ITT: Things you have to be an adult to understand fully

I don't mean 2deep4me stuff aimed at pretentious teenagers like the infamous pretentious 3x3. I mean stuff that absolutely requires you have a great amount of life experience for you to appreciate otherwise it flies right over your head.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Miyazakikek thinks anything this hack has made requires a mature audience to appreciate
Manchild please.

this ;)

The only trve answer

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The reason why the mother in wolf children gave up everything to move to the rural outskirts.

Strongest Legend Kurosawa

Almost anything by Takahata. The neorealism and his stoic philosophy is something your average Yea Forums born from middle class untermensch won't understand.

Boku no Pico

Porco Rosso

Not joking.

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I was a year older than the characters and found it uncannily accurate to my postgrad aimlessness

Gotta read the epilogue since I guess it'll predict my future lol

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Asano Inio in general. Can never read more than a few chapters in one sitting with him because it always puts me in a crisis.

I recently finished Punpun and actually felt like it got a little too long and off the rails to be totally effective, but certain moments really did hit fuckin hard.

no. i think your joking it's just a moeblob post apocalyptic show it's not that deep they just wounder around without purpose for the most part

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Somebody send this to miyazaki

I can see that with Punpun but I think its length makes it better, it feels like you're really following this guys life.

The only problem with his stuff is it ruins every other "relatable" or "depressing" story out there. I mean no disrespect towards Evangelion when I say this but I watched it after I had already read everything Inio ever wrote and I thought to myself "I've already seen this, but like, a billion times better and more detailed"

Because she was worried about people finding out about her lycan offspring. Plus it was cheaper.

Ngl its actually pretty good. Gets the mix just right between hot and horror to confuse your dick and it really captures the Miyazaki feel.
He'd complain about how otaku are disgusting then wank off to it.

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Absolutely this.

And while I don't think you have to be an adult to enjoy Cowboy Bebop, my fondness for it grows with age and I like it better with every rewatch, which is strange for me as I usually hate rewatching.

Yeah that's fair. The length felt exhausting but (at least in my personal experience with it) that's what it feels like to grow up with depression and live with it

Only Yesterday, The Wind Rises, My Neighbors the Yamadas, Miss Hokusai

Anything that's not outright teenshit like Shinkai, Hosoda and Satoshi Kon flicks.

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>Ngl its actually pretty good. Gets the mix just right between hot and horror to confuse your dick and it really captures the Miyazaki feel.


user gets it, it's actually a really captivating story with well thought out world building and even plays into some of the original lore but also adds a lot of new stuff, also her story as she transforms more and more and you get to see her body become more and more nonhuman like is really sexy especially when you think of the fact that no human will ever be able to experience her hot new body it's kind of like the ultimate ntr on all of humanity.

Solid bait.

Was with you until you dissed based Kon.

Only Yesterday is peak teenshit, though. It's the favroutie Ghibli movie of all the 16 year old SEAniggers and spics. Educate yourself, worm.

Jesus your description actually makes it way hotter. Might get off to it, even though i'm not usually into weird shit.

The detail/world-building really does make it. Any good parody has to recreate the feel of the original for its own twist to work.

it's totally worth the read i'm still waiting for part 4 to be translated and part 5 to come out i want more. but i'm also learning japanese so i wont need translations.

also i'm not going to lie i always return it, it's weird but in a really captivating way there is something hot about her ntring the whole of humanity for insects that gets me every time to fap and that no human will ever be able to have her cute butt again but an insect will get to claim her butt as much as it wants and breed it's children into her.

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My Neighbors the Yamadas
Pom Poko
Only Yesterday
The Wind Rises
Princess Arete
Miss Hokusai
Bridge Over Dreams
Night on the Galactic Railroad
House of Small Cubes
Iblard Jikan
Windy Tales
Saraiya Goyou
Ocean Waves

Perfect Blue
Tatami Galaxy
Cowboy Bebop
Ghost in the Shell
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
3-gatsu no Lion
Princess Mononoke
Mind Game
Ping Pong
Gurren Lagann
Wolf Children
Turn A Gundam
Night is Short, Walk on Girl

Yeah i'll read it from the start tomorrow maybe. With dat lotion on standby.

