Pictured: a traitor

Pictured: a traitor

Which one is it?

Attached: scabbards.jpg (849x685, 490K)

The ugly ninja

so... all but one of them?

Fat ninja cunt. Only a traitor would be so obsessed with the subject of a traitor. She's always trying to put the blame on Law.

Either Gorobei or Heihachi

There is literally no one else it could be but Shinobu
>Has been utterly incompetent to such a degree it HAS to be sabotage
>Pushed Law away from the Alliance despite how useful the Ope-Ope no Mi would be
>Knows about Hiyori, where she is, and the meeting spot, something all other major traitor suspects lack


Attached: blackbeard zeeehahahaha.jpg (1160x889, 487K)

Raizo, that's why his eyes are shaded.

It's definitely one of the scabbards.
9 scabbards + momo - 1 scabbard = 9 shadows
My vote is Kanjuro, and that he's hiding his power level. He will create a bunch of crazy well drawn ancient japanese art to attack with.

Attached: nine shadows.png (1252x698, 776K)

t. seething lawfags
Law is the traitor

Except he has 0 idea who Hiyori is
>Was Captured by Hawkins before ever meeting her
>Has been wandering around avoiding the alliance so doesn't know she's at the Graveyard
Try using your brain

Momo is the one casting the shadows, dipass.

Female ninja
Her attitude is suspicious.

The one who managed to stay well-fed and get fat in a country plagued with starvation

Attached: shinobu-snake-bitch.jpg (737x802, 68K)

Stop calling her fat! I used to like Law, but Lawfags are making me hate him.

Ashura Douji got (or stayed I guess) Fat, as did Kawamatsu, and the latter was stuck in jail
Trust me there are better less obtuse clues

Don't you mean less Obese clues?

Ashura was stealing food. The Kapa got fed Poisonous food in jail.
We were told how they survived starvation unlike the ugly fat ninja cunt.

I saw the pic and forgot the context, maybe I should reread

Hiyori is the traitor.

Wheres the previous thread

Could actually be it.
Doesn't he look like he fits with Orochi's side pretty well?

Kanjuro's power is too OP for the good guys to have, and Oda likes to have as maximum of a struggle as possible. That is why he is the traitor.

If he's hiding his power, he'd make an excellent spy if he could use his constructs to look lifelike and record information.
Oda could go as far as to him being largely responsible for the fall of the Oden in the first place. In fact whoever the spy is, it would make sense for that to be the case to begin with.

Fat guy from top-left whose name i always forget

Doubtful, he's got more reason than any of them to despise Kaido.

it's not Raizo he destroyed the communications of the prison and Kaido still doesn't know about that
also if they would have had a vivre card attached to him they would have find him in Zou

it has to be someone from Zou or someone that was in Zou at that time

Attached: 1534851449155.jpg (1920x1200, 282K)

Another hint is that Shinobu wasn't there for when Yasui taught the Scabbard Babies how to properly thank Oden.

Only Raizo, Momo, Kanjuro and Kini all time skipped. Kanjuro would know.
Also Kanjuro never was really shown to help, and to him Oden's execution wasn't that long ago.. so it's not like he's been around long without getting rewarded.
Kaido wanted information on Raftel, which was why he helped take over Wano in the first place. If he suspects Momo has that info.. it would make sense for Kanjuro to keep shadowing him and not do anything drastic.

Also Kiku.

I bet it's that dumb kid

It's just edema.
starvation at any size!

Attached: Health04pix.jpg (595x400, 115K)

There's 2 traitors. The Zou one and the Wano one. The Zou traitor is Bepo therefore Law is the snitch bitch and the Wano traitor is Hiyori/Komurasaki.

Shinobu x Law when?

Did Orochi already know Momo was alive, or is the traitor protecting his identity?
He was only just informed about Hiyori here.. so unless I missed something there is something going on here.

Attached: traitor1.png (880x427, 261K)

So what I'm seeing here is that the traitor tried to tell Orochi that Udon got fucked but he didn't believe them.

Well the guy who is running it is brainwashed and telling him otherwise.
My point is the traitor tells him about Hiyori in this letter but not Momonosuke.
So Orochi either already knows about Momo, or the traitor isn't revealing that Momos back.
If he already knows, there could be a larger conspiracy here.
Wouldn't Momo being back be a bigger deal then Hiyori? Why isn't that in the traitor's letter?
If Kaido knew Momo was back and wanted information he might have on Raftel, keeping him at Punk Hazard with other children under surveillance wouldn't be a terrible idea.