*falls from sky in your path*

>*falls from sky in your path*
what do?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Write down Donald Trump

Write down Obama

This but unironically. I'd write down celebrities and major world figures and have them all die in funny ways.

Kill my father that has alzheimer.

I'd pick some irrelevant European nation and kill their leader, and then every time they're replaced kill the new guy. See what happens

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Write my name

I don't trust myself to muck about directly in world politics, but I'd probably have some shady motherfuckers who the world doesn't immediately rely upon feel guilty, publicly confess their crimes (if any) and then off themselves

Throw it into a fire.

doodle some porn in it
alternatively write down the names of some shitty FotM waifu characters and see if this thing works on 2D girls

>Donald Trump October 31st, 4:20pm of a heart attack after authorizing a full nuclear strike against Iran, Russia, China, and Israel.

Found the libtard.

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As tempting as it would be to use it....

... I don't want to spend eternity in limbo after I die, which is what happens to anyone who uses the book.

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this is a good point. What are the other afterlife options, again?

I never watched death note. I only know about the memes and the shitty MUGEN fighter.

Is that what happens after you use it?

>Mike Pence becomes president
>wages a righteous war against gays and women

>falls from sky

Attached: Fallsfromsky_hm.gif (200x300, 3K)

The rule that anyone who uses it is stuck in limbo is just a prank, in the very end it's revealed no one at all in Death Note gets an afterlife no matter what.

Selectively kill off everyone needed to create a world AH envisioned.

I'd draw lots and write down their names just as Aaron Ramsey scores a goal.

Literally The things that Kira do

This except throw in every major world leader and person on the Forbes 500 richest list too.

nut on it and turn it into a /coom/note

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anyone who gives a (you) to this post

"More countries should have the death penalty for more crimes" doesn't really accomplish anything, unless you derive sexual gratification from killing convicts
good luck I'm behind 7 proxies


I’d die for quads.

kill me pete

>Whole world falls into chaos.
>Many of the worlds best minds disappear overnight.
>Technology, Increases in standard of living stagnate.
>In a mad effort to assume power lesser leaders in lower chains of command assume power. Some for the worse.

Can someone slap this stupid commie.

I'd try to write the names of entire populations in hopes of mass genocide. Also would write the names of job competitors, or bosses, to get the advantage in careers.

What if you were given a Life Note?

Anyone who's name you write in it comes back to life.

Resuscitate Jesus Christ, see what all the fuss was about. Or Abraham see if he really was 600 years old

>death note thread
>b-but if you use it you don't get to go to hell or heaven

Every time.

this should be a series, one guy has a Death Note and his enemy has a Life Note and they're trying to stop each other

I’d get a robot to write down the name of someone in the book over and over again. This person would also have to be buried underground so that way the suffocate to death a few minutes after coming back to life.

That’s literally the plot of one of Smosh’s older videos

In the manga the shinigami reveals there is no hell or heaven anyway, so while technically that statement is true, it's also true if you don't use the death note.

if the afterlife exists I deserve to burn anyway

Nothing. Nothing you do with it will change anything. Read up on world history and conspiracy theories. No matter how many people in the top die, everything will keep going in the same direction. Once people realize that putting your name out in public gets you killed, all top donors and politicians will start using pseudonyms and hiding their identity. Then what? You'd be cucked and wouldn't be able to do anything.

>write down every political fag on Yea Forums
>write down every jojo tard
>write down smash fags
Just saved Yea Forums nothing personal kid

>cause of death: helicopter ride




>Light and Dark The Adventures of Dark Yagami

Dispose of it since I don't know much about the consequences.

Otherwise write in some politicians with some silly deaths, stuff like dying from their toilet exploding violently or a small meteorite hitting them in the head.

Write down George Soros

write my name so it won't get stolen

>Mike Pence is now the president
Just as planned xD


my dead mom

Id try to stay away from it, end up giving in temptation and taking it with me. Bc of a short lack of judgement i write some politicians or celebritys name in it then be horrified at what ive just done but proceed to kill more people in a spiral of craziness.

i wait for to revive his dead mom and i kill her again.

Write Down Jeffery Epstein just to make sure he's gone.

