spoilers tonight, wooooo
One piece
I have a mighty need for more Speed.
I'll take a pound of spoilers
next episode. maybe
Does she have two pussies or just one?
If the answer is one, where it's located?
From Doomspeaker
>Editor’s comment on Chapter 956: "Great turmoil and endless heat in Wano kuni! A strong earthquake in Wano kuni! The Straw hats members are really going to do.....?
You know what that means: ZEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, KAIDO!!
Hope for a good thread without Huntafags autism
Why would she have the front skirt if she only had one in the back?
>where it's located
back of the knee
Didn't you learn your lesson last time?
You know the rules faggot
I can't believe she's about to die bros...
>strong earthquake
oh shit
>The Straw hats members are really going to do....?
a-are they gonna form a momentary truce with Blackbeard?
tick tock, Crydo
where my chadbeards at?
Not him but I can prepare a stream real quick if you really want to watch it
Big Mom about to get the Ds she never wanted.
We *should *get some sort of intermission that shows a glimpse of what's going on in the outside world while Wano is happening. Just as Acts 1 and 2 also had intermissions that fulfilled that same purpose.
absolutely based
>got their thread deleted for being spergs
>have been crying a grand line tier sea ever since
I can't believe she going drown in CD coom
It's a Law/Luffy/Kid chapter, bros. U feel it?
Careful you don't get the thread deleted again, sweetie.
That would be cool as fuck. Fleshing out the relation between the Blackbeard Pirates and the Strawhats before their battle is a very nice idea.
If dubs it's a Blackbeard chapter
mada mada
Doesn’t make sense for Blackbeard to attack Wano it’s out of character. The right move would be to attack WCI while Big Mom is gone. She’ll have to leave removing her Wano and starting up the throne war
Why are you like this?
If dubs Kyarotto is the traitor
Talk shit, get hit.
I'm not even the BBfag you were talking to.
It's a Luffy chapter
Who is like what?
Man Kid is so uncool. It should've been Law, Luffy and Urouge.
And I'm not the Carrotfag you were talking to.
I was just confused because the actual BB related post wasn't talking shit. It was just another generic nonsense prediction.
She has a fat horse cock and it's canon.
Supernovas from coolest to least coolest
A poo
The woman
Nah, Luffy, Urouge and Bonney.
leave kidd and replace law and luffy with bege and hawkins
You weren't here two days ago, were you?
God I want to fuck carrot so bad
Shouldn't it be the Uma Uma no mi: model stallion?
Don't do steroids kids
I wonder if there is someone crazy enough in the world of OP to be devil fruit collector. Not abilities, just the fruit themselves.
>the woman
no it should be Uma Uma no mi: Model Macaco
I was around for the autism, but why should that bleed into every post involving BB or Carrot?
vegapunk probably does or did at one point have a collection of them to study
Why shouldn't it? Autism is autism.
God, imagine the smell...
A faggot who puts makeup and lipsticks. Biggest losing streak besides Sanji and Smoker.
Kept licking the ass of a Yonko for two years and was forced to marry an ugly wife. Also, his plan was retarded.
To pussy he didn't even try to challenge a Yonko. Failed every missionsl despite being able to see the future. Got BTFO by Chadlaw.
>The woman
The great war better be a race war
There's nothing cool about Law. He's like a 15-year-old who just entered his edgy phase
I wanted to post the usual "spoilers on redon spics forum", but I guess I will let it slide this time.
>He doesn't like Apoo
How could you not?
I want more Ginrummy.
Does she even have a fruit?
You have a shit taste and 100% a speedreader
And you're a teenager
>tfw will be reading the chapter blind and enjoying Oda's wild ride instead of reading what happens off an awfuly translated Yea Forums post in broken English
What sort of men does she like?
Typically reply from an actual teenager. Btw, don't you have school tomorrow? You should be already in bed by now.
No older than 12
Ur a faget
...no fucking way.
Black Gentlemen
Based. I'll be joining you! Any other spoiler-free bros?
I'm 30. Don't shoot your school tomorrow lawfag
>Any other spoiler-free bros?
