Hinamatsuri will have an Usagi Drop ending

>Hinamatsuri will have an Usagi Drop ending

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Dead series

I can't believe Kouki got cucked


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She has the best tits.

And that's a good thing!

No Hitomi ending, no read.


No it wont, fuckface

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What is usagi drop and also give me chapter?

Chapter never.


Usagi Drop is a manga where the main girl ends up running away from home and resorting to prostitution for the rest of her life, never speaking to her adopted father again. It's very controversial.

Sounds like everything ended up better than expected.

Why the fuck do normalfags always get so triggered whenever daughterwives happen? Holy shit.

The espers are daughters
Hitomi is the daughterwife

>not raising your own wife
Do people really do this?



I hope so.

he's marrying hitomi not hina
anzu is his ideal child

gib hina daughter

Thats just a theory

a game theory?

>The eternal loli is a wife
>The three developed, ultra fertile girls are daughters


imagine having retarded kids with Anzu

Imagine living with Hina and having to endure the lingering aroma of her pheromones around the house, as sexual urges keep getting pent up on her but she is too autistic to understand them so she just subconciously vibrates her womb with her power, giving her entire, developing body an always permanent scent of sex.

Niita pls. She's your daughter.

Imagine the shower drain getting clogged with her blue pubes.

Fuck you
Fuck no. Never
I will make Kyoani arson look like a joke if the author do that shit.

Wait it wasnt the one with the holsome adoptive father/daughter story where in the end she marries him and it made everyone seethe that it was basically a grooming story.
I dont remember the last part....

user, don't joke like that.

Ohtake is too pure to go that route.

picked up

Stop being pedos and give me a chapter


Reminder that
>Anzu is already Sabu’s wife
>Hina is going to settle with Hitoshi
>Nitta will be the first man who legally married a vase
>Hitomi is going to marry Baron and take the entire world.

Because in Usagi case there wasn’t even a hint about romantic feelings. Even when she grows up and decides she wants to fuck her father figure, the dad just looks uncomfortable with the whole thing and just accepts because the mangaka wanted it. While I don’t like Kodomo no jinkan, at least the grooming was blatant since first chapter. In Usagi drop it was never in the game until the pretty end of the manga.

I wonder how many shitpost threads we'll have with the first panel of Sabu and Anzu's baby as the OP picture.

It's gonna be Erased all over again

I really worry about Hina's future. Future Nitta's message had her in her still a NEET in her fifties. And even if she tried to do something about her life she still slept through all her education. I can't see her as a housewife either.

Honestly the best I can see of her is taking up the family business and becoming a Yakuza.

She can be Nitta's personal onahole til age 35.

Then she can just make life easier for him with ESPer powers as she gets older

She is happy being a 50 year old neet leech gamer daddy girl. Literally \OUR GIRL\

I can see Sabu and Anzu’s path to a married life.
>Sabu: what? I am not dating her but she seems to believe we do. What should I do, if I say no, Nitta is going to kill me.
>Sabu: what? I didn't ask her to marry me! I just tripped on salmon roe and ended on my knees in front of her! But she seems to believe I asked her. What should I do, if I say no, Nitta is going to kill me.
>Sabu: what? I don’t want to say Yes, I do. But Nitta paid for the wedding, but Hina blackmailed me so all the food and gifts are more her taste than mine! What should I do, if I say no, Nitta is going to kill me, and Hina too!
>Sabu: what? I don’t want to fuck her! But Anzu seems to want it. Anzu, no is no! Man, what should I do... this was rape but who is going to believe me...
>Sabu: what? I don’t want to have a baby... and i can’t do anything to avoid it... Should I fake my death and go living in a remote island? But if Nitta finds me he is going to kill me...

Actually I picture her becoming a profesional gamer while living with Hitoshi who is a salaryman trying to avoid his yakuza’s roots. And from time to time, Hina is going to help Hitoshi as she did with Nitta, and somehow Hitoshi would end as the Monster of the Reiwa era.