I really love the Nausicaa manga in the first place and this feels like the author really loves the story as well, whereas most parody hentai feel devoid of effort, like it would be the same no matter what characters are included.

Is there any other hentai like this? If it was all of this quality I might actually be more into it.

This seems like a very arbitrary list with no real criteria. It also needs more categories if you're going to include so many anime. 2/10 apply yourself.

Ignore him, its just a shitty troll.

Did laugh at how this movie made the German's out to be meaner than the Japanese.

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Can’t take this film seriously with how grating the MC’s voice is

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>Only yesterday
>Wind Rises
>Miss Hokusai
just ok
Sounds like you are trying way too much to look ""mature""

Meme chart but Ocean Waves is still underrated, just needed a better redemption

>love punpun, dedede, and solanin
>figured I'd like girl on the shore
>it's literally asano drawing edgy teen porn
dropped hard

Just giving him a bit of advice if he wants to make better lists/bait. I always respond to trolls with kindness.

>Ping Pong
This one should be adult.

I stopped caring. Trolling used to be "make someone mad" now its just trying to get any weak reply that they can.

picked up

Mushishi to teen

I think you'd have to actually be out of college to really get the point that it's making.

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If only they listen though.

Which one? Anno or Jogolev?

Yeah, or still studying. I wish there would be more anime like this. It made me feel nostalgic.

The former

My next year is my final year of uni and i'm planning to watch it after I finish even though i've been spoiled on pretty much everything. Though if its good that won't matter.

this is really something. pretty god damn strange but an interesting twist on the lore...

I kinda wish i hadn't read this cause now i'll just think about it whenever i reread the manga or watch the film.

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Never truly appreciated or understood gundam outside of its mecha battles until I was much older.

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Based cumbrains

I'm in college and this hit home for me. However, I'm also a bit older than most of my peers as I've spent a lot of time off just to work and save to avoid debt.
I'll occasionally watch episode 9, the scene with Watashi and Higuchi about potential, just to set my mind straight.

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I have a feeling this anime is going to kick me right in the balls when I finally watch it.

I think you don't belong here.

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It's great because the protagonist is in that time of life you realize that you are now part of the "system" and even inconsequential things you do have repercussions to thousands of people

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That's actually really impressive for a porn piece.

Yes. This right here.

kurosawa is the strongest anime character

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I get the point but it's still shit.

Why Rei is best girl and As*ka is shit


Disappearance Diary hit very hard when I first read it, especially since I used to own some Nanako SOS volumes as a teen. I could never really fathom the idea of intentionally escaping from the whole world and living like a drunken hobo, and doing so on various occasions. Moreso the fact of leaving his family behind, returning to it, only to leave it again years later, multiple times. Still, as the years have gone by it resonates a lot more.

While Azuma's art and attitude about it are quite "been there, done that" nonchalant, it hides a very adult anxiety and sort of twisted desire.

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Very good idea for a thread ruined by kids who want to feel like they're big boys

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Does it really work like that? Kids understand things adult can't, and life experience isn't tied to age. Honestly there isn't a single thing in this thread I can't see a kid resonate with.

I disagree. You can understand most plots and concepts at their most superficial level regardless of age, sure. Still, there are some works that are significantly enhanced with age and maturity because they appeal to things you can only really experience by having grown up and become mature yourself. A kid doesn't feel nostalgia or regret over the past the way an adult does. Hell, it takes decades before real, genuine dread over your own inevitable mortality really starts to kick in.

