Can we finally have tanoshii times again?
Kemono Friends
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;; no
fuck you then
i want to impregnate tsuchinoko
yes, as soon as you stop spamming these inane threads
we really don't need 5 threads in 2 days you mongs
Season 1 English dub stream this Saturday.
Will the bloopers be streamed as well?
Do you believe?
yeah ;_;
Not the guy who's doing the stream, but I wouldn't be surprised if he included them. The blooper reel's already on Youtube, anyway.
Seems like all the extras are being included
Reminder that friends are too much for a regular user to handle.
Another reminder of S1 dubstream this Saturday at 7PM EST. All content off blueray will be included, but the 12 S1 eps will be first. Commentary stuff included too.
>9am Sunday AEST
Even when she's in different clothes she looks great
You got that right.
That can't stop me, if anything Friends sound more fun that way
Using clothing like that is unfair user
How so?
It's easy to make any cute Friend or irodori related girl look great in a microbikini, including the holy oni.
Competition for mates is rather fierce in the park. Friends must exploit any tools at their disposal to ensure a partner.
It takes a lot more than that to tempt someone who actually sticks to the Friends they like most
In that situation, friends may employ additional skills to achieve their goal.
now that the dust is settled we know Mine hated Tatsuki for succeeding where he failed multiple times.
Just disregard season 2. Kaban is peak performance.
Is it possible to stop or escape from a Friend in rape mode? They seem like they'd be terrifying and powerful in that state
Can't wait for the English dub.
Finally. A tanoshii experience without splitting my vision.
I miss this special cat.
Just become a friend who is good at reading
It's gone.
Blurry Margay was the peak.
yamishita mami is a national treasure
>Kaban is peak performance.
Agreed. There is no Friend as desirable a mate nor as admirable and respectable a leader as Kaban. Also there is no S2. It was cancelled.
Now that Tatsuki's awakened, I think we should be able to expect the next anime announcement to be some time in October at the earliest, if not November.
It depends on who your Friendwife is since they'd need the right blend of strength and protective or competitive behavior with mates. Not sure which families of Friends would be best but deer-related Friends seem like a strong choice
did subs happen for the new hentatsu yet?
wonder if we'll get a name drop in following hentatsus
>wonder if we'll get a name drop in following hentatsus
I wonder if they're adapting all of Irodori's old doujinshi works. Personally, I'm hoping they go for something completely original and new this time around but I wouldn't complain if that did turn out to be the case.
He might be forced to nap again after that hentatsu though, some people thought he was fully awake again after the last one and then we went back to hearing nothing for a while so you may not want to get your hopes up
Yes. They are on a mega folder posted on a previous thread.
yeah I think it'll be something original
afaik Kemurikusa was only chosen because it was going to be quick enough to plan so they could make it fast enough to ride the Yaoyorozu KF1 popularity momentum
nice, bless you and bless sub user
>afaik Kemurikusa was only chosen because it was going to be quick enough to plan so they could make it fast enough to ride the Yaoyorozu KF1 popularity momentum
That and it's pretty poetic to adapt the original story which KF1 was spawned from.
mega is not reachable on my side atm
I'll have to try it later
Why can't they let this smug oni stay up for a bit longer? I could listen to their conversations and stories all day, even without the visuals.
You just want to hear Tatsuki go
>chuuu~ chuuu~
some more.
That's just an added bonus on top of listening to their fun talks
Crow Tatsuki is cool. Shame he's never shown that much.
That's his real-world appearance, as Oni Tatsuki would be too short to reach the podium microphones.
I can't believe the dub saved KF.
no it didn't, its just reminding us of better times
when times were Tanoshii and Sugoi
It conjured the spirit of Kemono Friends Past to remind us of better days and to encourage us to do our best and to continue struggling through these trying times.
It's a Penguin mask, he's worn it irl several times. This is from 2017 december when he accepted the award for anime of the year at the 'twitter trend awards' in japan.
I thought it was a pengi mask?
Don't be fooled, that's just a disguise so nothing happens because of how cute he is
forgot something
>i thought we were having curry!
>oh no! I said carevy! Thats what i call hamburgers
>Slides in slow motion down a slide
>Headbutts one enemy
As TANOSHI as this is, that's pretty underwhelming.
I like wwhere this is going.
I want to go chuu with the oni
>the memes about the owls getting fat thanks to kaban ended up coming true
dumb currybirds
Yes, you have it here:
There's only 1 person to blame.
Not really sure you can blame the patient for the suicide watch's actions.
