What the fuck is going on?

What the fuck is going on?

Attached: Saki_and_Maria.png (805x461, 395K)

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Nothing unusual. Apparently bonobo chimps do this to each other all the time

Just bonobo things.

>You see user, when two young people are sociologically programmed to fuck in a desperate attempt to stem their potentially world-ending ESP powers...

>no shading at all, shitty cg

Everyone fucks to blow off stress, but teens are compelled to do it with people of the same sex so they don't have to deal with unwanted pregnancies. There's implications that this behavior is pretty rampant throughout their society, even to the point of incest. This was the episode that proved half the people watching this were paying zero attention, because it was all spelled out by the minoshiro.

That is a myth.

I dunno about you but I never fucked my friends, you fucking cock gobbling homo nigger.

Pretentious shit.


Attached: shinsekai yaoi.gif (500x281, 702K)

I guess you were in that half.

What's goin on is an overrated garbage show

But the script is really good!

hey, let the white liberals believe their faux sexual liberation is in any way revolutionary


Of course you can't watch a series, you can't even read a short post to the end.


I read the link you gave and it isn’t exactly what I’d describe as a debunking. The stuff that’s “debunked” are dumb ideas that were never supported by facts (i.e. bonobos are matriarchal, bonobos are egalitarian etc.) The general premise, that bonobos use sex as a tool for bargaining and conflict resolution, and are to a degree less aggressive and less hierarchical than other closely related primates, is generally accepted as fact and not contradicted by the link you gave.

>watch anime for yuri
>maria gets the dick
>meh it's a good show anyway, let's finish it
>read manga
>girl after Saki's cunny dies
>nope, dropped

There is very little evidence to suggest they are less aggressive than other primates

I havn’t looked at any data myself, but from that article...
>Saxon writes that bonobos seem to be more peaceable than chimpanzees in a couple of respects. Chimpanzees form patrols and team up to battle rival groups. They do not tolerate overlapping ranges. Bonobos don’t patrol and tend to avoid contact with other groups; their ranges can overlap. Within groups, there is less lethal violence when fights do break out among bonobos and infanticide is rare at best.
Just saying bonobos are less aggressive than other primates is going to be confusing to the lay person though because apparently, as that article suggests, the difference is minute, and probably not even worth talking about seeing as how chimps are very aggressive to begin with.

Is this what must be done to combat the incel menace?

>bonobos are more peaceful than chimps because they mutilate each other rather than outright kill

I wonder if the anime aired in current internet climate we'd get
>queerats are coded as black slaves
>kill all PK user (code for whiteys)
>Squealer should have won

That's different enough.

Made me laugh, nice one

Less aggressive=/=peaceful. You are the confused layperson I mentioned in my previous post.

whatever man, the chimps sound more honourable than the degenerate leftist cumbrain bonobos

Kek, well it is certainly true bonobos don’t live in some monkey utopia.


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This is a NEW WORLD, after all.

Fujo pandering while trying to rip off a Brave New World.

So apparently the death feedback comes from wolf dna or something? How does that work with wolves irl?

Every day until you remember her.

Attached: Reiko.jpg (1920x1080, 86K)

Why are yurifags allowed outside their containment?

Thats not the death feedback but its the attack avoidance something. Death feedback is the extreme reaction one would get if they persist on attacking another human (shit got reinforced by the paper doll ritual).

Purest form of love.
;_; Maria


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