user i dont know if you heard but the k-on girls died in a fire.
I bet they were planning on making another season using the material available too
Only if it's an adaptation of TK's doujins.
Wakaba girls or college years?
Wouldnt it need to have new characters? The show ended pretty definitively
Azusa, Ui, and J*n still had an entire year of school left.
I want a qt 3.14 airhead Yui gf so bad, bros.
I want to rescue her from her drug addiction
Timeskip anime only sequel where they're all famous but still the same level of CGDCT when? I want my cake Keions.
In 5 minutes
Only if it follow the NNBiyori repeat format of stories during the original timeframe.
Wakaba Girls blow College out of the water
there is no need for a 3rd season u baka
it ended on the perfect note
rate my laptops
Looks very comfy! But
>Four pieces of the same hardware
>Running the same software
Why? .-.
Their studio sure was on fire last season! Hope they make S3 SOON.
not thinkpad/10
That is the most absolutely disgusting theme I have ever seen for anything.
why mot?
Many, many reasons that you should already know but clearly do not
absolutely based
Here is your S3
Why would you? You are capable of having hardware to test shit on four different platforms...
Nothing important to test on a Core Duo laptop anyway.