Your superior says they've finally captured the enemy that killed everyone else in your unit. He takes you into the next room and there you find the duck in pic related. What do you do?
Your superior says they've finally captured the enemy that killed everyone else in your unit...
I don't know, what is my actual job OP? I'm a soldier of some kind.
If it's me with all of my genre knowledge, I probably get the fuck out of there. God doesn't want duck's suffering to end any time soon, so she'll inevitably escape and kill our asses
Brutal rape
make wife, repopulate unit
That duck is a man you know.
LOUDLY quack in her years until she goes insane
Transmen are the best bros you can ever have. They're men inside and have actual interesting things to say and fun interests, but are also horny, and have vaginas to fuck as bros.
Reenact that one Hal doujinshi.
the big kill
Who would have ever thought that the idea of going balls deep into a middle aged salaryman would get me so hard.
Feed her breadcrumbs
If you rape him you'll be just like him.
>JP LN release delayed or possibly dead
>translated LN release delayed
>No S2 announcement
>no new Restaurant volumes in sight
Why is life suffering
Mating press.
I don't like those blue eyes of her.
Ruin her, just as she did the cobras.
Given all the delays, I'm actually considering reading a Fan TL of the LNs to compare with the official release for perspective. Is there one that's still going or updated or is the furthest that ever happened the abandoned one in early volume 2?
That isn't duck.
>Uwaaa *Pomf*
Daily reminder that female ducks have a vagina that branches out and has an inverted corkscrew shape as to prevent penetration.
Shoot her as fast as I can. No gloating, no monologue.
The longer she's alive, the more likely plot armor's going to kick in.
Ask what my orders are. Clearly my superior officer has something in mind bringing me to her, and I wouldn't want to risk my military career by making assumptions.
Pretty sure killing/raping a PoW is going to get me court marital'd pretty bad.
Unchain her and give her a blanket to cover herself.
Re-educate her so that she is of greater service to the workers of Soviet Union.
Make a solid rational argument about why anarcho capitalism, a society based on peace and non-initiation of force without any kind of government, would bring about the utopia the communist not-russians always dreamed of but inevitably fuck up
user, I have great news! You just one a free, all expense-paid camping trip to Siberia!
I cuddle her and use her stomach as a pillow
Why the fuck are there so few doujinshi?
Tickle her
>if you rape a loli you'll become a loli
Sounds good to me.
You should have never come here
reincarnation as a loli in alternate ww1 europe sign me up
go nanking on her ass
Realize horrible and lewd experiments on her body.
According to the law of cute she cannot be held accountable for her crimes due to being a cute loli
I release her immediately and give her a couple of headpats
Commit a war crime.
>anarcho capitalism
Unironically deserving of the gulag
>Be impressed
>Be disgusted by the enemy
>totally get moving to spare the poor child thrown to fight an adults war
>Either be killed by for treason
>Or by the duckloli couse i`d be that retard that doesn`t expect the girl to be actually a 40yo salary man that doesn`t give shit about human beings
lets be honest, either that or simply ignore her fate due to being too pussy to face a death sentence for somebody else.
Same question for the Dororo doujins. Either nothing or few
Turn 360 degrees and walk away
n o
she still has quite a few of doujins, theres more popular girls with less
>Best part only has one panel
[ ] rape
[x] shoot in the head
I know some anons will question this choice, but the first one leads to her killing you there and escaping. The second leads to her somehow surviving despite you double tapping to be sure then later killing you for revenge. Die later > die now.
There is that one with Dororo getting fucked by Hyakymaru reincarnated cock and then Dororo being a Futa and fucking Hyakymaru
Good taste in doujins
I would never shoot Tanya-chan in the head!
i liked that one
Comrade, there's no need to hide it we all know you preffer to shoot it in the cunny.
-t. Not!stalin
Commit Treason then Marry the Duck
But then you get raped as a loli.
You don't want that, right?
Sensory deprivation and light torture for a few weeks until she stops being able to respond to stimulus quickly. Then start the rape.
>remove chains
>change it into tattered clothes
>use paint to fake whip marks and wrist bruises
>bribe it with pleasure
>tell it to make a sad face
>take pictures
>create propaganda flyers with how the enemy is using poor child slaves as cannon fodder and publicity whores
>dump them into enemy territory en masse
>sell in every news paper
>radio appearances
>emotional speeches
>6.000.000 children sent into concentration camps
>satanic enemy leaders cannibalizing own child soldiers
>enemy soldiers have no idea who runs their corrupt society
>enemy population is demoralized
>more willing to work in secret with us
>have them start a revolution and depose the government in favor of government that seeks peace with us
>meanwhile, adopt loli and participate in slice-of-life shenanigans
Reminds me of best girl(boy) from Fire Punch
Girl(boy)s are the opposite of boy(girl)s.
So true, I have to control myself
I know, that's just the way we called her in the threads, as a joke :^) . Nice numbers btw.
n-no, of course not.
suicide yourself fag
Release her. Clearly my commander has gone insane. This is a child, not the elite fighter who wiped out my unit.
Lick her tummy for a few hours
I'll take cringe any day over a delusional faggot pretending to be a thing you will never be. The only thing in store for you and your kind is suicide so you might as well do it now, why waste any more time?
cutting of your ballsack doesnt mean you have a vagina
You sure made a lot of retard assumptions there about me when I only ever talked about other people.
You don't know what a transman is if you're talking about that
Don't conflate tomboys and mentally ill faggots. Transmen are the most mentally unstable group of people I've ever met.
>"trannies are so based!!!"
