threads anymore. You can even put "edition" in the subject and link them like generals.

>23 joint chapter

Attached: laughing_JK.png (512x512, 275K)

I assume we're getting spoilers at 10?

The resident janitor/mod probably died or got removed from the position.



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Spoilers when?

never, negi a cuck

Last for Nino a shit

based, yotsuba gang out

Same but Miku