Kids do feel regret and nostalgia user. All it takes is a kid whose parents moved, died, and/or divorced. Not all adults get nostalgia and regret either.
I don't understand why you look down so much on their emotions. Surely you remember how intense and complex your own emotions were back when you were a kid.

Looks like you have some growing up to do.

Different user, but what really gets me is that I am simply unable to feel those same things anymore, and I frequently find that I can't recall those complex feelings or even the events that surrounded them at all. I feel like all I'm doing is hustling to the next milestone to provide the experiences I imagine I had to my two children, then they'll leave and the memories of their youth with disappear just the same as memories of my own have done.

Chances are you simply weren't happy in your youth. It's common to forget in such cases. Doesn't mean your kids will turn out the same.
And even if they forget I don't think it matters, you still participated in their development and they wouldn't be who they are without your investment. Nobody remembers who nursed them during infancy but we still owe them for not dropping us on a rock. Know what I mean? I think it's fine to just line up those milestones the way you do.

>Still, there are some works that are significantly enhanced with age and maturity because they appeal to things you can only really experience by having grown up and become mature yourself
I agree with you to the extent that I believe this is true as it applies to any good work of art. Any anime, or more broadly, any story, will carry greater depth and emotional weight as one matures and gains more life experience. To think that "2deep4me stuff aimed at pretentious teenagers like the infamous pretentious 3x3" is beneath you simply because you don't like it is immature.

>Chances are you simply weren't happy in your youth

I don't know whats worse, that I was an unhappy child and teenager, or that I've been lying to myself for years in the hope to create some happiness to look back on. Whether my boys remember my efforts on their behalf isn't nearly as important as them being good people, however I am personally worried about my own memories of their youth disappearing all the same. And should we really be so eager to line up these milestones when the fact of the matter is that we all understand what the last one is?

On the topic of the thread, I am sure that there are plenty of kids who have a tragic understanding of death and the nature of human existence, but I believe that thoroughly grasping human life is the most adult thing of all. It is doubtless that a child soldier in South Sudan has a concept of death and maybe even sadness at the thought, but all the same they are forced to be soldiers because of the fact they do not understand the value of human life. There aren't many anime that do it well, but I believe you have to be an adult to really understand the concept well. Hell, I've met plenty of adults who can't even do that much.

The enjoyment, or relatability, of some topics is heavily tied to experiences you yourself have had in regards to those topics/things/emotions. It's the same as when a long time anime watcher is utterly unimpressed by a fancy new show all the newbs are fawning over. He has seen it been done before, probably in a better way. I think we can both agree that even though the results are opposite, with one degrading and one deriving enjoyment from past experiences, this is basically the same process as when a person who has experieced things in life then relates those experiences to a work of fiction. Sure, kids can feel nostalgia, and you can live an unhappy childhood. These are experiences which are unique, and will shape how you experience works of art. However, getting to know the world around you, meeting many kinds of people, being in love, caring intimately for the wellbeing of another, working to achieve some goal and then failing/succeding, all these things are the results of cummulative experiences, and therefore naturally take time. Not all adults are mature, as maturity requires a certain degree of self-reflection, but maturity takes time to achieve, and unless the kid/teenager is very exeptional, the time necessary to have gained these experiences will mean they are a young man or a young woman before the experiences have accumulated. Now it would be wrong to assume I am saying maturity is a one stop station. Much like autism and colours, maturity too is a large spectrum, with no clear defined limits. Futhermore, some people become less and less mature with time, retreating into a fortress of stubborness and a belief that they are wise and mature simply because they have many experiences. Here comes your point, having experience does not make a person mature or appreciative. I want to say though, that maturity comes with experience AND self-reflection, and while kids can be well reflected, they lack the experiences to base the reflections around.

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Anime like Wolf Children and Mirai no Mirai can only be truest appreciated once you have children.

Olive shoots.

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You really need to watch it more than once to really understand what Ikuhara was trying to say with it. On first watch and underages will just be like "lol repeat footage and lesbians"

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