Itt: irredeemable trash that you are getting tired of hearing normies say is good

itt: irredeemable trash that you are getting tired of hearing normies say is good

Attached: big cringe.jpg (1920x1080, 365K)

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pic unrelated?

the meme got out of hand and newfags now really think it's a good show

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>waaa we use normalfag here pleasu
don't care, drone

Although it has some pretty big flaws, the story and the plot twists are so good that I think only an attention-seeking contrarian would say that AoT is trash.

It's definitely overrated. My biggest complain about Eva is that it doesn't even care to explain the interesting lore and answer the questions that keep you watching the show in the first place. You're going through episodes asking yourself "What is the true nature of the Angels? How where Evas created? WTF was the First Impact?". And then you reach ep 24 and you realize that a lot of your questions simply won't be answered. You have no chance of understanding the lore by simply watching the show. And it really is a shame. I know that the main focus of the show is its psychological part (which is portrayed very well), but if you're going to add this whole Eva Angel thing, at least put some effort into it. But the show is really unique and definitely a classic despite its many flaws.

>What is the true nature of the Angels? How where Evas created? WTF was the First Impact?"
those questions are all answered tho

It's unironically the best thing in manga right now. Although I think we can all agree he's made some mistakes.

I'm pretty sure you are supposed to self insert as Shinji and be as confused about what's going on as him.

>hating popular things is so kewl xd Yea Forums
Both series took the medium into greater levels, you must be a delusional braindead contrarian retard if you don't they didn't.

Truly SnK took asspulls to another level. Just because your shitshow has "politcs for 15 year olds" thrown in it doesn't make it deep.

wow you are so cool hating the greatest manga of all time

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t. tranny

The anime isn't told only from Shinji's point of view.

If you're a latino I can see why you'd think that.

I don't see even normies talk about this, just the mentally ill /snk/ populace

>took the medium into greater levels
of normalfaggotry


Of course. But in order to draw the viewer's attention it baited him by more information that turned out to be an incoherent mess as it was intended. Giving a clear plot would sway people's attention away from learning and understanding the characters, which was the point of Eva. Basically the whole "lore" of Eva was to have an excuse for robots and lasers, not important. Trying to find a "meaning" in it is pointless.

Filfty animeonly

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the art in this manga is the most atrocious bootleg shit I've ever seen
wouldn't blame someone for being anime-only and I haven't watched an anime since fall 2016

I've seen more than 300 anime and this in my top 5 favorites of all time


Wait, this is what SnK looks like? And you're presenting this as good?

>it's a user has never seen actual irredeemable trash episode

Attached: [BSS]_Genius_Party_-_Limit_Cycle_[79563821].mkv_snapshot_00.25_[2013.12.05_02.10.10].png (720x480, 381K)

>bingewatching garbage because you don't have a life guarantees you'll get taste with time
must be american to think like this

The anime was a slide show the first few eps so dropped it. The manga looks like it’s drawn by a two year old. Is the story really good enough to look past that? Honestly asking not trolling.


normies hate it, reddit pretends to like it ironically, true conoissuers of anime understand how well done it was and how important it is to the history of the medium. if you haven't seen all three parts, you shouldn't even be allowed to post here to be perfectly desu
by posting it in this thread you've outed yourself as a normie

Honestly, the story is great and it only gets better with time. The anime also has great animation especially in seasons 2 and 3.
This entire sequence is just godly animation for example.

The anime's a slog at first if you aren't particularly captivated by the premise. Try the manga if you want to know what everyone's on about; I promise you the art improves

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It this a hate thread?