Anyone else not a huge fan of the romance in LoGH? Outside of Yang/Frederica and Julian/Katerose, every other romantic relationship is either unfitting/OOC (see Reinhard/Hildegard) or irrelevant.
Anyone else not a huge fan of the romance in LoGH? Outside of Yang/Frederica and Julian/Katerose...
the one with reinhard was thematically necessary and the funniest part of the show but the rest were more like fanservice than actual plot points
It’s a big contrast to yang and fredricas romance but it seems realistically like a political marriage than purely a romantic one
I’ve always seen Reinhard as too married to empire to have any romantic relations with anyone. I’m disappointed that this isn’t the case
Reinharto and Hilda were made for each other. Should have become fuck buddies much earlier. Yang/Frederica was more unnatural. She only wanted the Hero of Facil dick
Get out of logh threads, filthy cumbrain
Alliance cucks are mad
>only 3 known people with wife and children leading happy family lives are Kazelnu, Eisenach and Kempf
Excluding old people with adult children but this is rather amazing with a huge cast like LoGH. And we never even saw Eisenach's family.
Mittermeyer is alright,too. Poplan probably has a bunch of bastard children all over the galaxy
Not even an alliancefag
Phezzani can fuck off,too.
not me but based
Are you a fellow worshipper of mother Terra by any chance ?
For me, it’s Pallas Athena (Minerva), the mighty grey-eyed battle goddess who’d sprang from Zeus’ head
Terra is okay too
Reinhard/Kircheis was the only believable romance in that whole series except for Reuental/that slut, because that one was too realistic by half
Praised by Mother Terra!
>Reinhard’s ship was the Brünhilde
>In Norse mythology, Brünhilde was a valkyrie in love with the hero Siegfried
>Kircheis' flagship is Barbarossa
>Barbarossa died a stupid bitch death
Reinhard just needed someone to hug after he spilled wine on his Kircheis dakimakura.
Also, an heir.
Reinhard only looked unfitting if you believe the stupidity that love should be the only motivation for marriage even when for most of story it's just a question of creating business ties, making the couple more powerful and inheritance rights
>raped and impregnated her
>based on Romance of the Three Kingdoms
>not including romance
Reinhard/Hildegard was peak romance in that series, retard
According to a study, 1 of every 16 women is raped for their first time. Given who she was, all Reuental did to her was give her a typical Wednesday.
Reinhard/Hildegard is more of a deep friendship thing between people who both needed to pick a spouse for the sake of duty. Of course it's gonna hurt modern sensibilities but really these things used to be common and still exist, so why not. It's realistic and a nice change from the same old tired romanticism you see everywhere.
>sleep once with a woman
Didn't they have the pill in the Empire?
I usually wouldn’t mind this but it’s unfitting for Reinhard who is the epitome of a romantic character. He was in love with the empire and his ideals, not people.
I don't understand. Did you want him to remain celibate his whole life, or to be a Fate!Iskandar tier chad who fucks 16 different girls a week?
>except for Reuental/that slut, because that one was too realistic by half
Nigger please, that was true love. And their son will try to usurp the throne.
>He was in love with the empire and his ideals, not people.
It's like you didn't even watch the fucking show. Seriously how can any person see this? Did you watch on 3x speed and skip past every single part with Reinhard and his sister and Kircheis?