Law obviously
Can you blame them when she's flaunting her ass like that?
I love my wife Olga.
>I'm 30.
That's what a 13 years old tranny would say. Guess I was right. Don't forget your estrogen before bed.
>Oda had to deny it 'cause some anons caught on
Damn you really got triggered kid
That's the only way to properly enjoy the series. Especially for chapters like the one upcoming.
That's what a 13 years old tranny would say. Guess I was right. Don't forget your estrogen before bed
She's a gifter so yeah, but she's dead so we'll never know what it is
Chapter so hype it got me pregnant.
So the chapter will be out tomorrow? I’m really trying not to be spoiled if it’s an intermission chapter.
>So the chapter will be out tomorrow?
thursday, spoilers tonight/tomorrow
She considers Jinbe handsome so I guess she likes bara dudes
Yes. Do not spoil yourself.
Thanks user, see yah guys then.
Give spoilers or I will rape Rebecca every 30 minutes
I'm here to stop all non-humans
I'm going to spill my seed to Vivi tonight in anticipation of the next chapter. Hopefully there are some good lewds out there.
>implying rebecca wasn't raped before
knock yourself out user
>a fucking cripple
>that chest
why does a rabbit need huge tits?
To attract mates.
milking their young
yeah that's it, no other reason at all.
Have you forgotten already?
Because Oda likes breasts
Uh. Isn't she into that? She basically begged Luffy to rape her and literally got angry when he didn't.
Damn, is this the real reason why Oda off-screened the Reverie?
This is a nice image and I like it a lot.
7-12 hours from now
>Oda went with what he foreshadowed long ago
She has a penis, user.
that was a carrot lewd OP vs literally everyone else and nobody liked your thread faggot which is why it got slid in record time
>0.2 seconds later any of the following happens:
>A) Kizaru lasers him through the head
>B) Any of the Gorosei annihilate him
>C) Imu dirties his/her hands and kills him
>D) Spontaneously combusts
what sort of men does he like?
i was in that thread posting lewd carrots and you thought i was on your side lmao no i was just getting the thread slid lmao fucking rekt
Keep crying.
Whose thread hit the archive again? Because as I recall niggerbeard's got demolished for sperging.
>reading intermission spoilers
wew, I'm out
>just because it's female it's lewd
Is Perospero lewd too user or have you just got personal issues with women?
Anyone prefers how BB beard looked like pre-timeskip? I guess he looks more like the actual Blackbeard currently, but still.
Robin is for Zoro.
japanese twinks he can abuse with his weird leather fetish
I enjoy both.
One is a raggedy pirate climbing his way up, the other is a very accomplished pirate.
>user doesn't know
the only tiddies you'll see from now on is zoro's
How big could this chapter be?
It couldn't possibly be that big.
Could it?
Must be Daifuku posting.
It has potential to be very big
17 pages of nothing
>tfw new lead designer is a zorofujo
Fun is over guys
How far away is the anime from Post-TS Blackbeard reveal?
Translator already confirmed it's mega happening like the last 2. But probably even moreso since shit's probably crazy in the One Piece world right now.
matsuda can still deliver in other ways
They're at like chapter 913ish, so 12 weeks, and add a few more weeks since they don't usually adapt 1 chapter. So 15 weeks. Which means only 10 or so weeks until the Kaido dragon reveal and ensuing slaughter.
Could be the pirate alliance saw Luffy's vivre card burn a little when Kaido clubbed him so they're all en route.
I personally would be much more hyped about a Ryokugyu reveal and a TWEEST. We all know the Grand Fleet's coming.
Can't wait until they confirm Imu added Vivi to his rape dungeon
Ryokyugu is Krieg, he's refused to eat since Sanji turned his first mate against him through food kindness.
Vivifag will kill himself
Reminder that she collects the heads of beautiful women to use as onaholes later.
It's a figure of speech you inbreds.
that doomspeaker guy isnt trustworthy, hes had fake spoilers before
Perona's a goner
Scotchinformer posted the same on his twitter with the image
>The Marines get word that Big Mom and Kaido have formed an alliance and Akainu immediately orders a Buster Call on Wano, sending out 10 battleships with Smoker, Momousagi, Maynard, Chaton, and Garp out as the Vice-Admirals chosen to carry it out.
