(it feels like it could simply be several kinds of ways to interpite the story and ending. But it feels strongly at most a character that was FORCED to become the MC and wanted something more to be with his sister and replaced his self being and future with to only see or be with her again, like his world can't exist without her alone)
His identity was so warped that he became a tragic character who died. He spent 10 years killing himself and continuing to live because he was a walking contradiction. Then he died. His arc ended as the fire punch, as the actor.
His sister told him to live. They had an intimate relationship and a set up was built early on for 'something'. This was repeated again. But this time before telling him to 'live' she killed him and he was born as a new man. This is a perfect cyclical example of a resolution in that specific arc of the story, and it's a nice emotional resolution. His identity was killed and he continued living. In a dying world, which she chose to save so he could continue to live happily. The world is always hurling towards oblivion. It's far more nhilistic than berserk or even helck. The universe always dies, and the world ends, that's always the set up.
The conflict of the world is with nhilism. A reality that trivializes human experience, feelings and condition. It's all reinforcing that this isn't a world worth living for many of it's characters and that's what most of it is pivoted around of.
-Togata just wants to jack off watching movies, there is no meaning to much of her continued life. -Agni continues on a made up revenge quest that he is conflicted on, and by the end doesn't care about because it was all just an excuse. Anger made him feel less pain -Judah has few reasons to live and is just keeping up a rotting world, propping up just for appearances.
The author frames this against a fatalistic world. Not once do we see them come together to try to save it. This world can't be saved, they can't be saved.This world will always go cold. Their experiences only matter to them. Their values too. The reality of the pov characters if often described as incoherent.
There is a conflict against a meaingless cold at the heart of the story. Which ends with the pursuit of transcendental love.
Love conquered, a meaningless existence. They died in a dark world, an empty world, a world with nothing but their love driving them. Then they died, only when their true love was fufilled. The movie theatre wasn't even heaven, it was just what a character thought it would be, so it was another part of the unreliable narration and framing of the universe and world. It was a socially constructed artificially place without intrinsic meaning.
The MC has a sister fetish and the main antagonist destroyed the world so that a new starwars could be made. The story is fucking dumb as shit 10/10
Lucas Price
San, the blonde shota San became Agni and the blonde woman that found agni on volume one just assumed the Luna identity.
Now fuck off
Asher Gonzalez
That image cracked me the fuck up, thanks.
Kevin Russell
This so much. It doesn't have a real purpose, unless you think a siscon fat man added some kind of deep nihilistic message on it
Logan Carter
Identity was one of the big issues of the work, and that it might not really matter. Do you as a human matter more than your role? Fire Punch seems to say that whatever your role in the world is, it is bigger that the 'you' in specific. Agni/San2 were more important as symbols of love or of safety than they were as people, and Togata found solace in his/her role as a director of Agni so much so that it eventually too precedence over them as a person. Then the idea of the, for better or worse, permanence of love and that is lasts far beyond you as a human. There seems to be a running theme of what you do being more important than who you are.
I wouldn't say the story is about any one thing as a whole, more that the author played with several concepts throughout the run.
Elijah Reed
its a nice read with good symbolism. The enjoyment comes from seeing the MC transform into a kind of warped Christ figure. He's a savior that kills his flock. Also he literally gives them his body to eat.
Jose Jackson
Damn this hit deep
would you say it's approirate to say that in the end despite the world being doomed from the start and reality colapsing, love triumphs even the worst of the world?
Xavier Rivera
It almost sounds like love goes beyond the simple contruct of reality
or we as people are only defined by our actions rather our ideology and morales, not be how we think but how we act?
I would irl, agree that how we act defines us more than what we think. That actions > beliefs. But how that relates to Fire Punch as a whole is hard to say. That may be the point, that Agni was defined by acting like the Fire Punch more than he was being the confused moron that he was in his head, but Fujimoto's thoughts on the matter seem to be rather vague to me so it hard to get what he was going for. But as for the love portion I would say that is 100% what he was going for.
I really liked the unpredictability of the story, so it's worth reading even only for that imho. But I also liked following Agni's state of mind, he's a very tragic character to me: someone trying desperately to live out of love for his sister, even if his existence is actual, physical pain and his ever progressing mental breakdown as he lets the real state of things get to him. Eventually he's so broken that he can't live on, but his immortal body and the obsession that he develops for his sister keep him surving for another day, and another, as he gets more hollow and guilt-striken inside: that's his curse. Only after having his memories removed can he find happiness, but are you really even yourself anymore if your memories and personality is gone? He's basically dead at that point, as he "rejoices" with his sister in the cinema. His curse is then gone, and he gets to live a happy life as San before drifting through space for eons, and only after millions and millions of years his new self finally meets up with Luna. I think it's interesting how both Agni and Judah ended up taking someone else's name in the end: It's kinda like an act. I guess that's the main theme of it all: How you sometimes have to act differently from how you feel or are to keep living, and how the world asks of everyone to "act their role".
I don't know how much sense what I wrote makes, it's kinda late and I hope that it didn't come out as some massive world salad, but that's how I see it. It was an enjoyable ride. Also Togata best girl
Let me explain you pseuds what it's really about. This manga is a subversion of the little sister genre. It starts with a brother losing his sister and becoming punished Agni, a fallen siscon. Then, as he keeps failing to come to terms with the fact he will never fuck his real sister, he fools himself and settles for a fake. The story continues and he ends up losing even himself and becoming someone else. But despite everything, when you think this is a tragic story about how fucked up being a siscon is, it turns back around and shows you that incest is in fact one of the most powerful force in the universe. Both Agni and Luna are long gone at this point but their new incarnations still find each other. It's the power of sibling love transcending death itself.