I give it a 6.5/10, pretty overrated
What is your honest rating for this anime?
I already gave it a 4/10 on my [redacted] account. Won't be changing the score.
i gave it 10 on MAL :----------D
Zenitsu must die/10
i gave it 10 on MAL :----------D
Is the best battle Shonen since Yu Yu Hakusho.
Story: 9.5
Main character: 10
Cast: 9
Music: 10
Backgrounds: 10
Direction: 9
Sound effects: 10
Character design: 10
Setting: 10
Stakes: high
Nezuko: best girl
10/10. It's my contender for AOTD, the story is unironically really good. the contrast between tanjirous hate for demons but compassion for demons is really stunning.
Best Anime of the 21th century
It's pretty good, 7/10
It's better than average is all. I'm only interested because the manga is amazing. If it was able to get this much hype off of the Rui fight alone then it's going to become absurdly popular.
bredy gud, 7.8/10
Definition of a 5/10 elevated to a 6/10 because of animation and ost.
animation : 9
story : 4
7.5, Run of the mill typical shounen fighter but the fault lies with the plot. Visually well done on the studio's part.
-6.5/10 once Hero academia comes back it will be forgotten
Visuals: 10
>Characters: 10
How? They're all defined by a single trait. Some even less than that. Tanjirou is the definition of a standard shonen boi and Nezuko acts like his fucking pet its sickening.
But she is a pet.
based Herochad
would be 10/10 if they knew how to pace the non-fight segments. Last 2 episodes felt like they were an hour long.
Oh god, its starting.
The people who think SnK and HxH fans are annoying will understand real pain soon enough.
The only things that i don't like about the anime are the ridiculously big eyes and the childish attempt at humor (fuck Zenitsu), so basically things that I can easily overlook. So far, the anime does an excellent job at adapting a rather mediocre manga. The story is ok, the main character is the basic good guy, the animation is godly (I never thought 3D could look so good in an anime) and the soundtrack is beautiful (ep 19 is a masterpiece). But I started reading the manga and I must say that, unfortunately, there are some pretty big asspulls that bother me a lot.
Wait till Jojo part 6 comes out.
It's fine. I only read manga tho.
also wtf is up with these turbovirgins going "ackshually I rated x on my epic anime profile and I WON'T be change for no stacey mkay honey"
did this really become an argument in here lately lmao
>once seven deadly sins comes back it will be forgotten
I've never seen anyone give a shit about SDS.
Could be 8/10, Zenitsu knocks it down to a 7
I'm just shitposting, I read the manga, then watched the anime to see if it was decent it fucking wasn't
Anime: 6
Manga : 5
One of the few examples in which the anime is better than the manga
this can't be bros it was suppose to be mediocre
Animation is good but the story is your average cookie cutter shounen plot. Also the comedy is meh.
The setting is its strongest point
5/10 really mediocre
Genuinely enjoyable/10
Literally nothing is above average outside the production values. No idea why Ufotable decided to bless this mediocre manga with their magic powers instead of acclaimed manga with no adaptations like Vagabond or Kingdom.
Kingdom has an adaptation
Muzan looks like Mihawk in this picture.
that's the joke
even then it just looks above average not amazing, it is not that expressive or well-directed
Shocked I didn't know this desu considering how much I like the manga. Is it any good?
I think the animation during the fights and varying styles of the fights is well beyond 99% of anime. Its let down by its meaningless character designs and unmemorable artsyle though.
Can you expand on the point about the directing please?
this its just a blatant mha ripoff
Compared to the manga it's absolute garbage
honestly I do not have much to say, I just feel like it is bog standards, rarely is something presented in a meaningful or unique fashion, JoJo for example had some cool shots and unique decisions like the color shifts, people like Shibo or Imaishi will usually find really entertaining ways to present whatever is on screen even if it is just a exposition scene or a Yamada Naoko series would have far more expressive body language
Ufotable mostly banks on their effects and a fair amount of movement in action scenes but it does not really have a unique character or something like that
Honestly speaks to Ufotable's GOAT status that they can elevate material like this to being mentioned by celebs, having the most acclaimed epiosde of the year beating out AoT and MS and rated 29th on MAL (I know we like to pretend MAL ratings are meaningless but still) If they adapted Berserk or Vagabond as you said then FMA Brotherhood would be kissing its top spot goodbye.
As is Vinland Saga
Even though Ufotable's one of my favourite studios along with Shaft and Trigger (Although I wish the latter would start making something different for a change) I have to agree. The focus is on pretty but not uniqueness. Which works very well for fate but maybe not for KnY whose artstyle prevents it from being next level pretty.
Thank you.
I honestly don't know what people praising the visuals of VS are looking at. It looks so stiff and lifeless to me it murders my immersion. However it has gotten me to read the manga after dropping it at the 6th episode and i'm loving it so far.
I thought i was the only one who didn't enjoy the anime but loved the manga
yeah basically my opinion, I think the best dirrected things they have done are the Kara no Kyoukai movies, I know they are movies and therefore of course going to be more polished, but clever directing is not hindered that much by budget
You're definitely not alone. Something about the anime makes it so hard to get into. Maybe its the basic ass opening or the Naruto running or the weird faces but I just can't enjoy it even though I can't find any giant flaws.
Actually yeah its the weird faces. Utterly bereft of expression. Killed AoT for me.
7/10 I liked the manga a bit enough to read weekly, but I think the anime is doing a better job.
I would have given this a 8/10 but Zenitsu is ruining my enjoyment so 6/10.
i'd give it a 6 out of 10 but if zenitsu fucking died I would give it a solid 7.5 out of 10
why are toonamifags so prone to fanbase warring
bec they are children
ok guys I'll watch it
mediocrity, no more
inouske added a little flavor to the show but it was too late for that
I honestly didn't expect Vinland Saga getting an anime adaptation, I read years ago that the author was against it and I wondered why but now I think I understand why. I suspect I'd be disappointed by an anime adaptation of Kingdoms too.