Name a more terrifying origin story

Name a more terrifying origin story

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name a shittier one
Good luck

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You don't /thread your own posts retard

>Be Guts.
>Born from a corpse.
>Raised by a crazy retard who ended up killing herself.
>Then raised by a mexican adoptive father who literally hated your guts (t. Carlos).
>You got raped by a based dude.
>But you killed the based rapist and your mexican adoptive father with him.
>Find a cute plant fairy that becomes your first amigo.
>She fucking dies on you.
>Then become a faggot's personal assassin.
>Got friends. Good.
>Killed innocent children for your friends. Not so good.
>Fucked a girl. Good.
>Faggot friend kills all of your friend (except a shota) and rapes your girl in front of you (after she got stretched by countess demons, of course)
>You lose an arm and an eye in the process.
>Your girl became a drolling retard and gave birth to a demon.
>Has to take care of her for years, and the demon kid still haunts you in the meantime.
>You're both now cursed to attract Ghosts and demons and suffer from pain just by being near them.
>Btw, your shota friend found himself a cute loli gf and actually succeeded in protecting her, unlike you.
Shiggy fags need not to apply.

Is that Kitaro?


Gambino is Italian.

>he suffered from domestic violence then became evil :((
Boku no retards, everyone.

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What the fuck is up with all the MHA bait threads in the last ~24 hours

Because the MHAtards, especially that one sperging, Wojack-posting faggot, kept falling for it.

Srsly, for how long will you Bnh pretend that Shigaraki isnt a bad written villain? The multiplying guy, Stein and Gentle are all a hundred times better than him

>Find a cute plant fairy that becomes your first amigo.
>She fucking dies on you.
Been a while since I read Berserk. Who?

Chitchi never forgetti

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bnha toddlers btfo

>he forgot the fairy

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Yeah,Gaara's backstory is actually sadder.

Cute, scared, about-to-die kids make me sad.

Literally every single one from FT aside from lucy & natsus. Now go and keep sucking horis dick.

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>>Has to take care of her for years, and the demon kid still haunts you in the meantime.
Bullshit. He went out for revenge.
Rickert was the one taking care of her.

>Btw, your shota friend found himself a cute loli gf and actually succeeded in protecting her, unlike you
Name a more satisfying slap

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I like BNHA all things considered but Shiggy is such a fucking retarded faggot I didn't give a damn about muh sob childhood story. Same with anyone on his team except Twice


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Fate Sakua
all the promised Neverland kids
list goes on

Go on

>promised neverland

>name a shittier one
BnHA itself is full of them actually. Saying there are no worse origin stories in bnha is actually fucking praise

I didnt finish the last chapter but apparently the author was going for that he was always evil, I think


>Implying a child accidentally disintegrating his entire family on accident isn’t terrifying

Did you even read berserk? Because her being in danger is a massive plotpoint and then trying to cure her. Go fuck yourself cunt

at this point I just accepted that Hunter x Hunter will never get finished or get to an arc that features Gyro

as a young boy his friends made fun of him for bewing too girly
they kept saying ''fuck off, why dont go suck some dicks''
then one day he decided to try one dick.
he tryed another then another and another.
little did he know he would later become know as
OP the Dick Sucking Faggot Lord

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>My dad used to spank my ass and that why I want to kill people xD


God I hate griffith so much

>he didn't read chapter 130 yet