>stfu fag
>"I-I'm not a t-tranny I s-swear!!!"
Your parents hate you.
>You don't know what a transman is
A faggot pretending to be a girl.
Next question!
dumb frogposter
>still doesn't know
It's a dyke pretending to be a boy, you dumbass.
I just want to talk about Tanya's smooth and flat body, keep your identity crisis to reddit please
this. they are degenerate faggots who don't even care that their "way of life" is merely a retarded fetish. I utterly despise these people teaching young kids that it's basically normal to think that way. Fucking degenerate faggots
No that's a transWOMEN. See, we normal human being still refer to these people by their actual gender. You are a women pretending to be something else? It makes you a transWOMEN. That way it reminds you that you are still a women.
>trannyposting kills the duck thread
As if we needed extra reasons to hate them.
If your fragile emotions really cannot handle the existence of transmen you probably shouldn't be reading a manga featuring subject matter that upsets you to this degree unless it's part of some kind of exposure therapy, at which point you should be working on trying NOT to flip your shit since that's kind of the point.
this is not a transman trannytard, he did not have this dick cut off and replaced with a gaping hole like your kind does
This person was reborn in an actual female body
Reeducate her by sending her back to nursery then kindergarten and gaslighting her into believing she's a little girl so she'll grow up to become prim and prissy girl
Shoot her in the head.
Normal people handle their emotions a lot more responsibly than you fags, any hatred we feel for you is not expressed in the delusional rage that you express towards us
Trans men are male minds in female bodies, I can you're having a lot of difficulty with this user but it's really simple.
>male minds in female bodies
Trannies actually think this... You can't make this shit up.
Exterminate with extreme prejudice.
I've always fantasied about kissing tanya in the battlefield as i pursuit her and hold her down just to kiss her and not kill her
Wait, what's the difference between a trans woman and a trans man?
One is a woman, another is a man.
Trans men are men who have vaginas
Trans women are men who want attention
Cuddle her.
Aren't transmen cyborgs or genetically engineered ubermen or something?
Ideally yes
>Why don’t we just put a bullet in her and be done with it?
I'd rather put a baby in her
She is the baby
Put baby 2 in.
i see you're a soldier of culture as well
Not if you win the war
Is it even possible to actually want rape? I seems like you really can't do it based on the definition of the term.
Sounds dangerous. Remove her limbs. Alternatively, tickling. Lots and lots and lots of tickling.
Are you one of the trans fags?
>vagoo - check
>milkies - future check
>female hip bones - check
>can birth a human baby - check
If you think you're a man, but have a female body - you just a girl with mental problems.
So are we just not going to discuss the movie?
Free her because I'm an honorable idiot who doesn't believe a child is capable of that. Then die in the aftermath.
There's already been several threads about it
another one won't hurt? better than shitposting
I liked when it turned into nanoha, that was neat
god I wish that were me on the right
Well, okay, I guess. What were your favorite and least favorite parts of the movie?
i liked the beam spam, I hated that it was over so quickly
Fuck off Soviet Russian.
I would switch sides for this loli.
why arent u on her side in the first place
Interrogate without breaking war laws.
Hug her and let her go
>decide to make new youjo senki thread
>come up with eyecatching OP to generate interest
>hope there'll be good series discussion
>instead almost every post is a direct reply to the OP scenario
>about how people want to fuck or love the duck
>decide to give up and just go to bed
>wake up
>thread is still going
user no
shes a war criminal
Amputate arms and legs, have her shipped around the frontline for the soldiers' benefits.
>Amputate arms and legs
>not locking her in a barrel and forcing her to subsist entirely on cum and piss
If she's not going to reveal enemy positions, get rid of her and demoralize her side.
>that pic
I think you need to go back
You played yourself.
The idea of having their mary sue captured is demoralizing in and of itself. Whether you shoot her immediately or pump her full of russki baby batter doesn't mean much.
105 replies and nobody suggested the obvious.
>give us information about your army, government, etc. and live a comfty life at our expenses
Did you guys even watched the show?
I want to hatefuck Mary Sue
>every tanya doujin is crap
not like this
Start reading a copy of the bible at her
Sonzai X will make the last one that raped duck switch their soul
even better
So, as long as she keeps getting raped, the soul won't switch?
We've got a deal.
What would you do if you found paralyzed Mary Sue in her hospital bed?
>Cut off her life support.
>See if she can mary sue her way out of it.
Jesus dude
pretty sure god would asspull her back
You don't get it - monologuing before shooting gets you more chances to survive imminent plot armour activation.
If you just shoot her, you will be just a nameless mook that is blown to bits by arriving cavalry. If plot armour interrupts you mid conversation, you are much more likely to survive.
Imagine being given these propaganda photos.
I headpat the duck until it likes it
Pretend she's a kebab and proceed to remove her. Hopefully NATO won't bomb me for it this time.
Whats this? A tanya thread without best tanya? You'll eventually like it if i post it enough.
false idol
Please stop.
Holy shit, she is literally BEGGING for Soviet dick. She DESERVES to be raped just like Germany deserved to be raped for going against the people of Judea.
What kind of captain wouldn't wear their full military uniform? She should have clothes on under her jumpers.
How is she gonna go to the toilet if they chained her up?
>Literally can't die from enemy attack, presumably even from indirect attempts like
She's too dangerous as it stands, probably the only way to get rid of her is to convince her to self-destruct somehow. Maybe it'd be possible to get her to do that move Tanya did to get the Silver Wing medal, only without holding back on the whole blowing yourself up part.