So far, this is page/panel of the year imo

So far, this is page/panel of the year imo.

Three months left for something to beat it.

Attached: 306c27c15f1d034c6cde437354b8b589.jpg (836x1200, 224K)

litearlly any page from jojolion looks better than this retard

She can't smell the fireworks because she has no nose, how touching.



>i got cucked

sure, my favorite

Not talking about the art, but what else can you expect from a JoJo fan?

reddit manga

Attached: komi_they saw.jpg (704x2648, 787K)

>Tadano faces toward Manbagi and away from Komi
What do they mean by this

It doesn't this masterpiece.

Attached: tomo-chan_c051_p130.jpg (1296x1967, 566K)