What happened to the cyberpunk genre...

What happened to the cyberpunk genre? The last decent one we got was pic related and it has already been more than 6 years ago

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When you churn out low-quality variants of something constantly, people eventually get tired of it and move on. In other words "the fad ended."

Cyberpunk started becoming reality so it lost its allure.

season 3 when

Next month

can't find any trailer

>What happened to the cyberpunk genre?
Stop pretending decent cyberpunk was ever commonplace. Just make a timeline and you'll see. There is roughly one decent cyberpunk anime per decade.

That's not a cyberpunk anime tho

Yes it is

Just being set in a future dystopia isn't enough requirements met to be cyberpunk. Cyberpunk was never that common in anime.

Must you ask the same question every week?

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thats because there isnt a trailer. however, it IS right there at #5 on anichart for next season. the "video" it has for a trailer is just some music, a poster, and some moon-runes. its still happening.
next month/season is season 3.

Black Lotus comes out next year. And as others have said Psycho Pass 3 comes out soon although I don't have high hopes for it, honestly felt it should've ended after season 1.

I can understand why people have that view, ending it at S1 would have left the series as untarnished but I really do enjoy seeing more and more of the society/world so I'll take as much as I can get.

Well at least they can't fuck up harder than season 2.

Also a new GiTS is coming out but that's always the case.

Read a book without any pictures in it, you illiterate mongoloid.

A book... without any pictures? What replaces the pictures then?

Season 3 is cancelled/on hold because I.G is doing final season of attack on titan

Words,just like in HxH.


I'm honestly baffled every time I remember anything about S2. Everything went in such a weird direction and the pacing was fucked even for 11 episodes. At least it gave us this gem.

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It doesn't sell.
And this.

Just watch Bubblegum Crisis again.

S3 is going to be great.
Believe it.

>S2 was shit
>movie was shit
>S3 will be great guys

The film was okay.

Pandora was p. good.

Watch the non-engrish version from nyaa. Way better than the original.

I started with that one, but it also replaced Japanese dialogue so I watched the original instead.

I still wish Makishima gets resurrected.

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Are those movies (or was it one movie) out yet? With or without subs, i'd take anything at this point.

Out only in cinemas.

They come out on blu-ray tomorrow.

Ah ok, thanks anons.

throughout season 1(i believe i dropped it afterwards) i only thought about how everybody shoots each other with exploding fucking bullets and they wonder why their mental health gets fucked. literally the most important thing in their society is their mental yet they gore each other, who wrote this garbage?

Governments in real life are more retarded.

You'd assume the system only assign detective jobs to people that can handle gore fine.

Don't worry user when Cyberkino 2077 comes out it'll kick start next big wave of cyberpunk shit.

This, also the fact that the rest of the detective workforce is made up of people who were already removed from society.

or don't use alahu akbar bullets, i reckon that could be a step in the right direction?

I'm not gonna argue that violently exploding people is less traumatic than bullets but they already only hire people equipped to deal with killing in the first place, plus sometimes they have to take on robots and other shit.
We all know the real answer here is 'Urobutcher loves it' but they at least gave it a little thought.

it was enough to deter me from watching it

You do you man, S1 was the best anyway. You're not missing much by not watching the rest.

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cope brainlet, your anime is shit, you're probably too