2019, many people still HATE SnK!
What is wrong with you guys? Are you mentally stuck in 2013?
2019, many people still HATE SnK!
What is wrong with you guys? Are you mentally stuck in 2013?
Sure, I was always a bit more of a Capcom man, but I could never hate SNK.
I don't hate SNK I hate your Yea Forumstier general threads.
>it gets good after 90 chapters, just trust me!!
fuck off, I won't sit through 90 chapters of mediocrity.
Current SnK is even worse
this. and it doesnt even seem that good at its peak anyway.
based partybro
god my balls smell musky
I only hate shitren and shitrendog's disgusting followers. I know you're an EHfag as well so fuck you on that as well.
It gets good at chapter 1. OP is talking about retards who hated SnK because of the anime hype. He isn't talking about the manga being bad and turning good later.
fucking brainlets
Somebody: write something or made a post about anything eccept shipping
EMfags: ....fuck off EH poster
hating snk because muh nazi apology is the new trend, user
So this is the new forced meme now that the hunter''chads'' lost it's steam?
If you voluntarily read trogh tens of chapters of this pile condensed mediocrity it is only because you have enjoyed it, and I don't trust people with shit taste when they tell me it gets better
I don't get those guys, the "jews" are portraied in a sympathetic way, why'd they complain
Fuck nu-Yea Forums and fuck your shitty Yea Forums generals.
Maybe peole will hate it less if you fags stop being so obnoxious
>judging a series by meta factors
ah yes the 4channel pseud shtick
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand SnK
>Eren planned it all from the start
>dude timetravel, its so smart
>no its not a plothole, you're just a speedreader
>the main dude being able to time travel just made it more kino, its not an asspull
>shitren and shitrendog
>clearly talking about EMfags first
Try to use this undeveloped brain of yours sometimes
Not really time travel, mostly just memory manipulation
Your reading and comprension skills are 0.
Isn't even timetravel, just memory manipulation trought PATHS (that are literally outside from the rules of space and time, is literally esplained in the manga), plus eren for now only manipulated his father in that simple moment, he isn't the mastermind behind everything!
>muh PATHS
>it just works, dont worry about it, it doesnt have t make sense, its just magic
Read this ,you moron. Instead of shitting you should TRYING to understand the plot and not conveniently forget about all the plot points just because you hate the SnK.
jesus christ what a mess
Hey, when HxH do something similar everyone praise it like the second advent of jesus.
Why when SnK do this everyone shit on it? It's not fair.
>hxh 2.0
oh nonono aotbros
i dont watch hxh
>someone create something difficult to explain but actually credible , interesting and that don't cotraddict any rules estabilited (so not an asspull)
>buhhhh is HxH2.0. Or JoJo 2.0
>snk isnt filled with asspulls
>Eren gains powers right as he needs them in the last possible moment, and if no new powers are avalable, mikasa will save his ass instead
The only power eren obtained outside eating another shifter is the hardening, but the bottle was foreshadowed inside Rod's pocket many chapters before that (burning eren in s1 doens't count since it's a filler), as i said the WH powers are obtained after eating the WH shifter, the coordinate is perfectly explained with Dina fritz's past and the fact that someone is costantly saving his ass is because only REALLY STUPID AND USELESS SOLDIERS would let die their only hope to fight titans/marleyans!!