Don’t tell me you forgot her already?
Don’t tell me you forgot her already?
>forgot her already
I can't tell the difference from the other pink-haired flat tomboys in that author's series at all.
>implying I could ever forget my waifu
I regular jerk it to those doujins of her.
Of course I haven't forgotten Zero Two.
Gone bad before even finishing the first row.
I will never forget her.
Or Athena cucking her.
Or Nagi cucking everyone.
This year she'll win Saimoe for sure!
God damn it Hata
Hina's year never ever.
All that beautiful black hair
It's Hina's year!!!!
I watched S1 and S2 and loved them
Supposedly the rest is trash so I never got to watching them, I miss Hayata tho
Kanye sucks
>like 5 good girls
Not sure why people go on about her. She doesn't figure largely in the show at all. I mean I love pink hair and I'm in the middle of the show at the moment and she still means almost nothing to me.
Not her porn
too late
I'm happy Hina got a boob job and found a better husbando than Hayate to spend her life with.
Reminder that after everyone they went through together Hayate told Hinagiku to fuck off and married Nagi because first girl always wins. It will NEVER be her year.