Reminder that 9/25 is a week from today
Is that Nexon Serval (Ai Nonaka)?
so when's the stream?
do we have a definitive date?
The way she flops onto the floor because it's ultimately a very dumb way to harm someone is what makes it great.
Wait, didn't she have the anime VA before?
the stream is almost over
and we've had a definitive date for a month, it's the 24th.
Kaban's English VA did a cover of the ED.
pretty neat. can anyne download the song and upload it somewhere else? I really dont want to give away my phone number to a site I am rarely going to use to be able to download the song.
She has a pretty voice.
>Nexon Serval
Oh cool, so that means we'll see Cerval too then. Maybe this is all leading up to the story of the creation of the Filter?
See? The anime Serval's VA is playing the game. And the KF3 Serval was voiced by her back then.
I'm scarred.
It's probably because the game takes place before humanity had completely abandoned the park around the time Nexon Serval was still alive, so they're just being more consistent with VAs. I'd imagine the use of Anime Serval's VA for the earlier development of the game was just for publicity? Either that, or she graduated from the franchise too, but we haven't heard about that yet.
They still didn't get the Nexon Fennec's VA for some reason. My disappointment is immeasurable.
>the 24th
If you believe that you'll end up missing the stream user, that's just the regular release day for the dub
Is Serval ded again?
>Serval was called by the captain and is heading to the forest area
Hmm, who's that captain.
Also the next episode will be the last one.
Probably the player character, with BEEG AMERICAN TEETEES being your assistant in the same way Mirai was for the park director (the player).
I really don't get why they didn't get the old Fennec VA
Toilet something?
Is this a simpsons meme?
Where did Kaban find meat for burgers? What happened to Holstein Friend? I don't see her around anymore.
They are onions based.
I forgot artificial meat's a thing nowadays. There's most likely a meat production plant somewhere under the island (probably right next to the farm where all the vegetables and shit are grown for Japariman).
God dammit. I am not posting shitty Yea Forums memes.
aside from the faces being a little weird that guy draws some good friends
imagine your live translation being fucked up by the onion filter
I can taste the excitement.
What a special cat.
Which friend has the cutest feet? And cutest chest?
Kaban, obviously.
No thanks
Cursed image.
Is this to your liking then?
We did it guys. Everyone gets free Toki.
Yes, very
Nice. Wonder if I'll lbe able to play it, considering Festival just randomly stopped working for me.
I don't like foot-licking, but this image is making me question myself.
(You) get a Toki! And (you) get a Toki! And (YOU) get a Toki!
When we get the game, I will max Toki out first. Don't care for the meta, Toki will have every value maxed that can be achieved.
I loved the second season.
Kemono Friends R is pretty good. I didn't really like how they kinda repeated the same finale as KF1 though.
I'm reminded of how debris fell from literally nowhere to kill Amur Tiger, and it bothers me so much. I wish R was more than just a few images on pixiv.
>stand on a roof
>get murdered by falling debris
It's a good thing KF2 isn't canon and is a really shitty fanfic.
Toki finally found her boyfriends?
I'm pretty sure the KF2 manga is going to save her somehow.
At least until they all leave her after realizing how clingy she is.
A personality test
I'm Fennec. No wonder she's my favorite Friend.
There's actually a manga? Wonder why it's not on any reader that I browse. No translations?
I hope you know Chinese to appreciate how K*ruru tames Amur Tiger with the power of his dick.
Yes. No one fucking cares about anything related to KF2 and every other part of the franchise actively avoids trying to relate itself to it. If KF manages to make it to 2025, I wouldn't be surprised if KF2 gets retconned out of existence.
I don't have to work hard to be her lover anymore
The hard work is just beginning.
At least he only claims catslut Friends
Doggo is too cute and precious. It's not fair.
I don't understand
Maybe KF3 is going to have both Servals (Nexon and anime) as different characters, time travel is a thing in the KF universe so it could happen.
>time travel is a thing in the KF universe
>can have both Kaban and Wakame as assistants
>Wakame constantly drunk and on the verge of crying
I really want to see drunk Kaban
You shouldn't give precious 0-year old babies alcohol.
big Kaban-san, not smol Kaban-chan-
She's probably the kind of girl who only drinks when she has a bad day. Unfortunately, everyday's a bad day when you're responsible for your best friend's death.
Don't, who knows what she might do with those 2000 years of pent-up frustration.
What's the worst that could happen?