Revive his dead mom after kills her

write down the name of my crush, make her love me and die sometime 60 years later

Too many politicians in my country to write their names

Plot twist: All truly important people use fake names, because they're occultists and know that names have power.
Even worse, the absolute top families possess their own death notes. It's how they rose to and maintain their power.

it's obligatory

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he just kills himself again after seeing what happened to society

I liked the Love Note idea from that one wacky series. That would be fun.

do I have to write the full name?
to kill Elvis, what do I write?
>Elvis Presley
>Elvis Aaron Presley
>Elvis Aron Presley

based psychopath

Remove a state's leader's keys to power just to see what happens.

My dad

Sell it.

Write my own name

Based. Ave to Grand Bishop Michael R. Pence, Protector of the Realm, Defender of the Cross, President of the Theocratic States of America.

Most of us will probably do it just to see what happens.

>he doesn't know the rules of the Death Note.

You need a first name, a last name, and to be able to put their face to their name.

ITT Almost no one watched the show or knows the rules.

I honestly don't need it. A death note isn't going to do shit to make me Despera, for example.

I'm too much of a coward and can only imagine myself ever killing anyone if they were threatening the lives of my parents and/or siblings, so I'd just keep it locked in a drawer in my room hopefully forever.

Matsuki Miyu so we can have more Hidamari and SZS and so she can get married.

I'd revive Ishikawa and only free him from life again once he fucking finishes the Getter Robo saga.

Find out and write Togashi real name, set his death 30 years from now and cause of death overwork from ceaselessly pumping out HxH chapters weekly.
If it doesn't work set it at 20 years. And again for a last attempt at 10 years.

How come saying anything bad or negative towards trump always get replies, but saying anything about any other leader, historical or current (besides Hitler) gets nothing, or "based" faggotry?

Nobunaga Oda.
I want to see what he had in mind.

Put my name.

The MC of the world

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But you can't bring him back to life because he still alive dumbasses

BASED. Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people.

Are you retarded or what? Trump is the both the most recent and controversial leader. Leaders from 10 or 100 years ago aren't recent, so less people care about talking about them.

What about Bolsonaro and Dutertes?

>forcefully start the second coming to end the world
6D chess.

It wouldn't work you retard, the death you command can't cause other direct deaths.

Oh god please

>irrelevant European

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Except Gates. Gates is based.



Kill CEOs and politicians with lightning strikes. Heart attacks are lazy, I want divine judgment.

no bully poland pls

He said European leader BECAUSE they're irrelevant by definition.

Both are literally who, but Dutdut is based nevertheless.

write niggers

The prank rule is technically true though. It says if you use the death note you cannot go to heaven or hell. It doesn't say anything about limbo, and not existing at all (no afterlife) is within the bounds of "not going to heaven or hell".

Kentaro Miura

B-but NBA

Write my own name


Write down my own name and get upset when it doesn't work.

I would go through the entire cast of The Hobbit and kill them off. This includes the production cast. I'd also start killing off France's leaders. Why France? Because fuck France.

write some billionaires name and have them deliver me cash before killing themselves

having watched the show doesnt mean you read the rules. I watched it literally like 7 years ago, how would i remember that shit

I ask out girls I know will turn me down and create an incel legend around me that girls who turn me down inexplicably die a week later. Once the legend sets in, I simply stop and watch the legend grow because there might be a chance some low standard hoe might actually say yes after 5 or 6 times I do it. Not because I am attractive, simple Hybristophilia.

I'd use it for personal gain to get lots of money.

Was there any way to destroy it?

I'd probably start killing off tons of people honestly. Probably basically become Light and end up wanting to be a God.

I'd write my own name.

use it to get pusy

Research up some unimportant and yet rich people, have them die after donating / "giving away" their money to "random people" (random except me/family members/sockpuppet accounts I own or whatever), get some dosh, and then file the book away for when I need more dosh

Lots of commands for women to suck my dick for an hour before dying.

This. I would use it in 3rd world countries to mind control and rape women. Then I'd also have top known Bitcoin owners send me their shit. I'd use the book sparingly, but keep a page and pen on me at all times just in case. I'd live well.

I'd write down everyone in here who will use it for bad things. I will hunt you all down, the game is on.

>People from irrelevant countries vs Person who is the leader of the free world

>steve posting outside of Yea Forums

Fucking kek

write the names of people closest to me and make it as stupidly obvious as possible, making the investigation believe that I'm actually just being framed for unexplained murders because there's no way I'll do something so retarded as to leave such heavy implications on myself behind.