>Also swiftly recruit all remaining Shichibukai (Buggy, Hancock, Mihawk, and Weevil) to accompany them, along with Kizaru for good measure
>Straw Hat Grand Fleet sees Luffy's card ignite when he's severely poisoned and start rushing to Wano to join their captain
>yfw the war erupts into a three way tussle between the Samurai-Mink-Pirate Alliance, the Marines, and the Yonkuo Alliance
BB is coming to Wano
>The sight of the four ships entering Edo Bay, roaring black smoke into the air and capable of moving under their own power, deeply frightened the Japanese.[7] Perry ignored the requests arriving from the shore that he should move to Nagasaki—the official port for trade with the outside—and threatened in turn to take his ships directly to Edo, and burn the city to the ground if he was not allowed to land. It was eventually agreed upon that he should land nearby at Kurihama, whereupon he delivered his letter and left.
Here praying that you are wrong. My hope is that there will be a bounty poster for her
are these legit spoilers?
they're not, you doofus
they're both predictions user
It's gonna be Sabaody all over again. 2nd timeskip here we go.
no dingo they're just ideas based on maritime history
Reddit disco trannies are lurking the thread, post your favorite OP girl to remind them they'll never be real women
No you dumb fucking faggot
Did he survive his fight with Soba-Mask or did he get off-screen KO'd?
based perona poster
Suck me dry you literal cunt
Balls groped and stomach full
I'd suck Perona dry alright.
he's dreaming all the soba noodles he's gonna eat at the fire festival this night (in-story)
He's quite fine. Oda doesn't write like that. Not a single injury or scuff mark on him was shown.
It's Perona's time, before she dies this chapter.
they're out
Oda 9 is getting sloppy
That's chapter 1150 user.
ApooChads rise up
No but is there anyone who isn't expecting BB to go to Wano?
if this chapter is solely about that and nothing else it'd be disappointing imo
It would surprise most fans.
big enough
Garp is dying soon, isn't he?
is it a bit too early for that? maybe he went the unpredictablity route
so is your mother
Me. I think Teach will have nothing to do with Wano
Marijoas is defeated and all its forces, under the one true King Blackbeard’s command, have begun a raid on Wano.
anyone got a link to stampede?
People are in for a rude awakening when they realize he's above Katakuri level and Luffy will have to 1v1 him.
Law + Blackbeard alliance revealed.
Reminder that, before the curtains opened up to Act 2, we got the following
>The return of Mihawk/Perona
>Moriah confronting the Blackbeard Pirates
>Shiryu stealing Absalom's devil fruit (RIP)
>The reveal of Teach's new bounty (2,247,600,000) and post-ts appearance
What will we get this time?
Why are spoilers so early?
Green Bull’s face I hope.
autumn equinox is a national holiday in japan
Early chapter this week. It officialy comes out on Friday instead of Sunday.
>Green Bull reveal
>Dragon's power reveal
>Vivi milkers
>Fuji and Cobra covno
>Akainu ordering attack on Wano
>Blackbeard bestowing Shadow fruit to Doc Q
>Perona getting beheaded by Devon
>Act III start
Damn I thought about it and he kept Fuji’s a mystery until he was right in front of the strawhats, so he probably won’t show green bull yet.
>Brooke figures out that the best, or rather the ONLY, counter to Apoo's attacks is by playing a melody that is the exact opposite frequency of Apoo's music, thereby cancelling it out whatever effect it was going to have
>The only one with acute enough hearing and swift enough hands to know what notes to play, and then what tempo/pitch to play it at, just happens to be the skeleton who spent the last two years with Long-Arms learning how they think and fight
>The musician's duel is about to begin
Leave Apoo to me
Shadow fruit would probably go to Burgess honestly. He could power himself up with shadows to enhance his already existing fighting style.
That would actually be kino so we know that's not happening.