She could fuck Ky*ruru and have his child.
she could end up bawling her eyes out on the shoulder of that really busty American chick
Unless the demon uses Serval as blackmail I can't see her doing that with the one who stole her friend
I can't read...
I need more onahole.
I need more Friends like this
I miss her, in events from S1 they all had actual fun.
That was actually a few days before 9/25, there was also a bunch of other big events/announcements at that time including a big live show, the nissin commercial, Kaban nendo opening for preorders and the Japari Cafe 2 CD being announced.
And then everything went to shit.
I think Shoebill wants something, user.
w-why is she showing me this
Like what?
Yes a sample of the fun times we once had
A mate
Bully the nerd
Will there ever be spitting alpacas again?
Owls have their staves back
>nowhere to be seen
What happened?
She's too busy saving Kemono Friends.
She found her life in the Japarikusa.
Nice. I was wondering how many there were since experimenting got me the owls twice with two completely different results
saving the park on the sidelines
Man, seeing Saki without Kana is depressing.
Just gotta hope they all "graduate" soon.
That's a new way of taking out ceruleans.
Didn't they actually use Kana's voice for Fennec in some the early KF3 PVs?
Arai is very smart
If they didn't have Arai return at the end of the animation, that would've been 10/10. Because she slides back onscreen though, it's only a 9.9/10 for me.
A genius no da!
That explains why Fennec likes following her around
It's not Sneed, so no
I thought it was because Fennec is a loving older sister to her dumb yet adorable little sister.
That too, though that's not the only reason
Remember when everybody thought Arai-san and Fennec were on the boat with Serval and they were going to become secondary main characters in S2?
Fuck it still hurts
Then it's definitely because she's energetic and brightens the mood around her.
Or because she's just a wonderful little ball of happiness.
Tfw no friend
Can someone explain to me the plot of season 2? What the fuck is going on in relation to the first season.
It literally just ruins everything from the first season and replaces Kaban. That's all it does
I really wish I could be with my Friendwife
Any word on if this is getting an english release?
Probably not for a while unless the dub has a major effect
Here, a non-biased summary;
>Kyururu awakens in a pod when Serval and Caracal are out and about
>They don't know what kind of Friend he is, so they decide to journey with him based on sketches he drew at some point he didn't actually draw them
>As they travel, they meet Friends and resolve issues just like in season 1, but there's a group out to catch Kyururu. Reason isn't known for a few episodes, nor who is behind the kidnapping request. It's just a Friend who wanted a Human to play with. That's it.
Spoiler stuff is actual spoilers, but light ones. It's genuinely the same formula as S1, but far inferior.
I got a big box of freshly encoded friends with YOUR name on them.
I fucking hate season 2, but I did like the updated Kaban design. Too bad Mine was such a little bitch and decided to torture her.
Can anyone confirm if K*dokawa will get money if you play the SEGA game? I'm still on the fence on KF3 because I don't want to support the people who did Kemono Friends dirty.
No idea about money going to Kadokawa but I'm pretty sure the game itself is free. I hope there isn't much going to those demons
/yys/ didn't seem to care that much for it, so I thought I'd post it here. I'm making a KFxYYS video and started concept sketches today.
very nice
/yys/ is fucking dead.
Overalls friends
I want to touch a friend
>mfw the new director fucks up so bad fans bury it from memory
There is no season 2 of Kemono.
where would you touch?
Can we safely say Kyururu is a trap since it wasn't like after S2 that it was really confirmed he's a dude?
Which one?
In one of the preliminary scripts for KF S1, Kaban got jealous that the other Friends have animal ears. Luckily they found a Playboy bunny suit for her. While wearing the suit, she could only move by hopping while saying "pyon pyon." Eventually she felt too embarrassed wearing it and wanted to take it off, but unfortunately the zipper got stuck and she had to wear it for the rest of the season.
Reminder that Serval said the word "Oppai": during her Doubutsu Peace appearance.
that would be great, though that would also mean no naked friends in the onsen
Dressing up the friends!
What outfits are you hoping for?
Friend costume swap. I'd be so thrilled if that was a thing.
That sounds very nice. I'm not sure about specifics but if Moose gets in despite there being no signs of her being part of KF3 I want to see her in all sorts of outfits.
Costume swaps would be great. You'd probably have a lot of people making everyone wear the lewd otter or penguin outfits though
>Party of three
>All wearing Hippo's costume
Charlie's Friends
>emperor's clothes
>otter's outfit
>the hippo outfits
>all the indian friends
>all the friends with exposed midriffs
Imagine the possibilities
Being EOP hurts.
