

Attached: Sakura.webm (640x420, 982K)

is evil

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>weightless furniture

it was a card that manifested sakura's form

How could sakura do that??

I've been rewatching this too, user.

It's a nostalgia trip. Nice to see a show where the female characters are allowed to have crushes on boys. And I had forgotten than Li is effectively bisexual. The notion of the main pairing being romantic rivals for the majority of the series is unusual for a male/female couple.

It's also just really good. Nice pacing. Funny. Good character interactions. The magic system makes enough sense. Sakura uses her emotional intelligence a lot and is a talented athlete, Li is good at knowing stuff and kicking stuff. Everybody has defined character traits and most of them have a bit of an arc. The lore rolls out at a decent pace.

I always hated reservoir chronicles for messing up my headcanon that rayearth, ccs, and x/1999 all take place in the same timeline.

and those opening too, they're great the first and third ones especially

how do you think they would change the show for today's audience if it were released now. Ignoring clear card, just as if it were airing for the first time?

>tomoyo stays the same
>toya is a girl
>yukito is a girl
>homeroom teacher is a woman
>sakura's mom lives instead of her dad
>every character has tension with/a crush on Li
>Li is introduced episode one and the show is from his perspective
>nobody ends up with anybody at the end

would that be nonthreatening haremshit enough to satisfy modern audiences?

>tfw watching the CCS anime every night in a voice call with my SO
peak comfy, would absolutely recommend

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One thing I noticed early on was that there's hardly any episode where major or minor characters aren't eating at some point. And by hardly I mean my SO and I just got to episode 37 and episode 36 was the first one where nobody ate something on screen. Fucking hell, CLAMP. Its comfy so I can't hate it

compare to kobato, where the sidekick eats all the time but the protag literally never does

Or TWC, where there's a part where our protagonists literally get interrupted while eating to go eat elsewhere.

By the way, what would be the rebuttal to someone calling sakura a mary sue? i thought about this and the only thing i could think of is that nearly all clamp faces start off on a baseline of sueism, and she isn't particularly elevated above that baseline.

she's definitely a mary sue, but there's nothing really wrong with that.

The thing that make CLAMP's sue protags fun to read is that a) they have character arcs and demonstrate growth and b) the other female characters in their respective series are treated with respect and never used to make the protag look unbearably pure or superior. Also, characters in their shows are capable of having relationships and motivations that don't have anything to do with the protagonists at all.

Sakura is temperamental, argumentative, can be competitive, is totally oblivious to the fact that yukito isn't interested in her romantically, procrastinates, and sometimes needs to be bailed out by her friends and family. She sucks at shop class, is bad at math, she's not traditionally feminine, or very calm or patient. She's also trustworthy, loyal, mature for her age, beautiful, genuinely loving and kind, and very charismatic and well-liked.

All that stuff together makes her feel like a person who would actually be likeable in real life, even if the character is totally adored by everyone who meets her.

I think it also doesn't hurt that Sakura has lots of kind people in her life. The worst sues are the ones who get treated like shit constantly. Everybody in her family loves, supports, and protects her, even the estranged (and dead) members. When she is targeted by violence or experiences trauma, it's genuinely troubling, because it isn't used excessively in the story.

Among the actual capturing of Cards in the series, I feel The Move is one of my favorites. I think The Move's power is very memorable (teleportation is pretty cool), but the actual capture is pretty underrated. There's an item The Move keeps teleporting around, and Sakura has to catch both The Move AND the item so she can capture it. And the capturing involves one of the coolest scenes of her using magic. The Move is invisibly teleporting all around her in this local park, making it almost impossible to capture. She closes her eyes, and concentrates. She just does some deep breathing, trying to focus on where The Move is. Sensing its magical presence. Everything around her seems to go silent as she's trying to block out outside noises and distractions. We see glimpses of The Move jumping around, and Sakura keeps concentrating. We see other things going on around her at the park, like a mother and her son walking around. She just keeps concentrating in total silence. Then she suddenly turns around, whips out the staff and immediately captures The Move.

It's one of my favorite moments of Sakura using magic. From barely being able to use it at the beginning of the series to being able to pull that shit off.

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How has no magical girl anime topped it to this day?

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Sweet! I had no idea this game existed. Looks like I have something to cosy play on rainy days.

Not as cute as Nanoha or as cool.

~made me a lolicon.

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what a bitch

How does her hat stay on?

Fuck off this is shoujo not shounen, your getting you genres mixed up.