I had diarrhea 5 times today. The last one might as well have been firerhea. Now I know how Magellan must feel.
or Luffy will just punch Apoo in the face with a big fist
Is Apoo the only legitimate bad Supernova the SH won't ally with?
I wish user.
We'll get his backstory soon enough that reveals how he parties so hard because he has to hide the pain.
He is too much of a Chad
Why is he bad?
Will we ever get more backstory to Blackbeard showing why he's so obsessed with era of dreams not being over?
He did nothing wrong
Both Kid and Hawkins are legit assholes
Yes. We got a Big Mom flashback. If you're a Yonkou or an admiral, you're getting a flashback.
I think we will get his back story but that's endgame material
Que? Admirals are forces of nature like their fruits imply.
this needs a kinemon edit.
How many Apoofags actually exist in these threads? Can't be more than 3 right?
They are forces of nature, yes. Doesn't really have anything with what I said though.
At least Akainu will obviously get a flashback to explain why he became so autistic about justice
Law, a single Worst Generation member, got a dedicated flashback. Anyone thinking the admirals won't get one are nutso.
Fujitora needs one as well. Can't just have a guy say he sliced out his eyes because of what he saw and not show it.
there aren't any true apoofags...yet. people are just hyped to see what he's capable of.
>Vivi milkers
Yes please
That doesn't mean anything, all Straw Hats get their own flashback.
Law is a major character, the admirals are just strong dudes mostly
>In this one country, 8 out of 11 Supernovas are in one spot
How many of them are making it out alive?
All of them duh
All except Law
Well antagonistic. He joined evil pirates.
Law is dying for sure
He isnt more evil than Kidd
Makoto's voice is usually what I read Kaido's speech in.
Where is it
Five minutes
Who is that? Do you mean Mako Iwamatsu?
Her hatred of the marines have left her with a complex for buff older men.
What OP girl did you last masturbate to
Nami obviously
Vivi. Something good came out recently.
>yfw Matsuda delivers uncensored Nami/Robin butts during the onsen scene so she can get away with making a Zoro onsen scene where we get a close up of his muscular buttocks
colored when
>Who is that?
i think that user was referring to the street fighter gal. after all, we already have our rufus and blanka in the story
>Nippest nip to ever nip
>has a gambling theme
>Meteors killed the dinosaurs
Me too!
Today I will remind them.
The original oda died sometime after water 7/enies lobby, you can tell by the change in paneling and art style. The second oda died sometime after marineford (post war). The third oda was killed after fishman island (yes, killed). Jump realized it may have been too hasty, the fourth Oda was given multiple chances but was ultimately also killed after dressrosa. We're on Oda #5 right now.
I'm not ready
Spoiler man got arrested! All spoilers interdicted. Please check back on Friday for Korean scans.
Orochi kills Wanda
it's bestiality. do you still want it?
It's going to be a shit chapter anyway.
Vivi is not for sinful thoughts
One way trip to hell
Carrot. 'twas a shameful fap, but my dick wants what it wants.
Let me guess it's involving Carue isn't it
sure why not
>snake on furry vore
This really is the most degenerate arc
Nami has been used up by Arlong and all his fishmen, Robin has been used up by Dragon and the entire revolutionary army, Vivi has been used up by Crocodile and Karoo, Carrot is a pure maiden.
Girl, user. Also there's like one picture and it's pretty mediocre.
Why is Vivi get accosted by fishmen?
Carrot, she's the only OP girl I fap to.
Nothing shameful about rabbit baps, user.
>needing pictures to jerk off
Just use your imagination
>tfw Tama feeds Kaido her dango
>tfw Kaido loves Tama more than he's loved anything
>tfw that means he wants to die together
>tfw all this changes is that Kaido carries Tama around in a little bag around his neck while he slaughters her friends, since bug people have no business being friends with his master
No point in resisting the bun, she's converted many.
>Thank you for rescuing our country Z-Zorojuro
>Please accept our gifts
>This is just like the old days with Kuina
I've not seen this one before.
