Why arnt we allowed to talk about anime/manga that shows teens getting pregnant? What rule does that break?
Why arnt we allowed to talk about anime/manga that shows teens getting pregnant? What rule does that break?
we aren't?
It breaks someone's feefees.
A pregnant slut is worse than a slut
Was she raped, if not she's completely at fault.
strong stigmas and market. sadly it only gets corralled into hentai. there are few exceptions like the one you posted but it just isnt as profitable to publishers. btw i fucking love bitter virgin and hope it gains more recognition than it is now.
Oh fuck I remember this. Why was her mother such a piece of shit?
are we not?
Last thread was deleted, so I assume we can't.
Wait, I watched the anime years ago, does someone get knocked up in that?
not in the anime, but the manga ends with Suzuka getting knocked up and giving up her olympic aspirations
I was asking about the manga, but I guess I was a little vague. Is it a major plot point, or just something mentioned briefly in the last chapter or so?
You should have been here in 2007 if you wanted to discuss bitter virgin.
also, there's a follow-up series about her daughter, called "Fuuka"
Manga thread sometimes get deleted without reason, But we're not allowed to complain.
That's odd. id the thread take a turn for the worse, or something?
Extreme forced drama
Isn't that the one with truck-kun? Jesus whats up that family.
what about wholesome pregnant girls who just can't wait to raise a family with their devoted husband?
They were created by a monster
>a litteral semen alien demon
I want to unite other space races.
There needs to be more pregnant manga. The only series that really had anything great that I've read recently was Hare Kon, and even then, it didnt go on long enough. Still a good few chapters though.
there's clearly a market to capitalize on, if the goddamn foot fetish manga can be made why not some good old fashioned family values?
>bump into a guy
>get raped
>get preggo
>don't tell anyone until it's too late to abort
>get forced to marry her rapist
How often does this happen in Japan?
Because non-virgin highschool girls deserve no sympathy.
>read synopsis from wiki
>the stepfather impregnated her twice
Why the fuck is the mother angry at her?
Little bitch obviously teased him and NTR'd her own mother. She deserves all the hate she can get.
Women are supposed to get pergnant young so the kid wont come out as autistic shitposter on Yea Forums.
Sounds like a typical Slav family.
False and untrue. Stepdad never impregnated me.
I liked Akkan Baby as an actual teen pregnancy story
>you've done it again
>literally has multiple kids
Seo is the best mangaka of recent times.
Her mother thought she was sleeping around and didn't believe her when she said it was her stepfather that raped her.
there is law in Morocco for that same shit, poor girls
That has happened in america this century. An underage girl was raped and the local priest convinced her to marry her rapist so that he wouldn't go to jail.
What a fucking sham of a show. Goes on about how pregnancy is everything and doesn't even bother showing it.
Purityfags are huge in the niplands. Therefore, the market features faggits who cant even touch hands.
We need more miserable ones.
>Shitty mindwipe plot for cheap drama and we didn't even get a rebellion arc out of it
I just hope the manga does it better and we get based Yabuki drawing happy pregnant girls
No in Japan she's still at fault.
It's just that retarded of a country
Was there anything the show did well at all?
>Kokoro and Mitsuru suddenly love each other when all they've said to each other can effectively be summarized by 'hey'.
>Expecting us to feel sad for Fatoshi when all we've seen of him and Kokoro is just him gushing like a retard.
>Obnoxious letterboxing EVERYWHERE.
>Shit 'mech' designs and even worse fights.
>Ensemble cast where all the supporting characters can't even be called cardboard cutouts.
>Plot that goes nowhere and tries to get by on foreshadowing and theme alone.
>Whatever plot does happen is entirely dependent on people being fucking retarded.
>Plot threads that go absolutely nowhere and only serve to waste our time and show how Nishigori is creatively bankrupt who should just stay with IM@S
>Godawful pacing that goes from fast to slow to fast, to grinds to a fucking halt, and then teleports into another show entirely.
What a fucking shitshow.
>I cannot imagine raising a daughter for over 16 years and her stealing away her father's affection. It is the ultimate, and final cuck for a mother
It was pretty great to watch the show every week with Yea Forums for all the shitposting, speculation and memes, but watching it normally probably reveals all the flaws.
I'm sure it happens all the time in the US. A lot of those small religious towns and communities are really fucked up.
That shit was changed in later Christian bibles when rapists regardless would have been stoned to death. Not marry the ones raped. Those nutheads legitimately believe in the verses that were literally changed.