Spike Spiegel

Richard Williams

Based hopefully ironic magacel weebs follow him to hell.

do this while looking a white house press-conference, begin laughing uncontrollably, 6 minutes 40 seconds pass
and nothing happens. suddenly he looks right into the camera and you feel like his gaze pierces through your soul

Based, I just want to see the world burn

I would writhe that I die in 6 mouths so I can do whatever I like during this time

except it can, if you kill two pilots while they're flying a plane then you'll most likely end up killing all the other passengers

No it won't, the the pilot will only die after getting out the plane

They might actually die of a heart attack after landing the plane.

>Become a less-smarter Light Yagami that's not too cocky.
>Use book accordingly in day to day life.

it can't cause the deaths directly, as in you can't have someone actively perform an action that will result in someone's death, as in shooting up some place, but if people die as a consequence of the initial death, it's fine, and that would be the case for either maintenance of some kind or like the example mentioned with the airplane

>Then you realize you actually just forgot that his full name is Donald John Trump.

Or is it Drumpf now? The naming rule of the book is weird. What determines a person's name? Do name change apply? What about a wild child who was never named?

I'm not sure about that.

>Whether the cause of the individual's death is either suicide or an accident, if it would lead to the death of more than the intended victim, the person will simply die of a heart attack. This is to ensure that other lives are not impacted.

This is the rule that states how it will attempt to stop any side deaths, but it doesn't state the timing of when the heart attack occurs.

IIRC, it was something like birth name.

Just take the shinegami eye and look at a picture

>>Whether the cause of the individual's death is either suicide or an accident
it defaults to a heart attack if it is such a case that would cause more deaths, but I find it quite unlikely that the deathnote would have designated times for each person when a heart attack will and won't work

I would do the same thing,killing every new pope,only to see if they'll blame god

You probably watched the netflix adaptation

I'd make a better world, unlike Light who killed the wrong people.

nice one

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Go for it. Finally something will change here.

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Satoshi Kon, to save anime.

Based and breadpilled

I'd write down my own name with a really weird death cause

>you just get a heartattack because you messed up one of the details making it impossible

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Then the missiles would cause zero deaths, nuff said. That would be even worse because all of the survivors would have horrific wounds and be utterly incapable of dying unless it was their time to die anyway

Kill his revived dead mom after revives her again.

Go to the YouTube trending tab and write down the name of every faggot I see. Wouldn't be hard since their names are public and they make the soi face in every thumbnail.

t. L

>free world
Lmao you really think that.

burn before some japanese bullshit happen, maybe keep it for a while until i meet a gothic loli then burn it

>mentioning smash
Put yourself in there too, faggot.

I hope you at least write a peaceful death with happy final moments for him.


writes down my own name

Ill start by killing off the entirety of the Communist China party.

I'd sign it, so that I could recognise it as mine.

>Dutdut based
>Literally lies his ass off and is selling the Philippines to the Chinese
Its a shitshow in the Philippines. Bunch of Chinese drug lords getting out because they were good boys and shit.


Misspell my name 3 times to make myself immune to the death note

>he thinks thats how you solve commie infestation problem in a country
oh boy you better pray to god that wherever you live a commie government isnt instaled, cause you can be sure you are never getting rid of it with your logic

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You would drop dead instead.

oh god!

afterlife not existing is confirmed in the manga.

If it exists then that means that there's some sort of an afterlife so I'd probably just pester my shinigami about how to obtain eternal life.

Actually forget what I said about the afterlife part, I now remembered the bit about "nothingness". I'd still pester the shinigami tho.

Could you in theory kill every single living person? Would you have enough time to write down billions of names if you somehow had access to them? How long would it take to write down a full name, a cause of death and the time for every single living person? Fug bros, it might be over before it even begins for the genocidebros.

Even if you are the worlds fastest writer and can write down a full name in 1 second you'd still have to track down billions of names which as you know can take anywhere from seconds to days, so no, it wouldn't be logistically possible.


Doesn't really take a lot of imagination to do.
>[Insert name here] will travel to [user's location] and engage in sexual intercourse for X minutes, then [Victim] will travel back to her home and die from a heart attack sitting on the toilet
Now it all comes down to if the Death Note can create such elaborate scenarios and still function.

My name: lived to the ripe old age of one billion years

>dies of a heart attack