>inb4 Matsuda makes a post-Arc filler where the gang chills in Wano and Zoro gets to meet a Matsuda self-insert who draws lewds of Samurais being romantic with each other and she asks Zoro to be her model
It wouldn't be the first time Zoro got shamed in Filler
C-can Law be in that episode too?
has anyone in the know tweeted anything about the chapter yet? usually steven or whoever hypes chapters up properly
the spic translator hypes up nothing happens chapters so can't trust him
steven is also shit, what happened to the based chink spoiler providers, I remember chapter 731 when sabo was revealed to be alive he didn't release spoilers because it was too good
fucking amateur
>has anyone in the know tweeted anything about the chapter yet? usually steven or whoever hypes chapters up properly
yeah, greg
What did he say brother?
>can we pls stop hating on post TS-OP. ITS STILL GOOD, okay?
She only likes manly men like Zoro.
Law is a sissy boy who hates bread.
"i've seen chapter 956 beforehand, one of the few times it happened. great stuff", something along those lines
Robin /ss/ing Momo.
Oda #5 is putting in good work with Zou/WCI and Wano.
I'm calling it. Luffy will ask Zoro to fight him before the final battle so they can harden their hakis together like Kaido did with Big Meme.
Wouldn't be the first time Luffy and Zoro fought.
>Kaido actually has a connection to Ace
>stops everything during a fight with Luffy when he hears Tama about Ace
>Big Mom gets confused about Kaido fussing over a little girl but gets humored/startled when Tama calls her O-Lin and says she's a nice lady
>all the Beast Pirates are intimidated of the little girl who can control most of their minds and has no fear of Big Mom, we get a My Neighbor Totoro moment with Tama and the Numbers
>the Big Mom Pirates start drawing straws to see who has to recruit the little girl with the weird food paramecia without intimidating her
>like Kaido did with Big Meme
>Finally, a lewd where Vivi isn't balloon tittied plastic mess and has good anatomy.
>Gets fucked by the duck
I need two Akainus to rage against this one
Reminder that Nami one shot Luffy and Zoro at the same time when they were both 100% serious
How revolutionary (no pun intended) or ground breaking is this chapter going to be?
Chapters in my experienced and memory that had noticeable impact (caused threads to be spammed on Yea Forums nonstop):
>Ace dying
>Shanks ending the war
>2 changes (akainu/blackbeard) revelation in FI
>Luffy declaring war on Big Mom in FI
>Doffy having Ace's fruit
>Sabo being revealed to be alive
>Luffy stopping doffy's kick and gear 4 panel
>Kaido reveal
>1.5 billion and reverie chapters
How many people in this thread were converted into furries because of Carrot?
The only thing BM hardened was Kaido's dick
i can't believe that second comment comes from greg, given how thoughtful it is
>as always good stuff
>hyping ppl always seems to hurt more than help
shit nothing chapter confirmed
luffy vs kaido.jpg
Zero, we all know you're all bandwagoning furfags that only joined after she was introduced.
>Defeating anyone
Choose one.
confirmed ancient weapon
As long as they only get into hmofa then there's nothing wrong with it.
you disagree with that second statement?
How do I save the pic?
who should i fap to next?
I think you anons are hyping this chapter to the point you'll be disappointed when it is nothing you expected it to be.
the next image posted in this thread
Welcome to Yea Forums
you're right. even when chapter 925 dropped, i remember some people being severly disappointed by the lack of reverie's action
I really hope it's a hype chapter, oda can't just end the last page with the narrator hyping up a huge war and give us nothing after. He's done enough buildup, it's time for oda #5 to deliver.
That's true for every chapter.
Ew, cherry pie.
>manly man
>jobs to someone who jobbed to stairs
Rebecca. I hope Coby goes MGTOW.
Click on the pic and right-click-save-as ngga
But I'll be nice and give you an imgur link: imgur.com
It's not jobbing if you lose on purpose
Why did Carrot try and eat as much as Luffy on Whole Cake?
Her hands also seemed to inflate to ridiculous proportions, was this foreshadowing haki-induced muscle growth?
best choice so far
Both are at their hormonal peak, he won't be able to resist.
She's dead, Zoro.