Everything crapped itself shortly after. Grape-kun left us on the 12th october.
RIP Grape-kun, truly one of us
his soul is in japari park now
Expecting a follow-up image of Ie Inu with her fist up both Caracal and Serval's puppet asses/10
9/25 was a super cursed day
aaaa no one told me there was a new Hentatsu
>very fast margay going at incredibly hihg speeds
God, Oni Tatsuki is so fucking short.
Hentaitsu when?
Was the second season as shitty as I imagine it to be?
There is no S2. Whatever the fuck Tomason made is a really shitty self-insert fanfic created by Mine.
>probably not very strong because he's tired all the time
>cute voice and two cute little horns to touch
>Prerendered background
>Plane with characters and different camera angles
God, this shit never gets old.
I pray we never see anything as big of a shit show as it ever again.
At the least that terrible work occasionally lets us see Friend tits better
>The steps on the top
I can't even, what the fuck.
Reminder that Kyu*uru is Serval's REAL original best friend, not Mirai and by extension, Kaban.
And the chosen one.
Now that I think about it, does Mine have any input whatsoever in KF3? Outside of KF3, what other projects could they be planning? I can't imagine anyone there's eager to do another anime in the near future, especially anything the series creator himself has any large directorial input on.
I wonder how quickly KF3 would die if they showed Kyururu?
>let's not only make a new season after a very public disaster where we're the bad guys
>and let's not only make it incredibly shit
>but also shit all over the beloved original
How does something like this happen?
I really wish that didn't exist. I'd even be fine with them sticking to Nana remaining as her first best friend but a random new character is utter shit.
I wish someone would update that already so it fixes some of the claims from people who defended Mine
Have major staff hold an extremely toxic and unjustifiable grudge against previous staff.
How did they manage to find one of the few people in japan that didn't side with the old director?
Have everyone around the franchise creator be yes-men who end up feeding into the fire and unnecessarily dividing and fueling hatred toward fired staff.
By finding a studio desperate enough to make a break into the anime industry proper that their president will agree to tackle a project they have no proper experience, talented enough staff, and is frankly way over their heads, much to the disagreement of the actual staff of the studio.
By firing the guy who would've handled Mine's bullshit and turned it into gold.
I don't think we really have much info on Mine's involvement at the moment or any other major projects (if there are any), for all we know he could have done all of KF3's lore given the whole KF bible thing he has. Hopefully if he is involved at all SEGA is stopping him from doing anything past designing cute girls since that's the only thing he's actually good at and he'd easily ruin everything if he does anything like forcing in Ky*ruru to show that he's still not willing to learn from his mistakes. This really seems like the last chance and if it fails I doubt there will be anything else major for KF unless Mine starts doing official KF hentai
It still feels like Tatsuki originally wanted to continue Kaban's adventures but the KF bible autist had other plans and got pissed. I just wish we could learn the truth eventually
>This really seems like the last chance
Personally, I think it's more of a matter of time until Kemono Friends finally dies at this point. KF3 is just a swan song of something that should've died years ago.
That probably is the case. The anime was supposed to serve as an aspect of a whole, with the manga and Nexon game being two other parts. If the Nexon game were still up, I'd imagine there would've been time-traveling shenanigans happening either during the airing of the anime or afterwards, with Kaban and Serval's story coinciding with Mirai's and the park director's in the game. However, with the closure of the Nexon game, the 'possible future' of Japari Park became the present and the 'present' of the park became its past. The broken, run-down future of Japari Park was supposed to be something avoided, but I don't think anyone expected flowers to grow amongst the ruins, so to speak.
Her hotel collapses and then steal her japari buns to pay PPP to do a concert on the ruins/tigers body.
It was really adding insult to injury for her and she was so happy about running the hotel to.
I still can't believe Amur Tiger was crushed by debris despite standing on top of the building.
I don't really know if this is the last thing that's going to happen from KF given how autistic Mine is but I think this is the last chance for them to turn around the image of KF's direction as it slowly fades out. There's always a slight chance it ends up getting buried like tiger if KF3 fails but I doubt this is truly going to be the end. At the least though it will likely be a huge influence in what we get next in this tale of suffering
No one has claimed S2 was well written or directed.
Mine official KF hentai would just be soulcrushing NTR using Ky*ruru to attack the fans though so not even that would be good
Makes me think of that unsorceable doujin where kyururu impregnates one of them and abandon them and Kaban is teaching them how to raise a baby.