Hiyoshi will never get that pussy. Hina is too autistic. He should just marry Sayo.

Boomp for chapter

I wouldn't worry that much. Hina is actually pretty smart. All of her NEET tendencies are due to her being too autistic to care about anything other than video games. Any time she was forced to care about other things she excelled at them (with the exception of the time she tried to catch up on her studies but I'd argue that at the time she only cared about appearing like a diligent student rather than improving her grades).

>That chapter when she has a mental breakdown over homework and starts calling Nitta "dearest father" and he freaks out

We would be in a very different place if Nitta had used moderation and only set up studying sessions and manners for Hina.

>That chapter when she used Nitta as her avatar to fight against the shota
>That chapter when she started working for old men and Nitta had to pay for her to call him papa
Nitta’s future memories are going to be something.

>Gets all excited over being a daughter, and gets upset every time Nitta denies it
>Won't even call him dad
This girl.

Is it a wonder Nitta gravitates towards ramen daughter even if her ramen is trash?

I hope so.

Nitta belongs in body and soul to Hitomi. Not gonna happen.

>Hinamatsuri will have an Usagi Drop harem ending

What is this meme, neither of them is attracted to the other. If anything, Nitta will get together with the sad alcoholic wretch that used to be a bartender.

She is in the spectrum so it was hopeless.

>not impregnating your daughterwife

I seriously hope you fags don't do this.

Well, she is a dadcon and sees Nitta as good dad

In case you are waiting for a new chapter, there is no new chapter this month. The next one is scheduled for october 15

Fuck me with a chainsaw, really? Why? Source

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R.I.P Oyaji

Damn you translators dont skip that.

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I can post the volume bonus though, not much

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this is somehow Sabu's fault

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Abe sanctioned propaganda.

The anime is pretty good, go watch it.

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What the fuck.

Hina what the fuck have you done

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And thats bad why?

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Hina getting mad at Mao's low level fame doesn't stop being funny.

Is Hina jelly?

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This just reminded me that the ebook version of volume 4 is out already, buying it now.

That's it

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What happened Hina got jealous of Mao´s fame and is practicing signatures herself?

WOW thats fucking PATHETIC

that was great user, thanks

Utako became irrelevant

Will you quit bullying Sabu already? He'sgood at heart!

Well nita just kinda gave up on her, and for good reason.

I dont quite get it but seems so.
exchange in the end is something like Mao: "Oh, At(name) guy is currently doing a drama with me"
Hina: "Ah. I dont know, I never ever watch TV".

Anzu: "Are you jealous because Mao is a celebrity?"
Hina: "Its nothing like that at all?"

i think the seething comes from the initial story where a grown ass loser discovers he has a cute little half sister and raises her like a daughter and then all of a sudden there's a timeskip agegap incest romance going on

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There was no incest tho, that was a huge part of the plot later on.
People were just mad because based dude didnt get together with the single mom(the BEST decision irl)

>Usagi drop

If you go with that scenario then he would go with anzu, he doesn't care about hina

I really like to see Hina range of emotions expand and expand with each chapter.

Hina's been shown to be jealous of Mao's fame before. It's funny because Mao's not super famous, though at least now she's on a tv show. Hina was jealous earlier just because of some magazine shots and interviews. Hina does want to be famous, but of course, being Hina she doesn't want to put in the work,

>choosing single mother
>not choosing daughterwife which would have the best chance of fertility and tighter pussy.

She was of age, so it doesn't really matter. The people who shipped him with the single mom can seeth harder.

I honestly dont remember her being jealous before.

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I mean not getting with the single mom was the best decision

>>Hinamatsuri will have an Usagi Drop ending

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I was agreeing with you. It's the same reason Nitta shouldn't go for the bar cake (whatever her name is, I forgot).

You mean Mask.

I see no problem in that

>will have an Usagi Drop ending
finally a good reason to read this manga

She'll probably pump out 5-6 kids from Nitta by the end of this manga.

Yikes. I hope not.