That’s zoros wife
Getting filled by me
>oda can't just end the last page with the narrator hyping up a huge war and give us nothing after
you motherfuckers REALLY need to calm down. when drake "hyped up" marineford back during sabaody, we had to get through the rest of the arc, amazon lily AND impel down before getting to marineford
there's still a lot of shit that can get unpacked before the fire festival raid, primarily oden's flashback
How many wives does Zoro have at this point?
I wanted to type out fake spoilers but I got too worried that they wouldn't be funny. I'm sorry.
Why would she not?
another finalist
There won't be a Oden flashback.
There'll be a Kinemon and Momotaro flashback detailing what they said at the castle and Oden will still be just a silhouette
Being used by the Charlotte's as a cumdump while her brother's seed is getting extracted through horrible machines
awww shit. SOUL PIECE?
Dragon is a jobber
>Chapter predictions
>First few pages is Fujitora eating noodles talking about the Rev fight and how powerful they were
>Green Bull laughs in agreement
>Green Bull is a silhouette still.
>ACT 3 starts
>Opens with Oden flashback
>Oden is still a silhouette.
>Kawamatsu does a funny dance haha my daughteru loves it haha
>Break next week
This one is peak comfy
What would One Piece be like if these were the only Strawhats?
Read slower.
good feet
Lol what? Dragon and his faggya army got BTFO by Chadbeard
>I think you anons are hyping this chapter to the point you'll be disappointed when it is nothing you expected it to be.
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?
The adventure would have ended at Alabasta
what's your favorite /u/ pairing?
One Piece β
We'd still have most of the Straw Hats traveling with them, but they'd be more like Vivi and they'd join for on and off periods. They'd be the standard Shonen two-guys-one-girl trio instead of what Naruto spawned
Nami x Luffyko
Yuri is trash faggot.
>proto Luffy, Zoro and Nami
Too big.
Try Arlong Park
OP 956 情报
more spoilers coming soon
daijoubu! saa, mae ni susumou
from chink provider (he's been legit before)
Act 3 begin, a figure appears freeing the samurai stuck in the capital prison, yakuza mook says boss ordered it
perosperos informed by big mom that they have formed an alliance, ordered to go to onigashima to attend the festival
flampe is confused, smoothie explains how big mom and kaido were once allies and that she doesn't have a good feeling about this
Strawhats getting on sunny
narrator shifts, saying unprecedented events will unfold, but first, we must turn back the pendulum to reverie
Gorosei super pissed at shanks
Shanks telling gorosei that the promise made by joyboy will be fulfilled
tells them the day of the rope is coming, fishmen, niggers, minks, longlegs, longarms, trannies, all of them will hang
if only
....What happened, Oda?
>Ussop unlocks his overlord
Wow, Golden Kaido!
Luffy should have a weapon.
hype chapter
Get out
based shanksposter
Goddamit you got me
That dwarf bitch
Something something something something MUNE NIIII
>Kureha's in awe of Vivi's freakish Celestial Dragon skull shape
>Proto crew is with a bear
[x] Doubt
hentai 'artists' should be hanged
best chapter of Wano
People with big dicks that can handle her like Franky and Jinbei.
Vivi's IQ is the same as Kureha's age.
>Robin's with a pink crocodile
Croc's a tranny confirmed
>That dwarf bitch
I hate Sanjifags but Zorocucks are actually utterly pathetic
You forgot one
Why are you starting fights?
user needs spoilers NOW
>That dwarf bitch
Her name is WICCA and don't you forget it
Over already
>it's a Sabo chapter
>it's a Sabo chapter and he dies
It's the same dude, stop shilling your dumb theory.
>If SHs went to Kano Kuni
t. wsj
Will we ever get a JRPG with Oda designs?
I've recently started to read One Piece and just finished Fish-men Island arc. So Shanks is one of the Yonko and some fucking fish took his arm off in the beginning of the series? What?
Also with the powerlevel gap between Luffy, Zoro and the rest of the crew only grow the further I read?
Kyouko x Sayaka.
One Piece has no yuri.
The traitor is Kinemon's wife.
Since she's evil Kinemon will just drop her for Kiku.
