you can't
Name a better loli
Other urls found in this thread:
Any one that isn't corrupt like her.
Boku no Pico
why was her hair so big?
to assert dominance
post c*nny
Char age six (6)
this loli has a cute butt
For reasons no living person can understand. There is a deep and unknowable chaos in this. Something too dark to touch upon. An otherworldly evil that can only bring about your annihilation.
From what?
don't you have a TED talk to attend to Mr.Peterson?
>not maintaining her referring to herself in third person
She saved herself for her childhood crush and remained faithful even though boys have been hitting on her since age 10.
Can't be more pure than that.
I think it’s because the edit is quoting a doujin, though I suppose it would work either way
The cute and funny Colors
As an aside, her childhood crush saved himself for her too. Nothing like mutual pureness.
Chico is better.
She's built like a slut though.
I would, but those """""talks""""" have turned into a heteronormativity propagating cancer. I can't condone to their appeals to popularity and shallowness that is reducing all those who attend these conferences into mindless basic bitches. As a clinical psychologist, I'm utterly appalled by the mentality people have, today... I don't believe that we have a chance to save people from the destructive messages they receive from TED. It needs to end!
so ((you're saying)), the world needs more lolis?
No. There's more than enough to satiate the needs of pedophiles like you.
There's never enough, they're only good for one use after all since you have to cut the heads off to get in the neck from both sides.
You come see me in my office. Your mental health is deteriorating badly.
gonna j/o 2this thanks
Based Yea Forums
Cute tummy, nice vagina bones.
Pitiful child of this world, your ignorance will not buy you mercy.
this one
A good challenger, but not as yandere and psychologically complicated as Rin.
The appeal of Rin as a character is the sociopathic scheming.
Too much loli for you?
Fuck lolis
Of course!
With pleasure.
Six is prime.
Jahy is a big nigger
Kill yourself
Divide that by two and you’ll get the true prime age
Flatfags on suicide watch!
This, big tits are superior.
Big tits!
On lolis!
Best of both worlds!
Imagine being so insecure about your shit taste that you have to spam loli threads with oppai trash
what the fuck, is she drinking frozen cum? how does it stay that way?
(You) have to go back, normalfag
All is good for me as long they look like girls.
Patrician taste.
VN Illya
>ITT: brainlet Yea Forumsermin too low-IQ to understand DFC is superior
what do you think about the fact that current Yea Forums mods will let shit like stays but not ?
butt > big tits > flat
Shit > your taste
Why not both butt and big tits?
>cries about other posts without posting anything
This is why everyone bullies lolifags. You get mad at everything but don't do anything to fight your problems.
My wife chino is a better loli
Cute boy.
She pisses her self constantly
I literally posted a pic right there, retard
>bullies lolifags
If you want to call being retard “bullying”, sure
That's the best part
Stupid Yea Forumsermin, boys don’t have vaginas
*being a retard
This is a girl.
Holy fuck, I need to sleep.
You're still a faggot for feeding trolls, though.
>replies to obvious loli pic with “cute boy”
>jcspammer replied to obvious not-loli pics with “cute loli”
I’m noticing a trend here
>inb4 ur a schizo
The retard is going to sperg out anyways, might as well call him retarded while he does it
>boys don’t have vaginas
This is 2019, you shitlord.
That is a hag, this here is prime breeding material
>>inb4 ur a schizo
You sure post like one.
>I’m noticing a trend here
Yeah, you're an idiot who can't stop giving (You) to trolls.
Boys and mentally ill trannies don’t have vaginas, better?
Right on schedule
Too young.
And you would rather defend your boyfriend than rightfully tell him to fuck off
>shitposts for attention
>anons tell him to fuck off
>he retaliates with spam
Where have I seen this before?
Stop giving him attention, you idiot(s).
And you’re too gay
What do you have against tits?
>what do you have against tits
>what do you have against JCs
>what do you have against Bocchi
Deja vu
Are you saying this guy is the Bocchi user?
It’s the same pattern every time
>ironic shitpost
>image dump
>victim complex
Well, if there’s one thing they have in common, all they ever do is sperg out in threads
What do?
I don't know who you're confusing me with, but I started posting on Yea Forums less than one year ago.
Not only does that not make you any less suspicious, it actually makes you even more obvious. Lurk more.
>confirms he’s a shitposting newfag
Steal her panties and run away
Clearly, by how shit your posting habits are
when will juju come back?