ITT: Post overrated shit
ITT: Post overrated shit
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no u
Post things that the general public (as far the people who watch anime at least) really enjoyed that I did not like as much?
garbage and astolfo is the worst faggot character ever
why did nobody like yoichii a top tier faggot character cute boy?
I'll cut you, nerd.
better than basedboy bebop
Keep tradition & always start this thread with Monster.
just because one crap is a tiny bit less crappy than other crap doesn't mean it stops bein crap
>brainlet and uncultured swine thread
absolute garbage
only good thing about it is how catchy the op is
Read the manga you moron
My thread isn't an ironic one though
No eva is okayish at least it's characters are good
but anno is a stupid hack faggot
is that the 4kids version?
fuck off you actual npc retard you don't know anything about aot
Yoichi is top-tier trap. I nutted to his doujin so many times.
Saying Monster is overrated isn't ironic.
it's shit
Saying Monster is overrated is retarded
The same can be said about most posts in this thread. It's all subjective.
2013: snk is shit because is just a generic "the walking dead" but with giants
2019: snk is shit because is an overcomplicated political bullshit about war.
You haters are such a bunch of hypocrite
>all haters are 1 person
Stop being a retard.
fuck right back off to reddit tripfag
So, which excuse you have to hate it? You prefered "muh survival story"? Or you just hate political intrigue?
it's just shit
why are fans so shit
aot at it's worst is still a million times better than the walking dead at its best
I just binged watch AOT in one day. AOT is the best anime show I’ve ever watched and will ever watch because I know I fell in love with the characters and the incredible intelligence that overflows the plot I can already tell the author of AOT is master story writer and very smart also WIT studio give it there all also very talent d director and master ost all in all very good show also I heard AOT very good IMDb ratings which just goes to show its appeal to even anime haters and also number 2 on MAL which is bullshit because with all due respect haters should go get a life and give back the 10 that AOt deserves also Fmab has held number 1 for long enough don’t be stubborn and give the spot to rightful owner AOT truly the best show to ever be created I will give the show a 11/10 as a whole and I am sure everyone else thinks so?
TldR DAE think AOT best show created?
(Sorry for grammar I am very excited to write because AOT is so good!!?!)
I liked the survival story. I hate when it turned to this spiritual mumbo jumbo.
lmao based
based quads
pretty much every battle shounen
Reminder that Isayama decided to change a lot of things, even the ending of AoT, from this original plan. This is why the story has become trash.
Your favorite anime
Shingeki no Kyojin
Tokyo Ghoul
Hero Academia
Full Metal Alchemist
Bakemonogatari series
Shinkai in general
Fate series
Off the top of my head.
the original plan was shit too
if you start with shit the end product is shit
>it's just shit
literal npc response you fucking bot.
Based, FMA is literally nothing special. Only western burger fags still cling onto it because "m-m-m uh adult swim"
just cause you enjoy the taste of shit doesnt mean it isnt shit
a surefire way to make nobody pay attention to anything you have to say is to call something overrated or pretentious.
that doesn't mean anything you retard
a the mist ending would have been stupid
aot as of now is in it's purist best form
agreed besides SNK
All adaptations
amazing high IQ argument