Shanks was said to be a Yonkou all the way back in Enies Lobby. Editor decision to get Shanks' arm bitten off to add more excitement to the first chapter.
Weakling trio gets some pretty good moments post-TS.
>editors make manga worse AGAIN
Many such cases, sad! Thanks for the explanation though.
doesn't have to be canon
While Oda is great he is actually making up a lot of shit on the go. Stop believing Oda cocksuckers with "everything was planned since chapter one"
And you mean Wicca.
There's no interest of me pairing any female together. Too much of a romance with adventure.
What is Oda waiting for giving Zoro his pirate eyepatch? Why he keeps ignoring such an iconic item of pirates?
Traitor ranking
Straw Hats
Law + Heart Pirates
Ashura Douji
Very slim
This. While the majority is planned, some of it isn't.
Is this why Robin went from a formidable foe to a simple piece of world lore that walks and talks? She is fairly useless compared to other fighters.
>One Piece has no yuri
>So Shanks is one of the Yonko and some fucking fish took his arm off in the beginning of the series? What?
Remember his conversation with Whitebeard. Maybe it was part of his plan.
I thought of Raizo being the traitor earlier, since it would have put a pretty interesting spin on Zou arc, but how do you explain his actions in the Udon prison?
Lol didn't both Zoro and Sanji die in that cover according to oda? That might have been the better time line
A mink won't be that close to Orochi, it has to be someone from Wano. The beast pirates do not even give a fuck about the rebellion, so even if a mink is allied with them they would not ask the traitor info like Orochi does.
Sanji is closing in but yeah it kind of seem that way
It seems likely that there's, what, possibly three traitors now? You got whoever sold out on Zou, a traitor among the Scabbards on Wano, and whatever Denjiro+Hiyori are doing.
No, that was Oda becoming a faggot and hating the idea of drawing women getting hurt on fights.
I don't think I'd mind if Nami was gay, it would make sense after everything she's been through. Doubt Oda has the balls though.
there's no traitor you brainlets, it's kyoushiro and hiyori working together to get onto orochi's good side, they're planning to kill off orochi and replace him but keep relations with kaido since they feel he's too powerful to take down
>anyone trying to meme magic perona's death\
she has anti-death flags, her father is in danger
>Baltimore style riots in japan over a beloved fictional character being lesbian
could be fun
I also thought it can be something like that but Hiyori wouldn't reveal she's alive.
Sort of related but If you've ever read the Loguetown novel there's material that Oda cut from Loguetown arc manga so that he could enter the Grand Line at chapter 100. There's this one very interesting scene where a fortune-teller who reads people's faces reveals to Luffy that he has the 'Sign of King's Ambition' or 覇王の相.
This is interesting because in Japanese fortune-telling there is the 'Sign of the Emperor' or 帝王の相 and the other palm-reading sign most commonly known as the 'Line of King's Ambition' or 覇王線.
The latter two is specifically meant for palm-reading. This means the former term was probably made just for that scene.
Oda gets praised because very very few other mangaka in the thousands of professional mangaka in Japan can match his story-structure and his plot outline. But he's limited since he can't plan out every minute detail as a weekly producer of content.
We'll probably see an explanation for it when Shanks and Luffy have their meeting.
From a formidable enemy to a part of the crew? No shit.
Year of Perona's Death
the traitor is penguin
Some user a while ago mentioned that it'd be impossible for the live action adaption to play Arlong Park straight given that the fishmen there are basically equivalent to the Black Panthers, so making her brown or gay would probably be on the table there.
Forgot to attach my image.
Yeah, why Risk going to Toto Land when she could've stow away with the Wano group?
Shanks bet his arm on the new age, he literally said it himself. He did that so luffy could learn a lesson.
How does luffy repay him? By recruiting a fat blue fuck onto his crew.
The info about Hiyori being alive came after Kawamatsu told the main party about it. It's clearly Shinobu or anyone in that moment,
Carrot wasn't there btw, stop this meme.