The artist is obviously Mitsumoto, but yeah I can't find a source anywhere, it's not on his pixiv or either of his twitters.
Well I got an artist atleast.
I only have 6 pages of it but I am obviously missing a bunch of them.
I found it on 2ch but never could get reverse image searches to find anything.
I love this fluffy girl.
I can only bump a thread for so long and then it died.
In the Nexon game Fennec says that she follows Arai-san because she's fun to be around(and to bully). That's also the reason Fennec likes Serval.
Although Fennec doesn't say it, she the other reason is that Arai-san is a miracle of the universe.
The game looks fun.
I might actually play this one.
With all it has to offer so far it really doesn't seem too bad. The arcade one sounds much more fun in terms of what's available but I'm definitely going to give this a chance
Is it not on the panda?
we all do
I wonder if you could rip those assets and then shove them into PEZ and make an entire team of Furenzu
Bully Meerkat.
The jealous Lord Daemons of the misty pasts return from their crumbling tombs to prevent a flourishing present that might lead to a brighter future than they could imagine. It's almost poetic of it wasn't so sad.
I can finally Beat!!! the friends.
Sure. How easily is another question.
As I understand, it's possible to rip models directly from running games.
Or rip the files themselves. But they might be in proprietary formats, then you'd need to find or write converters.
Approach the kitties!
Based on the pictures here it doesn't look like kusoge to me, by the way what's the nip reaction to KF3? Just curious if they can forgive Kusokawa and give money if SEGA actually delivers on the game.
Also Uma Musume game never ;_;
Mostly positive but cautious.
Nice, I'm guessing that's the way they're keeping pvp instead of bringing something like the arcade's gameplay over? With there still being new characters like Tsuchinoko being shown I wonder how many characters there will be at the start
this, honestly
Looks like pvp but I'm not sure.
By the way, Friends in that mode surrounded by barriers so they can't hurt each other.
Hopefully when the new game comes out, we'll be able to sustain a /vg/ thread for longer than the previous run.
When was the previous run?
New game/season comes out on the 24th, right?
>if they can forgive Kusokawa
Fuck no.
I think at this point, everyone who hasn't washed their hands of Kemono Friends is extremely cautious about KF3. It'd also be appropriate to assume that a majority of fans absolutely detest KF2, ridicule it, and/or don't consider it canon.
What is your favorite pixiv tag? Mine is フェネシコ
かばんちゃんでかいけつ. Kaban without her Kaban is the sexiest.
>friends can't actually hurt each other
26th last time I checked
>By the way, Friends in that mode surrounded by barriers so they can't hurt each other.
Now Moose can never manhandle her harem while sparring, how awful.
エロイグマ is pretty nice
>Ywn breed kaban while an interested serval watches so close she invades both your personal spaces
Why even live?
>while an uninterested serval stretches next to you and flops on top of you
There is genuinely not enough bunnygirl Kaban in this world. It's such a cute combo.
>while a flustered kaban orgasms while serval lazily stares at her right as they make eye contact
>"Eh? Kaban made water appear! Sugoi!"
>acting flustered and losing control when doing lewd things
Most friends seem pretty pure, are there any that wouldn't react in this way aside from maybe the birds?
Hippo, and ppp if they're together
Still find it hilarious he used an image of keifuku-san for that image.
>Short animation.
>Made with free time and spare change from under the sofa.
>Free to watch online.
>Mostly only sold at events for cheap.
>Still sold more copies and made more money than the KF2 BDs.
>armadillo getting slammed into the wall during the sparring for a simple game
Without barriers in this play-fighting some friends could easily get hurt
I hope you plan to financially compensate the snek autist, wombs aren't for free especially for poorfags.
>financial compensation for mating with her
So Tsuchinoko is a prostitute?
There are other ways to pay.
The Tsuchinoko lust never ends.
I seriously think they could have gotten away if better ratings if
> They only have a small cameo or do not involve S1 cast.
>Make the main character at least mature from being a whiny self-centered jerk.
>Resolving the beast issue in some form of manner.
Would you pay her for special services?
Also fix what happened to Dog. The fact that KF R exists shows that could have easily made KF2 watchable with a few tweaks but I guess making a show that people actually liked would get in the way of shitting on Tatsuki.
I don't think there was any possible winning move in making KF2 after firing Tatsuki but something like that and not randomly hurting friends or making things dark could have definitely made it not as shit
I want to find secrets with her
I want to be her assistant.
Don't remind me user. The thought of repopulating humanity with Kaban's been plaguing me nonstop since 2017.
Tapirs are cute