Do you apply the "three episodes rule" or do you need just one episode or even less than that to tell whether you're going to like an anime or not?
Do you apply the "three episodes rule" or do you need just one episode or even less than that to tell whether you're...
The three episode rule is for morons and casuals
Three to five episode rule if I'm iffy on the anime, one if its trash.
Just two works fine for me, but exceptions always exist
It's usually pretty obvious from the first half an episode if it's either terrible or just something I don't like. Some things will start promising and take a dive or just not capitalise on the strong start, but that can happen at any point.
I can tell if its going to be shit by looking at the promo art
if I found myself lost and i can't get what's going on in the anime I will immediately drop it, sometimes some of animes really don't give you that feeling of being a really good one until late episodes like 8 or 9
Establishing a doctrine like that where every time you watch a show you have your patience meter so stuck up your ass that you hard filter anything that doesn't meet your strict dam of expectations just 3 episodes in reeks of stupidity. It reminds me of those kids back then that used to brag that they had 400-500 completed shows on their notepad. Mindlessly gobbling up shows for no other purpose than to inflate a number is just pure sociopath behavior and not any way to enjoy what you're watching; they've gotten it all wrong. I bet if you asked them a particular plot point or tried to discuss any show with them, their retainment would be so bad that they just instantly clam up and go "yeah, yeah" riding a life raft over the conversation.
Each show is different and burns in a radically different pattern. You can't use a 3 episode stopwatch because you will abort so many shows that, unfortunately, you would have probably ended up loving had you not picked up this dumb trait. Some shows I didn't end up loving until well into the second half of the plot. I'm sure everyone already is aware of this fact, they just have another idea driving them on like the feeling that they need to autopilot themselves through dozens of shows in a short time frame.
I normally watch until i get bored and then i don't pick it up never again.
I don't think you need to love it at first; that comes later. But if a show starts off bad, you can be pretty certain that it will stay bad.
If the first half of the first episode doesn't grab me I drop it, ez
Based. Anything else is wasting your time.
Just read the manga. Its quicker and if you really like it then switch to the anime. Or don't because manga is a better medium.
How about anime originals?
If I start watching something I see it through even if it's terrible.
>seasonal shit
>not an adaptation
pick one
Most things can be safely disregarded from just the promo art + synopsis. Most of the things that pass that stage are revealed to be complete garbage in the first episode. Others are eventually dropped when it becomes clear that they will not offer any entertainment, which may occur in the third episode or afterwards.
What about old anime originals or OVAs?
I'll skip through episodes now, I stopped giving a fuck.
3 episode is a general rule.
1 episode is possible if I really really don't think the show has anything further for me.
20 episodes in is the except for shounen, which is why I think some people have a hard time with shounen. 3 episodes isn't enough to grasp a series that could run 300.
Battle shounen are even more formulaic than other genres. You don't need to watch any more of them to know if they're made well or not.
what about me? i only watch seasonal anime nowadays because i want to browse a /threads/ and i get sad when i see a thread about an anime from a few years back that i didnt watch at that time.
for instance i dropped mirai after 1 episode because of the mc, but the yandere became one of the most iconic characters ever. and i just wish i had continued watching it
this but only if i start watching episode 2
Its not about "made well" so much as trying to figure out the plot progression. Of course "BATTLE SHOUNEN" as you put it are going to be paced slowly generally to get maximum episodes for advertising and so that it doesn't catch up with the manga and to actually well appeal to shounen. Of course if you don't like either of these things you shouldn't get into shounen in the first place, but sometimes like Black Clover for example, or HxH to some extent too, will surprise the hell out of even the most skeptical anime watcher.
I usually just read the manga. Otherwise I watch one or more episode than the mandatory exposition one, so three I guess.
The better or worse a title is, the less material you need to see to realize it. The more episodes you have to see to decide if it's good or bad, the more average it is.
Depends on the genre. For example: in shounen battle/adventure stories eoth male MCs, it usually takes less than 5 minutes to determine if said MC is going to be shit and stay shit. For every other genre it takes longer, but never more than 2 episodes/1 volume to determine if the story is worth spending time on.
I apply a 1/3 rule when the first episode doesn't tell me enough to decide if I should drop it or not, but generally, if I pick something bad, I almost always end up dropping after 10 or so minutes.
Then watch those of course, but there aren't a whole lot of anime originals compared to the number of adaptations.
There are a lot of course, but as a percentage its pretty small.
If my friends recommend it Ill go for three episodes, even longer because they're my friends and I dont mind giving something a chance so long as I dont hate it.
If it's a original, you can go by the studio and the director and writer itself to have a idea of what to expect before it even starts airing. You have PVs to watch too.
>I only watch seasonal anime
Well its your fault for making such a retarded choice.
Most of the anime i've watched i've dropped on the first episode.
This is because anime in general sucks and I only want to watch the absolute best.
I only watch anime where the mc isnt some beta bitch. Filters out a lotta crap.
I don't need three episodes to drop shit like Nisekoi or Isekai smart phone
Sucks for you to miss out on the objectively greatest anime ever.
3 episodes if I'm still not interessed, but might watch more if it's anime original just for the sake of watching with Yea Forums.
3 episodes rule if you have enough time to spare.
>You can't use a 3 episode stopwatch because you will abort so many shows that,
No, you won't. Three episode is more than enough to grasp what an anime has to offer and if you will like it or not.
>battle shounen
like i said i need to keep up with the threads and dont have time leftover for older shows
I usually watch half a cour at least, unless it's absolutely god awful
I usually like to give things at least 2 episodes because there have been a lot of series I've watched where the first episode was the worst one and very few where it's the best one. I've seen a few series that in the end I'd rate at least 7/10 that had a mediocre first episode so it can be worth it.
I'm pretty sure there's only 2 anime I've dropped after episode 1, and one of those was double length so it doesn't really count.
How often do you drop shows?
I think I might either have bad taste, be extremely lucky or extremely tolerant, because I don't think I've ever watched an anime that I hated enough to drop. The only one I couldn't get into to follow regularly was Mushishi, and even then I intend to finish it.
the only anime I couldn't even give the 3 episode rule to was Kemono friends s2
the first epi just pissed me off so badly
I haven't watched it. What happened?
I find the 3 episode rule to be fair when it comes to 12 or 24 ep anime and i try to follow it, but for a couple years i drop shows after 4 or 5 eps. I dont know why it takes longer, maybe i'm waiting for them to get interesting, only to be disappointed.
I think one episode is enough to set the tone of the series, which I consider more important than the story itself in terms of weighting whether that particular anime is worth your time or not. The plot will kick in later, that's for sure, but after a single episode you should have gotten a sense of the pacing and the general mood, which is what matters. Easy examples, but Gurren Lagann and Steins;Gate's first episodes tell you right away what attitude they demand from their viewer in order to be enjoyed.
I only watch an anime if the opening or ending is good
My drop rate is about 5%. Considering some people mention theirs being at least 50% I feel quite lucky.
I've also only finished a handful of shows that I'd rate 3/10 and generally seem to think the vast majority are at least 6/10. Even if people want to call it bad taste to have a very high average it doesn't matter if you're actually having fun with anime.
You won't get the full team assembled until 10-15 episodes in and the banter and cute girls are often the reason to watch. First episodes are often pretty janky with exposition before the series gets into its first arc too.
In short, only watch if you really want to fuck the VA or are really recommended it through another thread and have to slog through the intro.
>tfw no healing succubus waifu