>Baltimore style riots in japan
As a Baltimorean that'd be wild to watch seeing some japs ransack a comic store
Crazy theory which as probably been brought up before but what if Kaido didn't eat a Dragon Zoan Fruit. instead he's an actual dragon and the reason he decided to make his base in wano was to avenge his ancestor that Ryuma defeated
>not sachi.
Most Likely
Honestly she seems more sexually attracted to money than to persons.
It's Shinobu. She's in cahoots with Orochi and big brain meme.
Yeah, and that's only one of the many factors against her being the traitor. She is one of the less likely
I only say Penguin because Shachi got cut by Hawkins when Law was facing him.
Please don't remind me. Similarly to the new LotR I try to pretend it's not a thing.
Spoilers highly likely in a few hours, yeah? Or would I have to wait for tomorrow night? Unsure of how early things are supposed to be in this stretch of time.
God, I don't know why we haven't got a mystery dungeon-style game based on One Piece, or at least a roguelike with random 'islands'.
No need to wait, here is everything you need to know:
>Vivi and Sabo die
>Moria and Perona die
>the Loguetown novel
Is this available online anywhere?
Oh. Didn't notice actually. I thought we were memeing Heart Pirates.
This is like the thousandth time I've seen this post. Is it just one shotposter spazzing out?
I've never seen a good reason why Oda shouldn't be praised for the world he's built and all the continual effort he's put in over the past few decades day-in and day-out.
Spoilers when
We're foolish to assume there's only one traitor. There's also the person who supplied Jack with a Vivre Card of somebody currently living on Zou. It had to be a Mink or someone that a Mink on Zou at the time of Jack's attack gave their Vivre Card to.
It's Shishilian. It's a pun with the Japanese word for lion. The important Minks tend to have names referencing their animal.
I mean Oda himself said he made a lot of shit up along the day
Nice trips.
I never said Oda sucks or anything like that, but some people want to assume he has everything planned from day 1 and that's bullshit. There is nothing wrong with coming up with stuff on the way as long as they can make sense.
Lmao some faggot made a thread twenty posts before the bump limit
This arc better end with all nine scabbards fighting Kaidou and not some generic Luffy 1v1 I swear
Luffy met Shanks when he was 7, and sailed when he was 17, he should be 19 by now and got a massive power up, so by comparison i can see the Shanks of 12 years ago not being a Yonkou
They will fight Orochi. Kaido is totally for the pirates. Big mom will switch sides along the way.
spoilers usually come out around 3 in the morning user, if it comes out tonight it's still be a day early
Oda's done both but usually he's done much more of the former then the latter. It's not a farcry to say Oda has planned out the vast majority of the content from years back especially the Yonkou saga.
Same for Vivi, her father is the one with massive death flags
If anything the monster trio is trying to catch up to Nami in terms of attack power. She is unironically Yonkou-level in that aspect right now.
>not even at bump limit yet
fuck off
This one was first retard
Are you ready for the scans of the hour to return?
So if I was in Japan right now I could buy a shonen jump and dump the chapter for y'all? Or is not even out in the stores yet?
Don't get our hopes up
I think zoros most underrated feat in the series after timeskip, was when he one shotted Hody underwater, with one sword style. I mean Hody was even on like 3 energy steroids or more at that point.
It'll be out on Saturday Japan time. These scans are provided by people who ship/receive the copies early as they're being sent to stores across Japan.
>making a new thread before the bump limit
Somebody make a new one because fuck those two faggots
>possibility of a traitor arises 3 chapters after Komurasaki (Hiyori) goes into hiding
>Kyoshiro foreshadows traitor's info talking about the crescent tattoo distressing Orochi
>Convinces gullible marimo to swap literal sword god's legendary black blade for unstable handicap sword with constant haki drain days before final battle
>"Hurr duuuuuuuuuuurr, very slim"
that is borderline hentai animation
Wano Act 3: Jean Bart's Revenge
>Boobs jiggle because of physics.
I mean the boob jiggle, the stiff motion, the cheap background and the polish they gave her make it look like so.
>formidable foe
Defeating that fat faggot on Skypiea isn't that big of a deal. Battlefaggots are really obnoxious.
neat as hell